
Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
If you've played one of the last couple of updates, I'm pretty sure you have your answer. She hasn't yet spoken, "I love you" yet, but you really can tell by things she says and especially with how she acts that she's in the process of falling in love. She's not head over heels yet, but she's getting there.
Though I'm still not entirely sold on whether or not her kind can be in love.
She's said I L... before (I think) but that was as far as she went and that was earlier on.

I hope she can. I also agree that she already is.....

But, for example , a hundred years ago I read a book by piers anthony, And Evil....(I think.)... was part of the Incarnations of Mortality series... But, I think in the end satan declared his love and it didn't go well for him. (I dunno....long time ago....and I'm an old fart now so who knows....) lol

I know that's way out there....but still could be a possibility....



Dec 11, 2018
Though I'm still not entirely sold on whether or not her kind can be in love.
She's said I L... before (I think) but that was as far as she went and that was earlier on.

I hope she can. I also agree that she already is.....

But, for example , a hundred years ago I read a book by piers anthony, And Evil....(I think.)... was part of the Incarnations of Mortality series... But, I think in the end satan declared his love and it didn't go well for him. (I dunno....long time ago....and I'm an old fart now so who knows....) lol

I know that's way out there....but still could be a possibility....

I wouldn't discount sucuubi's ability to love. If I may be so bold, I'll declare that the succubi of this setting are able to love. To support my claim, I'll use Rae as an example, since she's the only succubi we personally know and regularly interact with. Rae is established as being arguable the most emotionally intelligent of the girls, and although this could be explained by Rae being a spy diplomat, I instead think its the game devs interpretation of succubi. If you think of it, a race of beings specifically talented in seduction wouldn't just be skilled at that particular emotional expression, but rather I think the devs have made it clear that succubi have heightened emotions and awareness of others' emotions. That sounds rough at first, but do remember that over breakfast in a repeatable event, Rae establishes that she's much older than the MC and possibly even older than Lyriel, and that's an awful lot of time to learn about one's own emotions and the emotions of others. I personally think that Rae is going to fall in love with the MC on account of how she really isn't treating the whole situation all that seriously, not after she accepted that it'll take a while to teach the MC to fully control the pocket realm. She kinda seems to treat the whole situation like a vacation, and as life has been slowing down, and she no longer has to deal with all the agendas and intrigue of her occupation, I think she's starting to re-evaluate what she really wants from life.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Though I'm still not entirely sold on whether or not her kind can be in love.
She's said I L... before (I think) but that was as far as she went and that was earlier on.

I hope she can. I also agree that she already is.....

But, for example , a hundred years ago I read a book by piers anthony, And Evil....(I think.)... was part of the Incarnations of Mortality series... But, I think in the end satan declared his love and it didn't go well for him. (I dunno....long time ago....and I'm an old fart now so who knows....) lol

I know that's way out there....but still could be a possibility....

I wouldn't discount sucuubi's ability to love. If I may be so bold, I'll declare that the succubi of this setting are able to love. To support my claim, I'll use Rae as an example, since she's the only succubi we personally know and regularly interact with. Rae is established as being arguable the most emotionally intelligent of the girls, and although this could be explained by Rae being a spy diplomat, I instead think its the game devs interpretation of succubi. If you think of it, a race of beings specifically talented in seduction wouldn't just be skilled at that particular emotional expression, but rather I think the devs have made it clear that succubi have heightened emotions and awareness of others' emotions. That sounds rough at first, but do remember that over breakfast in a repeatable event, Rae establishes that she's much older than the MC and possibly even older than Lyriel, and that's an awful lot of time to learn about one's own emotions and the emotions of others. I personally think that Rae is going to fall in love with the MC on account of how she really isn't treating the whole situation all that seriously, not after she accepted that it'll take a while to teach the MC to fully control the pocket realm. She kinda seems to treat the whole situation like a vacation, and as life has been slowing down, and she no longer has to deal with all the agendas and intrigue of her occupation, I think she's starting to re-evaluate what she really wants from life.
I tend to agree with Beh on this matter. It seems we often have this tendency to take mythology others have made for their works and always apply it henceforth for all works in perpetuity. This is a bad habit because it can block the ability to see differences in later works that happen to involve the same creature type. Some of the more popular and recent vampire games on this site are an excellent example of this: Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, and several others have changed the ideas about vampires over time. It's probably better always to assume what we think we know could be changed in a new work.

