
Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
no, i still dont know how make face vein should look like yet
Xathu, do you have a 3D modeling software like Blender to use to screenshot the base shader to make a properly wrapped overlay?

In the modding section I made a tut on how to pull out the game meshes. This is the easiest way to do this, but a bit more tedious. The second way is a harder way, but faster and more prone to error as it requires very good eye for detail. I'll post both.

Using my SB3UGs method remove the female body and head meshes. You can also use the calculate matrix method to attach them in SB3UGs then export the entire model mesh and bone rig as FBX then load into Blender.

In Blender (or 3D soft of your choice) setup the skin as a shader and adjust the tiling how you want it to make it look just right for you on the base model. You can also use the new HDRP nodes specifically for HDRP game textures to get the look exactly as you want it.

T-pose your model and position it to 0,0,0 to make it perfectly centered in the shot. Line up your camera straight on with the face and neck, from neck to top of head, with a small gap, then render a screenshot. Turn the model 90 degrees left, and render a screenshot. Turn the model 180 degree right and render a screenshot.

Then return her to 0,0,0 0 degree rotation again, and from the neck to the feet (no arms needed so they can be cropped off), straight in front, render a screenshot. Rotate her 180 degrees, straight behind, render a screenshot.Straight down at the top of the feet, render a screenshot, then bottom of the feet, render a screenshot.

Return her to 0,0,0 @ 0 degrees rotation and now the arms. Move camera to 180 degrees top down, screenshot left, screenshot right. Then rotate 180 degrees vertical bottom up, and screen shot left, screenshot right. Now you have 360 degree tiles needed to flesh out your model correctly.

Oh and don't forget to get a shot for the little vagina tail in the overlay template, you'll need to line up everything later.

In maker export the face and body overlay templates.

Open a new document 4096x4096 @300ppi

Load your face template into Photoshop or GIMP.

Erase all of the grey background you may have present. You only want the skin visible.

Now you are going to want to drag in your straight forward shot and your 90 degree left and right shots on their own layers. Set all three new layers to 50% transparency so you can see the template lines through the Blender renders. Line up the centered shot with the center of the face on the template. Line up the right facing 90 shot with the left side of the template, until you see that point where it blends with the centered shot below. Same with the left facing 90 degree shot on the right side of the template.

Save your project now.

Now you are going to start to softly erase (set the eraser tool to about 50%-25% hardness, whatever works best for you, the lighter you set it, the closer to perfection you will get but you will take more time and more passes) the overlay to get it as close to a natural blend from one to the next. If there is a slight discoloration, that is fine, you can fix that later on with the blend or smudge tools later to get the fluid fade you want. Once you have it all lined up (using various free transform options) and clean, then you will need to duplicate the layers, and combine the 3 duplicate layers into one.

Save your project now.

Hide the original 3 layers for now (little eyeball icon on the Layers pane) but save them for now in case you mess up and want to go back. Now you are going to want to blend the lines and discoloration between the layers so from left to right the colors smoothly transition from one point to the next. Note, if you get a part near perfect, save the project before moving forward. If you adjust it and don't like it Ctrl+Z and do over. Repeat as much as needed and take your time. Save when it looks good, back up when it looks off.

When you got it where you want and everything looks good, save then export the png with background transparency and import into the game. Check the seam locations, if everything looks good, then save everything and move on to the body template.

The body template (although with more parts) will be exactly the same as above in more overlay steps (but I am sure you are bright enough to figure out what goes where without me writing it all out as it's pretty obvious).

Alternately... (this doesn't work with the above mentioned process at all - it is standalone)

Again open a new document 4096x4096 @300ppi

Drag in your overlay template then create a new layer, import your skin, set to 50% transparency (or whatever works for you)

When in Photoshop or Gimp, look at the overlay template. See how the vertices split and then go up one then L/R a half space wrapping around? You need to mentally (or physically number them).

Then take your overlay texture and set the transparency to 50% on the next layer. Right on that center line, cut, create a new layer, then paste into a new layer. You will now have two halves side by side separated by a layer.

Now create a new layer and make a visible line as a ruler to line up to where the split begins at the forehead and curves around the upper dome of the head. Then select the layers below, one at a time, and drag the bounding box tool around those upper quarters and make them also new layers.

Go back to your guide layer and line it up with the top of the first set of divided vertices. Enter the free transform mode and using the transform or warp tools (whichever you prefer) drag the edges to line up with the angled split vertices, make sure you look at the far lower corner as it will move slightly. Adjust back and forth until both line up in an acceptable fashion. Now change the layer to the opposite side. Once both are aligned move the guide layer up to the next set of vertices.

Save your work then lather, rinse, repeat.

