
Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
How can you change the value of money? Tried the cheat engine and that didn't work
You can't, the game will flag your save as cheating and delete all of your progress.
Look a few pages back, you can edit the items in your inventory, no money needed.
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Reactions: LDV


Jul 24, 2019
So I rather liked the game, more than the author’s last work, and though even V1.1.5 is still buggy it was put out quickly and that's just to be expected even after several rounds of game-play and bug fixes. It did take me a while to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do though; there are several helpful posts in this thread but even with search they're somewhat buried by the large number of...less helpful posts. So I thought I'd post a walk-through; most if not all of this info is already somewhere in the thread but not all together.

Out of Massage stats:
+ Version: Shown on the placard on the desk, the current version as of posting is 1.1.5. Older versions may have bugs, may not have a save feature, and may have murderously hard game-play.
+ Difficulty: IDK why you wouldn't want "Normal" difficulty; the mini-game is still challenging
+ Nipple Color: You choose
+ Language: If you're on this site you probably want english
+ Dominance Level: These go from 1 to 7; progressing them is the primary point of the game. More on them in the Massage section
+ Body Count: i.e. how many people Dana has fucked. Starts at 0, and seems to at least have a chance to increase by up to 2 for every day you fail to raise you Dominance Level before you reach 7. If you play well it will be 0 until you fuck her, then 1 for the rest of the game.
+ "Onani" Count: How many times she's masturbated; no relevance to game-play as far as I know
+ Course Length: 30m, 60m, or 90m; 30m only unlocks the first 2 positions, 60m the first 4, while 90m allows playing through them all during a given massage. Which you have is determined by how well you did in the LAST massage; more on this in the Massage section.
+ Money: Used to buy consumables I never found a need for. Though as a rule I hate using consumables in games of any type; maybe they're really useful.

Choosing a Massage:
+ As noted before you have 2, 4, or 6 slots available depending on how the LAST massage went; obviously for the first massage you only have 2 unlocked. There are also 6 possible positions (though they might not all be unlocked for a given massage), each with there own set of massage and ecchi options, but more importantly each has a colored dot in the top right corner. There is a color key included in this menu but it's intent isn't overly clear; the red dotted position needs a lot of massaging, the yellow dotted positions need some massaging, and the green dotted positions need no massaging. You can complete any massage in a single session if you ace all the mini-games, but depending on skill it might be better to give the red-dotted position two time slots. You can use any combination of positions to fill your time slots, but you shouldn't skip any positions that aren't green since you need to complete them to earn a 90m massage session the following day.
+ Underwear: If your dominance level is high enough you can have her not wear underwear
+ Type: There are 3 types of underwear that you can have her wear depending on you dominance level; "exposed" is not the same as telling her not to wear underwear instead it's a set of black heart pasties.

Massage Stats:
+ "Doubt": The top bar in the top right corner, this goes up if she thinks you're doing something sexual. If it reaches max level the bar becomes "Certainty"; i.e. she knows you're fooling around. At low levels of dominance this can be a problem, and maxing the "Certainty" bar can make her leave in anger, but at high levels of dominance this metric seems irrelevant.
+ "Rage": The next bar in the top right corner; if you max this bar it's bad-end game-over. Mostly goes up from doing sexual things, particularity at low dominance levels. By dominance level 7 you can pretty much do anything and this bar won't go up.
+ "Shame": The most important stat for progression. You can raise it by doing blatantly sexual acts while she's awake, but at low dominance levels this is likely to cause a game over. Instead tell her to remove clothing; more on this in the "Massage Actions" section.
+ "Excitement": i.e. her arousal. Max the gauge, she cums, and it's reset to 0. In the crotch positions (front and back) having Excitement: >~60 allows you to enter a variant position intended for sex (IDK if you also need all underwear off to trigger this).
+ "Satisfaction": A completely useless stat, this goes up whenever you massage her. More sexually neutral massages increase it more. If it's maxed it become the "sleep" stat; while asleep her "doubt", "rage", and "shame" will not change allowing you to do actions far beyond what's allowed by your dominance value, but there's really not that much point since progressing dominance will allow everything eventually anyway.
+ "Fatigue": This isn't your fatigue as I originally thought for some reason, this is her fatigue for that body part that you're supposed to be massaging away. This isn't listed with the other stats but is to the right and above the time bar at the bottom of the screen. If you remove the fatigue from all of her red and yellow positions in a given massage the next one will be a 90m massage and you'll get a bunch of cash; if you remove it from some the next massage will be 60m and you'll get some cash; and if you remove the fatigue fully from no positions the next massage will be 30m and you'll get no cash. Any "massage" action will decrease this equally, even obviously sexual ones like nipple massage and pussy massage. A red position will usually be 80-95% fatigued, while a yellow position will usually be 45-60% fatigued. A perfect massage will drop fatigue 22-23%, missing 1 of the 3 mini-games will give ~11%, missing 2/3 will give ~5%, and missing all 3 just quit and start over.
+ Time: As stated repeatedly massages will last 90m, 60m, or 30m. Time frames last 15m and when the time is over the scene will transition to the next time frame. Massage style actions take a fixed amount of time, but licking, fucking, and sniffing action continue until you stop so it's possible to use up all the time in the next time frame without changing positions; if the following position isn't a green-dotted position don't use up all it's time on a licking action in the previous position.

