
Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
Can someone toss me a spoiler if Julia has progressed any?


May 12, 2020
Why are all the download links from shit sites that force you to install something to download the bloody file?
You can tell how much they care about people downloading the game when the only options to download the 16gb are from 4 of the crappiest DL sites available. On the upside, I just recovered plenty of HDD space.

Golden Trump

Jul 8, 2021
This game is starting to resemble a kinetic novel more and more because evidently all my choices so far turned out to be completely pointless - for example I played from the beginning the path on which I wanted the MC to reconcile and return to his previous girlfriend Emily because I like her character model and she is in my opinion a cool and fun girl, and even though she had done a wrong thing in the past and cheated on MC I wanted to give her a chance and forgave her, in this playthrough I avoided any sexual aspirations to other girls, I did not even flirt with them, but only treated them and only as friends and the only sex scenes in this playthrough I had just with Emily and it turns out almost right at the beginning of the last update that all of my long playthrough in which I wanted a relationship with Emily turned out to be a total waste of time because she just breaks up with me and tells me my MC is a womanizer and flirts with every girl he can and I have no chance of stopping her.

So I ask what the fuck is this supposed to be?
What's the point of Emily as LI if the game decided that the MC couldn't be with her anyway. I would understand if she was in the game only as an NPC for some necessity related to the plot itself, but we know that from the beginning she was as one of the girls that the MC could hang out, flirt, have sex with and that means she was clearly a potential LI and here we suddenly have a big boom... - :unsure: my whole long playthrough from the beginning turned out to be pointless because she decided to call me a womanizer and told me that she didn't want to know me anymore and that she don't want see me, don't want talk to me ever again and we couldn't even be friends.

Now I was wondering why I downloaded all these updates, where each of them took up more and more GB which in total gives a whole ton of GB and I have wasted so many hours playing this game because why play a game in which you follow one path from the beginning and then it turns out that this path is closed despite the fact that you did not make a wrong choice on the way that would close this path, but it was game/dev that decided that this girl in game will no longer be available as LI - I know only one game (the title of which of course I will not mention here) in which such a situation took place because there also dev decided to remove the character which also was LI just so suddenly after many updates because he just wanted it or because for some reasons this character in his own game he no longer likes her.

So probably it's time to delete this game and forget about it completely if this is how it is supposed to look like.
you knw you should join him on discord and paste this there , i did the same at least the development team of the game is sorta active there,

Boehser Onkel

Forum Fanatic
Feb 20, 2021
Any scene involving Charli is like a character assassination for Riley. It's the weirdest thing. Not that the writing is fantastic. A big point of showing how nice she is was her supporting a girl she doesn't know in a trial for committing a crime when she doesn't know the details? Riley literally never met her. It's just some weird "oh but she's so nice for supporting Penelope" scenario.

I get that people want to throw drama in but Charli is straight up a dumpsterfire of a character and he's getting his stink on everyone else. I played loyal playthroughs, where I straight up do not touch any other girl... Except the game forces you on a few occasions. Like you have to flirt with Chloe during that car scene.

He doesn't say the "how many girls have you fucked with" line, but right at the end of the act still calls you a womanizing piece of garbage. EVEN IN A LAUREN SAVE. The Lauren route is like the hyper-vanilla, monogamous romance option available.

Also, dev if you're reading this... Add an "I don't care" option to all these 'side with X' arguments. I don't give a shit about Nora vs. Chloe, or Imre vs. Ryan. Just let me be Ken Watanabe and let them fight. Straight up just add a line "(You make fart noises with your mouth until they stop fighting)" and the game will improve for it.
thats what i meant with "the game lost his soul"
terrible writing atm - hope it gets better (again)soon
90% your choices from 1-9 dont count it seems - 10 / 11 are ..well im beeing polite and shut up here
the weirdest thing . charli -- got a argument that the mc found out hes gay and is an ass to him for that ..
never seen a line of text until this conversation about
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Lord Soth

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
You can tell how much they care about people downloading the game when the only options to download the 16gb are from 4 of the crappiest DL sites available. On the upside, I just recovered plenty of HDD space.
Seriously? people bitching about the download sites and getting the game for free...stop acting like self entitled arses and appreciate that Patreons actually bother to share it with you.

