VN - Ren'Py - Waifu Academy [v0.12.0] [Irphaeus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best argument in a game so far. The planning of the characters it´s something to admire here. Everything of the plot falls into place and has a good dose of humor too. I will love more animations but the art style is very good and each character has its very unique traits.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is trash.

    It's not the rapey content... I actually came for that... it's the presentation. Childish, immature, pretentious... trap-laden... I'm not talking traps as in a penis falls out where you didn't expect it... I'm talking this guy walks into plot extending bullshit every day... where he ends up the loser to someone else.

    Way too many obscure and genre specific pop culture references. Way too many repeating mental recaps of what needs to be done. Locations open up that lead nowhere and are pointless to click on. All choices come in two varieties... the kind that leads to an instant game over... and the kind that really isn't a choice... it's three choices that all lead to the same outcome... you losing at something totally outside of your control and an obvious trap.

    If you enjoy losing at everything you do and having everyone put you down, this is for you. If you enjoy author specific pop culture references that are even highlighted in their own font color, this is for you. If you enjoy watching all the women around you being fondled, you're going to love this... except that most of that fondling is done by other characters, not you... If you get off on overuse of non-words like "dem" for them and "dat" for that... and every other retarded 14-year-old hipster slang you can think of... you'll love this.

    All the references and language is there to make it seem edgy and cool with a very specific group of people which limits it's universal appeal... but what is worse is every time a green bit of dialog pops up it reminds me, as the player, that there is some dude behind all of this trying to get me off... fuckin' buzz kill. Don't make it about you. I don't want you in my jack session.

    Again, the author not only overdoes the references, he highlights them breaking every rule about exposition and references, the first of which is that if you have to explain it, it doesn't belong. They don't just explain it, they highlight it.

    There is an opening scene where music is blasting in the next room... you're given the option of ignoring it or telling mom or going into the room... well telling mom leads you back to the same menu, can't find her... and ignoring it leads back the same menu... apparently can't ignore it... the game demands you go through all these clicks for a predetermined outcome. It's tedious and an illusion of interaction.

    And then there's a scene where you're peeping on mom in her shower and as she is about to notice you you are given three options... replace the missing tile... leave the room... or stick your dick in the hole so she can go to town on it, thinking it's a dildo... now obviously, the first two are the reasonable options that shouldn't get you in trouble, but they both lead to game over... but sure, you can stick your dick in the hole and she won't know it's real and just... go to town. Ridiculous choice system. Ridiculous scene. None of this is any good. What is the point of any of this without immersion? Might as well just plug in a porn movie... it would actually be more grown up. And more immersive.

    It's those kind of choices: ones that end in game over... ones were picking the obvious good choice is a trap... and ones that just don't matter, you're going where the story is going to take you anyways... that's all this offers. There is zero reason behind the choices you make in this... the game knows what it wants you to pick and more often than not, the obvious choice is a game-over trap and the ridiculous choice is the right path.

    It gets so bad that in one scene you are forced into walking into the back of the subway which everyone knows by now contains bad rapey dudes that you've already encountered... and you know they know you because you stopped them from raping a girl... you're forced into this, and there's no reason for it either... you're just killing time on the subway... no escaping it... and then those guys proceed to humiliate and beat you while you wait for a girl you call to come and protect you... and this whole forced encounter causes you to lose the MacGuffin you've worked so hard to get...

    And later when you're forced into being stuck in a neighbor's master bedroom as they come home... you're given the option of hiding in a closet, hiding under a bed, or trying to talk your way out of it... the first two end the game and the third option has you ninja vaulting to the ceiling, then ducking down into the closet and waiting for them to go to sleep... none of which involves talking it out with the guy.

    And then when you go to leave, you're forced to go down on the wife who catches you leaving the room while hubby sleeps... after this you're given the option to leave without getting your own rocks off (the safe and wise choice--leads to game over) or staying and fucking her on the bed while her police chief husband sleeps and her kids watch from the door. This absurd situation was always what the game wanted and it forces game over if you don't choose it. It's fucking ridiculous.

