VN - Ren'Py - Succubus Kingdom [v0.03c] [Cibbon]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty short so far, but high effort. The animations are excellent, the writing is good and the girls cute. I look forward to seeing more of this in the future. Also Fudge is absolutely adorable, 10/10 must protecc
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    As a porn game, this gets 2/5
    As a VN, this gets 3/5

    It has, without a doubt, more work put into it than any VN made using these models that I've come across. There are unique pictures for almost everything. Genuinely almost every single time the dialogue shifts slightly, so does the background. I cannot fathom how many renders they made for this thing.

    The animations for the sex are also, without a doubt, some of the smoothest. The tongue bit with the slime girl is a prime example. They're not the best that I've seen, but they are smooth. The cum sequences are just downright trash, though. You go from 60fps animation to still frames with lazy cum strands. It's pretty jarring. There is also the glaring issue of SHOCKINGLY little porn. ASTOUNDINGLY little porn. If the story were good...I'd still not forgive it, but it'd be less of an issue. But it's really just not, so it's a huge issue.

    That's about it for quality. The writing is dreadful. I saw a review mentioning that it's pretty 'uwu weeb garbage' and am mostly inclined to agree. It falls between weeb fantasy and terrible porn in terms of literary quality. Some things are fine, most are not, and the overall feel is just...subpar. Which is honestly a huge shame with how much work they put into the sheer number of unique stills. It is bewildering to me how many they made. Especially with how many of the sentences are just lame one liners like "You will not!" followed by another change in renders. You'll have a lame 2 word response, get a new render, a 4 word response, new render, 3 word response, new render, and repeat.

    If the writing was even a fraction of the quality of the animations, this thing would slap. If they spent as much time polishing up the writing as they do making new renders, this would be the new Game of Thrones. The issue is that it's got about as much porn as the TV rendition, perhaps even less really, and not nearly as much quality as even the later seasons. It just falls flat. But the warring mix of quantity and quality in some areas vs the utter drought in others makes this an all around 3/5.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Tony Halls

    The characters in this game are well designed, the animations are incredibly made and unique, the models work extremely well. And the story seems solid, with a good premise.

    Can't wait to see what comes out from this game and dev in the future.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the quality and visuals of this game, the creator clearly has great taste and skill.
    Art style reminds me of NTR Online which is a W.
    Looking forward for the future of this game. I will definitely keep an eye on this fine piece.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    great so far i think the idea of the story is a neat one and i haven't seen a lot of h games that pull of the izakai idea very well but this looks promising. the first animation looked top notch i look forward to see where it goes. this game has some great potential just like its mc. that being said i will likely come back and change this review once this game gets more up dates. if it goes well it will be a five star for sure. i also hope it doesn't get abandoned like other games that start of well and then they get dropped of the face of the earth .
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good custom animations and models for a koikatsu game, the story is simple and it is in the beginning but i dont think it gonna evolve into a remarkable one.
    The review below is just nitpicking, the maid beating the protagonist and refusing to obey the godness makes sense as the maid is overprotective and hotheaded. The point of the scene is to show the personality of the maid and she was warned to not refuse orders again.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    uwu weeb garbage that hasn't even been proofread. There's no commas, random capital letters mid-sentence (and not for names or proper nouns), the writing is mediocre at best, and the story makes no sense. Literally get to a point where the MC tells the succubus queen or w/e to go fuck herself because he's distraught over the fact that 1) he's lost his entire planet and everyone he ever cared about, and 2) he's just been told he's now a slave. Then some maid with a rageboner rushed him and beat him to a pulp for "disrespecting the mistress", but refused to obey the succubus queen when she told the maid to stop.

    Wouldn't waste your time with this one unless it gets a full rework.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I just can't believe this is the dev's first work because it just looks so well-crafted!!!
    There're too few Koikatsu games that even bother changing the default models but in this game you can clearly see the dev puts a lot of effort in making that mundane Koikatsu models unique (and also erotic, as most of that time I don't find Koikatsu models "fappable"), so this is already an achievement that merits five star treatment.
    The story itself is still in early stage so it remains to be seen whether it's good or meh, but so far both the setting and the pacing has done very decently and that's what matter the most for me: an interesting storytelling.
    So far, so good, keep up the good work dev and I'll be looking forward to future updates!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played 0.02b
    Solid start ! The chara design and quality of animation are top tier and it also seems it's the dev's first game.

    Story and dialogues are interesting, could be a bit better in terms of pacing but i hope the dev will keep on improving.
    Only cons right now is the font that is hard to read.

