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VN - Ren'Py - Fairwood Retreat 87 [v0.2 Ch.1] [Sakura Blossom Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Another first time dev (sort of) producing some good quality work here! I really do not care about the fem protag, I am happy to play as either sex. At the end of the day, it's about good sexy bits and good story, which this game is starting to reveal.

    This game is in it's early days, and so far adheres really well to the typical 80s slasher horror that is pays homage to. A lovely variety of women, with different personalities and body types, enough to satisfy most people.

    I love that you play the game being able to see the protag most of the time. It is true that female DAZ assets are much better looking than male ones, but seeing the game through an unseen narator or as a fly on the wall rather than from the protag's perspective adds eye-candy and does not detract from the immersion. For those who don't like to self-insert into fem protags should feel better about this perspective being used.

    As a male playing a fem protag game I would say that these sorts of games should get more support than they currently do. Whining about it solves nothing and only distracts people from trying it for themselves and forming opinions that are untainted by hostility towards women.

    Good luck dev, you deserve all the good vibes that this game will hopefully bring you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the game so far, especially because of the horror setting.

    I also think the animations are very successful and the characters look great. I'm excited to see where the journey will take us, everything definitely looks promising!

    Thanks for the entertainment and keep it up!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually play VNs with fem protag but I have enjoyed this one, especially due to horror theme. The renders look great and animations work well, can see they're still learning but hopefully it'll improv fuether the more they do it. It's still early, but I think the game has great potential. Can't wait to see what the dev does in the future with it!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a promising start, although the game is still in early development (hence why I didn't rate it higher). So far the cast is full of sexy and unique characters, all lovingly created by a charming new developer whose talents and passion shine through in every meticulous detail — ultimately crafting a fun, suspenseful, and even kinky game. This brilliant love letter to the classic slasher films of the 1980s by Sakura Blossom Games asks the player to take her hand as they walk in the woods together, leaving them to question if the screams heard in the distance are the pleasures of a summer camp romance or the final breaths from a victim of something much more sinister lurking in the trees. You can only find out by playing it for yourselves.