Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
tho it may not a date, but lewds are mandatory tho. its obv
1. we cant skip a girl to another girl story if we havent unlock dream about them.
2. and also we cant continuing their stories without lewd activities with them at all.

if you check on images folder, we can see that theres side quests, side and main stories for each girl. but we cant progress the main story without skipping one. basically, girls stories are the main story.
Please tell which girl you have to lewd to do the main story.


Jun 8, 2018
I get the distaste for the last 2 girls. I really do.
But I feel like I´m staring to dislike Caitlin as well. Does she have to force everyone to like the things she likes?
She loves books? fine. But forcing others to read? Not so fine.
She likes to learn about magic. But she´s kinda forcing others to do the same.
Girl has to learn about respecting the choices of others.
When Lyriel first appeared I wanted to strangle her for abusing her. How times changed. Now, I love that damn elf. :ROFLMAO:

I really hope the impression I got is only temporary. I really don´t want to dislike her.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
I get the suspicion that Caitlyn at the moment is being set up for a fall as part of some character development.

Because she's at the college, I presume that she's grown up in a situation of like-minded individuals, people like her, who like the same things as her. She might be trying to meekly instill the same mindset in the people around her and I do get the feeling its going to blow up in her face.


Jun 8, 2018
I get the suspicion that Caitlyn at the moment is being set up for a fall as part of some character development.

Because she's at the college, I presume that she's grown up in a situation of like-minded individuals, people like her, who like the same things as her. She might be trying to meekly instill the same mindset in the people around her and I do get the feeling its going to blow up in her face.
good point. I´m a sucker for some good ol character development. Hope you´re right.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
But I feel like I´m staring to dislike Caitlin as well. Does she have to force everyone to like the things she likes?
She loves books? fine. But forcing others to read? Not so fine.
She likes to learn about magic. But she´s kinda forcing others to do the same.
Girl has to learn about respecting the choices of others.
Yeah, that can be annoying. However I think everybody has a tendency to throw the stuff they like unto others, from food to music to holiday destinations. And yes, that's annoying, too. At least the suggestions by Cait can indeed be helpful. However you are correct that like some YouTube commenters she cannot understand other positions, although she is less mean than said commenters.

But she is overly enthusiastic in general, not only in this, which can be a bit exhausting.
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Sep 5, 2018
Where are you pulling your "probability" stats from? What makes it "probable"? It's not, for me.
Perhaps you meant "possibly"?
Regardless, Lyriel got a whole load of hate, when she was introduced.
Probably and possibly have the same use in casual conversation. The only difference is "probability" has a specific use is statistics but the adverb probably is mainly used by the layman to refer to a positive assumption.

We do not know that she didn't test it first.
She may well have dropped the rope into the cloud, then pulled it back up & seen it was still intact, so logically presumed that she would remain so, too.
That's not how you test a bottomless void. The test isn't if the void was dangerous, the test is supposedly to see if there is a bottom to escape to.

To use a finite piece of rope on a visibility infinite void is not something a thinking person would do. She would be better off tossing something from the garage first, see if it falls, hits something, or comes right back. She might have been lost to the void hadn't the others been worried.

Because the point you raised in objection to Blair, "being stupidly stubborn", was also directly and massively attributable to Lyriel.
Lyriel's behaviour was far worse.
Blair (being an independent, streetwise, engineer & survivor) as a character seems to be justified in being somewhat stubborn.
She's spent her life figuring out how things work. If someone tells her "this is how it works", I still expect her to pull it apart to see for herself.
I have to disagree. Lyriel wasn't exactly stubborn but defiant. She was a highborn (yeah, the dev really gave a clear answer on why she was so stuck up just because - yes, this is sarcasm) and felt that everyone should be below her.

For Blair, I think we need to see more on why she was traveling alone in the first place for people to warm up to her. (I still don't think she is streetwise based on how many times she doubts herself during her intro) Yes, she is a survivor, yes, she likes to tinker, yes, she's independent, but there isn't enough justification yet why she's so distrusting.

The point is that people also hated Lyriel & the dev turned the way people receive her around.
Her behaviour changed, over time & people became more accepting.
So it's perfectly feasible that, given time & content, he can do something similar with Blair.
TBF, storywise, Lyriel can't be a bitch the entire time, she has to mellow out eventually (they're stuck there for hundreds of days).

It's perfectly feasible. For me, I just need her story to be more consistent with her background.

Ha ha ha, no disagreement there! :love:
If I remember correctly, Lyriel's introduction was only tolerable for me because it included some additional interactions with Rae.

And if I'm right, when the other girls were introduced (until Yona), there was always updates for additional interactions with Rae (movie night, day trips, breakfast date, etc.) but the last two didn't. Mayhap that's the reason many people are miffed?