Massage Actions:
+ Towel: Remove her towel; available from the get-go and does nothing but what's on the tin
+ Bra: Have her remove her bra; there are two options: "Could you please..." and "Take of your...". "Could you please..." does nothing for stats if she says no (dominance <=2), and massively increases "Doubt" if she does as you ask. "Take of your..." increases "Shame" and massively increases "Rage"; you're then given another choice of "...Please" or "...Now". "...Please" massively decreases her rage and doesn't increase her doubt unless she does as she's told (dominance >=4). "...Now" causes no further changes in her stats but she won't do as she's told until dominance 5+.
+ Panty: Same as Bra, but increase every dominance level by 1.
+ Hand Action-Erotic Lvl 1: A real massage. Massively decreases "Doubt", decreases "Rage", slightly decreases "Shame" and "Excitement", and massively increases "Satisfaction" (or "sleep") [These values can be wildly different if you do poorly on the mini-game]. Takes a fixed amount of time, and decreases fatigue by ~22%, ~11%, or ~5% depending on how you play the mini-game.
+ Hand Action-Erotic Lvl 2: Getting kinda handsy. Significantly increases "Doubt", no effect on "Rage", increases "Shame", slightly increases "Excitement", and increases "Satisfaction" (or "sleep") [These values can be wildly different if you do poorly on the mini-game]. Takes a fixed amount of time, and decreases fatigue by ~22%, ~11%, or ~5% depending on how you play the mini-game.
+ Hand Action-Erotic Lvl 3: Obviously sexual contact. Instantly maxes "Doubt" (though some positions are bugged), massively increases "Rage", significantly increases "Shame", little effect on "Excitement", and no effect on "Satisfaction" (or "sleep") [These values can be wildly different if you do poorly on the mini-game; also high levels of domination reduce the penalties while increasing the bonuses]. Takes a fixed amount of time, and decreases fatigue by ~22%, ~11%, or ~5% depending on how you play the mini-game.
+ Tongue-Action: Limited number of targets, and best left alone unless she's asleep or you have a very high dominance level, but it requires no mini-game and massively increases her excitement (even while asleep) while decreasing her sleep or satisfaction. If she's awake her doubt and rage will skyrocket unless you have a high dominance level.
+ Dick-Action: Exactly the same as tongue, but it involves 3 separate mini-games and increases her excitement slower. Note that to do penetration actions you need to be at her waist (front or back position) and get her excitement to ~>60%, at which point a "Sex" button will appear in the top left corner which will allow you to change to a variant of the position better suited for sex.
+ Nose-Action: Unless you're into it I see no reason to use this; functionally does nothing but waste time.
+ Items: As previously noted I don't use consumables if possible so I didn't try this

