Blup Blup

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2017
Warning: "update" procedure in the first post is wrong!

The four download sites for the complete new version took forever, so I searched this thread for a torrent. Because I'm not the only one I found tons and started with this one. There are two patches which can be downloaded from Nopy which gives a sha1sum to check if everything is OK. Hashes are also used in torrents. So now I've the following verified sources:

  => sha1sum: a1403aa775f95ba87e3da237dced3770c0304eb9
  => Nopy sha1sum: 04216a4b560d223712f68ea4a0dac300d605de88
  => post #1 says 10.0.0 -> 10.2
  => Nopy sha1sum: a1f83e0ecb07c481ff8184df2d9d8ece5d3500a8
  => post #1 says 10.2 -> 11.0.1
  => README.txt says 10.1.1 -> 11.0.1
The version in the name of the first patch suggests that the data in the first post is wrong. However if the version in the torrent is correct, both should work. The second patch has a README and again this suggests that the data in the first post is wrong. In theory this patch could work, but there are scenarios in which it isn't.

In the meanwhile after 2,5 hours the full version of the anonfile was downloaded. Now I could test if the complex update procedure which doesn't completely match the intermediate versions is still correct. Well it isn't. There are many differences including in for example images from earlier versions. Again images are probably not a problem, but I also found numerous differences in the code files.

In my signature a game where the final version is over 27 GiB. Early on I proofed that binary patches are possible using the Linux bsdiff command. Another player created a very good Windows executable and Bash -- for macOS and Linux -- using a similar command xdelta3. It also uses hashes to check the original version and hashes to check if the patch procedure correctly works. This convinced the developer to give access to the version so clean patches could be created. This way everybody knows that there aren't any version mishaps. Or different sources which could -- maybe unknowingly -- have altered there version.


May 16, 2020
I did a tricky gallery unlocker for college king v11.0.1

Compatible with Adan's Multi-Mod:

How to Install:
Unzip the mod and copy the folder called "game"from the mod folder inside the folder called "CollegeKings-11.0.1-pc
20210712_134031.jpg Screenshot_20210712-133835_College Kings v1101.jpg
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Crusader of Romance

Active Member
Dec 14, 2019
Last time I've been in this thread was around February. Can anyone tell me why a lot of people hate this game now?
There has always been a lot of hate towards this game, much because how fast it has grown on Patreon wile some peoples favorite games still struggle to survive. Part of the reason it has gotten more hate lately is because the games writer suddenly quit and the new one has a different style so some characters feel different. They are retroactively changing dialogue to make the change feel less sudden. Then there was a really messy update (8.0) with tons of bugs because it was rushed out (partly because they where busy planning after the old writer left) and they stopped with public releases.
There might have been some more since then, I don't know.
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Engaged Member
Aug 29, 2017
I felt like I was playing a different game and none of the stuff happening before matters on this episode. Suddenly this fake smile Chali cunt comes out of nowhere with plot powered jedi powers to convince the people MC've met for a while now that he's a cool guy to the point of having MC's friend circle defending him from your skepticism. Let's remember that Lauren let us know Charli's MO and approach to our friends and LIs, she literally says he starts nice and charming then turns into bashing MC, which means MC's supposed friends for a while now and or/women sleeping, kissing etc. with MC, are receiving this same approach from Charli and after the MC bashing they still believe Charli's a nice guy; just let than sink in. Lindsey who was so into MC before, now treats him as a rando friend and was even grabbing hands with Charli like a couple and I don't doubt Charli is the reason behind Emily wanting to stop communication with MC and btw the nerve of that woman to give a jealousy speech having a cheating ex GF status. Emily's case is even worse if I'm right, she's supposed to be the one who knows MC better than anyone there. Literally just Lauren and Nora didn't swallow Charli's BS, seriously? The fuckery is this? I've been enjoying this game, but was this episode made by other people?
Interesting rivalry, so its like BattleOfTheBulges vibe but not really a problem as long as player has the option to win every time I haven't played the update yet but I don't understand why it is necessary to imposed jealousy on players unless he is planning to add ntr, Undergrad Steve must have an answer for this
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Last time I've been in this thread was around February. Can anyone tell me why a lot of people hate this game now?
Because the storyline is trash. If you follow a path, you still have people thrown at you you have no interest in. One of many examples. Suppose you pick the Lauren romance path. You won't see much of her. This even continued in the latest episode. You are girlfriend and boyfriend yet you hardly see her except for one major event, one dinner near the last day and little esle.


