RPGM - Completed - War Demon Kirstin [v1.11] [Captain Sikorsky]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A hidden gem that I somehow missed for a long time. It's the first H-game where the characters are likeable enough for me to deliberately not throw for the H-scenes - I was going to throw the arena fights, but the Foreign Fighter's backstory made me so sympathetic I decided to lock in. The game also isn't too grindy, the encounter system makes it so as long as you play normally you'll have enough XP and items to fight everything with moderate difficulty; the final boss was a bit tough, but I managed it (without lowering difficulty) on the third try. All in all, a great game with pregnancy, clothing and sexual stats system, all packaged under a surprisingly moving story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review , i can tell u , if u love milfs and challenge and stories and mini games then this game is for u .
    I loved the chara not to mention u can choose her fate and what title she will carry lol
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The good
    Use of fetish that isnt too common
    Unique enemies
    Can build your character with items/skills that you want

    The bad
    Voice actor, body and private parts all felt too poorly designed/chosen. Its probably a thing for some.
    Enemies only had 1 type of sexual attack on you (from my 2-3 hours of play)

    I would love to like it but it felt both too linear and plenty of non sexy things like stds. It became a goal not to have sex when playing this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid RPG with a fun levelling structure. One of the few with a postgame that I actually played a bit of even without much in the way of unlockable scenes.

    If you like the art, and you like RPG games, this is one of the best. Story is competent and allows you to get in sexual situations, world is varied and interesting, the gameplay is paced well so that nothing feels too grindy, or too unfinished/rushed. Mix of combat sex and out of combat scene sex, and a nice little mix of tags.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this artist is one of the best if you like thick women getting fucked and bred by various monsters/thugs, often reluctantly but they always lose to the dick in the end. I just wish there was way more content but beggars cant be choosers
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It does scratch my itch for an rpgm H game but just barely. There are long chunks of time where there is no H content, and I don't mind that once in a while but it was a slog to get through. And the H content you do get, while it's good, is not a good pay off in my opinion. There are also many unnecessary paused during dialogue.

    I guess how much you like this game partially depends on how patient you are to get content.
    On the upside, it's got good art, and the combat can be put on an easy mode if combat isn't something you even wanted in the first place.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    My biggest problem is just how non-lewd this game is.

    This has the ONEONE1-problem, of having the mechanics and story where the porn is pretty much tacked on as a disconnected add-on, rather than it being the driving force of the game.

    ...which means that it's 90% a regular single-character RPGM-game. Which is something I've played quite a lot of, and the author isn't doing anything too new or crazy with. They say form dictates function, and the RPGM-tools in this case have kind of taken over the game.

    The implementation of the sex-scenes is predominantly pretty bad. They're stuck both mid-combat and post-defeat, which are both a bit problematic even without accounting for shoddy mistakes like having the stock battle-theme blasting over the whole thing.

    The art has big boobs, though, which is pretty great, and there's preg-content, even though you kind of have to force those scenarios, since the game mostly lacks decent mechanics that would tie into the sexual themes.

    Overall, it plays like a very wordy doujin. I wonder if the author would like to try something in a different genre?
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Reyka the Prince

    This game is a quality game after playing Lisette The Spring Of Pregnancy, Bound By Love, Pregnant Elf Escape, Hazumi and the Pregstate, and others.
    This game has lots of RPG features that can be explored. Viewed from any angle, this game has lots of H-scenes that you can collect. Even though it's a shame the author doesn't provide too many H-scenes for pregnancy conditions. But I can say it's worth enjoying Pregnancy and childbirth Fetish lovers.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best, if not the best game from the author, and one of the best hgame I've ever played. The plot is really cool, and the good ending is so awesome and unexpectedly wholesome. The main protagonist is so cool, and if you want to, there are a lot of fun stuff to do with her. And there is a post-ending game, which is weird but cool. This is what Karryn's prison should have been.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Unironically the best h game I played. nothing ever comes close to the rpg element and eroge nature of this game. without being too dull and grindy, like the other shovelware games. I am a picky coomer but I find that I keep coming back to this game as the art is excellent and the combat system is amazing as well as replayability of the sex scenes
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly should speak for itself, but here it is. Sikorsky's best work has a lot of QoL features and little to no demerits for if you want to play this as a serious RPG or a CG collecting fapfest. Sound design is good, game is smooth, the translation is pretty clean as well.
    For the big question, is there preg content? Yes.
    Is it 1-2 scenes or everywhere? Everywhere.
    Can I avoid it if for some ungodly reason I want to play a pregSim rpg? Sure, why not.
    Is the game/story actually decent if I am not breaking out the lotion/sock? Yep.

    Can't recommend enough, has something for everyone unless you want to seriously complain about a bit of mega boob or want every porn based rpgm game to just be a FF game with a few handjobs stapled on.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Art is pretty good, there are many h scenes...tho i hoped i could see more body img progression depending on sex counts, but i guess it's minor issue. Also, the clothing varients aren't that many which is kinda a bummer.

    Story? Pretty good, not great. it was just easy to follow, but it wasn't something that synergizes with h content.

    The loop sound effects were a bit short not to go unnoticed, which was a bit annoying but it was still hot.

    The good part of this game is that it doesn't force you to grind by having a casual mode which is changeable during the game.

    There are also minor inconvenience that makes player have to sleep in the inn to be fully pregnant, which is a chore. there should have been an item that shortens the process. also trying to prolong the battle to have sex with a partner felt unnecessary.

