3.80 star(s) 44 Votes


Active Member
Jun 9, 2017
Can someone share the code of the fox cards?
So this game locked up on me 3 times checking to make sure these "Fantasy Card Codes" work, but I can say they do. As to what they do unlock I don't know. Just know that Pigeon is the lowest tier and TheBoss is the highest and this list has them in order. I'm sure you only need TheBoss code, but here they all are anyways.
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Probably shouldn't be constantly posted, since I'd imagine if the devs see this, they'll likely be more restrictive with the codes.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2018
So this game locked up on me 3 times checking to make sure these "Fantasy Card Codes" work, but I can say they do. As to what they do unlock I don't know. Just know that Pigeon is the lowest tier and TheBoss is the highest and this list has them in order. I'm sure you only need TheBoss code, but here they all are anyways.
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The devs are using an AES key on the pak file but for whatever reason have not set up encryption with it, made this stupid easy.
You can't Alt+Tab if you're in the code input screen. You need to memorise or write down the code before you press enter to start inputing.


May 24, 2017
If I exit the game after completing a mission, will my progress save? Or do I have to beat the entire game in one sitting?
If you complete the mission by arriving at the unlocked green marker, yes. It should save it. Don't know about the inventory, though, it seems to be saved in my playthrough.


Mar 19, 2019
My pet peeve is that they took the longest and most tedious route and put it as the first option in a system of branching paths. Tedious because it's the only one with a collection requirement, basically you have to explore the rest of the level before pursuing this path.
The collectible item (fuse) is also so small and unnoticeable in this unnecessarily large level that you've probably already walked past some of them more than once.

The fucking backtracking... I completed Mission 4 in 1 hour and 30 minutes. More than an hour of that time was me [Shift]+[W]ing through some boring cave with headache-inducing camera shake (yeah wtf is up with that?)

The first time I got the bottom of the elevator pit I just told myself "I'm gonna try each path one by one see what's there"... surprise dead end that requires you to come again later.

The second time I rushed back down there and accidentally got myself surrounded by too many enemies in a corner and died.

The third I respawned and after redoing the other 2 light puzzles I went down to the bottom to the elevator again only to realize I only have 2 fuses and there's a 3rd that I need to find in an unnecessarily gigantic fucking level. Luckily I had a feeling it was probably towards the beginning of the mission so I only had to check every corner of the elevator backtrack path until I got to it.

The fourth time I finally have all 3 fuses and activate the elevator. I think this was a massive "fuck you" in terms of game design. Too lazy to implement the ability for player to take the elevator too, let them waste their time backtracking the single longest route of the entire level.

Also, as much as they want to paint it as a RE game with porn mechanics, most of the audience will play this because it's a porn game with RE elements. If the developers don't take this into account when sorting out their priorities, financial support for this game will just dwindle.

EDIT: Also don't know if my game files are corrupted, but the obstacles blocking the light rays are invisible until I damage them.
I dont even wanna attempt completing Mission 4 after reading that. Maybe if the game had a good map and a much more noticable way to show key items. I really hope this dev realize the damage Mission 4 can do to his playerbase.


Mar 2, 2017
Probably shouldn't be constantly posted, since I'd imagine if the devs see this, they'll likely be more restrictive with the codes.
Considering I got the codes by simply opening the pak file in a hex editor... yeah they probably should be more "restrictive". At least encrypt the whole pak not just the index.
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Active Member
Jun 19, 2018
I dont even wanna attempt completing Mission 4 after reading that. Maybe if the game had a good map and a much more noticable way to show key items. I really hope this dev realize the damage Mission 4 can do to his playerbase.
Part of my unpleasant experience was due to mistakes I made along the way. I would really encourage you to try it for yourself to form your own opinion. My only piece of advice for a better experience is: Once you reach the Crystal and the sewing machine, keep moving forward, don't turn right across the water until you have 2 Fuses (third fuse will be on a blue barrel on the path to elevator pit)

But yeah, it's the kind of level that would make me never think of replaying the game simply because I don't want to go through the entire thing again.

I guess another reason why I dislike is also because it's unrewarding whatsoever. I got 0 unlocks from it and no new animations.


New Member
May 10, 2018
They just implemented a new Model for Jill and changed the PhysX based Physics to a custom one.
This is the first Release with that new Features. Of course it takes some optimisation.
Just dont redicule these two. Thats poor mannerism. Give them constructive criticism and leave it at that.
And dont forget that this is NOT a Game in development! It is the creation of the essentials. Not a Game. A Testingground. You cant expect a functioning Game.
And seriously, you people are here to rip the Game. You are not in the Position to complain. It would be something else, if you where a Patreon of them and are paying Money to them for Progress...
But most of you are not paying anything for this. You get Content for free here.
So Show some Respect. At least read the Changelog.