    He's dumb and weak but the story doesn't help you avoid being that way. If you enjoy that, fine... but I don't know why anyone would want an unlikable, unidentifiable main character. In normal dialog he spews out specific body parts and worldly knowledge like he's Doctor Ken Jennings... in any sporting competition he walks to the table with near Olympic skill... but in every third scene he walks into a trap or does something so dumb... and if the plot is on the line, he's destine to lose... he's inconsistent... it's the nicest way I can define this guy.

    And the entire time this MC is failing at things or being humiliated, his inner dialog is ranting about the morons and imbeciles around him and how superior he is to them, oblivious that he is genuinely worse than they are... especially since they literally just got the better of the him. And it's not done as a character flaw displaying dramatic irony... the story never comes from a place that the MC is flawed... even when the MC is losing (all the time) the entire narrative is trying to claim in all seriousness that this guy is above everyone else. The author really believes that this guy is winning... even when he so clearly is losing.

    The sex comes too easy and is sterile, pun-laden and immature. By the time I closed this the MC has been with countless girls, has numerous girlfriends, the whole school is a swoon over him with many girls inwardly and outwardly expressing love and devotion to the guy... but I cannot remember ever seeing this guy kiss a girl in here. Or make out. It's always fondle the tits... man she's wet... oh... she's cum... this guy touches them, they cum. It's entirely void of passion.

    I'd bet large sums of money that the author of this hates women... I'd bet my life they are afraid of someone thinking they are gay. Many times in this homophobic slag is used... and I'm not so PC (I'm not PC at all-read my reviews) as to freak about about someone being called "fag" or using expressions like "suck my dick"... and neither is this... but after literally every single line that could be considered gay or gay-bashing, the MC clarifies "no-homo"... now, you might think that's just this character, but this clarification is made in the quest logs and from the dialog of other characters, too. It's totally as if the author is going out of their way to make sure no one reading this should in any way think they (the author) are gay. It might be the only humorous thing about all of this.

    The girls are cookie cutter and void of personality. This offers a brief expositive opening scene that introduces the class and the game relies on this brief introduction to each character as the entirety of their character development... Sue likes animals... now you know Sue. And all of them want your cock... you can straight up be the biggest dick in the world, they don't care... they need your cock. At least put a tiny bit of challenge into it, or courtship. Some foreplay. Some main character winning and not just floating around as chicks fly at his schlong... anywhere... there is zero work involved in this. It's idea of foreplay is molest her three nights in a row while she's asleep and that somehow makes her fall in love with you. And what's with everyone going unconscious after an orgasm? Who does that? This does it all the time... even to the MC... and every girl is a squirter... this is just awful. When the sex is this bad in a sex game, you really need a story and characters and those are even worse. I want to give this zero stars because it's a travesty if people are crowd sourcing for this... when there are so many good titles... don't spend on this and perpetuate garbage... make people aspire to make better quality. This is lazy as hell.

    And it clearly thinks it has a brain by adding obvious Google search bits of meaningless, mundane facts about obscure topics to make it appear smart... and that's OK, I guess... if it wasn't so damned childish and immature in every other line of writing that isn't being pretentious like this. It has two speeds with the dialog... childish and pretentious. That's every line in this and those two don't mix well.

    I stayed with it because it kinda has a plot. This might be the only thing they spent any real time on. Otherwise there is no thought in this game but the author really thinks they've made gold here. Another review said it well: "Self indulgent". I'd add the word "crap" to the end of that statement.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    How this game is so popular, I will never know.

    "In Waifu Academy, you play as a young man who wishes to seek revenge after many years of harrowing ordeals..."

    A promising premise, however, misleading. Let me correct it for the Author.

    "In Waifu Academy, you play as a pathetic loser with dreams of revenge, but instead of actually accomplishing anything, he is made into everyone's bitch."

    Our main character is - to be blunt - stupid. He is easily manipulated, and he just waltzess right into traps laid out by other characters and we - as the player - can do nothing about it. It's infuriating to sit through when you consider the premise the author tried to push this game as, but clearly lied about.

