3.80 star(s) 44 Votes


Sep 17, 2017
so instead of doing a slight damage change or u now just adding another weapon hes changing how "Bullets" work......... im so shocked by the nitwit of it that im overwhelmed
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Jun 7, 2017
so instead of doing a slight damage change or u now just adding another weapon hes changing how "Bullets" work......... im so shocked by the nitwit of it that im overwhelmed
Different weapons need different ammos. You cannot load 9mm-s into a shotgun. If you got shot by a pellet it's not the same reaction like if you shot by a 9mm bullet. Just be patient the new update will be here for christmas or maybe december 15.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Is there anyone remember AES key of this game?
Long ago, I remember soone mentioned this here. Something around Page 21+ I guess. Search for belly Expansion (bigger than actually). I only recall, that you need some extra Software to get the AES key.
Good luck


Sep 17, 2017
Different weapons need different ammos. You cannot load 9mm-s into a shotgun. If you got shot by a pellet it's not the same reaction like if you shot by a 9mm bullet. Just be patient the new update will be here for christmas or maybe december 15.
My comment was more about keeping it simple his code could be something like Weapon-Pistol- on trigger - Use ID 213- 213 being 9MM Then instead of reinventing the wheel He codes Weapon-Shotgun- on trigger - Use Id 214- 214 being a reskin of 9mm and the damage being tied to the weapon like in most games. u dont need "Special ammo what hes trying to do is add heavy Gore and hitting certain body parts with certain ammo u get heavy gore like shotgun something to a face and its head comes off. He already wasted a TON of time adding this function JUST for the pistol. Which if i recall only has a 30% chance on triggering period
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Feb 9, 2019
Damn I've beaten every single challenge I created for myself in this game, I wish it was rly harder :c hopefully new updates will make gameplay more unknown and challenging, sadly game is on UE so you can't rly mod it too, I wish i was able to add a fatty on each level to boost up the difficulty.
edit. actually accidently I stumbled upon a post here that told that there are fatties on 4th mission, and yes that is correct, well here goes my creativity with boosting up difficulty to a max on this level, wish me luck xD
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Jun 7, 2017
Sounds like a crash-balls to me, there's a poligonal model -->Mission<-- in the VersusX laboratory...

View attachment 901175

But Yeah! The bullet physics its mostly, plus important.

I had just downloaded the 2.45 GB (which are not few for me...) to see if there were any improvements (besides bugfixes) from this point of view, but as soon as I saw the polygonal model again I immediately trashed the game.

I'm sorry, but I can't go around with a mussel gone bad and even more rickety than my grandmother!

Peace and good.
This is how you stand with a pistol. In real life everyone is polygonal, this is how I standed when used a pistol in a shooting range. If you disarm her its not polygonal. Try it to stand like her and you see how exactly correct this is.


Jun 7, 2017
Not exactly, I was at the shooting range when I was military and the posture of the Trunk and shoulders, especially the upper one, is totally wrong.

If there is one thing they teach you, it is correct posture.

And the correct posture is not for rickets and paralytics.

If we want to talk about postures and how to hold a simple gun, just look at all the polygonal models of the RE series, especially those of RE4, RE5 and RE3 Remake.

This polygonal model is totally out of any real physics, it looks like a crippled rubber model.

And I have seen thousands of polygonal models in various triple A games.
I never going to understand this type of eyecandy things. Someone just shitting on a game because something looks bad. The main thing is how are you feeling when playing the game and not just look at it. I never was a graphics guy more likely the playthrough that got me. I'm mainly hate hitboxes in this type of games like in R6 Siege. I hate when something holds you back in processing. Maybe if she holding the gun up instead of down can change the polygon thing. When she stands without weapon it looks good to me.
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Jun 7, 2017
The main polygonal model in a game is everything.
For you. For me it's the gameplay is everything in any type of game. And don't be that harsh on the devs, it's just a demo after all, everything can change, you never know. Don't playing a game because you don't like the mc's polygonal model is like don't eat a snickers because you don't like the wrapping.
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Jun 7, 2017
Look man, maybe you and I are old professional players.