Heres some Info from the Devs about everything new in this Build:

If you don’t want to read me crying, then skip it to--->>

Just as what happened with the release of 0.1.XX with my “new” pc, started happening again since the past two weeks or so. Meaning constant freezing and auto-restarting, but this time didn’t look related to GPU temperature but something else… what else? I don’t really know and couldn’t find it, maybe it’s still the summer in here where I live that kills any pc, but mainly when UE4 is up and running, when not I can do whatever I want that it won’t freeze lol. This caused the final steps for this release to slow down a lot, reducing considerably my working time.

But if that wasn’t enough, then we’re finally done and ready to compile, aaaand UE4 decides to throw a critical error (I have to include here a “nonsense” as well) preventing me from compiling the game. You can’t even imagine what I felt during these 3-4 days, the stress… weeeell anyway, to make the story short, UE4 decided to change the way it read a type of variable, and changing that variable type to… just the same type it was and compile the code… solved it! xD. Yeah, something this absurd, delayed the release like 4 days. But it took me so many days to find the problem because the error thrown gave no information at all, just a bunch of lines pointing an error on .dlls… yeah DLLs, something that has nothing to do with how you code in UE4 XD (I should have saved the error code to show you so if you have some knowledge on UE4 could see just how “helpful” that error code was).

So, this was basically the last two weeks or so. Good thing is that now that stupid error is solved and the release is about to be done so like they say “All's well That ends well” lol. But this caused a problem. I couldn’t test it as much as I wanted to and this derived in no video-walkthrough for this release, for now (hopefully just like it happened with the 0.1.XX release, my PC will stop freezing and I’ll be able to record again) so I count on you guys to report any unmentioned bug you happen to find.

>>--- Here I finished crying xD.

On to other things, even after making the changelog I noticed I forgot a few additions that have been made, so I’ll mention them here and take the time to expand on some others mentioned:

If you don’t want to be spoiled on some surprises then skip this to --->>

· Destructible meshes has been added. This means you can knife stab or shot some objects and see them how they rip apart. For now, there’s only a few of them and just in one Mission, but the next step in those destructible meshes is to make boxes, plants, etc., etc. destructible so you can find items inside of them.

· Added a new type of interactable object. This time a lever. Said lever can be working at first or it can be linked to a puzzle you must complete first.

· Added an Elevator. But unfortunately, this time is not for you to hop on in but rather to move something else. This was added in a last instance and that’s why we didn’t have a mesh for it, so I improvised something quick, that’s why it’s so ugly, but don’t pay attention to its look but it’s mechanism xD. By the way this can be linked to any other type of interactor, like a puzzle or a lever.

· Remember those light beams puzzles present in Devil May Cry or in Resident Evil 5? Well, something along those lines has been added. It’s a WIP it has to be expanded in order to let you make things like grab them, rotate them, etc. For now, they’re in place but their light beams can be occluded by any other object on its way. Don’t worry though! They won’t kill you if you touch them like in RE5 xD.

· In Resident Evil 5 and 6 as well as some other, you can find those shootable stones that make you unlock extras, right? Well, we started making this implementation, right now there are only on one mission and they serve as a way to unlock only one thing.

· The dismemberment system and how it works: Some time ago, we shown an image of an Infected with his head rip open and we didn’t say what it was. Some people got it right just with that, while some other thought it was a new type of enemy. Unfortunately for the latter, it’s a dismemberment system. It works using the Critical % parameter of the weapon. The handgun has a low critical % parameter and there’s no weapon upgrading in yet available, but it still happens many times, but even though, we added a new Fantasy Card to improve the Critical parameter. Right now, it’s only implemented at about 55% because you can’t dismember legs yet, mainly because there’s no crawling enemy’s mechanics and AI implemented yet. So, to dismember the head just aim for the head, pretty easy, huh? To dismember arms, make sure you hurt it first (when the enemy can’t move it) then once hurt, shoot at it again to dismember it. Dismembering both arms, causes enemies to die, because they’re just useless xD.

· Another thing we did is to get rid of Physx for skin simulations like the jiggly things for Julia, to a better system and to get rid of the problems some of you may have for having a screwed physx installation.

· The dodge system: Pressing F in the right moment (shown on screen) allows you to dodge an attack. But only attacks, no grabs. And not always, because you have to have enough stamina to do it, and the distance at which the attack started have to be close enough for Julia to notice it. Saying this, it’s clear that to avoid the fast attacks that the Big Guy does, you’ll have to smash the F button once you see him coming XD. Also, the dog’s attacks are a bit tricky to dodge sometimes, since they may attack from too far.

· Another system that makes use of the stamina bar is the physical attack system. This system has been implemented to help you get out of situations like being surrounded by enemies with your weapon empty. It’s not meant to make Julia a Street Fighter character xD but to help her get out on situations like that. So even if she can kill enemies with those attacks, don’t expect that to happen frequently and also, make sure Julia is facing the enemy you want to hit, otherwise you’ll frustrate at her attacking right at the side of such enemy while he’s looking at her waiting for the right moment to attack xD.

