
Active Member
May 8, 2017
There should've a choice to let Nat have sex with Matt at the party after he seduce her if you're on the cuckold path ...

Nat is already a hotwife at this point after so much sex with Darrel ... why is she hesitate about sex with Matt ??
Doesn't make sense ...
Ethan & Nat followed the invitation from Carl. In these scenarios (update 0.95) they don't know Matt yet as she was dressed with halter bodycon dress while on club visit earlier in the game. Their romantic and faithful level is high enough to not engage in any action without notifying the partner.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
There should've a choice to let Nat have sex with Matt at the party after he seduce her if you're on the cuckold path ...

Nat is already a hotwife at this point after so much sex with Darrel ... why is she hesitate about sex with Matt ??
Doesn't make sense ...
I think the key to that scene is Natalie's mindset. She does not see herself as a hotwife until that discussion in the car. And she doesn't really know what it means or what the limits are yet. She finds herself attracted to the guy, and allows herself to be used by him, but then feels guilt about it. With Darrel, she and Ethan had spent a significant amount of time discussing it. She had to build up to everything that happened with him. Matt is an unknown and not approved by Ethan. So, she asks if she needs his permission.

I still think that scene doesn't work because her purpose and actions up to that point were to support Carl. Her actions with Matt contradict and undo all the buildup she put into Carl. Maybe if there were a path where she gets Matt's info at the bar, shows up with Carl at the party, but goes off with Matt it might work. That would still make her an unbelievable cunt and a shitty person. But at least there would not be the warmth and kindness that she has given Carl contrasting with what it would take to turn on him and allow Matt to manipulate her.

Big Rooster

Forum Fanatic
Mar 16, 2018
I think the key to that scene is Natalie's mindset. She does not see herself as a hotwife until that discussion in the car. And she doesn't really know what it means or what the limits are yet. She finds herself attracted to the guy, and allows herself to be used by him, but then feels guilt about it. With Darrel, she and Ethan had spent a significant amount of time discussing it. She had to build up to everything that happened with him. Matt is an unknown and not approved by Ethan. So, she asks if she needs his permission.

I still think that scene doesn't work because her purpose and actions up to that point were to support Carl. Her actions with Matt contradict and undo all the buildup she put into Carl. Maybe if there were a path where she gets Matt's info at the bar, shows up with Carl at the party, but goes off with Matt it might work. That would still make her an unbelievable cunt and a shitty person. But at least there would not be the warmth and kindness that she has given Carl contrasting with what it would take to turn on him and allow Matt to manipulate her.
Carl is well on the way to becoming a cuckold. When Nat saw what he was staring at, she like Carl, couldn't look away until she was interrupted. Carl would have watched till Matt and Ely were finished fucking, as would Nat. Most people, men and women, are captivated by seeing sex, that's why porn is so popular, it feeds into our primal brains.


Jun 5, 2023
Thanks for your thoughtful reply and sharing your insights. I'll have to have another look at the scene. Its not a big deal, its just a kiss and I'm not one to go chasing sex scenes. I was more interested in if had missed another element of the story or another path.

I agree about the structural problem. I have always thought the game had too many paths. The more complex it is the more disjointed it will become. I'm concerned it may get to a point KingB just walks away from it as it becomes too tedious. Hopefully not. I am really looking forward to the Riya content and how that will play out on the various paths.

The Ethan jealousy is a bit over the top. In saying that, he doesn't know Carl is emotional, Ethan's mind is telling him otherwise and doubt has set in. I have seen this sort of thing before. Not just vanilla men but even men who have shared their wives, will suddenly get hit with this sort of jealousy. Its irrational and comes out of no where, but then its an irrational situation. Very very few couples would allow this situation to start let alone observe it unfolding. I just wonder if KingB is writing from personal experience, or if he is fumbling for a way to bring drama in to the vanilla path?

