
Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
for the ones who have played college kings, would you say that its better than WVM? cant really decide which one to go for so any help would be appreciated
Personally, I could not get into WVM. I played it about a year ago and it just got boring and predictable very quickly. You meet a new girls, she think you are the bomb and viola, you can have sex with her. Rinse... repeat.

A lot of people likes it though and if you are into harem games, maybe it's the one for you.

College Kings are more my type of game. Fooling around with as many girls as you can get away with, but not without repercussions. Yes, I like getting with all the girls in a game, but WVM was just too much. You have a GF, you cheat on her... no problem, she does not mind at all. "Sleep around as much as you want baby".... just did not do it for me.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Logic 103... She indicated not being happy and or things being bad between them prior to her cheating and it can be assumed that, at the very least, they both had a hand in the state of that relationship. She questioned whether or not the MC ever loved her in the first place, which indicates that on some level, she questions the MC's motives. You might try to claim I am ignoring the fact that she tries to get back with the main character, but the reality is you're ignoring all of the above JUST because she tries to get back with MC as if no one ever does things even if they're not 100% sure. Your words imply that people don't go back and forth on their feelings and or why... especially college aged people. It's as if you've never heard of someone thinking they're sure about something, but then they have a talk with someone and realize that maybe their wrong.

Charli: "If he hurt you so badly, why do you keep wanting him back?"
Emily: "I don't know. I love him. I mean our relationship wasn't all bad you know? I just... He used to hold me at night and I think about how he smelled I miss him."
Charli: "That doesn't sound like love. It sounds more like familiarity or maybe even obsession. Neither of which seems healthy or a good reason to pursue someone."

Now right or not, it would be VERY realistic if she considered his words and that's without looking at the various factors beyond her cheating. The key thing here being "right or not" as whether it's accurate or not has nothing to do with whether or not someone believes something.
My issue with the whole Emily thing if you went her route is thus...

They obviously had issues the first time round that led to the big betrayal etc..

MC forgives said betrayal, misses the girl, looks to get back together and attempt to make it work this time... only for someone else to get involved (again though with less sex this time) and for things to fall apart a second time.

So my question is this, if the relationship has gone nowhere and fallen apart so easily twice now, why would the MC go for a third time?

I haven't argued against the whole shit talk thing, devs game they can do what they want with it, i'm just struggling with the reasoning behind making one of the main love interests so unlikeable and have her be part of the main reason it keeps falling apart.

I can't be the only one now that will never have anything to do with her again.

At first it was all good. The big redemption story of how 2 lovers came back together to find love but it didn't go that way and i'm not one for trying to fix something that keeps breaking. To me that's an obvious sign it aint meant to be and it's time to move on.

I just don't get the thinking behind it. It's like the devs don't want people to like her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2021
My issue with the whole Emily thing if you went her route is thus...

They obviously had issues the first time round that led to the big betrayal etc..

MC forgives said betrayal, misses the girl, looks to get back together and attempt to make it work this time... only for someone else to get involved (again though with less sex this time) and for things to fall apart a second time.

So my question is this, if the relationship has gone nowhere and fallen apart so easily twice now, why would the MC go for a third time?

I haven't argued against the whole shit talk thing, devs game they can do what they want with it, i'm just struggling with the reasoning behind making one of the main love interests so unlikeable and have her be part of the main reason it keeps falling apart.

I can't be the only one now that will never have anything to do with her again.

At first it was all good. The big redemption story of how 2 lovers came back together to find love but it didn't go that way and i'm not one for trying to fix something that keeps breaking. To me that's an obvious sign it aint meant to be and it's time to move on.

I just don't get the thinking behind it. It's like the devs don't want people to like her.
Yep it's really weird,I would ditch her after the 1st betrayal and the second time is just weird,it really is hard to like her for something more than her looks, and it's ironic,since steve said in patreon q&a that Emily is one of his fav characters


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Yep it's really weird,I would ditch her after the 1st betrayal and the second time is just weird,it really is hard to like her for something more than her looks, and it's ironic,since steve said in patreon q&a that Emily is one of his fav characters
I'm not the biggest fan of cheaters in relationships, I firmly believe if you weant to fuck other people then break up first.

However I was willing to give it a chance. I didn't see the breakup so don't know what went on before so i'm willing to have my MC forgive and forget and we'll see where this goes.

Only for her to screw him over a second time.

The other issue being she did this after speaking to someone else rather than have a good talk with the MC and see where they stood. Why would we go back a third time to a relationship that not only never goes anywhere but the girl can't be trusted at all.

Wonder Wolf

Mar 3, 2018
My issue with the whole Emily thing if you went her route is thus...

They obviously had issues the first time round that led to the big betrayal etc..

MC forgives said betrayal, misses the girl, looks to get back together and attempt to make it work this time... only for someone else to get involved (again though with less sex this time) and for things to fall apart a second time.