· The system we decided to call CQC, is what RE features since RE4, where you damage a key zone, like the head, a leg or an arm and sometimes the enemy get stunned by the pain allowing you get closer to him and pressing the key shown on the screen to cause a huge damage on him. This was shown on a past screen too, and some people also imagined what it was. But I screwed it up and while some of you (sorry, can’t remember the name -.-') corrected on the comments “attack on floor” wasn’t the correct way of writing it, but… I forgot to fix it -.- Also, this system is still a WIP, and sometimes it acts weird making Julia to move out of the range of attack and causing a beautiful attack to thin air, while the enemy recovers peacefully from his stunning. Last thing is, while you can physically attack dogs, you can’t CQC them (they don’t dismember either yet).

· Another implementation is the wandering system for the other enemies other than the dogs. So now they won’t have to be standing still. With the implementation of this system I realized we gonna need a better pathfinding system other than the one implemented in UE4, because it’s really “amazing” to see how retard this system can be making enemies walk against a wall infinitely… lol. The code I use it’s pretty simple to be honest, I first get a random location inside a radius, but making sure such location is REACHABLE by the enemy, then make the enemy go there… and the result… well you already could see it with the dog, but you’ll be able to see it with the other enemies as well now xD. So, for the future we have two options, trying to get A* pathfinding algorithm implemented on UE4, or changing completely the wandering system for a patrolling one with manually specified correct target locations… what do you preffer? A random moving enemy or with specified constant paths that can allow you to learn their movement to avoid being spotted?

· The new and definitive Title Screen has been implemented. Yeah, this is the title screen the final game will have, at the beginning we decided to add and modify a marketplace bought asset of a title screen for the Arena, just to avoid losing time implementing one from zero. But as time has been passing, I thought it would be cool to have something ready for the final game already, so started implementing the Title screen, the Pause screen and the character customization screen. There’re some options yet to be implemented but they’re already there (in gray) so you can see what they will be.

>>--- ‘Till here the end of the spoilers

Something I want to mention again even if it’s been pointed before is that there’s no save system implemented yet. And also, there’s no new Sexttack animations, because they’ve been not necessary for what we’re implementing (if you have any question yet about this, make sure you read ). But cheer up new animation lovers xD, because for the next version, we have to implement something related with Sexttacks that require new animations .

One important thing is, that because we’re working on the future save system, I had to overwrite a lot of the code used to save options and unlockables, this resulted in compatibility issues with previous releases. So, you’ll have to configure options again to get them save, and will also have to fight for the unlockables to properly save them now (besides, we changed the unlockable requisites a bit, but don’t worry because we’ll give all of them with the release post).

And heres the Changelog:

+New+ Julia's model with improved polygon count and smoother skin (more than 40 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Soft skin (+ physics) system for Julia with more jiggly stuff

+New+ Skin shaders for Julia

+New+ Mission 3 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)

+New+ Mission 4 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)

+New+ Stamina parameter used for some new actions

+New+ Dodge system for enemy attacks (more than 15 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Physical attack system to help avoid getting surrounded when you have no ammo (WIP) (more than 10 subtasks went into this)

+New+ CQC system meaning you can now hit a key part on the enemy then get closer to him to physically apply a lot of damage (WIP)

+New+ Animation damage system for enemies now showing animMontages instead of sequences

+New+ Dismemberment system (WIP: you can't dismember legs for now, because there's no crawling enemies AI implementation yet) (more than 20 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Wandering system added to Infected as well, not only for dogs anymore

+New+ Cheap wet surfaces shader (you can see them in the Exterior area in Mission 2, especially in the Mansion porch)

+New+ Culling configuration for big levels, to alleviate drawing distance charge

+New+ Title Screen (this is the look it will have in the game) (WIP) (more than 15 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Pause Screen (WIP)

+New+ Character Customization Screen look

+New+ Way of handle saving stuff like unlockables for the future saving system

+New+ Unlockable requisites including the ones for the new hair style and outfit

+New+ Hair style

+New+ Outfit

+New+ Fantasy Cards for this release

+New+ Programming implementation for the new FCs including the increasing of the weapon's critical % parameter

+Change+ Added a blur effect to the pause screen to avoid mesh shaking

+Change+ Made the interaction area for Julia bigger so it's easier to interact now

+Change+ Tweak and rebuild of lighting and fog in the Exterior Area in both Mission 1 and 2

+Change+ Improved the interaction system, now when a heal item is equipped using it will have priority over other interactions like jumping over, etc.