I appreciate your thoughts. Nice to someone else enjoying nuances of the story.
I never understood why it ever got framed as irrational or coming out of nowhere. Logically you understand that any dude given the opportunity and circumstance would want to fuck a girl if she was conventionally attractive, unless he already was satisfied with whatever situation he was currently in. Even if you know your girl is loyal the threat and presence of someone else ofc you'll have a primal response. Especially if you got a strong attraction to someone and think you've found someone not so common for whatever reason, even if it's that's just how you love someone. I would argue it's more strange for someone not to feel that, it means something inside them has been numbed like animal instinct. I've also seen dudes who didn't ever have that sense at all and they lived to regret it. Maybe some guys just luck out on good faith but statistically that's just time down the drain for a lot of people. Can't even get justice because there's no laws against emotionally damaging someone through a betrayal. Same deal in reverse if a girl is getting jealous or possessive it means she cares, at least early on. Obviously there's a point where she's just being an insane control freak, especially if it's been 10 years and they still don't feel secure. It's a security thing, new things feel insecure. New experiences etc.

Ethan feeling some way over a new occurrence makes perfect sense. He decided to do carl a solid cuz he wanted to be a nice guy, but he's already going far out of his way basically lending his wife, and she did give her number even on the vanilla path while ethan was off in the bathroom so he never even met the kid just saw him once through a picture in a phone. Honestly that was just some weird shit to let her get involved even in the vanilla route, it only makes sense in one of the swinger routes. If it was real life and I met a dude like that, which I have more than once, my instinct is to help them out myself cuz a woman can't really give them what they need I don't think. It's always been from what I've seen guys without healthy male figures in their lives either no father or abusive father or some other shit. They just need a bit of structure and discipline and to have a fire fanned a bit in their belly. It never even occurred to me to get them a pity fuck lmao. Something tells me if you hire them an escort to show them the ropes they're just gonna say it doesn't count and see it as even further reinforcement that they're undesirable cuz they needed to pay for it. Nat going out with carl the way she did was a total male fantasy from that perspective.

I've never participated in the swinging lifestyle don't think it's something I would ever engage in outside of pure fantasy so I'm curious your own thoughts on the matter. I'm guessing your threshold for jealousy is just different like an elastic band that's been stretched, but if it's stretched too much or in a particular angle at the wrong time there's gonna be a small tear since it's already being constantly stretched so maybe that's where "random jealousy" comes in as opposed to someone who is more rigid their responses are gonna be much more consistent and predictable. Or I guess maybe a muscle that can get built up since some people seem like they get into more and more extreme stuff with expanding limits over time standard bdsm. I'd guess in his case, he said it himself that he wished he met a girl like nat when he was in carls shoes or whatever, I forgot how he said it. Watching her be with some bull performer whose existance and participation in their lives is based on his ability to gracefully perform for them sexually is one thing but watching her be all sweet on a dude weaker than himself, definitely sounds like it would strike up some jealous feelings possibly even inadequacy, since he didn't get to experience it when he was exactly in those shoes. It's not like he could ever build up to be a 6 foot 4 black bodybuilder with a 2 liter bottle for a cock so it doesn't really matter. Like hell if I was darryl I would be jealous of ethan because he doesn't have to be anything like darryl to get a wife like nat, and isn't looking like he's going to find anyone like her anytime soon because of how hungry he seems for nat the moment he meets her, like the moment he sees her he's all over her despite him able to find multiple women on demand to bust nuts in for 0 effort, he still puts in all that time and effort serenading both the husband and the wife to get his shot at nat, and is essentially at her beck and call to the point where she can call him in to show up in the middle of the night on a weekday, one day in advance, to show up ready to tape a porn video. Even if he's a jacked rich dude with perfect plot armor level game, until he met nat and got the go ahead from ethan and even his help in warming her up to the idea(which he could have redacted by just pussying out last minute after getting her ready for the first time which is great writing), he was eating slop ala jenna and other trashy wives who get posted on his instagram. Jenna even says darryls her favorite but she's obviously box mac and cheese for him. There's definitely reason to be envious of carl if she suddenly gets a soft spot for him to the point of being his giga hot cougar who wants to builds up his self esteem from below rock bottom since he just got cucked himself. At least that's how I see it. My own experience with a cougar was a complete shit show lmao I'd sure as hell be envious myself to meet a nat. The closest ethan in the game could come to being built up like a carl would be to become a jobless cuck and have him somehow end up in a dominant route because riya found him and build him up, and that's farfetched sounding. That would be a funny angle tbh, maybe there's some hints of it since he meets her even if he kicks nat out. Just lot of route splits in this game and it's gonna be a lot of time before any of them get any amount of proper fleshing out.