    Anyways, If you are into main characters that get pushed around and humiliated by everyone he meets, then this game is for you, as for me? It's an easy 1/5 (I would give it 0 if I could)
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    desolate sharidan

    - Amazing story that actually gets you interested
    - One of the funniest game i've ever played with a fkton of references to movies and anime
    - Has literally 10 girls who are so unique, pretty and amazing that they deserve their own game

    Best. Game. Ever

    EDIT: This was my prior 5 star rating review of update 0.6.4, if I recall correctly.

    As of update 0.10.0: The game still has witty dialogue, an interesting plot, and now even better animations.
    But unfortunately the authors decided to add their Ugly Bastard NTR fetish into the game which is UNAVOIDABLE, which frankly should be illegal, especially since it's NOT listed in the tags?!

    I would rate it 0 stars now if I could, but I would rate it 4 stars if they made it optional.
  5. C
    2.00 star(s)


    Game's pretty meh.

    Karma is worthless as of right now. Choices don't really matter. Girls are all awfully similar to each other in terms of personality (about 3 falling under the "shy" archetype, about 3 falling under the "bad bitches with personal troubles" archetype, 2 being the "milf with marital troubles" archetype - man this shit just kinda gets boring!).

    Game's pretty rapey, which while I don't mind too much, it's fun to be an absolute jerk and a villain once in a while, it's just kinda, consequence-less? You get to rape and assault girls, and then nothing really happens after, they don't hate you, they don't fear you, they don't notice you are drugging them, it doesn't have any consequences whatsoever. It's also pretty NTR-y, be warned.

    Also, be warned, the author thinks he's funny and keeps trying to make video game and anime jokes and references. You may think he's funny, I don't. The further into the game you go, the worse the author gets at that.

    I suppose the best thing about the game is the premise of the plot. Being a manipulative little evil genius and achieving your evil revenge by ruining some lives, conquering some hearts and taking some virginities along the way sounds nice. But that premise just kinda gets let down by how the plot actually progresses. You are just not the kind of character to do such a thing, you are stupid, are way too easily deceived and manipulated, you walk into traps, and there is nothing you as a player can do about it but sit there and watch.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was done nice. Storyline, enhanced graphic, game mechanism , route and of coz, waifu! The developer and the team have put alot of efforts in working on this game. Though there's a delay until now but they are always giving their best to the game. Quality game are always time consuming hence the delay. And this game also manage to create a few characters that i liked too. It's a definitely must support game. Everything is done with heart, passion, details and inspirations. It's awesome.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great VN, compelling story, okay renders + animations (on Android). However the constant digression does get a little frustrating. I get that some characters need a bit of backstory so we can understand how they fit into the bigger picture, but Dev ends up overdoing it at times. There was a point where I actually began to believe that the MC was going to abandon his quest because there little to no progression whatsoever, so it would be better if the story was a little more direct in that respect

    Other than that it's one of the best out there (certainly one of the top VN's that use Honey Select models, and there's VERY few of those.) And the humor is top tier (this the first VN that's actually had me laugh out loud on numerous occasions. That pool scene where the MC's mom gets knocked unconscious was pure comedy gold).

    So overall 7.0/10. I highly recommend it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic game. There is more humor and entertainment packed into this gem than any other adult game I've played. It's better on many accounts than a lot of regular games. It holds its own in graphics quality and writing. Although there are only a few choices you can make that actually affect the storyline, there are plenty of unexpected twists, turns and interesting experiences to be enjoyed.

    You get esoteric jokes from Home Alone 2 paired with an enjoyment of David Attenborough. What's not to love?

    I got bored and skipped many scenes with ladies I was not too particularly interested in, only to slow down and laugh out loud at some of the ridiculously funny commentary and dialogue between the characters.

    I played on Android and the experience was flawless. I only wish the Android version was as up to date as the main one.

    Overall 5/5, would recommend and encourage to donate to the creators Patreon if you enjoyed it as much as I did!
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story progression, funny and pop culture references mixed in well. Cant wait for the next episode! Some of the stories can be a little better. The animations are great and the number of sexy stuff in each release is enough materials
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Mosaic

    my english sucks but oh well, here we go....