+Change+ Getting rid of Patreon rank checks for unlockables since now everyone can unlock them

+Change+ Tweaks made to roughness and specular channels to avoid Julia's skullcap being so different from hair

+Change+ Updated Mission 3 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image

+Change+ Updated Mission 4 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image

+Change+ Updated some Sexttacks animation morphs to avoid boobs clipping into straps (for outfit with those)

+Change+ Changed the Infected disintegration FX to make it look more similar to the dogs one

+Change+ Updated the version number to reflect the new update

+Change+ Updated the Changelog to reflect all the new stuff

+Fix+ The handgun appears as unloaded even when there's ammo on it already

+Fix+ Julia enters sometimes in an infinite animation loop when reloading the handgun

+Fix+ Knife can't hit enemies lying in the floor

+Fix+ The handgun crosshair opens too much with slight movements

+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia when she's interacting with something else

+Fix+ Enemies' gens act weird during grab animations

+Fix+ Physics on enemies' gens have misconfigured collisions

+Fix+ Julia's hair color resets after level changing

+Fix+ After getting ammo, if there's any qty left, this disappears like if it was dropped by an enemy

+Fix+ The big trees in the Mansion's courtyard can cause Julia to stuck in them forcing a reset

+Fix+ Retrying the Mission 1 during the sewer's countdown causes an inventory lost

+Fix+ The Julia's Interactor area goes through the floor now that such area is bigger

+Fix+ Enemies drop more than one keyitem even when only one is specified

+Fix+ Pressing F consecutively while examining the hatch at the beginning of Mission 2 at the Exterior area causes the text to stuck and stack on the screen

+Fix+ Dogs sometimes turn 90º to one direction before jumping causing them to go into places they shouldn't

+Fix+ When getting an item in the exact moment it's disappearing or while Julia's running and she passes the item while stopping causes an inability to interact with anything else forcing a reset

+Fix+ Doing a physical attack or a CQC attack when there's no equipped weapon makes no damage on enemies

+Fix+ Doing a physical attack, a CQC attack or a Knife stab is counted as a shot from the equipped weapon for the stats

+Fix+ Julia and enemies meshes are a bit floaty (in the sewers sequence it may look like Julia is still floating when the camera moves far from her, but that's a visual glitch from UE4 making her shadow to disappear on her feet)

+Fix+ Knife stabs won't show enemy damage animations

+Fix+ Sometimes even when the button is showing up to get an item, Julia still won't get it

+Fix+ Some morphs aren't working with the new Julia's outfit

+Fix+ When opening the door to the Mansion in Mission 2, the rain appears inside it

+Fix+ Sometimes the porch floor won't appear wet like it should in Mission 2

+Fix+ Character customization background lines cover some important parts of Julia's model, like her face

+Fix+ Some levels are missing the way to capture environment light to project it onto Julia, causing her to have some green reflections in some areas like her eyes

+Fix+ Enemies can grapple Julia for Sexttacks other than the blowjob one when the new outfit is still a no-go for those

+Fix+ (Not totally confirmed that this is fixed) Landscapes like the Exterior area have problems with physic interactions like enemies going ragdoll when dying causing a Fatal Error

+Fix+ Julia shaders have a too strong SSS

+Fix+ Some navmeshes aren't properly built

+Fix+ Title screen is still warning about some unbuilt lighting for objects

+Fix+ Enemies shot after jumping over an obstacle will make them falling to floor instantly in an unnatural way

... and a lot behind the scenes work.

I hope that claryfies a lot.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2018
I think i have to clarify something after so many People complaining about the lack of new Animations and Enemies.
This here is not a Game. Its the Stage before the Game, wich will be named Bioasshard or something else. This here however is Bioasshard ARENA!
Bioasshard is not existing right now. It will be build on Bioasshard Arena. So this here is kind of a Sandbox/Testingground for new Features and the general development of all core Mechanics and Features that Bioasshard will have in the Future. The Animations and Enemies that are in Bioasshard Arena right now are just basic ones for testing and developing these and any conecting functions and factors.
The Developers have explained that multiple times on their Patreon in detail. Everyone can go to the Page and read it for themselves on the front Page with all the Information. So please do that. It saves you and anyone reading it some strained Nerves. The developers are doing a good Job with this Game. The developing pace is actually fast, considering that two Guys have to build Core Features from nothing. And so far they made mostly smart Decitions. This is more than you can expect from Game developers these days. Big game Developers are puting less and less love into their Games and smal ones like these two Guys are taking it seriously. Big AAA titels can be in production for decades without anyone knowing who isnt involved. So please, give these Guys some time to do it right.
I say it again. They are doing a good Job. Have some Patience.
People voicing their complaints about the game is a form of feedback, as unpleasant as it might be. The fact that it is a testing phase is even more of a reason for them to absorb as many opinions as possible.
If the developers listen to user input and find reasonable ways of addressing it (must be careful not to cater to a particular group too much or let them dictate the direction of the game) they can win over more supporters.
There was a quote attributed to Steve Jobs that went something like this: "At the end of the day people will not care about how hard you tried but what came out of it."