    Overall, the game is good, but minor inconveniences made the game a bit of a chore to play. 3/5
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    It was a very good game. at first, I accidentally downloaded the demo version but after seeing the potential I again downloaded the main version it was worth it. the animation, the plot, and the work were all amazing. loved the game. good job developers. keep up the good work.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this shit from start to finish 12 hours straight. That alone should tell you something, though whether it's about me or the game is up to you.

    Despite that, I honestly don't have too much to say about the game. The sex scenes are mostly just OK to me, but I fucking loved the art, characters, and story. It's your typical shonen plot but having the main character be a waifu in a porn game just makes it so much more heart-warming. I was rooting for Kirsten so much that I did the entire playthrough as a virgin.

    The male companions she teams up with are also very charming, even if not very developed. Seeing them all be pure-hearted guys that genuinely just want the best for Kirstin is so fucking cute. The writing is also pretty funny when it wants to be, got a few chuckles out of me while I was playing and brightened my mood while playing

    Kirstin is for hugging, not lewding.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily The Best Thing To Exist!
    + S Tier Story
    + S Tier Lore
    + S Tier H-Scenes
    + S Tier Character Designs
    + Overall S Tier Game
    - No New Game+
    - Still waiting for Imperial Capital update!

    This is the game I wish there's a New Game+ but that's alright.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Now that I have translations, and essentially finished the game, it is finally to give this a right proper review.

    In order to convey how much I love this game. I would without a doubt say that I would put this game up there with Eclipse's Ariadne. As I consider that the gold standard J-RPGM game. While not as numerous in terms of CG by comparison, and with honesty not juuust a hair's breadth short of equaling it, War Demon Kirstin makes up for it with a simple yet packed story filled with who I honestly believe are very memorable.

    From Kirstin's first four companions, to the ones you make post-game no matter how brief, they exude a personality of their own. When you confront the big bad with your merry band, you feel that Kirstin earned her happy ending after what she felt trudging through a miserable existence.

    Kinks and fetishes were plentiful as it had everything I wanted. Huge boobs, strong women, preggo scenes, and well written sex with the cast and the situations.

    Its only a shame that there are no content with the post game characters. I have a feeling that they might be from another game made by these creators, but even then the disappointment didn't last as it has always been Kristin's story.

    A solid 10 out of 10 and I hope to see more games from this developer get translated.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has all the components to be my favorite game. But the execution just fell flat.

    Story 4/10

    Kirstin is a general in the Imperial army. While going home, she get tricked and an enslavement spell is placed on her. This spell will gradually turn her more lewd, gradually lose control of her body, and have an accelerated pregnancy cycle. So the game's goal is to break this spell by chasing down the old man who cast it on Kirstin.

    Along the way she finds and helps 3 men who in turn help Kirstin in the final dungeon.

    Kirstin nearly gives up due to her many sins but through the power of friendship she preservers and wins the final battle against the old man.

    It's not a great story but her background and the story's motivation is kind of meh. Each of the three males that she helps don't have great background stories either.

    Gameplay 3/10

    Regular RPGM gameplay. Map. Roam. Attack. Defend. Battle sex interlaced here and there.

    Honestly I think the gameplay is where this game lacked. The battle is just kind of meh. There's some battlefucking but it's very formulaic so it's not very interesting.

    There's a sex record to earn titles, but the titles don't do anything except exist.

    The pregnancy aspect of the game is also kind of flat. Sure, Kirstin gets pregnant but it doesn't affect combat, you have to sleep at an inn to get pregnant after being fertilized, and all you can really do is go to a hospital and give birth. Every dick that goes into Kirstin has a chance to impregnant Kirstin but again, there's no point. You have a birth list with a little splash text for each unique father. Very underwhelming.

    Art 8/10


    The art style really does it for me. I just really enjoy balloon boobs.

    There's around 30 CGIs and around 5-6 variation CGIs. It's not small but not large amount either.

    AFAICT there's 4 unique outfits, which is, again, kind of small. Each outfit is reflected in each CGI so I understand it takes a lot of work, but that's not a really good excuse to have a low amount of outfits.

    Overall 5/10

    I waited for this game to be translated for a long time since I loved the art and didn't want to disservice the game with MTL. But it was wholly underwhelming. It was just okay.

    It took about 12 hours to beat the game but it really should have been like 3. There's a lot of time wasting aspects which decreases the quality of the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! 1.8 review:
    There are the highlights I have for those who want to try out this game
    -Preggo lover(y)
    -Big boobs(y)
    -Bit of voice acting(y)
    -Somewhat of a decent plot(y)
    Some negatives:
    -Kinda short game
    -A plot you've seen many times
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Hot MC.

    Meh story but more effort than most pornos.

    great scenes for the most part.

    And I love the pregnancies though it would be neat if you had a counter and maybe some extra interactions for having lots of kids esp around the demi-humans.

    My only beef is something in alot of Japanese devs do sleeping with unwashed hobos and eating of smegma is fucking nasty and honestly way overdone. And the VD scene with Aria was fucking disgusting.

    Also the female party members gained after the end have no purpose and no scenes though maybe one day.

    In summary great game less weird smegma and VD shit and it would be perfect.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really good. The art is fantastic, the scenes have a lot of variety (and cover quite a few kinks), and the story is surprisingly engaging (i didn't expect this depth for the protagonist).
    The gameplay is fine. Nothing incredible, but fine. In the first parts the game can feel a little "stiff" or "on rails", tho (nothing unbearable, and it goes away pretty quickly).
    The only "negative" i found (and the only reason i didn't give 5 stars) is that the girl companions you can unlock after the main story don't have much of a reason to be there. One of them has a single scene while in the party, and that's it (although it's a really good one). I wish there was more about them, they are painfully underutilized (which is a shame, considering how good they look). Hopefully we'll get an update.