This method is widely used, but I personally feel it is inferior as there is a lot of small deformation of your original shader design, but it works and in theory is easier, and requires no 3D software to accomplish. However the former is more or less the CG world's industry standard practice, so to be totally honest, I would do it like that, but to each their own.

The first is also the industry standard for PBR and taking photographs of people's faces and rendering them on 3D models.

Whatever works for you and makes you happy is key...

:eek: OMG! Thank God for the back button... I thought I lost this entire post because an ant ran across the screen and I swiped him off forgetting for the moment this is a laptop/tablet like a surface ripoff and the browser loaded a new page! ROFL! I nearly shat meself... :LOL:
Last edited:


Nov 21, 2017
i actually made it slightly transparent
and it was a pain to work on since the chest is split in 3 sections, i can;t do any tricks like erasing some of the texture on the boobs, since if anything is going to be off, there's going to be an ugly seam, since they are split down the middle, you can see it anyway if the light falls right
I took the base orange layer and just gave it 80% transparency so you can see her nipples and belly-button. (You may want to darken/saturate her nipples for the desired effect.

Not sure if you're going to keep working on the bodysuit or not, just wanted to give my two cents.

HBT test.png
Dec 16, 2019
I took the base orange layer and just gave it 80% transparency so you can see her nipples and belly-button. (You may want to darken/saturate her nipples for the desired effect.

Not sure if you're going to keep working on the bodysuit or not, just wanted to give my two cents.

that's pretty much what i did, but when i said slightly i mean like 8% since i hate that pixelated texture the game does when transparency is involved, i tried to fake the effect with pinker shades in the intimate areas.

I'm pretty much done with the outfit, i gotta get to work on my actual college projects, i got exams coming after this holiday vacation so.....

Also here's the character/outfit if anyone wants them
Last edited:


Dec 17, 2019
I've seen some pictures of girls with their tongues that from the poser? It doesnt seem to happen in game that I can find?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Took some digging around, but I found her.
She's in X:\AI-Shoujo\abdata\custom\00\presets_f_00.unity3d

View attachment 493690
#Shan #Beauty #Merchant #Trader
Good find, I've been meaning to try and get her as a regular girl so I can use the merchant replacer. I'd use her without it, but I don't even want to think about the weirdness that would ensue.

Idk I sort of like that the community tears apart their game and adds to it...if you were around for the original artificial girl 3, that game started off really boring, and by the end of its life it was a completely different game, people had modded it so much it was insane. I hope this becomes the same thing.
One could argue AG3 is still alive and kicking. I mean I still play it today, at least.
  • Like
Reactions: derperonipizza


Jun 24, 2019
[BR] Better Repack R3.png

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

As of R2.3 you can update the sideloader modpack (clothing mods etc) from the launcher. Just press the icon in the lower left corner of the launcher with the arrow to check for updates. I'm updating that more often than the main pack, so should get some updates there every so often ;)

This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents:​

Release 3 // 22.12.2019

No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.

This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 20.12.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!

To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.

If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
 1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
 2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
 4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!

Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)

[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 22.12
- Premium Miko DLC

[B]Updated in release 3 (this release):[/B]
- Applied official DLC <ai_syoujyo_miko>
- Applied official update <aisyoujyo_02_plus_1220mdta_all>
- Made 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls preapplied
- Updated AI_BepisPlugins to R13.0.3
- XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.7.1
- Updated 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls v1.0.2
- Updated enimaroah's SB3Utility to v1.20.1
- Updated FairBair's CareBairPackage to v1.4.2
- Updated FairBair's HardcoreMode to v1.1.0
- Updated Marco's AI_OrthographicCamera to v1.1.1
- Updated Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo to v1.1.3
- Updated Yue + Duck Preset Pose Pack to v6.0
- Added 2155X's AI_BetterHScenes v2.0
- Added DeathWeasel's AI_CharacterExport v1.0
- Added Marco's AI_HeightBar v3.2
- Added Marco's AI_QuickAccessBox v2.2
- Added Mikke's MoveControllerAI v1.5

These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]
- [url][/url]

Discord Fan-Server
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url][/url]

connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord

DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url][/url]

Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url][/url]

Hooh's Heelz

Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url][/url]

Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord

STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url][/url]

Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url][/url])
BepisPlugins ([url][/url])
There are two download options, Full for newcomers, Update for people that already have my previous packs (So they don't have to download all of it over again). If you experience ANY problem after using the update pack, please use the full pack before reporting any problems.