That applies to our succubus here. Azraesha is bound by laws or rules that the succubi in general are only whenever Zanith says she is. Otherwise, I don't think it's safe to take anything for granted as being true for her. I don't believe there's any doubt that she's falling in love. Otherwise, she wouldn't have almost said it (if that happened; I can't remember now for sure either). She wouldn't talk about deep personal matters — especially about what comes next for her after escaping the house — with the MC in the way that she does.

I'm not going to pretend I'm absolutely right about Rae or anything, and I'm not going to act like I haven't made my own set of mistakes romantically in life. But from everything I've seen, I'm 100% convinced she's in love already but either hasn't realized or just can't admit it to herself. There's probably a part of her mind, subconsciously or not, debating about her feelings.

You can't possibly be in l— No, no, that's just silly. . . . Besides, it would never work out, sweetie. Think about it: living in his world, always spending time around him? Ridiculous!
. . . Always spending time around him? He has been quite sweet to you, not to mention all of the women in the house. And his appetite when it comes to sex: he's an animal! I love when he takes me from behind. . . . And then when he sits down and just talks? No other human male ever did that for me. Come to think of it, no other male really ever did, full stop.
Stop it, Azraesha! There's absolutely no chance it would ever work out! Think of what my mistress might say? There are also certain rules that can never be broken. . . .

And so on. I'm obviously only guessing, but I imagine this type of thinking happens more and more often to her as time goes on. Speaking of time, I suppose we'll know for sure when enough of it has passed.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
How do you not get on the femdom route with naomi? i didnt do anything submissive at all, i was just polite and i keep getting the scenes listed as femdom in the guide.

EDIT: second question. how far in do you find lyriel? anyone remember the quests leading up to it? or the day they found her? is she just another main story dream like the others?
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Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
How do you not get on the femdom route with naomi? i didnt do anything submissive at all, i was just polite and i keep getting the scenes listed as femdom in the guide.

EDIT: second question. how far in do you find lyriel? anyone remember the quests leading up to it? or the day they found her? is she just another main story dream like the others?
pretty much anything to do with Naomi is femdom. She essentially has the personality of a drunk frat-boy. You have no choice in her personality except to ignore her content. I would really like the option of pushing her out the front door when she's sitting there but so far Zanith hasn't made that available.

You find Lyriel during a dream and pull her to the house if I remember correctly but its been so long I'm not sure


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
How do you not get on the femdom route with naomi? i didnt do anything submissive at all, i was just polite and i keep getting the scenes listed as femdom in the guide.

EDIT: second question. how far in do you find lyriel? anyone remember the quests leading up to it? or the day they found her? is she just another main story dream like the others?
The routes thing has always been a bit misleading, there aren't any alternates so if you don't like Naomi taking the lead, the only option is to just not engage with her sexually.
And yeah, all the girls are introduced in the main quest as a series of dreams so just focus on that if you want Lyriel ASAP.
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
I would really like the option of pushing her out the front door when she's sitting there but so far Zanith hasn't made that available.
Funny, I was just thinking the same abt Lyriel. lol
She'd probably just re-manifest in the house but
it might make me feel better for a bit or at least help
her change her attitude.

Naomi at least has that/those dream sequence(s) w the MC
that are pretty chill and I like them quite a bit.

I'm glad Lyriel is a different character and didn't just jump
into bed w the MC as usually happens in these games. Who
knows, maybe she'll soon have a break- down/through and
go running to the MC in the middle of the night and cry herself
to sleep in his arms. Then she could wake up fresh and new.
Or rather, they could all have a fresh start...

I believe there's a new character coming soon, hopefully she
will be unique too, and have a well developed story line.

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Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
Only issue is she's holding Cait pretty tightly, so they'd both go. I personally don't want crushed cute redhead all over the boardwalk.
yeah, it used to be she'd be there by herself sometimes. All I could do not to mentally kick......


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
pretty much anything to do with Naomi is femdom. She essentially has the personality of a drunk frat-boy. You have no choice in her personality except to ignore her content. I would really like the option of pushing her out the front door when she's sitting there but so far Zanith hasn't made that available.