So my question is this, if the relationship has gone nowhere and fallen apart so easily twice now, why would the MC go for a third time?

I haven't argued against the whole shit talk thing, devs game they can do what they want with it, i'm just struggling with the reasoning behind making one of the main love interests so unlikeable and have her be part of the main reason it keeps falling apart.

I can't be the only one now that will never have anything to do with her again.

At first it was all good. The big redemption story of how 2 lovers came back together to find love but it didn't go that way and i'm not one for trying to fix something that keeps breaking. To me that's an obvious sign it aint meant to be and it's time to move on.

I just don't get the thinking behind it. It's like the devs don't want people to like her.
If Emily would explain everything in the future with whom she cheated on MC, why she reacted in the park the way she did, then I could imagine a pure friendship with her, but only that no on / off relationships, there are harmful to the health for both of them. Nobody needs such a toxic relationship where you don't know if you are still together the next day.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
If Emily would explain everything in the future with whom she cheated on MC, why she reacted in the park the way she did, then I could imagine a pure friendship with her, but only that no on / off relationships, there are harmful to the health for both of them. Nobody needs such a toxic relationship where you don't know if you are still together the next day.
That's what I was trying to get at, thankyou. I couldn't remember the damn words, i'm having a blonde day today.

Toxic relationship, that's the one.

I agree completely. I have no problem being friends but it won't ever be anything more than that.

There are so many other girls in the game that have a far better basis for a relationship it's just not worth repeating things with Emily when they don't work out.

I think i'm going to keep focus on those that don't listen to others about their own feelings or are at least willing to talk things over and see where they both stand.

Emily has had some nice moments and if this whole shit talk thing hadn't happened it would have made a really nice redemption ark for her but once is more than enough, twice is time to move on.

Wonder Wolf

Mar 3, 2018
That's what I was trying to get at, thankyou. I couldn't remember the damn words, i'm having a blonde day today.

Toxic relationship, that's the one.

I agree completely. I have no problem being friends but it won't ever be anything more than that.

There are so many other girls in the game that have a far better basis for a relationship it's just not worth repeating things with Emily when they don't work out.

I think i'm going to keep focus on those that don't listen to others about their own feelings or are at least willing to talk things over and see where they both stand.

Emily has had some nice moments and if this whole shit talk thing hadn't happened it would have made a really nice redemption ark for her but once is more than enough, twice is time to move on.
You speak the same as my soul, Avaron. The relationship with Emily could really have worked the second time. But after the thing in the park you should really say, MC move on brother have a healthy relationship with someone else there are enough girls like Lauren and Penelope that would be suitable. With Chloe, I don't know exactly whether she would be the right one for a long-term relationship. Nora is in a relationship that is not really stable, but I don't want to be the driving force that breaks her relationship with Chris. Riley likes men and women and want to make different experiences such like Amber and Aubrey don't want anything serious, but maybe that could change in the future who knows.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
If Emily would explain everything in the future with whom she cheated on MC, why she reacted in the park the way she did, then I could imagine a pure friendship with her, but only that no on / off relationships, there are harmful to the health for both of them. Nobody needs such a toxic relationship where you don't know if you are still together the next day.
In real life it's not that easy. There are people who have a strong attraction for us, no matter how much crap they build. I know a lot of people who are still mourning their ex-girlfriends afterwards. So I think it's great that this story is also included. We don't have to play this route, there are enough alternatives (y)

We shouldn't take it too seriously either. Certainly not to refer to oneself. It's an erotic game after all. We are the only real person in the game, sitting in front of the PC. And why not enjoy a bit of drama if it leads to good sex in the end? :cool:

For my part, I am always looking forward to stories that stand out. It is fun to follow them, even when we fail at the end


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
You’re obviously right but you know, it’s also normal for us to put at least a part of yourselves into a game when you’re playing it. You’re still right though. It’s one of the reasons I went for the apes in a few playthroughs because who cares? It’s just a game. But for SOME reason I, even when I intended to, I just don’t give Emily a chance haha. But I will. I will. Eventually. Next update. Maybe.

Joking aside, this is an excellent sentiment that I think often applies to real life as well: “For my part, I am always looking forward to stories that stand out. It is fun to follow them, even when we fail at the end.”
That's one of the reasons to play games like this: to play those situations that you wouldn't do in normal life. And then enjoy what comes out of it. We also enjoy films like "Jurassic Parl". Nevertheless, in normal life we would not want to be eaten by dinosaurs ;)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
That's one of the reasons to play games like this: to play those situations that you wouldn't do in normal life. And then enjoy what comes out of it. We also enjoy films like "Jurassic Parl". Nevertheless, in normal life we would not want to be eaten by dinosaurs ;)
The whole purpose of Jurassic Park is to watch people get eaten by Dinosaurs.

The purpose of a date sim is to date girls. The girls breaking up with the MC and refusing to talk while the dev puts them through scenes that makes me dislike their character is the exact opposite of a date sim.


