RPGM - Succubus Covenant Generation One: The Cursed Forest [Ch. 5] [Olympus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Pictures are very good, but that's it. And massive worldbuilding, if you're interested in that. But playing through this is a slog.

    This game is VERY slow. EVERYBODY talks too much, and there is no fast skip. Pressing space/mouse speeds text and animation up, but insufficiently.

    A LOT OF FLASHBACKS, scene switches and viewing other places, which is even more unskippable dialogue and animation.

    Combat part is balanced to be very tight. It means that you have to heal after each encounter with tough enemies and each several encounters with lesser enemies. Monsters respawn after leaving and returning locations, and they are abundant. You will learn to avoid them, though - they don't give experience, just shop trash.

    Sex scenes are with succubi, so if you trigger a sex scene, it usually is gameover. When you fight you usually get one choice to use Iron Will and escape, but otherwise it's game over. With long unskippable cutscene.

    And pictures in www\img\pictures are png meant to be combined, so you're out of luck.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 225772

    Succubus Covenant is a game that has immense potential. As I have currently completed all content available in version 0.4 the only main gripe I have of the game is the succubus themselves. You face an incredible variety of them and the scenes are quite good problem is in-order to trigger most scenes in this game you must get a game over it really doesn't feel satisfying defeating the succusbuses and receiving no content unless you save before hand and intentionally lose to get the scene.

    In the game it is hinted the character may be able to remove the energy drain affect of the succubus which is essentially how they kill you, however currently there's been no more mention of that, which may make the game feel very unrewarding for many players as it seems the succusbus scenes are the ones with the most quality in them with other scenes being far and wide in-terms of game time to reach them and the very few of any that you can obtain.

    If your someone who enjoys story and doesn't mind the very tediousness of the scene content then I'd highly recommend it, however I hope the creator allows us to freely interact with succubus and possibly dominate them by the end of the game as I think the current version really restricts understanding the characters and are more of a quick sex scene which you reload then move on to the way the game is meant to be played.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's just deserve 6 stars , I enjoyed it the adventure was perfect ,art was perfect and I expect this game to get completed .
    Need one gallery of succubus too

    Skip button for long stories needed
    Awesome awesome awesome game need more products from you Olympus
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I don't know why I could give this games less than 5 stars for any other reason than that it ruined other succubus games for me cause none can compare. I came here for a quick jack off but the story and worldbuilding is so damn good it's got me hooked. As another bonus there's like no grind neccesaryy at all. There are enemies, a lot but you can dodge most of them if you're fast enough and they aren't really hard or an issue when youre far enough in the game. I undersatnd it can get annoying fighting enemies that dies in one shot over and over again but i like how it makes it feel like an invasion. Overall I love this game as much for it's defeat scenes than for the game's plot and progression. There was a small drop in the art style quality in the last chapter but i really enjoy the plot and its progression made up for it in my eyes.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I really love when a game has a good lore and worldbuilding in it. At the beginning the game caught my attention and I talked to every single NPC just to know more about it. The game has a really good foundation and an awesome world which has huge possibilities in it for any kind of hentai story.

    Let me start with the good parts:

    1.) The foundation

    The game really feels like that it was well thought out. Characters actually feel different and the factions have different mindset/morals/aims etc. This alone gives the game so much possibilities and could offer a lot, almost infinite content. This is really beneficial for both the players and the creator(s) of this game, since players can enjoy the world for a long time and the creator(s) can continue to have a solid source of income.

    2.) The world

    There are a lot of succubus clans and they are not created randomly. They have their purpose, aim etc. They actually feel logical which helps a lot for the player to connect with the world.

    3.) The art

    For my taste the art looks really good, solid and gorgeous. it is a shame that they are not animated as they used to be.