+ Forcibly telling her to remove clothing, then putting it back on so you can rinse and repeat, is the best way to raise her shame at low levels of dominance
+ Progression seems to be based on some combination of maxing her shame bar and empting the fatigue from all of her non-green positions; do both in every massage and you should progress a dominance level every week
+ Even if you max your dominance early the good ending doesn’t come until the 10th week
+ To get the bad ending just max her "rage" bar at any time
+ If there's a 3rd ending IDK about it
+ The game is still kinda buggy, and a game-over bug might require a hard shut-down of the game. If you have more than one save game (as I did, having first played an earlier version) it may not save right (in my case only the older saves were kept) so save often and backup the saves if you need to; the saves are in C:\Users\*your-name*\AppData\Roaming\yankee_massage, just copy the whole mess of a folder and treat it like a single save-file.
+ Can you cheat? Well, kinda? The dev is a bit on the paranoid side on this point (though I've seen worse) so editing the save game is mostly a no-go unless you're willing to put in the effort. Cheat Engine can find a lot of the values but changes don't seem to stick (and I didn't bother trying to figure out why). Some values can apparently be changed with built in developer tools (see the post <10 above mine). Finally you can use someone else’s complete save as there are several in this thread (though IDK if saves work between the different game version numbers).

I probably missed something and/or screwed something up but that should be more than enough to get anybody orientated; barring bug-crashes the game only has <=2hrs of content.
up until week 5 everything was fine but on week 6 it became level 4 again and after a slap the game immediately ends, do you by any chance know what this is?..


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
up until week 5 everything was fine but on week 6 it became level 4 again and after a slap the game immediately ends, do you by any chance know what this is?..
You need to check the requirements for next level each day.
Click the image of her on the computer and click the level #.
The slap game over means you are getting her too angry, she needs to be level 6 & 7 to avoid anger.
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New Member
Apr 23, 2024
Ok, this game is a bit too grindy. How do we cheat? I see the local storage object that looks like so:

But it's local storage. It's meant to only be used on load I think? Where's the actual JS state object.

I'm thinking overriding the localStorage.getItem and localStorage.setItem functions. Maybe setItem could just return null. And getItem would also console log when it gets it.... But it feels like an overkill.
To cheat it you need to modify those file stored in [LocalStorage] but once run normally is overwrited:
I saw a post that you need to modify running the game:

* top of the screen there is a button [view]
* Then Select [toggle Developer tools]
this open on the right a developer web section
* search for the option on the top [Application]
* them go to [Local Storage] ",you will see the file stored in [APPROAMING] ,mean you saved game, ensure that you already have a save session it will appear as : <massageData/1>"
* copy that JSON file and paste it on an editor to better edition.
* modify the parameters you like and paste it again modifying both massageData & massageData1
* close and re open the game, ready you already cheat it.

Tips of parameters to modify:
* week: to start from day 1 or keep from the week you have.
* compAdv: this variable store the "domination" level, so put 7 that is the maximum, if you put higher you will break the game.
* course: indicate the number of different type of massage you can do: to unlock all choose 90 as value.

them for the objects just modify the Owner parameter.
DONT Touch!!
Value or Money parameters those could broke the game, detecting you are cheating.

Hope that helps.
I attach my JSON in case
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Oct 14, 2020
Does the game still delete your saves for arbitrary reasons? Asking since I want to know if I should even waste my time with 1.1.5


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Does the game still delete your saves for arbitrary reasons? Asking since I want to know if I should even waste my time with 1.1.5
Yes but it seems to vary person to person.
If you download a new version, I would recommend you just delete the entire save folder.
This can be found at C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\yankee_massage.

As long as you don't try to cheat the money, should be good.


Jul 11, 2023
Alright so a few people said that they can't cheat the money in game with cheat engine, but last time I checked (I didn't finish the message due to bug?) I manage to cheat the money just fine, so where does the "you cheated" pop up came exactly?. Does it happen after I save and reload?

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New Member
Oct 22, 2023
for me, who played ver 1.12, it kinda appears everytime i loaded the game. also, when I decided to try the bad ending, then decided to load the same save before trying the bad ending.

Lewyn Collins

Engaged Member
Nov 16, 2021
... How do you even play this thing? You start the massage, choose your hands for the massage, click an area... And that's it. How do I make my man do his job?
2.80 star(s) 19 Votes