I'm hungover as fuck this morning and you bitches are making it worse :KEK:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2021
This game is starting to resemble a kinetic novel more and more because evidently all my choices so far turned out to be completely pointless - for example I played from the beginning the path on which I wanted the MC to reconcile and return to his previous girlfriend Emily because I like her character model and she is in my opinion a cool and fun girl, and even though she had done a wrong thing in the past and cheated on MC I wanted to give her a chance and forgave her, in this playthrough I avoided any sexual aspirations to other girls, I did not even flirt with them, but only treated them and only as friends and the only sex scenes in this playthrough I had just with Emily and it turns out almost right at the beginning of the last update that all of my long playthrough in which I wanted a relationship with Emily turned out to be a total waste of time because she just breaks up with me and tells me my MC is a womanizer and flirts with every girl he can and I have no chance of stopping her.

So I ask what the fuck is this supposed to be?
What's the point of Emily as LI if the game decided that the MC couldn't be with her anyway. I would understand if she was in the game only as an NPC for some necessity related to the plot itself, but we know that from the beginning she was as one of the girls that the MC could hang out, flirt, have sex with and that means she was clearly a potential LI and here we suddenly have a big boom... - :unsure: my whole long playthrough from the beginning turned out to be pointless because she decided to call me a womanizer and told me that she didn't want to know me anymore and that she don't want see me, don't want talk to me ever again and we couldn't even be friends.

Now I was wondering why I downloaded all these updates, where each of them took up more and more GB which in total gives a whole ton of GB and I have wasted so many hours playing this game because why play a game in which you follow one path from the beginning and then it turns out that this path is closed despite the fact that you did not make a wrong choice on the way that would close this path, but it was game/dev that decided that this girl in game will no longer be available as LI - I know only one game (the title of which of course I will not mention here) in which such a situation took place because there also dev decided to remove the character which also was LI just so suddenly after many updates because he just wanted it or because for some reasons this character in his own game he no longer likes her.

So probably it's time to delete this game and forget about it completely if this is how it is supposed to look like.
While I agree to some extent about meaningless choices,Emily says that her friend told her to do that,and that friend is clearly Charli. After the drama with Charli, Emily will come back for sure,They wouldn't cut out a pretty popular LI such as Emily. Besides Steve said in his recent patreon q&a that Emily is his fav character.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Note, I really liked this game...however..... it is getting....worse, not better, in regard to the story frame work and what people you would want to spend time with. No matter what you get other people forced down your throat.

The hype/announcements for this game episode were projecting excitement.

The reality: sit in a long carriage ride with Chole Nora and Linds and listen to them babble on forever ....for the WHOLE carriage ride.

Go to a museum.

Go to the park with the male teacher and two of MCs male buddies and babble about fuck all.

See Big Ben strike on the hour.

The dumb cunt Charli would get his head bashed in by MC after saying as much out of line as he did. Yet: nothing. He runs his mouth with insults.


Meet Mrs whatshername, the teacher in her room: whole effort projected no interest and near boredom.

If in one of your play-throughs you decide to do the Lauren romance path, welp.... you will spend very little time with her at all. You will spend much more time with Riley (as one example).

I don't even know why the character Lauren exists with the current way the game is setup.

Trivia: rest room doors on passenger planes have locked doors. :p LOLOL

Riley is a nice character, however, no matter what you do, you are forced to spend endless amount of time with her, even if you don't want to.
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Your Mother's Lover
Dec 16, 2018
While I agree to some extent about meaningless choices,Emily says that her friend told her to do that,and that friend is clearly Charli. After the drama with Charli, Emily will come back for sure,They wouldn't cut out a pretty popular LI such as Emily. Besides Steve said in his recent patreon q&a that Emily is his fav character.
Even if it is true and Emily will want to reconcile with MC and be with him again for me personally the current situation, which I described earlier, spoils the whole aspect of this relationship because she betrayed MC and he forgave her and gave another chance for which it is her she asked herself and now she suddenly believes in the word of some loser, whom she barely met instead of the MC, whom she has known for a long time and he has always been kind and honest with her and besides if we say MC he still loved her because we could assuming that since he decided to forgive her and give her another chance and not even flirt with anyone else, then when she tells him to suddenly stay away from her MC should forget and go on with his life and that means also try to find a different and maybe better girl than Emily and if he does it after some time if Emily decides to come back to him again because she realizes that this whole Charlie is a loser and he just wanted to slander MC, it might be too late because MC has once again to give her a chance, since she has already wasted two chances with him due to her own initiative and choice or it may be too late because MC will fall in love with someone else.

So in general, even if it happens that she wants to come back to MC again, in my eyes she doesn't deserve another chance because dev with his move with her completely spoiled my opinion about her as a character.


Apr 29, 2017
TLDR; This game has so much talent and love in it, but it just lacks direction in way too many aspects.