    I really hope this game lasts !
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Tried 0.01 and it's exceptional even for such an early release. There are a few scenes and I liked it a lot, but there are a few things you should be aware of.
    - Art style may not be for everyone,
    - Dialogue tone can go from "lolxd so funny" to "horror and sadness.png" and the other way around quite abruptly,
    - Maybe a bit too... polite about femdom content,
    - Not much actual gameplay honestly

    Watching with great interest for now.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.01

    I missed that this was an early release in the description, and I didn't realize it until it reached the end of the current content. The quality of the models and animation were exceptionally good. I don't know if there's a new koikatsu out, or if devs have figured out how to make it look good, but damn.

    Admittedly, the current content is short, but again, it's pretty good. I'm always willing to give a bit of leeway to protags that have survived something horrible and now are part of the plot. Being unphased by learning everyone you knew is now dead wouldn't be believable. That said, I am hoping that the dev manages to avoid the whiny protag trope. So far though, it was understandable in the context of the story and didn't detract from the game.

    It was a solid first release and I'll be looking forward to future updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, fantastic first release. Wasn't expecting that honestly but its very fun, enjoyable and very well made. The prologue we have now is certainly captivating and funny. Great models, lighting and atmosphere. Hope to see it to its completion. Godspeed to the dev!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best releases i have seen, like really, this was so good, it feels illegal to play this for free 10/10.

    I laughed so much in the introduction, the animations are top tier and the characters are so unique and cute, really a fantastic release.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I very rarely write reviews, but I simply had to offer my thoughts up on the succu-goddess alter.
    I have never enjoyed a first release this much!
    Seriously Cibbon...An apocalypse in the first 5 minutes? I had to replay the damned thing tree times to be able to enjoy the boomy cutscene graphics because I was laughing too much.

    Amazing job I'd say, the humour is fantastic! The world you are creating feels alive too thanks to the scenes that do not immediately revolve around the MC's interactions.
    You've made some lovely eye candy too with plenty of attention to detail which is something I appreciate a lot.
    (I didn't notice the 'addition to the goddess' horn until the maid doll..ahem... 'pointed it out')

    I almost never try first releases because they are usually disappointingly short but you have wet my appetite with this morsel and I can not wait for your future releases!
    Best of luck with your wonderful creation!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.01

    Another game with potential yet again brought way down by the fact that the MC makes me want to bash my brains in at points. The exaggerated reactions, the abbreviated text message style spelling, and especially during sex scenes where we get dialogue like "OMG SHE'S TOUCHING MY DICK THERE'S NO WAY" or "Fuck man I need to stay on guard so I don't burst early I'm LITERALLY on the edge OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG."

    Holy fuck, just stop talking man.

    So besides that what's the deal with this game? In the midst of having lost literally every good aspect of his life, the MC sits praying for one more chance. Simultaneously, Earth is about to be destroyed by nuclear war. A succubus goddess pops in and offers us a contract in exchange for saving us. We sign because why not and she teleports us away. We quickly learn the purpose of this whole thing was to turn us into her chosen slave knight/champion to go fight in a proxy war on another planet in order to essentially conquer it. The reason she chose us? We have a large dick. I guess it fits since the MC has no other redeemable qualities to speak of. She basically gives us the power of our smell being an aphrodisiac and then sends us on our way.

    I'll praise the game where it's due. The models look pretty good for Koikatsu, and the few animations are also very impressive for Koikatsu. Not a lot of Koikatsu games even come close in that regard. It seems to be femdom-y for sure but I feel that's pretty obvious. Too early to say how much that might change, but the dev has made comments saying most relationships will be more "normal."

    For love interests we have thus far: A doll maid who beats the fuck out of you for going off on her mistress and likely views you as a worm, a girl who's actually just a demi-human racist, and a doctor who gives you a blowjob while you're in a coma. Endearing. Some of the other girls seem alright admittedly, but we don't get enough of them yet for me to say for sure.

    I wasn't expecting stellar writing going in, since I think this game makes it obvious it's focused at least somewhat on being more of a porn game so to speak. I don't have a problem with that. I think the premise is fun myself even. It's just that the MC not only on his own, but his dynamic with the few other characters he interacts with is actually so unappealing so far that I find it hard to enjoy the game. I get that he as a character has gone through a lot with no time to process it, but the way that is handled so far isn't connecting with me. The succubus essentially just mind controlled him to stop being sad so now he gets awkwardly cocky until he's put back in place.

    Genuinely I want to like this and I'll probably give it one more shot after a couple more updates, but if the MC with his lame jokes and exaggerated reactions doesn't noticeably improve, and quickly, I'd drop this for good. Maybe I'm too picky, but I just can't get into it as is. The quality is there, the characters are not.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Strong and solid start to a new game, especially considering that this is the developer’s first project.

    Famale models hot.
    2 good animation scenes in 0.1 The effects in the 2nd scene could have been improved, but it’s a decent start.

    5 stars because i believe in this project after finishing 0.1
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story so far. It's just a visual novel, you don't make any choices, but the characters are beautiful, the story and dialog are fun, and the animation is pretty good. I look forward to future updates.