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Hmmm regarding Charli. He is Reaaally unlikable.

Having said that, I'm kind of indifferent to him. He does not define the game for me. Hopefully the game gives me a chance to pop him and at that stage and will do it gladly. I will not care if he is gay or not. I though the whole idea to gay movement is to treat gay people like you would any other. Well if he was straight I would pop him so will gladly do him regardless if he is gay or not. He's an asshole.

The reason I feel indifferent to him is that most girls I like don't trust him either.
Chloe: I don't think she cares about him at all. (I'm on the Chloe path, but I actually like Riley more)
Nora: Does not trust him. (I like Nora)
Lauren: Dislikes him (I actually played with her as my initial GF, but she went on to cockblock me from any other girl, so I decided to drop her....did not feel good about it. I wonder if one can win her back)
Penelope: Can not remember, but I don't think they interacted a lot.

Riley: I feel a bit betrayed by her. She's kinda 50/50 between him and me. I really like Riley (I have played her path as well), so I feel just slightly hurt by her. I'm also not a fan of Riley's adventures with Amber, but that's another story.
Audrey: I never saw Audey as a GF, but I felt we were very good friends, so her giving san ear to Charli also irks me.

Lindsey: Meh... I like her, but I feel that we never got to know her that well. So can do with Charli what she wants.

So as a whole, most of my girls has my back, but that still makes him an asshole. Audrey and Riley are the two that I feel slightly hurt on this.

Will gladly use my wolf training on him!


Apr 1, 2019
Probably already been posted somewhere but i can't be bothered looking so does anyone have a mega link yet?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2020
The whole purpose of Jurassic Park is to watch people get eaten by Dinosaurs.

The purpose of a date sim is to date girls. The girls breaking up with the MC and refusing to talk while the dev puts them through scenes that makes me dislike their character is the exact opposite of a date sim.
It's absolutely okay that there are characters in games that you don't like. I even admit that there isn't a single game in which I like all of the characters / stories. I only used this curious comparison to make it clear that we consume media that do not necessarily correspond to our actual everyday needs. :cool:

"Date sim" is just one tag of many that this game has. Primarily it is an erotic game, not a dating sim. And the purpose of an erotic game is to experience good sex, as so the stories that leads there. And these stories do not all be the same. This one route you don't like is just one of many. There are other people who like this route right now.

Just do it like me: enjoy the parts of a game that you like. And avoid the others if possible. (y)

Mr. Darke

Jan 17, 2020
That's one of the reasons to play games like this: to play those situations that you wouldn't do in normal life. And then enjoy what comes out of it. We also enjoy films like "Jurassic Parl". Nevertheless, in normal life we would not want to be eaten by dinosaurs ;)
The whole purpose of Jurassic Park is to watch people get eaten by Dinosaurs.

The purpose of a date sim is to date girls. The girls breaking up with the MC and refusing to talk while the dev puts them through scenes that makes me dislike their character is the exact opposite of a date sim.
I think you both have good points on the matter. I think it makes sense to not give Emily another chance at all (or especially after she betrays you for a second time), but I also see the point of saying "Fuck it, it's just a game" and simply seeing how it plays out. I have to admit, doing the second thing regarding the frats was a pleasant surprise for me and I'd say that's another possible motivation for trying just to see; you might be pleasantly surprised. You could also unpleasantly surprised but the good thing is, this is a game and you should be able to move on pretty quickly.

Still, like I said... I still need to do a playthrough where I give Emily a shot haha. I swear, every time I've gone to do it I was like, "Nah... No. Just no." Hahaha. But I will! I will dammit! I believe in me!

Hmmm regarding Charli. He is Reaaally unlikable.
That's good because I'm pretty sure we were intended to find him really unlikeable, lol. Charli is the worst. I haven't played a ton of games (or have I? (do I have a problem??)) but I think I hate him more than any other character in any other game I've played. But that just means he's well written and if it turns out that DickoNicko's theory turned out to be correct, that would make me hate him more, and make him an even better character... imho.


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
That's good because I'm pretty sure we were intended to find him really unlikeable, lol. Charli is the worst. I haven't played a ton of games (or have I? (do I have a problem??)) but I think I hate him more than any other character in any other game I've played. But that just means he's well written and if it turns out that DickoNicko's theory turned out to be correct, that would make me hate him more, and make him an even better character... imho.
I'm pretty sure you have not played Big Brother yet!!!???

Probably the most famous game on this site...Well Eric is pretty bad in that game. He is probably the most hated character on this site.

If you are interested, it's a pretty cool game and was the most popular by far when it was still running.
Even though it's flagged as abandoned, the game is pretty complete. (You get to have sex with all the girls at the end. One or two arcs needs some closure, but it pretty much completed most main girls)


BB has been so successful, there's been quite a lot of clone games made from it. My Avatar is from that game... Go Lisa!!
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