Honestly where king b has been dropping the ball in my opinion that he's done early on is having nat's communication with ethan and particularly with choice. Early on she's like "is this ok", "are you sure you want this", etc. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather someone ask permission than forgiveness. It's why her interaction with matt came so out of left field and for me at least would be grounds for divorce. It's just bad that there's no consequence for it because ethan having a choice wasn't written in, unless a next update she talks about it like how it ended and he has the option to be like oh fuck no. Don't even think about talking to people like that, no matter what reason you think is valid, even if it's friendly casual, because you've demonstrated your ability to think clear headedly, while sober, is compromised. Idk it was just so badly written it made me mad when I saw it. Maybe she's written as growing more comfortable as a hotwife to want to fish for dick solo idk, I don't see any appeal in that at all. Then again based on what I seen and read I approach the fantasy from a completely selfish perspective as opposed to it usually being from a selfless one for the dudes who seem to get into it, idk. Her ignoring his calls and fucking around with some psychopath and then asking permission retroactively hoping he's a big enough cuck to not have to have any rules or respect for him be perfectly fine just doesn't sound appealing at all, or healthy, and it piss me off he just bottlenecked what happens that way for both nat and ethan to not have any choice in the matter. Maybe he slaps on more choices in the future idk when he added choices to all the scenes since I only recently discovered it. Last 3 updates have felt very limited in choice though.

Honestly because there's so much frankenstein design in the game. Ethan would have needed 5 different sets of writing based on route. I get the feeling king b felt rushed since he released it like 3 weeks late and had whatever issues he said he had I forget. I kind of knew the release would have issues because that tends to happen when you can't do things on your terms. He practically had the fans wait until the following month and I think he said he got sick or something so who knows when he was actually able to start producing something. Just the pressure of it on top you're not gonna do as good. creativity comes from a relaxed state so it makes sense being under pressure something's gonna give. But a recurring theme in this game is you have one physical scene, and having to fit that into 3 routes with pieces of other scenes taped together, with 5 sets of writing taped here and there depending on which choice was taken + white route. It's not elegant design. The game is great and it's very high effort, but it's extremely inelegant from a pure design perspective. Once it gets long enough it starts to leak because you can't make every route fit into a square peg, which forces you to write hard reset points for the plot like when nat loses her job, almost everything up to that point becomes irrelevant except for 3 things, red green pink.

I think the key to that scene is Natalie's mindset. She does not see herself as a hotwife until that discussion in the car. And she doesn't really know what it means or what the limits are yet. She finds herself attracted to the guy, and allows herself to be used by him, but then feels guilt about it. With Darrel, she and Ethan had spent a significant amount of time discussing it. She had to build up to everything that happened with him. Matt is an unknown and not approved by Ethan. So, she asks if she needs his permission.

I still think that scene doesn't work because her purpose and actions up to that point were to support Carl. Her actions with Matt contradict and undo all the buildup she put into Carl. Maybe if there were a path where she gets Matt's info at the bar, shows up with Carl at the party, but goes off with Matt it might work. That would still make her an unbelievable cunt and a shitty person. But at least there would not be the warmth and kindness that she has given Carl contrasting with what it would take to turn on him and allow Matt to manipulate her.