But please, let's not kid ourselves.

About gameplay and everything else I agree, but that's not what we're talking about.

And yes, maybe it's just me being too hard on myself, but what if in a game there isn't even CHARACTER DESIGN,

then I would just play with Minecraft.

This game has been in the works for quite a while.

The problem is that the boys are distracted by other things, otherwise the development of the game would take another turn.

PS: I added some photos of a polygonal model done well and consistent with real physics
Yes I agree, tastes and slaps (how they say here), you don't like polygons, I don't like unkillable fat zombies and rocket doggos.
PS: I'm 22 yrs old and still play minecraft because it's the chillest game I ever played.
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May 8, 2019
Perhaps I did not explain myself well.

It is not the way you hold the gun, but it is the appearance of the body that is bizarre.

The polygonal model as it looks is ugly, there is little to say or do.

If you do a search in the previous pages and in my previous comments, I criticize with photos, angles and morphological errors of the polygonal model.

Much better, the first polygonal model (the one from the first demo), if nothing else, did not have those shoulders that fell one meter from the head and that giraffe's neck. (not counting the errors of the trunk, breasts, hips)

The main polygonal model in a game is everything.

I don't give a damn about having 2000 sex scenes and 100000 weapons in a game, but if the main character doesn't show charm, the whole game risks a resounding flop.

Would you have played a RE 3 Remake without the charm (and ass) of the (beautiful) polygonal model of a Jill Valentine?

Most likely not.

View attachment 901379

(InGame Poligonal Image)

View attachment 901384

(Artistic Image: correct position of head, shoulders, trunk and hips of a polygonal model)
Tbh, JV in re3r face is uncanny as it to me seems like it was designed to be a victim more than that of a badass which is why I can see that model working better in a game of this nature than the actual game it was made for.


Feb 9, 2019
Then, however, I would prefer not to read the wording or references to triple A games (triple A games, they take a lot of effort), because my intelligence, could be offended.
Every game takes a lot of effort and time, it is just a requirement for AAA games to be as polished as possible while people can close an eye on something missing or done poorly in indi game if it's insignificant to gameplay or storytelling.


Sep 17, 2017
JV on RE3-Nemesis, originally (Sony PSX), was a running-survival-horror designed for this very reason; giving players the anguish of always being haunted by a bio-engineered monster from the Umbrella Corporation and joined by the mechanics of a RE1 classic and RE2 classic.

That kind of anguish, which has been passed down to an Alien Isolation, perhaps the first official game of its kind, in the next-gen era.

So if you want to tell me that the face of JV in R3Re is perfect for that part and this kind of game, you're right.

The problem is this; in this game (bioasshard) the face of the protagonist seems lifeless, cold, icy, woody, apathetic, doesn't suggest anything about the emotions and the character of the protagonist. (in addition to the already mentioned morphological/physical problems of the polygonal model)

I think that between what you write or think on a blog/what any serious developer would want for their game (e.g.; I want my game to become a triple A or approach a triple A) and what is the reality of the facts (with the means, time and people available), there is an abyss.

If then, if we were to think that it's just messing/wasting time/when I feel like it, develop any game ("because in the meantime I think about screwing you as much money as possible with my patreon, poor miserable idiots who follow me"), then it becomes another matter.

So, personally I can justify it (I don't justify the miserable idiots though), because it's still and always a free game, downloadable from the appropriate section of the blog/site.

Then, however, I would prefer not to read the wording or references to triple A games (triple A games, they take a lot of effort), because my intelligence, could be offended.

Also because, if one day, the development of a game ("that when I feel like it and time") should stop for no reason, all those people who follow a project, would find themselves with a lot of time and money lost. (and also a big disappointment mixed with pissing off)

But we are always in a forum, right?
ITs crazy how back and forth u two are... anyway this is why i said the dev is a nitwit since hes focusing on "Bullet" changes u do not need special ammo OR heavy gore in a Hgame, Dont get me wrong its very cool to shoot a zom and watch its head rip off BUT ultimately this game has FAR more pressing issues then a Special ammo type.