Apr 5, 2019
They just implemented a new Model for Jill and changed the PhysX based Physics to a custom one.
This is the first Release with that new Features. Of course it takes some optimisation.
Just dont redicule these two. Thats poor mannerism. Give them constructive criticism and leave it at that.
And dont forget that this is NOT a Game in development! It is the creation of the essentials. Not a Game. A Testingground. You cant expect a functioning Game.
And seriously, you people are here to rip the Game. You are not in the Position to complain. It would be something else, if you where a Patreon of them and are paying Money to them for Progress...
But most of you are not paying anything for this. You get Content for free here.
So Show some Respect. At least read the Changelog.

Heres some Info from the Devs about everything new in this Build:

If you don’t want to read me crying, then skip it to--->>

Just as what happened with the release of 0.1.XX with my “new” pc, started happening again since the past two weeks or so. Meaning constant freezing and auto-restarting, but this time didn’t look related to GPU temperature but something else… what else? I don’t really know and couldn’t find it, maybe it’s still the summer in here where I live that kills any pc, but mainly when UE4 is up and running, when not I can do whatever I want that it won’t freeze lol. This caused the final steps for this release to slow down a lot, reducing considerably my working time.

But if that wasn’t enough, then we’re finally done and ready to compile, aaaand UE4 decides to throw a critical error (I have to include here a “nonsense” as well) preventing me from compiling the game. You can’t even imagine what I felt during these 3-4 days, the stress… weeeell anyway, to make the story short, UE4 decided to change the way it read a type of variable, and changing that variable type to… just the same type it was and compile the code… solved it! xD. Yeah, something this absurd, delayed the release like 4 days. But it took me so many days to find the problem because the error thrown gave no information at all, just a bunch of lines pointing an error on .dlls… yeah DLLs, something that has nothing to do with how you code in UE4 XD (I should have saved the error code to show you so if you have some knowledge on UE4 could see just how “helpful” that error code was).

So, this was basically the last two weeks or so. Good thing is that now that stupid error is solved and the release is about to be done so like they say “All's well That ends well” lol. But this caused a problem. I couldn’t test it as much as I wanted to and this derived in no video-walkthrough for this release, for now (hopefully just like it happened with the 0.1.XX release, my PC will stop freezing and I’ll be able to record again) so I count on you guys to report any unmentioned bug you happen to find.

>>--- Here I finished crying xD.

On to other things, even after making the changelog I noticed I forgot a few additions that have been made, so I’ll mention them here and take the time to expand on some others mentioned:

If you don’t want to be spoiled on some surprises then skip this to --->>

· Destructible meshes has been added. This means you can knife stab or shot some objects and see them how they rip apart. For now, there’s only a few of them and just in one Mission, but the next step in those destructible meshes is to make boxes, plants, etc., etc. destructible so you can find items inside of them.

· Added a new type of interactable object. This time a lever. Said lever can be working at first or it can be linked to a puzzle you must complete first.

· Added an Elevator. But unfortunately, this time is not for you to hop on in but rather to move something else. This was added in a last instance and that’s why we didn’t have a mesh for it, so I improvised something quick, that’s why it’s so ugly, but don’t pay attention to its look but it’s mechanism xD. By the way this can be linked to any other type of interactor, like a puzzle or a lever.

· Remember those light beams puzzles present in Devil May Cry or in Resident Evil 5? Well, something along those lines has been added. It’s a WIP it has to be expanded in order to let you make things like grab them, rotate them, etc. For now, they’re in place but their light beams can be occluded by any other object on its way. Don’t worry though! They won’t kill you if you touch them like in RE5 xD.

· In Resident Evil 5 and 6 as well as some other, you can find those shootable stones that make you unlock extras, right? Well, we started making this implementation, right now there are only on one mission and they serve as a way to unlock only one thing.

· The dismemberment system and how it works: Some time ago, we shown an image of an Infected with his head rip open and we didn’t say what it was. Some people got it right just with that, while some other thought it was a new type of enemy. Unfortunately for the latter, it’s a dismemberment system. It works using the Critical % parameter of the weapon. The handgun has a low critical % parameter and there’s no weapon upgrading in yet available, but it still happens many times, but even though, we added a new Fantasy Card to improve the Critical parameter. Right now, it’s only implemented at about 55% because you can’t dismember legs yet, mainly because there’s no crawling enemy’s mechanics and AI implemented yet. So, to dismember the head just aim for the head, pretty easy, huh? To dismember arms, make sure you hurt it first (when the enemy can’t move it) then once hurt, shoot at it again to dismember it. Dismembering both arms, causes enemies to die, because they’re just useless xD.

· Another thing we did is to get rid of Physx for skin simulations like the jiggly things for Julia, to a better system and to get rid of the problems some of you may have for having a screwed physx installation.