I figure that it should be another clear route split that decides the rest of the series. Either she becomes a selfish hotwife or a selfless one, or she never went to the party because she went full qos path lmao. Honestly that's a pretty good way to cause a distinct route split, and you can make very different scenes for each one without the stuff coming before mattering all that much. Still think there should be an option for ethan to say fuck no though.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I never understood why it ever got framed as irrational or coming out of nowhere. Logically you understand that any dude given the opportunity and circumstance would want to fuck a girl if she was conventionally attractive, unless he already was satisfied with whatever situation he was currently in. Even if you know your girl is loyal the threat and presence of someone else ofc you'll have a primal response. Especially if you got a strong attraction to someone and think you've found someone not so common for whatever reason, even if it's that's just how you love someone. I would argue it's more strange for someone not to feel that, it means something inside them has been numbed like animal instinct. I've also seen dudes who didn't ever have that sense at all and they lived to regret it. Maybe some guys just luck out on good faith but statistically that's just time down the drain for a lot of people. Can't even get justice because there's no laws against emotionally damaging someone through a betrayal. Same deal in reverse if a girl is getting jealous or possessive it means she cares, at least early on. Obviously there's a point where she's just being an insane control freak, especially if it's been 10 years and they still don't feel secure. It's a security thing, new things feel insecure. New experiences etc.

Ethan feeling some way over a new occurrence makes perfect sense. He decided to do carl a solid cuz he wanted to be a nice guy, but he's already going far out of his way basically lending his wife, and she did give her number even on the vanilla path while ethan was off in the bathroom so he never even met the kid just saw him once through a picture in a phone. Honestly that was just some weird shit to let her get involved even in the vanilla route, it only makes sense in one of the swinger routes. If it was real life and I met a dude like that, which I have more than once, my instinct is to help them out myself cuz a woman can't really give them what they need I don't think. It's always been from what I've seen guys without healthy male figures in their lives either no father or abusive father or some other shit. They just need a bit of structure and discipline and to have a fire fanned a bit in their belly. It never even occurred to me to get them a pity fuck lmao. Something tells me if you hire them an escort to show them the ropes they're just gonna say it doesn't count and see it as even further reinforcement that they're undesirable cuz they needed to pay for it. Nat going out with carl the way she did was a total male fantasy from that perspective.

I've never participated in the swinging lifestyle don't think it's something I would ever engage in outside of pure fantasy so I'm curious your own thoughts on the matter. I'm guessing your threshold for jealousy is just different like an elastic band that's been stretched, but if it's stretched too much or in a particular angle at the wrong time there's gonna be a small tear since it's already being constantly stretched so maybe that's where "random jealousy" comes in as opposed to someone who is more rigid their responses are gonna be much more consistent and predictable. Or I guess maybe a muscle that can get built up since some people seem like they get into more and more extreme stuff with expanding limits over time standard bdsm. I'd guess in his case, he said it himself that he wished he met a girl like nat when he was in carls shoes or whatever, I forgot how he said it. Watching her be with some bull performer whose existance and participation in their lives is based on his ability to gracefully perform for them sexually is one thing but watching her be all sweet on a dude weaker than himself, definitely sounds like it would strike up some jealous feelings possibly even inadequacy, since he didn't get to experience it when he was exactly in those shoes. It's not like he could ever build up to be a 6 foot 4 black bodybuilder with a 2 liter bottle for a cock so it doesn't really matter. Like hell if I was darryl I would be jealous of ethan because he doesn't have to be anything like darryl to get a wife like nat, and isn't looking like he's going to find anyone like her anytime soon because of how hungry he seems for nat the moment he meets her, like the moment he sees her he's all over her despite him able to find multiple women on demand to bust nuts in for 0 effort, he still puts in all that time and effort serenading both the husband and the wife to get his shot at nat, and is essentially at her beck and call to the point where she can call him in to show up in the middle of the night on a weekday, one day in advance, to show up ready to tape a porn video. Even if he's a jacked rich dude with perfect plot armor level game, until he met nat and got the go ahead from ethan and even his help in warming her up to the idea(which he could have redacted by just pussying out last minute after getting her ready for the first time which is great writing), he was eating slop ala jenna and other trashy wives who get posted on his instagram. Jenna even says darryls her favorite but she's obviously box mac and cheese for him. There's definitely reason to be envious of carl if she suddenly gets a soft spot for him to the point of being his giga hot cougar who wants to builds up his self esteem from below rock bottom since he just got cucked himself. At least that's how I see it. My own experience with a cougar was a complete shit show lmao I'd sure as hell be envious myself to meet a nat. The closest ethan in the game could come to being built up like a carl would be to become a jobless cuck and have him somehow end up in a dominant route because riya found him and build him up, and that's farfetched sounding. That would be a funny angle tbh, maybe there's some hints of it since he meets her even if he kicks nat out. Just lot of route splits in this game and it's gonna be a lot of time before any of them get any amount of proper fleshing out.