I mean even the wholesome date with Rae was enough justification for me to play through Blair's intro.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Probably and possibly have the same use in casual conversation.
They really do not.
Possibly means it can happen. Probably means it's likely to happen. There's a distinct difference.
Everything that is probable is possible. Not everything that is possible is probable.
That's not how you test a bottomless void. The test isn't if the void was dangerous, the test is supposedly to see if there is a bottom to escape to.

To use a finite piece of rope on a visibility infinite void is not something a thinking person would do. She would be better off tossing something from the garage first, see if it falls, hits something, or comes right back. She might have been lost to the void hadn't the others been worried.
She doesn't know it's a bottomless void.
It's not "visibly infinite". To all intents & purposes, it's just a cloud she's looking at.
It's perfectly justifiable for her to not believe the word of people she thinks are her abductors or, at the very least, had a part to play in it.
Plus, being an engineer & a survivor, of course she won't take people's word for it. She needs to find out for herself.

As for "not how you test one", didn't know there was a manual on bottomless voids? :unsure: jk :ROFLMAO:
Jokes aside, to test it, I imagine she simply needed to attach something with weight to the end of the rope, drop it over the edge and see if it reached solid ground.
Again, we do not know that she did not perform this.
If she did this and found no solid ground, so what? The ground could be only another 2 feet away from the bottom of the rope. She would need to climb down, to find out.
She is clearly inquisitive.

I don't think it's "stupidly stubborn" to want to escape from a form of captivity. It's more like survival instinct, to me.
She wanted to escape & to know what was beneath the clouds, so she climbed down. That's quite practical, which is in her character.
If I remember correctly, Lyriel's introduction was only tolerable for me because it included some additional interactions with Rae.
I've read plenty of books with characters I initially didn't like, but grew to like them more, as I understood them more.
All I'm really saying is, don't write her off too soon.
If you don't like her now then she presumably won't become a favourite, but she could well become a lot more tolerable.
As Lyriel did. As Naomi & Yona also could.
I think this really is the central part. We don't know a lot about her which makes warming up difficult. Only time will tell.
Thanks, that's precisely what I've been saying, from the start. (y)
The dev has proven history with turning around perception of a character, from them being received extremely negatively, to becoming massively popular.
But the characters need content, in order for that to happen to any degree.
Last edited:


Jul 6, 2017
Is the Christmas event still available? I can get the Halloween one but the Christmas one doesn't show up at all. What other events cause it to trigger?
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Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Is the Christmas event still available? I can get the Halloween one but the Christmas one doesn't show up at all. What other events cause it to trigger?
You need to set the date on your device to be right around Halloween (maybe do exactly Oct 31). It should then be available. After playing through that, just set the date back to today and you can resume things as normal. Or, you can wait 2½ months instead if you want.


Apr 17, 2019
Attention: long comment-review:BootyTime:
I would like to start by saying that I am extremely glad that I played this game. I don’t know what the problem was, but about a year ago, when I downloaded this game and played it for 10-15 minutes, I immediately deleted it, I can’t even remember now what I didn’t like about it. But this time I decided to give it another chance and at the same time refresh my memory of what exactly pushed me away from this game. And I can say one thing with certainty: I was an idiot. I have no idea what was wrong with me, but this game is just amazing. Just 10 out of 10. Although, to be honest, probably 9 out of 10 just because I'm not a fan of the last two characters, just not my type.
I think it makes no sense to talk about the graphic part and animations, everything is pretty good. But what I would like to highlight is Rae - she is just a beauty. Especially when traveling to our world, her new hairstyle is the perfect fit for her. I rarely take screenshots of characters in games, but I just couldn't help but save this beauty on my device. I also want to say that elves in games are my weakness. Lyriel and Azraesha are two of my favorite girls in this game, probably even among all the games I've ever played.
I don't know why, but when I went through Lyriel's storyline, I was genuinely happy for her. I absolutely love soft side of her character. When we were travelling to her tavern and every time when I saw her smile - I immidiately started to smile as well. She is just adorable.
And Azraesha - I dont even know what to say. She is just brilliant character. Clever - check, beautiful - check, cute - check, good sense of humour (not for everyone though) - check, interesting personality - check, lewd - check. Isnt she just ideal girl? Damn. I really hope that eventually she will stay with MC in his world, she is perfect waifu.
I dont want to describe every character because message would be too long, but I just couldnt skip expression my feelings about these two cuties.
I'm looking forward to next update, this game is perfect so far.
Jan 28, 2019
can someone please tell me how to proceed with manga research club pt.2.......because no matter what I try I just can't get Lyriel and Caitlin together in Caitlin's room.


Apr 15, 2021
I actually find all of the girls super cute in their own ways, but I'm def. a weirdo. Still, I agree that Esha and El are definitely my faves. Both are sweethearts, ironically the two who tend to butt heads the most.
oh i agree, all girls have their merits and degrees of cuteness. but rae and lyriel have left a mark on me the most
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