The the Guy

Jun 28, 2018
Blair is pretty good but I would've liked to get more for other girls before she was introduced the little demon already has a good amount of content which is understandable (personally she's my favorite) she was the first one in the house but it feels like the rest dont have very much comparitively. Cait and Pirate girl have a good amount of plot but pirate doesn't have as many lewds and cait just has a good handful of lewds. I think it'd also be nice if elf girl got a little more just in general before introducing the new character.
Edit: Had to come back to add that orc lady has such little content i forgot she existed
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
Very glad for the updates, thanks!

Not so glad about having another pirate in the house.
Gives me a headache reading pirate speak.

On the other hand it will be funny to see Blair do an ether walk.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
since the introduction of the Orc, this game have been going down hill rather quickly for me, update after update it just gets worse, from a history point of view, what roll are the orc and the dwarf playing? how do those two contribute to the history, Rae and Nami are there from the start, so ok, Cait is there to teach the MC about human magic, Lyriel didnt do much for the history but the character was really well presented, but the Orc? the Dwarf? u did a really good job making people care about ur characters, but those two character are so out of place, u didnt even make us care about the orc before introducing the dwarf, and for me that is basically cause there is no way to do that, is an Orc, that´s such an specific kink, is like adding NTR, just a little minority will enjoy that, is a friking ORC! and the Dwarf? its the orc all over again, is yet another very specific kink, i have never met a person that like to watch sex with a midget, like, seriously? what is next a slime girl with no hands, no legs, sex with a disable, COME ON! this game was hot and wholesome, but now is just weird, and every update is just another attempt to make the game more and more weird, like, why? is ur game and u can do wtv u want with it, i just dont understand from where all those weird kink´s come from, Rae is a succubus sure, Lyriel is an elf, but take those ear out of the photo and u have two hot girls, the orc is friking GREEN with big TUSKS! and the Dwarf is a midget! i can just hope for this game to some day, just go back to his wholesome and hot side that made it awesome. "Beuty is the eye of the beholder" but dont take it LITERALLY! like, have some standars, DUDE!
I would like to hear the dev speak on what they are trying to do in terms of what type of content they envision for the game or audience they're trying to appeal to. It would make things more clear for consumers.


Apr 12, 2021
Are you guys/gals new to the game? Because it's actually always been like this, fleshing out a new character and then moving onto the next one for a bit
This is one of the most consistent games in terms of updates
IMO, the game's just starting, we got the main cast introduced, some side characters (Cait's friend needs to be bone-able) like Rae's mentor, there's ton of possible content. It's quite normal we got updates focused on Yona and now Blair as they were just introduced.
Lyriel (I love her, don't get me wrong) has basically the greatest amount of content besides maybe Rae as of now
i dont agree 100% with what u say, Rae, Lyriel, Cait and Nami, didnt feel like that at all, he took his time to make sure people loved them, but the orc and the dwarf ? they feel like the author is trhowing darts to a wall expecting some of them to stick. Yona was abandoned? i dont think so, it feels like he just jumped to something else cause a lot of people didnt like her, and no wonder why, a green big orc with tusk is a very specific fetish, but he will go back to her in the future, i guess, and blair is destyned to never have a hot sex scene, i mean, for me. sorry but midget sex is where i and my dick, draw the line, i dont care what Dr. house have to say about it.

My problem with the new girls is that they are directed to a very tiny minority of player... i dont really know how to explain it, and since english is not my first language... ok, lest say gingers vs brunettes, or busty vs flat, u can say i "prefer" redheads but u can still fap to brunettes, no problem, right? Nami vs Lyriel, u can say u like Nami´s type more, but find Lyriel scenes hot too (in MOST CASES, i dare say "normal people will" yes u weirdos). Now, the big green orc with tusk and the dwarf are not same thing, u either like them or u dont, and that is what botter me. I used the example of NTR before, wich is more brutal i guess, if u have this game, and is a vanilla game, people that like NTR will play vanilla games too, but not the other way around (most of them) so imagine if the author introduce NTR to this game, u would be like "why?" right, why would u introduce something that will just fk with ur audience? yes not all of them, but still some of them right, so why? going back to the orc and dwarf, why? for the sake of "diversity" Rae is a succubus right? she add some diversity, but she didnt need a tail, horns, blue skin and fangs to do it, right? so, again why? i will repeat that is his game right? and that he can do wtv he want with it, im just giving my opinion, and i know nodoby asked, but in my defense, nobody forced u to read this either, so, touche.


Mar 5, 2018
I love every character here - been with the game before Lyriel was introduced. Cait, Lyriel and Rae are my favorites - they had awesome arcs and very interesting to interact with (even on rinse repeat). Naomi is cool- I like strong women. Goblin and dwarf are not my cup of tea, but I would like to get to know them. I would love to see some petite little fairy for sure. Some comments above mentioned Slime girl (sounds great), Amputee (with robot arms and legs - totally would love it).
We need to give dev time to flush out each character - he is AWESOME at it.
Maybe to make things easier we can have a vote on the type of a new person.
Naga - snake
Not very Tolkien :) but I would love to hear which dev would think are possible.