Honestly where king b has been dropping the ball in my opinion that he's done early on is having nat's communication with ethan and particularly with choice. Early on she's like "is this ok", "are you sure you want this", etc. Maybe it's just me but I'd rather someone ask permission than forgiveness. It's why her interaction with matt came so out of left field and for me at least would be grounds for divorce. It's just bad that there's no consequence for it because ethan having a choice wasn't written in, unless a next update she talks about it like how it ended and he has the option to be like oh fuck no. Don't even think about talking to people like that, no matter what reason you think is valid, even if it's friendly casual, because you've demonstrated your ability to think clear headedly, while sober, is compromised. Idk it was just so badly written it made me mad when I saw it. Maybe she's written as growing more comfortable as a hotwife to want to fish for dick solo idk, I don't see any appeal in that at all. Then again based on what I seen and read I approach the fantasy from a completely selfish perspective as opposed to it usually being from a selfless one for the dudes who seem to get into it, idk. Her ignoring his calls and fucking around with some psychopath and then asking permission retroactively hoping he's a big enough cuck to not have to have any rules or respect for him be perfectly fine just doesn't sound appealing at all, or healthy, and it piss me off he just bottlenecked what happens that way for both nat and ethan to not have any choice in the matter. Maybe he slaps on more choices in the future idk when he added choices to all the scenes since I only recently discovered it. Last 3 updates have felt very limited in choice though.

Honestly because there's so much frankenstein design in the game. Ethan would have needed 5 different sets of writing based on route. I get the feeling king b felt rushed since he released it like 3 weeks late and had whatever issues he said he had I forget. I kind of knew the release would have issues because that tends to happen when you can't do things on your terms. He practically had the fans wait until the following month and I think he said he got sick or something so who knows when he was actually able to start producing something. Just the pressure of it on top you're not gonna do as good. creativity comes from a relaxed state so it makes sense being under pressure something's gonna give. But a recurring theme in this game is you have one physical scene, and having to fit that into 3 routes with pieces of other scenes taped together, with 5 sets of writing taped here and there depending on which choice was taken + white route. It's not elegant design. The game is great and it's very high effort, but it's extremely inelegant from a pure design perspective. Once it gets long enough it starts to leak because you can't make every route fit into a square peg, which forces you to write hard reset points for the plot like when nat loses her job, almost everything up to that point becomes irrelevant except for 3 things, red green pink.

I figure that it should be another clear route split that decides the rest of the series. Either she becomes a selfish hotwife or a selfless one, or she never went to the party because she went full qos path lmao. Honestly that's a pretty good way to cause a distinct route split, and you can make very different scenes for each one without the stuff coming before mattering all that much. Still think there should be an option for ethan to say fuck no though.
I appreciate that emotions are notoriously illogical, but I still feel like Ethan's internal monologue is overblown. Nat's actions are absolutely standard fare when dealing with someone in emotional distress, and it's clear *something* is wrong with Carl even if Ethan doesn't know the details. The situation seems so obviously asexual that his breathless confusion comes across as nonsensical, like a bad actor sticking to the written script even after the director has decided to rework the scene.