· The dodge system: Pressing F in the right moment (shown on screen) allows you to dodge an attack. But only attacks, no grabs. And not always, because you have to have enough stamina to do it, and the distance at which the attack started have to be close enough for Julia to notice it. Saying this, it’s clear that to avoid the fast attacks that the Big Guy does, you’ll have to smash the F button once you see him coming XD. Also, the dog’s attacks are a bit tricky to dodge sometimes, since they may attack from too far.

· Another system that makes use of the stamina bar is the physical attack system. This system has been implemented to help you get out of situations like being surrounded by enemies with your weapon empty. It’s not meant to make Julia a Street Fighter character xD but to help her get out on situations like that. So even if she can kill enemies with those attacks, don’t expect that to happen frequently and also, make sure Julia is facing the enemy you want to hit, otherwise you’ll frustrate at her attacking right at the side of such enemy while he’s looking at her waiting for the right moment to attack xD.

· The system we decided to call CQC, is what RE features since RE4, where you damage a key zone, like the head, a leg or an arm and sometimes the enemy get stunned by the pain allowing you get closer to him and pressing the key shown on the screen to cause a huge damage on him. This was shown on a past screen too, and some people also imagined what it was. But I screwed it up and while some of you (sorry, can’t remember the name -.-') corrected on the comments “attack on floor” wasn’t the correct way of writing it, but… I forgot to fix it -.- Also, this system is still a WIP, and sometimes it acts weird making Julia to move out of the range of attack and causing a beautiful attack to thin air, while the enemy recovers peacefully from his stunning. Last thing is, while you can physically attack dogs, you can’t CQC them (they don’t dismember either yet).

· Another implementation is the wandering system for the other enemies other than the dogs. So now they won’t have to be standing still. With the implementation of this system I realized we gonna need a better pathfinding system other than the one implemented in UE4, because it’s really “amazing” to see how retard this system can be making enemies walk against a wall infinitely… lol. The code I use it’s pretty simple to be honest, I first get a random location inside a radius, but making sure such location is REACHABLE by the enemy, then make the enemy go there… and the result… well you already could see it with the dog, but you’ll be able to see it with the other enemies as well now xD. So, for the future we have two options, trying to get A* pathfinding algorithm implemented on UE4, or changing completely the wandering system for a patrolling one with manually specified correct target locations… what do you preffer? A random moving enemy or with specified constant paths that can allow you to learn their movement to avoid being spotted?

· The new and definitive Title Screen has been implemented. Yeah, this is the title screen the final game will have, at the beginning we decided to add and modify a marketplace bought asset of a title screen for the Arena, just to avoid losing time implementing one from zero. But as time has been passing, I thought it would be cool to have something ready for the final game already, so started implementing the Title screen, the Pause screen and the character customization screen. There’re some options yet to be implemented but they’re already there (in gray) so you can see what they will be.

>>--- ‘Till here the end of the spoilers

Something I want to mention again even if it’s been pointed before is that there’s no save system implemented yet. And also, there’s no new Sexttack animations, because they’ve been not necessary for what we’re implementing (if you have any question yet about this, make sure you read ). But cheer up new animation lovers xD, because for the next version, we have to implement something related with Sexttacks that require new animations .

One important thing is, that because we’re working on the future save system, I had to overwrite a lot of the code used to save options and unlockables, this resulted in compatibility issues with previous releases. So, you’ll have to configure options again to get them save, and will also have to fight for the unlockables to properly save them now (besides, we changed the unlockable requisites a bit, but don’t worry because we’ll give all of them with the release post).

And heres the Changelog:

+New+ Julia's model with improved polygon count and smoother skin (more than 40 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Soft skin (+ physics) system for Julia with more jiggly stuff

+New+ Skin shaders for Julia

+New+ Mission 3 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)

+New+ Mission 4 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)

+New+ Stamina parameter used for some new actions

+New+ Dodge system for enemy attacks (more than 15 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Physical attack system to help avoid getting surrounded when you have no ammo (WIP) (more than 10 subtasks went into this)

+New+ CQC system meaning you can now hit a key part on the enemy then get closer to him to physically apply a lot of damage (WIP)

+New+ Animation damage system for enemies now showing animMontages instead of sequences

+New+ Dismemberment system (WIP: you can't dismember legs for now, because there's no crawling enemies AI implementation yet) (more than 20 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Wandering system added to Infected as well, not only for dogs anymore

+New+ Cheap wet surfaces shader (you can see them in the Exterior area in Mission 2, especially in the Mansion porch)

+New+ Culling configuration for big levels, to alleviate drawing distance charge

+New+ Title Screen (this is the look it will have in the game) (WIP) (more than 15 subtasks went into this)

+New+ Pause Screen (WIP)

+New+ Character Customization Screen look

+New+ Way of handle saving stuff like unlockables for the future saving system

+New+ Unlockable requisites including the ones for the new hair style and outfit

+New+ Hair style

+New+ Outfit

+New+ Fantasy Cards for this release

+New+ Programming implementation for the new FCs including the increasing of the weapon's critical % parameter

+Change+ Added a blur effect to the pause screen to avoid mesh shaking

+Change+ Made the interaction area for Julia bigger so it's easier to interact now

+Change+ Tweak and rebuild of lighting and fog in the Exterior Area in both Mission 1 and 2

+Change+ Improved the interaction system, now when a heal item is equipped using it will have priority over other interactions like jumping over, etc.