You find Lyriel during a dream and pull her to the house if I remember correctly but its been so long I'm not sure
Aw c'mon Man, you can totally be friends with Naomi. Don't be such a douche. If this game is about anything it's about accepting people for who they are.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Aw c'mon Man, you can totally be friends with Naomi. Don't be such a douche. If this game is about anything it's about accepting people for who they are.
I took the whole shoving of her out the front door as a joke, but you can never tell for sure with written text on a forum when no emoticon is included. While I don't feel the same way, I'm assuming the dislike was sincere.
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Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017


Jan 16, 2018
Is there still a way to access the christmas event in 5.14? I skipped over 5.13 and never did it

Edit - Also, how do you unlock the rest of the gallery? I found the dumbbell etc, but most of the images are still locked, with some of them saying "Thursday Evening" or similar, but there's nothing happening on Thursday Evening
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Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
Is there still a way to access the christmas event in 5.14? I skipped over 5.13 and never did it

Edit - Also, how do you unlock the rest of the gallery? I found the dumbbell etc, but most of the images are still locked, with some of them saying "Thursday Evening" or similar, but there's nothing happening on Thursday Evening
You can, but you need to change the date on your computer / device to reflect a time around Christmas. Then I think there might be an icon on your phone or something. I typically play holiday specials around the holidays they come out, so I'm not sure fully how to do it after the fact. I know you definitely need to have your date around the holiday time . . . unless I'm thinking of the wrong game. Anyway, I hope this at least gets you in the right direction.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
Some news about the ongoing conflict and its consequences. Sadly seems to be about as bad expected. I really hope they'll manage to get out of Russia without issues and find a better place to stay for now.

Status update and an Important Note about the game

Hey, folks.
This is not really a development update, just letting you folks know what’s happening. My partner and I should be leaving the country next week. The Rift team is up to 4 people now, two including me are working full-time, two part-time. To protect their privacy I won’t go into the details, but some of them are looking to move out as well. Just in case, we don’t need any additional help for now, our reserves should be enough to take care of everyone.

Still, the work on the game pretty much stalled right now and it won’t realistically clear for another few weeks. The EA release should be ready some time next week (probably around Tue/Wed) with some minor additions compared to the Beta, but it’s more than likely that there won’t be another release this month.

If you wish to keep supporting the project, it’s very much appreciated. Patreon pledges made in late February and March are semi-inaccessible right now, but the funds will come in handy once I figure out the way to set up a new payout route. That said, if you want to request a refund for this month, just send me a message here on Patreon, I’ll do it asap, no questions asked, no hard feelings. I think most of you folks are supporting the project just because you want to see it continue, but since there won’t be meaningful content this month, it’s totally fair if you don’t want to pay for nothing.
One thing that might see the light of day this month is this side bonus thing which was on a backburner for a bit now. I was going to hold on to it till later, but if it’s going to be ready this month, I’ll post it just as a little something for you all. And if time and situation permits I’ll try to add sound and voice work for it. It’s just a single animation loop, but a pretty long one at about 30 seconds. I can show you a SFW-ish preview of it, you figure out who’s in there.

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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I wouldn't discount sucuubi's ability to love. If I may be so bold, I'll declare that the succubi of this setting are able to love. To support my claim, I'll use Rae as an example, since she's the only succubi we personally know and regularly interact with. Rae is established as being arguable the most emotionally intelligent of the girls, and although this could be explained by Rae being a spy diplomat, I instead think its the game devs interpretation of succubi. If you think of it, a race of beings specifically talented in seduction wouldn't just be skilled at that particular emotional expression, but rather I think the devs have made it clear that succubi have heightened emotions and awareness of others' emotions. That sounds rough at first, but do remember that over breakfast in a repeatable event, Rae establishes that she's much older than the MC and possibly even older than Lyriel, and that's an awful lot of time to learn about one's own emotions and the emotions of others. I personally think that Rae is going to fall in love with the MC on account of how she really isn't treating the whole situation all that seriously, not after she accepted that it'll take a while to teach the MC to fully control the pocket realm. She kinda seems to treat the whole situation like a vacation, and as life has been slowing down, and she no longer has to deal with all the agendas and intrigue of her occupation, I think she's starting to re-evaluate what she really wants from life.
I tend to agree with Beh on this matter. It seems we often have this tendency to take mythology others have made for their works and always apply it henceforth for all works in perpetuity. This is a bad habit because it can block the ability to see differences in later works that happen to involve the same creature type. Some of the more popular and recent vampire games on this site are an excellent example of this: Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, and several others have changed the ideas about vampires over time. It's probably better always to assume what we think we know could be changed in a new work.