Main issue being The model is well janky and by this i mean EVERYTHING it breaks or looks off in some spots.

2nd issue the shear lack of real content we have what 3 different zoms with maybe 2 animations each? and 4 maps with outright dumb puzzles or puzzles so complex u need a legit walkthu to get past them.


May 8, 2019
Actually the point to my post was I didn't want RE3r because I didn't like the model for JV. Not sure why you when on to explain all that other stuff. An interesting point made by some developers that were making one of those crap sim mobile games, was that even those games face the same problems as any other serious developer would and that is time/money. Hell, I knew a guy that said if you try to get everything super detailed you will risk falling into an endless circle casing perfection which can waste your time. The only way a developer would have time to just make amazing work without restrictions or at least some try of deadline to get goals done is a game made in the person's spare time. While it is true that MEA had serious bugs and some funny animations, it is a reason to walk away but I think a reason to also walk or not support is when the developer was caught for plagiarism.


May 8, 2019
It may not please, but it is undeniable that it is a polygonal model and successful, but above all, full of femininity and humanity.

So much so, that the majority of the sales of this game, seasoned with the fragility, sensuality and humanity of the protagonist, has pleased the mass of horny people of this planet (including myself).

I, for example, do not like the polygonal model of a Lara Croft from Shadow of the Tomb Raider (I've never seen a uglier ass in all the history and TB series, it looks like that of a man, indeed, it is that of a MAN! How to ruin definitively the Sex Appeal of a Female Icon of the videogames history; flat chest, tight ass and roundness of the hips almost non-existent)

And to get back to the point, I much prefer RERe's JV, than a walking toilet with a vagina.

Maybe because I'm not one of the many assholes, idiots and web fanatic?

To this I add a personal videogame experience of mine (which did not start with childish saws) and a precise constructive criticism.

My constructive criticism, in this context, is aimed precisely at the developers of this game. (bioasshard= and precisely because it represents a Female ass, then I want a Female spectacular Ass!)

My personal opinion;

This shit has to stop, because it's the death of passion and freedom of expression.

Time/money is an equation forged for mental, spiritual and human slavery.

The proof is all the current shit we are all swimming in, beautiful and ugly.

Anubis, knew a guy who said that the sum is the equilibrium of the parts.

Which means, that if each small part deserves due attention, the sum of the small parts creates the Opera.

But not everyone is lucky to know and think that.

Absolutely false, a Ferrari is not built in your free time, but in dedication and passion, or rather in the Love that you feel when you like what you do, such as your work or your hobbies, things that take you beyond the fucking equation of time/money (DEBTS!), because when you're at those levels, you don't give a damn about this miserable bullshit.

MEA was shit made with feet, simple and concise.

Since in games, there is not only graphics and then it was a Spin-Off, this term should make you think.

Let's face it, BioWare is not what it used to be.

Sorry for eng.

Peace and good.:coffee:

the term Crunch, should make you think a lot, the state of affairs of the equation time / money.

And who has experience in this field, speaks of treatments worse than beasts.

Here is your world today. (e.g. Microsoft, Sony and CD Projekt Red)
The point about time/money is to set goals even mini goals as the person that also stated the don't get caught in details all the time, the reason for this is not those idealogies your thinking of but to avoid procrastinating which can kill a project mini goals help you proceed in the project in which if you want to polish something up you can do that when you have more time on your hands since you have more done. As art is not the only trade in the world so if you want to pay a team or just pay your bills your going to need a schedule which will make you be the most efficient at your trade as Christian von Koenigsegg even explained that when designing their hypercars that they have things they do to save time as they have expensive parts so safety test is done with cost savings methods so they are not wasting too much time building extra hypercars for safety testing. Ideally it would be great to take as much time as you need to do something but its just not realistically a good ideal as like stated before if you procrastinate you are more likely to go nowhere which is kind of what the other guy was stating as this team or person is getting caught up on details that are not really proceeding progress so it's possible that this test bed stage of bioshassard will be stuck here too long before we even get to to see the development of the actual game.
3.80 star(s) 44 Votes