    If you're into games with honeyselect models then this is (in my opinion) the best honeyselect games on this website, followed by ecchi sensei and mythic manor. the render of this game is not as good as mythic manor but still better than ecchi sensei. This game has A LOT of content with A LOT of characters with unique personallity and personally i love how the dev design the characters in this game, every one of them (or should i say most of them) are actually attractive.

    The story in this game is actually pretty interesting, i wouldn't call this game is the best honeyselect games for the H-content alone. This game managed to make me stay curious and actually looking forward on what's gonna happen on the next update, so it's safe to say that i don't even wait just for the H-content anymore, i just want to finish the story. So i really recommend you guys to play this games especially if you guys likes ecchi sensei, i'm going to give this game a 5 stars out of 5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    the best Girls and Animation. i really love the train scene, it keeps me wanting more of it.
    Well to be HONEST this game has far more better Quality of Animation and Models than the other games. it makes me love them all. i might support the creator if he will update more consistent and not over delayed. I like the story very straightforward. All in All I really love the Game. thankd Irpaheus
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    So, first off, anyone on here saying the writing and models are amazing are just wrong. The models and animation are all fairly mediocre. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad here, it's just nothing to write home about. The writing is generally okay as well, but it's a porn game so some suspension of disbelief is required and it's not like there's really incredible depth of character on display. It's enough to keep you invested though (I do wish the creator would have made a bigger deal of the supernatural elements earlier though so they don't come as such a surprise by 3/4 of the way through the current version). There are, however, a few sections where there is a bit more of a focus on "character development" and honestly those sections were just more boring and really dragged on.

    The real draw of this game is that there are a lot of sex scenes. They are extremely regular and with a lot of different girls. It's a proper harem game where instead of just one sex scene with different girls (who are then ostensibly in your harem) you will repeatedly come back to them as time goes on. Also, this is why the lacklustre model/animation quality isn't really an issue because it's a case of quantity over quality and I'd argue that in this case it actually works out. Plus, while they're not SUPER amazing, the models for the girls are all hot, so that's also a positive.

    A final positive is that the kinks worked into the game are all things I specifically enjoy. There's force/rape, impregnation, master/slave elements which are all excellent (although actually a lot of people in the reviews seem to say it's "too rapey" but I actually would have preferred it if there were more instances of genuine forceful stuff). So for fap material, which again is why I'm here, this was pretty great.

    Now, downsides: there are four really big problems that I take issue with. As I said, I dislike visual novels in general, so I automatically remove a star for that anyway. And unfortunately I think this game rather demonstrates the worst aspects of visual novels in that currently there is basically only ONE route through the story. The interaction is few and far between, and when you are ostensibly given branching choices for the most part (aside from one or two instances) they actually either lead to a game over or don't have any affect on the outcome. Essentially, there is very little interaction, which is a big downside for me.

    Second is actually more technical. I really hope that when the game is finished that the creator goes through it a few times to clean it up and actually decide what sort of game he is trying to make. On more than one occasion it feels like he was originally planning a dating sim type game. For example you are told "X girl can now visit you every night" but there is never an option for that, so it was like he initially wanted to have time-slots and actions in those time-slots but completely forgot about it along the way... Except this happens on more than one occasion. I just want him to commit more to actually making a game that is a visual novel and not a dating sim. Similarly there are a lot of instances of changes in the UI and QOL issues which just need smoothing over and can be jarring to experience (for instance, why is there a shop that requires money for the first 5 hours and then the requirement of money vanishes, because you can't actually earn money in the game).

    Third: there are a few instances of straight shota involved in the game. Not in very sexual scenes, but treading the line just enough to make me uncomfortable (for instance the "sexual education" scene was really awkward and I genuinely believe should be utterly cut from the game).

    Lastly, and this for me is the really big issue that knocked it down from mediocre to poor. While the writing is mostly fine, the humour is absolutely gawdawful. The creator fills just about every second line with forced "punny" references to everything from Warhammer 40K and anime to memes and current events from the last few years. I have no issues with this happening occasionally, but good lord is it overdone here. Particularly when it's in the middle of sex scenes and the like as well, it just grated on my mind... He really, really, needs to tone that down and remove about 95% of them to allow the game to actually have a bit more flow and MAYBE it might actually get a laugh from me. He also has a really weird habit of occasionally trying to show off how intelligent the MC is (and presumably show off himself) by shoehorning really obscure art and science knowledge into dialogue which again was just massively jarring and out of place. I have seen one other review describe it as "self-aware" and I genuinely take issue with that. "Self-indulgent" is the better phrase.