That applies to our succubus here. Azraesha is bound by laws or rules that the succubi in general are only whenever Zanith says she is. Otherwise, I don't think it's safe to take anything for granted as being true for her. I don't believe there's any doubt that she's falling in love. Otherwise, she wouldn't have almost said it (if that happened; I can't remember now for sure either). She wouldn't talk about deep personal matters — especially about what comes next for her after escaping the house — with the MC in the way that she does.

I'm not going to pretend I'm absolutely right about Rae or anything, and I'm not going to act like I haven't made my own set of mistakes romantically in life. But from everything I've seen, I'm 100% convinced she's in love already but either hasn't realized or just can't admit it to herself. There's probably a part of her mind, subconsciously or not, debating about her feelings.

You can't possibly be in l— No, no, that's just silly. . . . Besides, it would never work out, sweetie. Think about it: living in his world, always spending time around him? Ridiculous!
. . . Always spending time around him? He has been quite sweet to you, not to mention all of the women in the house. And his appetite when it comes to sex: he's an animal! I love when he takes me from behind. . . . And then when he sits down and just talks? No other human male ever did that for me. Come to think of it, no other male really ever did, full stop.
Stop it, Azraesha! There's absolutely no chance it would ever work out! Think of what my mistress might say? There are also certain rules that can never be broken. . . .

And so on. I'm obviously only guessing, but I imagine this type of thinking happens more and more often to her as time goes on. Speaking of time, I suppose we'll know for sure when enough of it has passed.
It does make her backstory even more painful. Because of their skill in sex and seduction, manipulating the emotions of others, people assume that succubi do not feel emotions themselves. Being treated as a person (broader sense encompassing more than humans), is something new to her. Like someone who has been abused and used all their life suddenly being treated with compassion and, well, love.

In part because of Azaesha, I will have a succubus in one of my upcoming games. She'll be a bit manipulative sure, but she's not evil. I was going to say she chooses a human who can respect her, but I'm thinking that may be one of the choices in the game. What boons the MC asks for, their attitude toward the character may have a definite butterfly effect down the road. How the player relates to her will guide how she relates to the MC.
Some news about the ongoing conflict and its consequences. Sadly seems to be about as bad expected. I really hope they'll manage to get out of Russia without issues and find a better place to stay for now.

Status update and an Important Note about the game

Hey, folks.
This is not really a development update, just letting you folks know what’s happening. My partner and I should be leaving the country next week. The Rift team is up to 4 people now, two including me are working full-time, two part-time. To protect their privacy I won’t go into the details, but some of them are looking to move out as well. Just in case, we don’t need any additional help for now, our reserves should be enough to take care of everyone.

Still, the work on the game pretty much stalled right now and it won’t realistically clear for another few weeks. The EA release should be ready some time next week (probably around Tue/Wed) with some minor additions compared to the Beta, but it’s more than likely that there won’t be another release this month.

If you wish to keep supporting the project, it’s very much appreciated. Patreon pledges made in late February and March are semi-inaccessible right now, but the funds will come in handy once I figure out the way to set up a new payout route. That said, if you want to request a refund for this month, just send me a message here on Patreon, I’ll do it asap, no questions asked, no hard feelings. I think most of you folks are supporting the project just because you want to see it continue, but since there won’t be meaningful content this month, it’s totally fair if you don’t want to pay for nothing.
One thing that might see the light of day this month is this side bonus thing which was on a backburner for a bit now. I was going to hold on to it till later, but if it’s going to be ready this month, I’ll post it just as a little something for you all. And if time and situation permits I’ll try to add sound and voice work for it. It’s just a single animation loop, but a pretty long one at about 30 seconds. I can show you a SFW-ish preview of it, you figure out who’s in there.

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I was thinking about that very thing last night. Realizing how many developers are working from Russia. My first thought was weather Patreon/Subscribestar was also following sanctions and cutting off funds. Good fortune to the team!
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