Thank you dev totally awesome game, please add anal for all current girls, plz, plz, plz - it would add more depth to each character :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
Another disappointing update.
- I said it before I say it again Cait needs to become more confident I really don't like to read her dialogue.
- Yona I don't like her look and her role is non-existent.
- I already disliked Naomi because of the femdom content, but the scene where she was drinking with Blair only made me dislike her more because it made it clear she is more of a lesbian than interested in men.
- Blair, what can I say about her, while I don't have a problem with her looks I don't like her personality and her content (toys) is also something I don't like so having her first lewd scene a toy scene ruins her completely for me. Also, the scene of her drinking with Naomi made her seem like she is more into girls than guys.
Edit: I also hate the dialect used for Blair, it was already annoying with Naomi but it was at least understandable but Blair is too much.

At this point, I only want Rae, Lyriel, and Cait but even she gets on my nerves because she is still the insecure girl she was when she was introduced. Or no she actually made a step back because her writing was better during the university part of her quests.
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Dec 8, 2021
Everyone's sounding off about Blair and Yona and while that's fine, it'll give the wrong impression to the Dev if no one who likes Blair and Yona speaks up.
So let me just say, so far I really like both of them and Naomi too for that matter.
The only character who does little for me is Cait but people seem to love her, so no complaints.
Obviously with the push to get all the girls in the house, characterisation and plot have taken a back seat for a while, hopefully this will be addressed soon now all(?) the girls are here.

TLDR: ZanithOne There are people do love Blair, Yona and Naomi, they're just not as vocal about it as the people throwing tantrums.
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Apr 15, 2019
I wait for a development in the story, but it never comes, the story so far is based on a wizard who "kidnaps" women from their world, and forces them to be his women, they have nothing to do, they live in a tiny place and the only thing they can do is have sex with the wizard so that he sometimes takes them back to their world for them to visit and forget about forced sex, the only reason they don't take their own life is because this is a game with a focus on se

I won't lie, I often feel bad playing this game because of this, even though the dev tries to show that they want to have sex with the MC, it seems forced under the circumstances, it seems like rape.
(Cases similar to this, with the exception of magic of course , happen a lot in our world, unfortunately having read something similar on reddit a few times, I can't disassociate these situations from what happened in our world and what is displayed in the game)

I like the look and personality of half of the girls, I can't say which ones because my text above must already displease a lot of people, but I would like the dev to focus on the development of the MC, not the girls, again, I know it's a game with a focus on sex, but I don't think anyone would be angry if there was an update focused only on the MC and the development of the story (Whatever it is), improve the base to then move forward in the relationship with the other character

This is the first time I criticize a game on f95, I'm sorry about that, but I liked the beginning of the game and I've been following it since then, I want to enjoy the game again.
Maybe the problem was that I read these cases on reddit, and associated this with what happens in the game, but I can't disassociate it.


Jul 26, 2019
I think it's kind of a self-report when people say that. The place itself is sucking people in for some reason, like Cait got there because she was trying to open a portal into the "don't open a portal into this dimension" dimension. Of course the actual reason is of course it's a sex game, but you are only pretending if you play it off like you're in control (and you are immediately called out on your bullshit). Like, the succubus is more in control of the situation than you, your character just dreams about people coming before they arrive because you're patient zero, you learn everything about utilizing this ability to momentarily visit other realms (including your own) from her.

I don't know, I think this game is pretty tame. At the end of the day it's a mystical version of the "people crash landed on a desolate island" story, with the added twist of "more planes keep crashing," and you are fucking because there's nothing else to do until you get out, and becasue it's a sex game.

You can be nice to literally everyone, which is what I did.


Apr 22, 2018
Nah, the silent majority just goes "meh" and plays another game and waits for an update they will enjoy. This isnt one of those updates.
I don't know about anyone else, but I usually wait two or three updates between downloading a new version, if for no other reason than it gives me a good amount of story and gameplay to go through. And the last time I updated was the previous update so my plan is as usual to skip this one, though I'm curious about the new girl and might pull it just to see.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
I am actually kind of wondering about the Blair situation myself. I don't mind the character herself, personally, but it is a little odd that we're getting such intense focus on the new girl while the others are barely getting any.

I just worry this great game might make the mistake a lot of other works do where they introduce too many new girls and don't get to bring out the best from the existing ones. I mean I don't even particularly like Yona but she was kind of plugged in and then left to be forgotten. There is such a thing as too big of a harem.
If you think that six is too big a harem, then yikes. You must not like many harem games. There are plenty that have way more than six girls.
As for Yona, I'm pretty sure he moved on to Blair because having all six girls here already will make development much easier, for example there are several dinner scenes that need remaking because the new girls aren't in them, group scenes like that can be made now without having to remake them again later.

Everyone's sounding off about Blair and Yona and while that's fine, it'll give the wrong impression to the Dev if no one who likes Blair and Yona speaks up.
So let me just say, so far I really like both of them and Naomi too or that matter.
The only character who does little for me is Cait but people seem to love her so no complaints.
Obviously with the push to get all the girls in the house, characterisation and plot have taken a back seat for a while, hopefully this will be addressed soon now all(?) the girls are here.

TLDR: ZanithOne There are people do love Blair, Yona and Naomi, they're just not as vocal about it as the people throwing tantrums.
Zanith is well aware of that.
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