    4.) The Music

    It is not that outstanding, but there are situations where the music gets to a real banger. It is hard to catch me with a song, but when I hear SilverMoon at a bossfight it really starts the adrenaline! \m/

    Let me continue what was mixed for me:

    1.) Characters

    The characters were mixed for me. I could connect with some, but sadly most of the time they felt soulles. Random characters fall for the protag way too easily for no reason, and most of the time they stop there. For almost every female character in my last 19 hours of playtime all they did was just meeting with the protag, having a small talk, falling in love, but not showing it, and done, while the characters who are in the main storyline are actually developing and progress.

    2.) The maps

    Even tho the game uses most of the time the basic built in graphics or mixed graphics sometimes the maps looked fine, sometimes they looked like a 12 years old kid touched the mapmaker for the first time. Maps seem a bit more big than they are supposed to be with a lot of dead time while walking from point A to point B.

    3.) The grind

    The grind started really good, I liked that I barely get stronger, so I don't become a superhuman after leaving the first leveling zone. Sadly with an okay start thats all it offered. The fun lasted maybe 30 minutes and after that it became an annoyance.

    4.) The Story

    It just feels like a wasted opportunity. It has some direction, we are not aimless, but it feels railroaded. The player is treated like a protagonist, lot of people are relying on the player, but for the story it feels like the player is just a background character.

    What I didn't like:

    1.) The game is insanely unpolished

    The game has a lot of features/ideas which were introduced once and never got updated. These issues are present from the first chapter until the last chapter and the players encounter this issue all the time. These issues are not gamebreaking, but there are just so much of them that all of them together could break the mood for the player to even continue playing it. Here are a lot of examples:
    - There is a quest log, but I haven't noticed in the last 19 hours anything going inside there. It is true I barely checked it, but every time I did, it was empty.
    - A lot of times when I leave the map on one side of the screen I am not starting from the other side on the next map. For example: I go east and on a mapswitch I start from the south instead of west.
    - The combat is slooooow. Every time I attack the game pops up the small window that I "Attack", waits like 1 second, makes the sound/visual effect of the combat, then the numbers appear. This cannot be made faster, nor can be skipped and since the player fights a lot in this game it becomes annoying PRETTY FAST.
    - The player is forced to savespam after every minute, because who knows when an event triggers that makes the player walk forward 10 tiles and fight with a boss.
    - The characters mostly use 1 sprite when they talk, which is funny, because on their sprite they have their weapon with them and when in the story they don't posses their weapons they still use the same sprite. Kind of lame when someone with quiver on his back and bow in his hand asks for their weapons back...
    - Bossfights pretending to have player choice, but actually there isn't. For example for a succubus there were not 1 target, but 2 targets. I thought that I have to use different tactic than just attack spamming the succubus. Nope I was wrong, since the 2nd target had 100% chance to dodge my attacks, so I killed the succubus again in 3 turns.
    - After 10.5 hours I unlocked the gallery! Finally! Well it is abadoned as fuck. The scenes which can be watched there are not the same you would get during playing and every future scene won't be able to be watched from here. It was added once, never touched again....
    - Lot of NPCs don't have any message at all just a simple empty textbox or are saying the exact same message like they were created once and copy/pasted 6 times on the same map. I don't care how all of your fathers got sick after catching and eating a fish.
    - The enemies on the map never stop moving when something happens. It is really annoying, because when I tried to avoid all the enemies gathering a huge army following me and I accidentally start a fight, during the animations of fade in/fade out or even if I start cutting trees or mining or fishing or hunting, any kind of event happens which prevents me moving does not apply to the enemies so they gather around me and force me to do 4-5 fights in a row
    - It happens multiple times that the player does not fight alone. Sadly every character we got are just attack spammers. I expected that maybe a barbarian would have an ability which uses TP, or when I have a priestess next to me with really low max HP, really low attack value and with a LOT of max mana to have spells but nope. No one has anything, all everyone can do is just attack.

    2.) The grind after the fun part was over

    So the grind started as being fun, but became irritational pretty fast. I was actually fine that I don't get any experience after the fight, so the bossfights could be challenging, but it didn't happen. After I got my stunning ability I killed almost all the succubi without them touching me. It stole all the remaining fun of the grind and made all the fights just a waste of time and punishment.

