VN - Ren'Py - Waifu Academy [v0.12.0] [Irphaeus]

  1. O
    5.00 star(s)


    The animations are amazing and fluid, the girls are very beautiful and sexy, the sex scenes are phenomenal, the story is very intriguing. and I especially love the exhibitionism in the game. Great job
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.6.4a

    I would say that I enjoyed the game as I could make it to the end despite it's length.
    I think the game is really charming by the puns it makes and the cultural references, you could really feel like your are connecting not only to the MC but also know the developer, what is he in to, his tastes and interests.

    I think it is also helpful that the game as a diary mechanic that can summarize pretty good the point in the story you are in, especially because there are many characters and for someone like me who came back to the game after not playing few months, it was a good refresher, so point on that =]

    In my opinion the story is pretty interesting, the characters have the typical anime personalities and its charming and cool.
    Also the music adds to the tone of the game.

    Some things that bothered me pretty often were the amount of text in a lot of the text boxes, I mean 4-5 lines of dialogue are pretty painful for the eye compared to how dense they were and how little space between the lines.
    Moreover, the amount of puns and how comical and sarcastic the dialogue was, made it also it's disadvantage, it felt fine most of the time but it made it hard for me to get immersed in the story, because the "serious" parts of the story were really far apart.

    Overall I would easily give the game 8/10
    Looking forward for new content.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed 0.6.4a

    Splendid and hilarious is how I would describe Waifu Academy. From the outrageous story to the charming characters to the beautiful H-scenes; you’ll find something to love in Waifu Academy by Irphaeus.

    After reading a couple of reviews and comments; I decided to give the game a crack, I went in without knowing much about it and I finish the latest update without knowing much about it except that I knew I had an awesome time with it.

    As always Honey Select is super divisive in our community and as always, I find myself enjoying the renders and animations despite some imperfections (shininess of the body). The models are amazing and the bounciness of some of animations super engaging. Also, I love ahegao, thank you for adding that in! One of my key concerns is the gallery, no way to replay scenes, I’ve got 12 pages of saves because I just want to replay the scenes!

    The game is a visual novel, you watch, you make choices (although choices should matter, none have really mattered long term, not yet at least). There are some choices in where you want to go and different scenes play out as a result but overall it’s a relaxed experience. Kick back and enjoy the ride (no pun intended).

    The story feels like a parody of many anime and hentai tropes. Most of the game is the MC getting up to no good and getting involved in lewd scenes. There are some darker moments in the game and that’s when I feel like the story is at it’s weakest. Some of the serious scenes (the train scene with the single girl) had big impact and left me reeling from it. However, I found greater enjoyment with the more light-hearted scenes. Combined with the quirky, wacky characters who are all possess their individual charms, it makes for an excellent experience as a reader/player. There are so many characters in this game and they were all pretty memorable! At the same time, with such a large cast, each character only gets small updates every patch.

    • Beautiful renders and excellent H-scenes, ANIMATIONS!
    • Simple and easy to pick up gameplay
    • Large cast of charming and wacky characters
    • Story is fun and hilarious
    • Ahegao!
    • Scene replays not implemented, only picture gallery
    • Some of the more serious moments lack gravitas
    • Your favourite character might get little development from patch to patch
    • Scene gallery
    • I remember there was a karma system in place but its really taken a backseat, don’t remember much about it
    • Keep up the awesome work!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    -Great storyline
    -Great animations
    -I am excited for every new update
    -No grind
    -nothing completely out of place
    -very smooth and erotic experience!
    MC is investigating the history of his father and comes across a few females trying to hinder him and or possesing key assets which he convinces them to share

    Keep up the good work Irphaeus!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the tiddies, stayed for the story. The tiddies are excellent though, don't get me wrong, but the writing is where this game truly shines. I did not expect to be chuckling out loud while playing. Usually I just skip past boring dialog scenes to get to the lewd stuff faster, but not in this game. The story really drew me in.
    -And fucking FINALLY a game with no pull-out or condom tease bullshit. Irphaeus is a writer who understands that raw uninhibited lust does not give a FUCK about contraception. A fictional girl only gets pregnant if the story demands it. Male protagonists worrying about pregnancies is beta as fuck and a huge turn off. I'm happy to finally see a writer who understands this.
    The animated scenes are absolutely top notch and I love that more thought has gone into the cum scenes than just making the screen blink three times, which otherwise seems to be standard these days.
    Fucking 9.99/10 and I don't say this lightly.
    (Small immersion breaker for me: super horny people IRL are not Shakespeare. A girl getting teased or plowed properly should barely be able to form coherent sentences, let alone manage to make actual good jokes about astronomy. )
    This author/producer is going places. Keep your eyes out boys and girls.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying this game so far. The girls are all hot and cute, I found myself wanting to know what happens next in the story, the characters are memorable, the pacing is great, I love just about everything about this game. I haven’t played too many h games but this one really exceeded all my expectations.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is for 0.6.4a, which was (a) my first time trying this game and (b) a complete play through. This game has a lot of potential, quite a lot of content at this stage, and I did enjoy the game, but there are significant technical issues that will need to be overcome to move foward as planned that result in me giving it a 3-star rating at this time.