If King B wanted to focus on the jealousy angle for Ethan the time to do it was while Nat was still in the party, not after her date has been called short.
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
I've never participated in the swinging lifestyle don't think it's something I would ever engage in outside of pure fantasy so I'm curious your own thoughts on the matter. I'm guessing your threshold for jealousy is just different like an elastic band that's been stretched, but if it's stretched too much or in a particular angle at the wrong time there's gonna be a small tear since it's already being constantly stretched so maybe that's where "random jealousy" comes in as opposed to someone who is more rigid their responses are gonna be much more consistent and predictable.
Sorry I'm pushed for time tonight so I can't answer all your post. Swinging is something my wife and I going towards but for the last decade my wife and I have been in a hotwife situation/open relationship. Jealousy is a weird thing. Talking to many people who are in the lifestyle, some have initial jealousy, but their desire overcomes the jealousy, some don't have any jealousy as they are mentally prepared and been thinking about for a very long time. Some don't have the initial jealousy but something will trigger and they will suddenly be jealous due to a certain situation as we saw Ethan do. For the experienced guys they handle it internally, for inexperienced guys like our hero Ethan it can be a problem.

To answer your question for me personally, I had less jealousy than I thought I would sharing my wife the first time. Key for us as a couple is we have excellent communication and a very deep level of trust. We both came out of bad first marriages and we have been through hell and back together a few times due to external pressures effecting us. Our trust and communication have been fortified by those trials. I hope that helps answer your question.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
... Like hell if I was darryl I would be jealous of ethan because he doesn't have to be anything like darryl to get a wife like nat, and isn't looking like he's going to find anyone like her anytime soon because of how hungry he seems for nat the moment he meets her, like the moment he sees her he's all over her despite him able to find multiple women on demand to bust nuts in for 0 effort, he still puts in all that time and effort serenading both the husband and the wife to get his shot at nat, and is essentially at her beck and call to the point where she can call him in to show up in the middle of the night on a weekday, one day in advance, to show up ready to tape a porn video. Even if he's a jacked rich dude with perfect plot armor level game, until he met nat and got the go ahead from ethan and even his help in warming her up to the idea(which he could have redacted by just pussying out last minute after getting her ready for the first time which is great writing), he was eating slop ala jenna and other trashy wives who get posted on his instagram. Jenna even says darryls her favorite but she's obviously box mac and cheese for him. There's definitely reason to be envious of carl if she suddenly gets a soft spot for him to the point of being his giga hot cougar who wants to builds up his self esteem from below rock bottom since he just got cucked himself. At least that's how I see it. My own experience with a cougar was a complete shit show lmao I'd sure as hell be envious myself to meet a nat. The closest ethan in the game could come to being built up like a carl would be to become a jobless cuck and have him somehow end up in a dominant route because riya found him and build him up, and that's farfetched sounding. That would be a funny angle tbh, maybe there's some hints of it since he meets her even if he kicks nat out. Just lot of route splits in this game and it's gonna be a lot of time before any of them get any amount of proper fleshing out.
I see Darrel needing permission the same way you explain. He obviously is begging to get with Natalie and he needs the couple to be on board. We don't know Darrel's motivation but part of it has to be that he records, posts, and blogs about his exploits. His job seems to be working out, screwing married women, and writing about it. I might go a bit further and I see it from a more extreme sense.