And I love the potential this game had.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
I honestly have my doubts that he is gay, but no, it's not because i worry he steal's girls.

He and all the interactions with the LI's are really badly written, they all are 'oh he such a good guy, why can't u get along' etc. after they know him for less than 5 min. Emily being most stupid case, as she knows the MC for many years.

He is completely unsympathetic and for reasons unknown, he behavs like a complete ass...worst u can't even punch him in his very punchable face, the MC has beaten people for less.
Overall whats even the point of his character ? It's not like he brings drama, he is not funny, u can't take him seriously as a real rival/enemy, u can't even say why he acts as he does and so far i can't see any plot relevance either...
He is really just an annoyance and it's stupid how the LI's behave after having one talk with him (which is way worse than Charlie)...

The funny part, is any member of a fighting frat would bash him for throwing insults. Yet.... nothing.

Verdict: stupid story writing.

Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021
I felt like I was playing a different game and none of the stuff happening before matters on this episode. Suddenly this fake smile Chali cunt comes out of nowhere with plot powered jedi powers to convince the people MC've met for a while now that he's a cool guy to the point of having MC's friend circle defending him from your skepticism. Let's remember that Lauren let us know Charli's MO and approach to our friends and LIs, she literally says he starts nice and charming then turns into bashing MC, which means MC's supposed friends for a while now and or/women sleeping, kissing etc. with MC, are receiving this same approach from Charli and after the MC bashing they still believe Charli's a nice guy; just let than sink in. Lindsey who was so into MC before, now treats him as a rando friend and was even grabbing hands with Charli like a couple and I don't doubt Charli is the reason behind Emily wanting to stop communication with MC and btw the nerve of that woman to give a jealousy speech having a cheating ex GF status. Emily's case is even worse if I'm right, she's supposed to be the one who knows MC better than anyone there. Literally just Lauren and Nora didn't swallow Charli's BS, seriously? The fuckery is this? I've been enjoying this game, but was this episode made by other people?
i got a theory about charli and lauren
its maybe a psycho-experiment from lauren?
remember at the beginning the "test" with her?
lauren seems a bit ... obsessed at the beginning with the mc
my 2 cents


Jul 2, 2021
the games writer suddenly quit and the new one has a different style so some characters feel different. They are retroactively changing dialogue to make the change feel less sudden. Then there was a really messy update (8.0) with tons of bugs because it was rushed out (partly because they where busy planning after the old writer left) and they stopped with public releases.
There might have been some more since then, I don't know.
Didn't know about the change of writer. It explains a lot of things. The firsts parts of this game are better. It seemed there was a purpose in the story.

Now, it seems that this game is just random scenes put together sloppily, old characters behaving strangely in relation to the beginning of the game and annoying new characters added just because the writer thinks (I suppose) they adds some "drama" at the story.

I don't see a great future for this game. The comparisons with another very well known game here in F95Z ;) are going to be more an more unbalanced and cruel with College Kings every sloppy update. Not to talk about bugs, and the huge size of the game. Right now, the 3D models is the only thing that "saves" this game.

PD. Out of curiosity: it´s possible to know with update was the last written by the old writer?


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017

Seriously, how the fuck are we able to play this? The Simplr is busted and gives the grey screen error. Everytime I load a save it says its missing renders in green on the top left. Emily apparently thinks my MC gives a shit about her despite not following her path and that she "can't see the MC anymore". I dont know whose path I am on. I dont know how the KCT or whatever works anymore and feels its just "there". Most choices you barely see any difference. There's to many "Haha" and "*Laughs*" and "*Chuckles*". Seriously even if this is pretty much an inferior copy of [redacted] I was still interested and up until a certain point it was playable and cool to play through. Now? Ugh.