+Change+ Getting rid of Patreon rank checks for unlockables since now everyone can unlock them

+Change+ Tweaks made to roughness and specular channels to avoid Julia's skullcap being so different from hair

+Change+ Updated Mission 3 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image

+Change+ Updated Mission 4 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image

+Change+ Updated some Sexttacks animation morphs to avoid boobs clipping into straps (for outfit with those)

+Change+ Changed the Infected disintegration FX to make it look more similar to the dogs one

+Change+ Updated the version number to reflect the new update

+Change+ Updated the Changelog to reflect all the new stuff

+Fix+ The handgun appears as unloaded even when there's ammo on it already

+Fix+ Julia enters sometimes in an infinite animation loop when reloading the handgun

+Fix+ Knife can't hit enemies lying in the floor

+Fix+ The handgun crosshair opens too much with slight movements

+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia when she's interacting with something else

+Fix+ Enemies' gens act weird during grab animations

+Fix+ Physics on enemies' gens have misconfigured collisions

+Fix+ Julia's hair color resets after level changing

+Fix+ After getting ammo, if there's any qty left, this disappears like if it was dropped by an enemy

+Fix+ The big trees in the Mansion's courtyard can cause Julia to stuck in them forcing a reset

+Fix+ Retrying the Mission 1 during the sewer's countdown causes an inventory lost

+Fix+ The Julia's Interactor area goes through the floor now that such area is bigger

+Fix+ Enemies drop more than one keyitem even when only one is specified

+Fix+ Pressing F consecutively while examining the hatch at the beginning of Mission 2 at the Exterior area causes the text to stuck and stack on the screen

+Fix+ Dogs sometimes turn 90º to one direction before jumping causing them to go into places they shouldn't

+Fix+ When getting an item in the exact moment it's disappearing or while Julia's running and she passes the item while stopping causes an inability to interact with anything else forcing a reset

+Fix+ Doing a physical attack or a CQC attack when there's no equipped weapon makes no damage on enemies

+Fix+ Doing a physical attack, a CQC attack or a Knife stab is counted as a shot from the equipped weapon for the stats

+Fix+ Julia and enemies meshes are a bit floaty (in the sewers sequence it may look like Julia is still floating when the camera moves far from her, but that's a visual glitch from UE4 making her shadow to disappear on her feet)

+Fix+ Knife stabs won't show enemy damage animations

+Fix+ Sometimes even when the button is showing up to get an item, Julia still won't get it

+Fix+ Some morphs aren't working with the new Julia's outfit

+Fix+ When opening the door to the Mansion in Mission 2, the rain appears inside it

+Fix+ Sometimes the porch floor won't appear wet like it should in Mission 2

+Fix+ Character customization background lines cover some important parts of Julia's model, like her face

+Fix+ Some levels are missing the way to capture environment light to project it onto Julia, causing her to have some green reflections in some areas like her eyes

+Fix+ Enemies can grapple Julia for Sexttacks other than the blowjob one when the new outfit is still a no-go for those

+Fix+ (Not totally confirmed that this is fixed) Landscapes like the Exterior area have problems with physic interactions like enemies going ragdoll when dying causing a Fatal Error

+Fix+ Julia shaders have a too strong SSS

+Fix+ Some navmeshes aren't properly built

+Fix+ Title screen is still warning about some unbuilt lighting for objects

+Fix+ Enemies shot after jumping over an obstacle will make them falling to floor instantly in an unnatural way

... and a lot behind the scenes work.

I hope that claryfies a lot.
Then, they shouldn't be asking for money EACH month for accessing a "testground". Yeah you're right, making a game isn't easy. Especially for two-guys developers. But, i can buy the AAA games for $60. But patreon devs? They're wants $50 for full features of this game. And they asking $50 EACH MONTH. Can you imagine? Each month. Not one-time pay like AAA games. And they're just updating the game every 4-5 months. Not every month. Not just this devs, most of the patreon devs doing this. You know why the porn games (mostly) not exist on Steam? Cause of this. If they publish their game on Steam, they can't take people's money each month.

If they publish the game on Steam right now with early access, i'll pay $30. And be honest, this game deserves $30 max. But if they wants $10-20-30-40-50 each month for a "testground", it is not fair. This is not supporting or funding a game. This called with another name....