After going through this update I agree with most complaints others have voiced. I'm not offended, like some seem to be, by Charli it just seems like he's a sort of stock character to add some conflict where there wasn't any before. His whole shtick with Riley didn't so much as give me NTR vibes, but more shoehorned drama as an attempt to give some kind of meat to a few side stories.

The real problem in my opinion is how cobbled together this entire game feels. The code is still a colossal mess with a torrent of errors coming in every update, some of which are the same ones from its initial launch. The story meanders and jumps all over the place with events either taking way too long to wrap up or barely lasting at all with no impact on the greater narrative. The biggest way to see this is in the gameplay/relationships.

As many have pointed out, it's become pretty clear that most choices in the game are irrelevant. Many outcomes are predetermined, leading to a lot of dissonance in certain playthroughs where you get moments like characters alluding to your man-whore escapades when you've stayed faithful the whole time. I like the idea of the personality system or the free roam events, but they're so underutilized that at times it feels like I'm just playing a straight kinetic novel with just some bumps in the road. That's not inherently a bad thing, but that means your story then has to shine, and unfortunately, it's not doing the game any favors. Having a weak story and aimless story isn't necessarily a bad thing either.

This game's most obvious influence (the one I'm not sure I can mention directly) is also pretty light on story as it too likes to take a more jumpy and meandering flow. What makes it tolerable though is that utilizes it's choice systems to add some flavor to loose narrative and make feel like a slice of life drama that the player themselves is a part of. They don't even have to be major choices, just some tidbits that make the player realize that there's some individuality to their playthrough. I think where this game drops the ball is that it tries to make every choice a major one, but I don't think there's an overarching foundation to keep those choices all in line. This then leads to either two options: have a bunch of jumbled paths that easily overwhelm a dev because of how many possibilities they now have to account for, or stick to what they originally had and make most of those previous choices pointless.

Overall this game really feels like it wants to be one of those crafty VN's that lets a player feel like they are the master of this story, while not realizing that they're subtly being guided by the writer so that things don't get out of hand. It wants to be the light but well-crafted games that we see getting loads of praise on this site. However, it just doesn't have the polish and refinement yet to really stand next to those titles. For me that's really all it needs because you can definitely see the effort and determination all throughout. The animations/renders are top-notch, the characters are distinct and given solid personality frames for them to grow out of, the gameplay/story goals are ambitious. All of those things are admirable, but so far the dev just hasn't stuck the landing because so many aspects just lack a lot of refinement and really seem like they were put together as the dev goes along.


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
I'm done. I can't take this game anymore. It's nothing but one giant mess filled with bugs and bad story structure.

And the Dev does nothing to fix either between updates, or before releases.
I think their is never happen anything is the story, all female cheracters act the same no difference in personalitie sexualitie or behavior towards other guys, the story is not reall exiting compared too other big games it just feels like one sex scene after another hope I am wrong and it will change but it is already act 3 so.I just hope that they have diff personalities,goal mistakes maybe his ex is a cheater for example but if you dont like that(I like his ex so let me forgiv her) than take other girls their are alot and if you have cheracters with diff cheracter traits you can creat a story and than their is a cheracter for every taste otherwise they will feel like zombies. I hope the other writers dont where very good got kicked out because they created diff cheracters but steve was scared that the vanilla boys would complain, I have no problem too have cheracters for vanilla guys choices should matter and they should have options too but it will be really hard too creat drama and a college atmosphare with all love interest being vanilla women.
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Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
Story went downhill when dev hired wannabe writer(s). And it's going worse with every update.
Should hire someone who actually knows how to write.


Jul 27, 2018
The whole Charli character literally makes absolutely no sense. These girls have been around the MC a few of them are even in love with him but they talk to Charli for 5 minutes and all of a sudden the MC is disliked by every girl Charli talks to and they chose Charli over the MC and make fun of him behind his back.

5 minutes at the airport and Lindsey is already holding Charli's hand. I am just starting to think they are all just a bunch of whores and it is time to start finding some other girls.

I don't see an NTR tag on this game but I am really starting to get that vibe from it.
yeah, i still don't understand wth happened when lindsey hold his hand


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
yeah, i still don't understand wth happened when lindsey hold his hand
dude this is college, their are a lot of women for them its importing which guy is on top and they forget you their is a lot off competition this is why I say if he wanted too make a vanilla game he should choose a other theme than college.


Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Other than her, currently there is no relationship path. You sleep with Riley a bunch but it's not really serious. Same with Aubrey, she's more of a fuck buddy. Chloe seems hard to nail down what she thinks of you and Penelope has her own crap to deal with.
You can start a relationship with Chloe in this update if you go her route. I don't know the requirements but I'm in that route.
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