If Ethan were to go out and get an escort what would Natalie think? What would the world think? Darrel is a prostitute. Our society calls him a bull and focuses on the cuckold or the hotwife. But make no doubt, he is a prostitute. He doesn't necessarily accept payment, but he is trading sex for his blog and videos (think OnlyFans, etc.). There are men like him that do, in fact, get paid to be bulls. Again, we call them bulls instead of what they really are...prostitutes. Why is that important? He is just a dude who whores himself out and he has a hardon for Natalie. It blows my mind that this is a real thing in our society. Turn it around and talk about a female prostitute whoring herself out to cuck women in their marriages. See how that goes over in society! Maybe it is just one of those double standards that women make out on top for once. So, nobody says anything about it. :ROFLMAO:

Woman logic: One woman says to another, "Yeah, I am seeing a male prostitute but because he has a huge cock and can fuck all night, it is all good!"

(Substitute 'whore' for 'prostitute' if you don't think he "gets paid for his services." It is still a ridiculous way of thinking.)
I figure that it should be another clear route split that decides the rest of the series. Either she becomes a selfish hotwife or a selfless one, or she never went to the party because she went full qos path lmao. Honestly that's a pretty good way to cause a distinct route split, and you can make very different scenes for each one without the stuff coming before mattering all that much. Still think there should be an option for ethan to say fuck no though.
I totally understand that this game is about the BBC cuckold fantasy. It is extreme and a fantasy. A lot of King B's other writing is about this type of extreme cuckold or netorare wife stealing. There are many aspects of this story that I enjoy. King B's writing is one of the reasons I enjoy the vanilla route so much. I have always been critical of Darrel's character and that path in this VN. And with good reason, it just doesn't jive. It does work on the cheating wife path. But on the reluctant path or the cuckold path, Natalie is supposed to be in love with her husband. Then this overbearing asshat comes in and she goes all weak in the mind and spreads her legs? Fast forward to the Matt party scene on the cuck path. Again, another overbearing douchebag comes in and she forgets all of her senses? She forgets her loving husband out in the car. Forgets that she just ditched Carl in his moment of need. Forgets that she is a respectable woman. But for the sake of this fantasy story, she loses her mind and does whatever these dominant men want.

Meh, that is my long-winded way of saying I agree that the story loses its cohesion at key moments. Maybe it will become an alternate path. Or maybe it is just part of a kink I do not subscribe to or comprehend. This is what happens when you stay up all night and post on a forum without sleep!;)
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2023
Lost in paradise , A life worth Living, Another man's wife. That said this is one of the better ones. This dev is timely with releases. Great writing .... We always try and guess what is going to happen... unsuccessfully.
Also worth mentioning, Couple's deut is the only game I've seen featuring animations ... especially the sex scenes, they are great.

Other games usually present the scenes with a slideshow of still pictures ...
Know any games featuring animations?


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
Also worth mentioning, Couple's deut is the only game I've seen featuring animations ... especially the sex scenes, they are great.

Other games usually present the scenes with a slideshow of still pictures ...
Know any games featuring animations?
The animations in this game are actually not fully animated, but accomplished with a clever slideshow technique. If you unren the images and look in the folder you will see that they are just a series of still images that are animated like a flip book. The list of games that have full video sexual animations would literally be past the post character limit. However, if you do a tag search for "animated" that would be a good start for what you are looking for. In general, Renpy games with animated sex scenes are large downloads. However, some RPGM games like "Laura Lustful Secrets" and the "Treasure of Nadia" series that feature animations are so huge they make Baby Jesus dry.

Big Rooster

Forum Fanatic
Mar 16, 2018
The animations in this game are actually not fully animated, but accomplished with a clever slideshow technique. If you unren the images and look in the folder you will see that they are just a series of still images that are animated like a flip book. The list of games that have full video sexual animations would literally be past the post character limit. However, if you do a tag search for "animated" that would be a good start for what you are looking for. In general, Renpy games with animated sex scenes are large downloads. However, some RPGM games like "Laura Lustful Secrets" and the "Treasure of Nadia" series that feature animations are so huge they make Baby Jesus dry.
By his own admission, KingB is somewhat of a rookie at 3D modeling, but he's getting better.
But I would love to see some HiRes animations with Nat and ??? in the future.
4.10 star(s) 87 Votes