MD5: 42D22390D6E456B8A8DBF583A526D1AD
SHA-1: 72E08316496E8ED00D411C3AB08485CCFF1D4226


Share this pack as you want, re-host it or whatever.. All credit goes to the modders actually making this possible
Feel free to tell me if you reupload the pack anywhere else! :)

I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)


As some of you have noticed, downloading content from the in-game downloader is quite the unstable experience. In order to offer multiple venues to aquire cards, I've acquired all available scene and card content on the official uploader (normaly only available from Japanese IPs) so that you may grab some of that content if you desire ;)



Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
View attachment 494254

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

As of R2.3 you can update the sideloader modpack (clothing mods etc) from the launcher. Just press the icon in the lower left corner of the launcher with the arrow to check for updates. I'm updating that more often than the main pack, so should get some updates there every so often ;)

This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents:​

Release 3 // 22.12.2019

No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.

This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 20.12.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!

To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.

If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!

Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)

[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 22.12
- Premium Miko DLC

[B]Updated in release 3 (this release):[/B]
- Applied official DLC <ai_syoujyo_miko>
- Applied official update <aisyoujyo_02_plus_1220mdta_all>
- Made 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls preapplied
- Updated AI_BepisPlugins to R13.0.3
- XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.7.1
- Updated 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls v1.0.2
- Updated enimaroah's SB3Utility to v1.20.1
- Updated FairBair's CareBairPackage to v1.4.2
- Updated FairBair's HardcoreMode to v1.1.0
- Updated Marco's AI_OrthographicCamera to v1.1.1
- Updated Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo to v1.1.3
- Updated Yue + Duck Preset Pose Pack to v6.0
- Added 2155X's AI_BetterHScenes v2.0
- Added DeathWeasel's AI_CharacterExport v1.0
- Added Marco's AI_HeightBar v3.2
- Added Marco's AI_QuickAccessBox v2.2
- Added Mikke's MoveControllerAI v1.5

These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]
- [url][/url]

Discord Fan-Server
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url][/url]

connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord

DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url][/url]

Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url][/url]

Hooh's Heelz

Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url][/url]

Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord

STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url][/url]

Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url][/url])
BepisPlugins ([url][/url])
There are two download options, Full for newcomers, Update for people that already have my previous packs (So they don't have to download all of it over again). If you experience ANY problem after using the update pack, please use the full pack before reporting any problems.

MD5: 42D22390D6E456B8A8DBF583A526D1AD
SHA-1: 72E08316496E8ED00D411C3AB08485CCFF1D4226


Share this pack as you want, re-host it or whatever.. All credit goes to the modders actually making this possible
Feel free to tell me if you reupload the pack anywhere else! :)

I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)

View attachment 494264

As some of you have noticed, downloading content from the in-game downloader is quite the unstable experience. In order to offer multiple venues to aquire cards, I've acquired all available scene and card content on the official uploader (normaly only available from Japanese IPs) so that you may grab some of that content if you desire ;)

Yay, now I can play with the new stuff without potentially screwing up my 2.3 repack.


New Member
Dec 23, 2019
Hello I have a question:

Is there a possible mod or plugin where you can have sex with the girl straight away because I cba to do the campaign every time I make a new girl
Sep 17, 2019
Question for noobs. What mod allows to increase points of girls?
u can use Script from Folder: Ai-Syoujyo\[OPTIONAL] Mods\ScriptLoader (Cheating and handy tools)\scripts
insite is an Readme.txt
copy paste the skip_resources.cs Script to your Scripts folder. with F7 you get the full Inventory.
Items and Skills inclussive. With the Diamond/Gems you could manipulate her point,
Otherwise there is an Mod to directly manipulate it but i forgot wht name it was...
Sep 17, 2019
Hello I have a question:

Is there a possible mod or plugin where you can have sex with the girl straight away because I cba to do the campaign every time I make a new girl
once you get onetime completet the Quest(100%save) you are able to start "FreeMode" by start a new Game and choose:
Freemode. no quest the hole island open and get Sex with Girl as often you can... or they


Jun 1, 2019
View attachment 494254

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

As of R2.3 you can update the sideloader modpack (clothing mods etc) from the launcher. Just press the icon in the lower left corner of the launcher with the arrow to check for updates. I'm updating that more often than the main pack, so should get some updates there every so often ;)

This is the readme for the pack, detailing the contents:​

Release 3 // 22.12.2019

No donations // no ad-maze // no upfront payment
If you paid for this, you were scammed!
If you like the game, please buy it!
If you enjoy the mods, please consider donating to the modders on patreon where possible.

This pack is made with a up2date base game as of 20.12.2019, along with the components listed in credits, all up2date as of the release date of this pack. Some extras have been included, but are either easily removable or are sorted into folders marked [OPTIONAL]. Enjoy!

To add shortcuts to your desktop of the launcher and the most important folders for the game, feel free to run '[BR] Create Desktop Icons.bat'.