Lord Soth

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
Last time I've been in this thread was around February. Can anyone tell me why a lot of people hate this game now?
Well for various reasons...constant bugs every update, half arsed wonky relationship system, the storyline has just gone consistently downhill and more so with their new "writers"...take your pick really.

I was a loyal patreon until the last update, even fell for the pre launch Act 3 hype that they put out. Personally, I found this latest update just another shit sandwich. Bringing in some moron character that just magically turns your friends against you in five minutes (Riley and Lindsey all over him, Emily breaking up with MC) is just extremely poor plot content. Feels like Undergrad Steve and Co. are treating players like kids needing a teen drama show. I was pissed enough to cancel my monthly pledge as a fuck you right back to them.

Perhaps if they had concentrated on actually adding more meaningful time spent with the girls you are with and less weak drama bullshit with the "I'm gay but hey I'll steal your girls away muhahaha" character that came into it. I honestly think they are already struggling with the overall story arc as it showed in previous updates.

That's my reasons why I went from loving the game in Act 1 to now dumping on it in Act 3.
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Blup Blup

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2017
While waiting for the anonfile download -- I was "lucky" that it only took 2,5 hours because it was in the middle of the night anyway -- I searched again for possible torrents and found two: zip file and unpacked version. The post for the last mentions some extra's? So I added both torrents to help with the seeding as well. The big game in my signature ,earned me how to use torrents and now I love them for large downloads. Automatic pause and resume, hashes if everything is ok and most of the time faster than the usual download sites plus no daily limits...

First I checked if the zip from anonfile was the same as in the torrent. The ware, both have a sha1sum of 81fe446f22f6ef279a392655cd158c533ec90444. I extracted one of the zips and then automatically checked both unpacked versions. They are also the same. So again, don't bother with the patch procedure. You need 21,4 GiB instead of 18.2 GiB if you don't have the previous version. Plus this system is broke because the versions in the chain don't match.
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Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
Just noticed Emily changes outfits like fuckin Superman! That was impressive, didn't even see her naked..
yea she seems change the dress after the absurd way she dump this all Charly shit??anyway this is the thank for getting her back?? bah


Nov 28, 2020
please, someone share, i need chloe's route savegame
With a little hacking, we don't need individual saves for different girls!

Just put a file in the folder "game", with any name and ".rpy" extension, containing this:

init 999 python:
  config.console = True
Then load the save before you choose which girl to invite to Homecoming, and press shift-o.

It opens the console. Type "laurenrs", Enter.

If it says True, it prevents you from inviting other girls. So enter in the console:

Enter. Then press Escape to exit the console.

Then proceed with the choice screen and choose Chloe (or whoever you want).

On the next screen open the console again if you wish to date the both girls, and enter:

Now enjoy dating both Lauren and Chloe (etc. etc.).

(If you want to quick-skip forward, set "Unseen text" skippable in the Preferences...)

PS. The file to put in "game" folder:


Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
pretty annoyed with how so many of these games rappresent the MC in the worst way: skinny, bald, ugly, and expecially inbcredibly short like the MC in College Kings...when he walks with Amber is embarassing really...what with this ??


New Member
Nov 14, 2020
When you go after Nora is the most infuriating dialogue. I know he's meant to be infuriating but it's so hammy. Who the fuck calls someone "champ"?

"I know Nora very well" you've existed in this universe for less than an update, no you don't. His reasoning is pretty ass, too, honestly. It sounds good if you turn your brain off but it holds up to absolutely no scrutiny. The MC could have followed up better:

"I've talking to her this whole time about the situation and I think I've got a good handle on when to listen and what advice to offer. Beyond that, I'm invested in her being okay. We straight up don't know you. Please take your drawn-on beard somewhere else."

You can ask to be her boyfriend in this update. It's optional.
Yeah, and when can you ask her that? When you make out with her she suddenly is stopping it
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