    The overall story, as well as the stories for each girl, is solid. However, the game is completely linear. Choices don't have any significant impact on the game except when they lead to game-over screens. It's nice to see that each girl is unique in both physical design and in their motivations, and the same goes for the guys. The writing is somewhat uneven. Mostly, the story follows logical progressions, but there are a few exceptions. Sometimes, the MC says that he needs to do something in the morning, but never does and makes no reference to that failure. The latter part of the game has a lot of English errors, and a lot of them look more like sloppiness than English-as-a-second-language errors. There's also 4th wall breaking that really doesn't add anything to the game.

    The image quality is pretty good. However, many of the videos don't quite line up when they loop and some of the motion is extreme relative to the background. Some of the renders have clipping issues, for example bag straps often go through clothes. There's decent sound and music, though the more recent stuff has perhaps gone a little overboard on the sound effects.

    The code is a mess. Events that happen multiple times don't call the same label, but rather are just copy-and-pasted (non-modular programming), resulting in code that is harder to maintain and change, and removing the ability to skip through repeated events. There are basically no variables, so the karma system that's in the works doesn't record karma and will probably require a fresh play-through when it gets added. Also, the game has no way to tell if you've viewed scenes, which would be required to properly add a gallery. The quest system that is shown at the end of each day (homework) is extremely clunky, doesn't accurately reflect the current progression of the story, and is completely unnecessary at this point. Some scenes where choices will affect the images shown (different states of undress for a girl) are not properly done, resulting in clothes appearing/disappearing between images. Adding meaningful choices to where to go after school is not going to be easy with the current code structure and may actually negatively impact the pacing of the story. There is at least one bug, where the game tries to jump to a label that doesn't exist because there's a typo in the day number of the label. With over 24,000 lines, fixing the code is going to be non-trivial, but really should be done before it gets worse.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great potential and the scenes are pretty good. There is a lot left unfinished currently, but it's going on a good path. I hope the developer will continue with this quality. Girl models are good and story is not too linear. Can't wait for it to be complete!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5, my top5 for sure, depending on future updates it may even become my favourite game

    - interesting story and characters
    - hillarious puns (it really shows how smart and well-read the dev is)
    - grammar
    - audio
    - mom dildo replacing scene
    - beautiful and interesting girls
    - scenes
    - squirting
    - I have lold so hard when I saw "xD" and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    - oh for f*'s sake, just lose this f*g purse already
    - karma system
    - choices that aren't really choices, you're getting the sense of having any impact on what's happening, but other choices just lead to game over
    - more mom content please
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Oof, what a game! It's been a while since a game made me want to express my opinion about it.

    I usually don't play any of those prerendered games that are solely focused on Story without any gameplay because they feel/felt kind of boring and awfully linear.
    But after stumbling across this game I've decided to give another try for this kind of games. Maybe because of Kayane's look idk but whatever it was: I'm glad that I did that!

    Like always, I was expecting this game to be an sex centered game with a poorly designed story and a lot of "coincidences" ...
    But shortly after I started I got hooked by the scenario and after the first set back I actually started to care about some of the characters.
    I also liked that most of the girls at the school did act decent, weren't fast to tame and had a beautiful appearance.
    The MC's personality was finally something I was looking for. Not to high up but still above everything (if you know what I mean) and the combination of these did just matched perfectly.

    Despite the lack of gameplay and the linearity of the story I still enjoyed playing it and I felt kind of sad reaching the end of 0.6.4.
    However I would have loved to see an "free roaming" mode at the end which would allow the player to interact and play with certain characters without altering the story by it self.
    Either by being stuck in a certain day and relive it in many different ways before the next update or a never-ending dream with slow and grindy progression (so that a single scene lasts for many playing sessions). But it seems this would be a totally different game then ^^

    Anyways, like I said, great game and story.
    I've got finally convinced that this genre of games can actually be awesome.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.6.4a

    A really, really great game with an engaging story.

    I feel that it lacks a bit of choice (although that helps keep the story coherent I guess) and the music, although sometimes good, gets tiring after many hours of playing.