They are thousands of early access games on Steam (some of them are porn games), their devs just wants one time pay from players(with fair price), funding and developing their games with this. This is supporting. People supporting indie game devs like this. And this is fair. Not each-month-pay patreon-way.

So, yeah, i'm(we're) in the position to complain
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Mar 20, 2017
Holy hell, yeah mission 4 is pure frustration.

Huge, dark cave and you're supposed to find 4 very dark little fuses lying around the entire complex. Barely visible and a whole boatload of backtracking.
Oct 12, 2018
Yeah i'm kinda got scammed, didn't receive any unlockables. I've beaten the whole game again from scratch and still cannot even change the name :D.
great game (pre-game) btw
As far as I know, unlockables and such are reserved for patrons only. I'm not sure if this is intended, though I think it is, but if you just type in your fantasy card code for whatever level patron you are, you get all the customization features and the ability to unlock new things like costumes/hair. Unlockables always showed up as "Restricted/Unobtainable" at the end of missions before I put in the code, but worked just fine after. Mind you, I don't know if lower tier patrons get this, as I paid for the Eagle Patron ($10), but I imagine at least the $5 one will get you access to it as well, if not $1 as it has its own fantasy code I believe too.
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Oct 12, 2018
Holy hell, yeah mission 4 is pure frustration.

Huge, dark cave and you're supposed to find 4 very dark little fuses lying around the entire complex. Barely visible and a whole boatload of backtracking.
Yeah, I feel like items could use a glow around them or something akin to that given the games current state, that or just give us a brightness option.

If you're searching for them though, the first is near the start, around the area you first fight zombies in if I remember correctly atop a box, another is on a side path that leads into a small dead end, lying atop a rock I believe in what is a relatively small circular area. The last is on the path that leads you towards the elevator, in one of the rooms that has multiple path's that branch out upon a blue barrel, one I believe that leads to the eleveator itself or where it should end up once you've activated it, the other leading into a large side room with zombies/dogs.
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Oct 12, 2018
Then, they shouldn't be asking for money EACH month for accessing a "testground". Yeah you're right, making a game isn't easy. Especially for two-guys developers. But, i can buy the AAA games for $60. But patreon devs? They're wants $50 for full features of this game. And they asking $50 EACH MONTH. Can you imagine? Each month. Not one-time pay like AAA games. And they're just updating the game every 4-5 months. Not every month. Not just this devs, most of the patreon devs doing this. You know why the porn games (mostly) not exist on Steam? Cause of this. If they publish their game on Steam, they can't take people's money each month.

If they publish the game on Steam right now with early access, i'll pay $30. And be honest, this game deserves $30 max. But if they wants $10-20-30-40-50 each month for a "testground", it is not fair. This is not supporting or funding a game. This called with another name....

They are thousands of early access games on Steam (some of them are porn games), their devs just wants one time pay from players(with fair price), funding and developing their games with this. This is supporting. People supporting indie game devs like this. And this is fair. Not each-month-pay patreon-way.

So, yeah, i'm(we're) in the position to complain
Eh, on one hand, you really don't have to pay for it, its not even being delayed this time for people who aren't paying. You might not get much access to many features, but you also only have to pay (realistically) once for each update if you want said customization features. Everyone has a right to complain and an opinion for sure, but to say that you have to pay each month just to test the game is just flat out untrue. The main reason games like these, at least optimally, even wind up going to something like patreon is because they require some funding to make it a venture that's worth putting time into. Games pretty ambitious overall at that (probably a bit too much so in my opinion when you consider the fact they plan to include multiple playable characters both male and female, and enemies to accommodate both), so its pretty fair I'd say that its going to take a long while and a fair bit of testing before the games complete.

Also, no, you really don't need to pay $50 even for the full amount of features, I paid $10 and got all the full features save for whatever card codes/cheat codes (as thats what they really are for the most part currently) those higher tiers *may* have gotten me, the only one I know of which is basically a free instant unlock for all the costumes without having to do anything in game save for typing the code. Even without paying you still get access to the full game, just none of its customization features yet. If that's something you'd like to complain about, I definitely understand your position, but at the same time, gotta at least give some incentive for people to pledge, even if its just for one month and a small amount.

As for Steam's porn game marketplace, I don't venture into it often, but the way I remember it for most games is basically just double dipping for games that do already have active patreons for a certain build of the game, or just translations of HRPG's, some of which already had fan translations to begin with, so its got its fair few issues to, not that I won't deny patreon has some as well, biggest example I can think of where I pledged and felt overall somewhat cheated is probably Eromancer/Malise and the Machine, as I'm pretty sure that game is still somewhere in development/engine transition hell.
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May 24, 2017
Anyone knows how to unlock R3make Hair? I completed mission 3 several times all under 5 minutes.
3.80 star(s) 44 Votes