
May 18, 2017
This game starts out really strong, but good God the pacing hits a brick wall once you get to the second throne room scene. Conversations that just go on and on without saying anything important. I finally gave up once I got to the scene in the bar where you talk to the two girls and just started mashing the space bar to see if continuing would be worth it. Once that ended the game (so far) was just over. The dev needs to seriously rein in the exposition dumps and don't have a single conversation last more than a few minutes.
Aug 13, 2024
is pregnacy something that you woild include in this game?, avoideble for those that dont want it ofcourse.
[ is pregnancy something that you would include in this game?, avoidable for those that don't want it of course.]

i believe this is what you where trying to say and this would be a question for the dev as i do not know nor do i care to answer it. i just saw some miss spelt words and the OCD kicked in.


Jan 25, 2018
This game starts out really strong, but good God the pacing hits a brick wall once you get to the second throne room scene. Conversations that just go on and on without saying anything important. I finally gave up once I got to the scene in the bar where you talk to the two girls and just started mashing the space bar to see if continuing would be worth it. Once that ended the game (so far) was just over. The dev needs to seriously rein in the exposition dumps and don't have a single conversation last more than a few minutes.
I mean, this seems to be going for a fairly traditional VN-style, so its going to be lots and lots of text with a few times of input.
Like, if a conversation is only a few minutes long, you're expecting a lot of choices or something? Or do you think the characters talk too much?

Conversations usually go on and on after all, people don't just summarize everything right at you straight up. Just the natural flow of how talking works.
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