    Beside that it is a fine game with lots of content. It also helped me learn lots of words only found on the Urban Dictionary.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have played.
    Seems like the author has a great project and that is justthe begining.
    Nice graphics, interesting story and kinky characters with a dose of good humor. That mix makes feel naxious to the next part. And as i could have seen there are many endings and i like when i realy can change the game and it's not just a straight strory lane. by the way animations in this game are one of the best, feels that the creator has made them with love and passion. I can strongly recomend it to everyone. And hope we will see more kinky ways of sex in this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    u z i


    i can safely say that this is definitely one of the best VNs on this site(also justified by being on the main forum page). i first played v0.3.8 and after so many updates all i can say is the story just keeps getting better and better. at first it may seem like a typical hentai story but trust me, it has much MUCH more to offer. the story-telling is really good and the pacing just right. a big pool of characters with each having distinct personalities and back-stories. the sex-scenes are really hot(animated ofcourse). but, the highlight of this game for me would definitely be the dialogs. extremely well written with some decent humour in it too. it might even force out a giggle out of you :D
    there are quite a few references to some well-known anime's and tv series which i really enjoyed. overall, this VN is just a gem. recommended to everyone! :)
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    First hs I played in general. The girls are all hot and cute. Nice graphics, interesting story with a dose of good humor. So many references and jokes in the writing make completely the difference in the quality and pleasure of playing.

    Long wait between updates makes people forget about the game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game for sadists, it's a perfect game in my opinion I just wish it got more updates, the story is very interesting I think it's the story that makes this one quite a unique game, the characters are well developed, very fun, and exciting game, there are things in it for anyone I believe.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a Honey Select game where the main theme it's the Revenge of the Mc ,in Harem style ; actually there is just one path and you don't need any walkthrough to play ( maybe in future with further updates ).
    If you like this kind of games i've no doubt to tell that Waifu Academy here in F95zone it's one of the best that you can play and enjoy .
    I played the game from the begin till last update 0.6.4 ( i can tell that there are so many hours of total playing actually ); renders and animations are great and there are absolutely a big choice of girls . Sex scenes and animations are gorgeous ( only defect it's no option for the repeating ) and every characters ( both male and female ) , have a different background , personality and story .
    Nothing here it's boring but what is really a plus and shines it's the dialog due to how hilarious it's the writing style ; so many reference and jokes in the writing and this makes completely the difference for the quality and pleasure of playing. In Waifu Academy you can find a really Masterpiece of his genre with a story and with dialog absolutely original

    Another plus are musics and sound contents , that give to game the right atmosphere .

    So for my personal opinion this game is 5 star review without doubt and it must absolutely be in the list of games worth to play
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, this is one of the best games EVER. There are a lot of good things going, but there are a few things that could be improved on. (This review is for update 0.6.4)

    TLDR: I'd give this game a 9/10

    1. The writing is absolutely great. I find myself laughing out loud every update because it's absolutely hilarious. If you like meme's you'll love this game.

    2. There are so many girls, and they are all hot with unique personalities and their own story lines. So far each update has explored the background of a different character, and you'll quickly find yourself looking forward to the next update to find out more.

    1. MC is a generic dude seen in many games. Not that important honestly, since all the female characters are unique.

    2. Minor typos can be found throughout the game. The creator has stated that English is not his primary language, so it is expected. They will probably be fixed before final release.

    3. So far the story line has been very linear, taking a day by day approach with no free roam. I guess that's kind of like the original VN style, but even then I haven't really noticed if there are different "paths" to explore. It's more like picking choices that may or may not lead to a scene. There is a karma system built into the game, but it doesn't seem to have a big impact on content in the current update (0.6.4)

    All in all, a great game. Each update has brought tons of new content to explore, which is pretty amazing for an author that has been working alone.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. It has an unusual plot; revenge, and a certain logic to unraveling the mystery and getting revenge. However, I am getting a bit lost in the side excursions with all the nice girls he meets along the way. The renders are as good as they can be with these models. The scenery is very well-done.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Witty, creative, fun, sexy, compelling.... Waifu Academy swiftly became one of my all-time favorites. I am so eager for the next update, every time! The story, the characters, the wacky sex and the sexy sex are all awesome.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply one of the best games on the site.

    I don't usually care about the story in porn media I consume but this one is actually worth following since it doesn't take itself to seriously and doesn't try and get in the way of the important stuff (the lewds).

    The models are fantastic with a wide range of variance which just makes each girl more enticing. The animation similarly is very good.

    For anyone who enjoys harem and corruption content, this is a must try.