    Tl;dr the game is great for fapping because of how regular the sex is, which is the only reason I could get through it all because of just how absolutely dire the dialogue and internal monologue can be.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Well planned plot, serious dialogues that one do not skip, beautiful girls with well balanced characters. Japanese atmosphere like one in "Your name" cartoon.
    Suggest to anyone who likes school settings and immersive games with a certain level of unpredictability.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny as hell, pun-central, meme-centric, historic and current-event focused... I've played sssooo many adult games nothing even compares to the text in this game. Oh, yeah, forgot... woman are smokin, sex-a-plenty, great animations, and story has all kinds of twists. 6 stars IMO!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very funny, very sexy, very well written, and an interesting plot. There aren't a whole lot of animations, but when there are they're well made. The story can be a bit confusing to follow at times, but there are helpful recaps at certain points in the game. Can't wait for the next update!
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave it a 2 because some of the girls are decent, likeable characters.

    And that was about all I liked.

    I hated the MC. Self entitled, whiny little shit with daddy issues getting "revenge" on a group of girls who have no fucking clue what's going on.

    I admit, I went in knowing very little and that is my fault. I saw the word Waifu and a bunch of attractive models and expected something far different than I got.

    That word is so misplaced here.

    Waifu, a term commonly used to describe a character that someone has great affection for, sometimes romantic. Neither of which are shown in this game where the girls are pretty much rape bait.

    From raping his step sister in his sleep to being followed onto a train by a girl only for her to get assaulted by 3 guys. You can stop it but if you try too soon you fail so you have to let her get sexcually assaulted before you can stop it going further. Doesn't matter though she completely loses her mind later anyway.

    Throw in a girl sleeping on a bench being assaulted, rape in the toilets and the absolute worst mother character i've ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes on in a VN. She gets nothing right, it's like she's a lost extra from a slapstick b movie.

    And this is the good karma route by the way. Rape, sexually assault, mind fuckery and turning these "waifu's" (so out of place) into drooling cum dumps. All in the name of good karma.

    This is one I just struggled with. On the one hand it does have a lot of candidates for "waifu" material but on the other the MC is just a fucking douche and it's so damn rapey for a good karma route I know damn well i'll never see the bad karma one. This was enoguh for me.

    I'm sure plenty of people will enjoy it and I urge people to make their own minds up, reviews are just personal opinions after all.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best-made sex-game I played until now.
    +Simple Visual Novel Point&Click-Gameplay with option to 'rewind' after you chose an option
    + Huge cast of characters all very attractive and different
    +Sex scenes are fluidly animated
    +Nice story about revenge with a MC who is at the same time competent and flawed and will not annoy you
    +I also like the use of dreams and horny imaginations to fullfill certain fetishes without it impacting the story instead of forcing it in and so lowering the quality.
    +But nothing beats that wonderful entertaining and self-aware writing with tons of old and modern pop-culture-references. You read those lines and think to yourself: "those guys have fun making this game" ^^
    You don't the sex scenes to want to continue playing, which is in my opinion the sign that you did everything right in game of this sort.

    I also have no problem with the missing of impacting choices or the Karma-system as I think the devs want to finish one whole storyline first and then implement minor changes to it.

    Awesome job until now, do your best in the future.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It is rare that I enjoy this kind of game but this one is really good. The characters are varied and well modeled. The story is fun and not too complicated (enough to make you want to follow it without going through all the dialogues). I can't wait for the rest to come !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    TL:DR: Amazing game, full of content, really nicely developed characters and storyline, and best CGI i've seen in a game so far.

    Extremely compelling plotwise, it has some really dark moments and some very memorable endings (game overs), that add a lot of flavor to the experience, as well as some really funny puns. Very nicely balanced character personalities, with unique and identifiable traits. The development may be slightly quick for some of them, but it also makes it nice and fast paced.