If you have trouble starting the game, start the game once through the launcher (InitSetting.exe), this will check for errors and fix them as well before starting the game.

I don't recommend just extracting this over another repack, due to potential conflicts. Please extract this to its own folder and move over your chara, cap, studio and save folders.

If you wish to convert this pack into a vanilla pack, there is a included script named '[BR] Vanillify the game.bat' that gives you the following options:
1. Remove only translation, leaving the rest of the mods intact
2. Remove all BetterRapack Extras
4. Remove all BetterRepack Extras, mods and translation
Feel free to use this script to customize your install, but keep in mind that using this may make the game incompatible with future repack updates, requiring you to download the next repack in full!

Feel free to DM me on discord (ScrewThisNoise#3544) with the card(s) and/or scene(s), and I'll see what I can do for the next release. (See community links for server link)

[B]What is included in the base game?[/B]
- Base release game
- All preorder extras
- Newest official update as of 22.12
- Premium Miko DLC

[B]Updated in release 3 (this release):[/B]
- Applied official DLC <ai_syoujyo_miko>
- Applied official update <aisyoujyo_02_plus_1220mdta_all>
- Made 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls preapplied
- Updated AI_BepisPlugins to R13.0.3
- XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.7.1
- Updated 2155X's AI_ExtraGirls v1.0.2
- Updated enimaroah's SB3Utility to v1.20.1
- Updated FairBair's CareBairPackage to v1.4.2
- Updated FairBair's HardcoreMode to v1.1.0
- Updated Marco's AI_OrthographicCamera to v1.1.1
- Updated Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo to v1.1.3
- Updated Yue + Duck Preset Pose Pack to v6.0
- Added 2155X's AI_BetterHScenes v2.0
- Added DeathWeasel's AI_CharacterExport v1.0
- Added Marco's AI_HeightBar v3.2
- Added Marco's AI_QuickAccessBox v2.2
- Added Mikke's MoveControllerAI v1.5

These are locations where either I distribute new packs and updates, or partner-sites and services do so.
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]
- [url][/url]

Discord Fan-Server
- [url][/url]

- [url][/url]

2155X's AI_LightSettings
- [url][/url]

connector_jp's DHH
connector_jp's DHH MadWorld
- No link, see discord

DeathWeasel's AI_InputHotkeyBlock
DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor
DeathWeasel's Subtitles
- [url][/url]

Enimaroah's SB3Utility
- [url][/url]

Hooh's Heelz

Marco's AI_BetterAA
Marco's AI_Screencap
Marco's AIABMX
Marco's AIAPI
Marco's FPS Counter
Marco's MessageCenter
Marco's RuntimeUnityEditor
- [url][/url]

Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo
- No link, see discord

STN's English Launcher
STN's Sideloader Modpack
- [url][/url]

Misc (Collabs etc):
AIGirlFixes ([url][/url])
BepisPlugins ([url][/url])
There are two download options, Full for newcomers, Update for people that already have my previous packs (So they don't have to download all of it over again). If you experience ANY problem after using the update pack, please use the full pack before reporting any problems.

MD5: 42D22390D6E456B8A8DBF583A526D1AD
SHA-1: 72E08316496E8ED00D411C3AB08485CCFF1D4226


Share this pack as you want, re-host it or whatever.. All credit goes to the modders actually making this possible
Feel free to tell me if you reupload the pack anywhere else! :)

I'd very much appreciate it if you would all think about supporting me on patreon, but keep in mind that I won't paywall my packs, this is just for supporting me making my packs better :)

View attachment 494264

As some of you have noticed, downloading content from the in-game downloader is quite the unstable experience. In order to offer multiple venues to aquire cards, I've acquired all available scene and card content on the official uploader (normaly only available from Japanese IPs) so that you may grab some of that content if you desire ;)

Can you revert the original InitSettings.exe with the vanillyfy script?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Hello I have a question:

Is there a possible mod or plugin where you can have sex with the girl straight away because I cba to do the campaign every time I make a new girl
One of the scripts allows you to force them with F, but I'm not sure which.

once you get onetime completet the Quest(100%save) you are able to start "FreeMode" by start a new Game and choose:
Freemode. no quest the hole island open and get Sex with Girl as often you can... or they
The heart thing still applies. They are still able to say no and are almost guaranteed to at no hearts. This is especially true of any girl added to the save after you complete the main quest as they still start at zero.
  • Like
Reactions: HiddenGameMember


Active Member
Oct 30, 2019
The topology of the girls in AI is five times what is was in PH-HS, no way in hell you're gonna get a one to one match with a linear conversion.
  • Like
Reactions: EroShane
3.40 star(s) 33 Votes