    I really wanted to love this game. I tried hard to connect with it, but I just couldn't. It would be way better if it were just a simple VN like MGQ with additional features. If it wants to stay RPG, then it should be redone from the ground to address all the polishing isssues. Sadly I don't even see that this game will be finished at all in the future. I hope I am wrong with this and I wish the game for anything good I can wish.

    TL;DR: The game started really good, but the more I played sadly the more I had to realize that this won't work for me. After finishing the last chapter with a 19+ hour game time I just can't recommend this game in this state. It feels like that this game has a really solid foundation a really good world setting, but the product of this is just a really weak castle barely being hold together with glue. It is a wasted opportunity, but I hope that it will be better in the future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game , You are doing great!
    I loved that scene where witch hunters
    saved us from duchess
    I would like use their help to hunt down strong succubuses
    they are my brothers:)
    I am waiting for chapter 5 it would be a big update
    I recommend add some side quests for sided ally
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art good storyline very interesting, the only problem is we need to see more angles on this succubus and get some animation. Also, an option to skip dialogue should be included. Other than that the game is awesome.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Stupid grinding Alert!!!, Art was good but sometimes also remake to make it harder to obtain cg for No reason just make ppl grind more is not making game better, the early stage is very good but that's what happen lately.

    Edit : That rating and comment above got out of mine when play Ver.0.4 it rage mixs with absurd feeling, I play since I guess, before 0.3 release at that time It's don't have all these absure grinding Arts is simple but good Q'ty. CGs can move, expression on character change+good design story well balance not too hard not too easy not too much jumpscene to story whatever but after some issue happen maybe with artist I guess.
    - CG Q'ty drop in every scene lately, it cannot move anymore 1 simple CG per scene (It less too), Design is not good as before it's still ok but I just can feel it.
    - Too mush cut scene story they just talk talk and talk slowlyyyy plus have to runthrough stupid grinding( Run around world map tiredly + Fight with same RPG design monster repeated for eternal is worth to call stupid in my thought.) just to see 1 - 2 simple CG with abundant word. Yep, not worth. You can say it still new contents TRUE but If it's be like you have to scoop all the water in large pool out just to eat 1 little fish. well not good for me then.
    - Just update version by use almost same cg contain just plus spme little more in the end. to 0.3 demo it add aroud 5 cg mon set - time pass 0.3 release with almost same amout H cg just add some boss fight and grinding side story, and rebalance everything to be super grinding and tired to playthrough just to exp. old contents! is happen this time, It's angry+ absurd when I finish playing V0.3, Feel like you fool me to play almost same contents but much more grinding for what?

    And, that's it. the issues seem to continue to ver0.4 also. Unfortunately, the rating and first review still stand, I hope the game will feel easy to play, to obtain cg,be more continuous, have stunning CG Q'ty, balanced amount of story, CG and grinding things.Rich with new real H contents not rebalance non-important things and call new version. I can just hope for Good old days :)
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has good plot & lore with good start and characters, the prologue has vastly better writing+scenes and afterwards it goes downhill. Some elephants in the room are never addressed, such as why on earth an elite task force would only recruit horny males in a fight vs a global succubus invasion :D.. Scenes become 1-2 still images for entire duration and quality drops immensely. The gameplay is just terrible. It's extremely monotone round based fights with no strategy. There is neither XP nor leveling in the game, yet the game throws annoying respawning monsters at you constantly. Due to no XP system, it's just a nuisance to arbitrarily increase grind time. Map layout, income, and item- & regencost all force the player to backtrack around areas multiple times. There are multiple bugs in the game that have not been fixed despite being reported a long time ago (such as not being able to Save for extended periods of times). You can softlock your game not being able to defeat bosses because there is no way to become stronger by defeating enemies. You can only become stronger by finding gear-items, fish, meat, which are all limited and predetermined. I had to rewind and revisit places over and over because getting stuck on bosses with no seemingly logical way to become strong enough. The game has a Quest menu, but it's not utilized whatsoever, haven't found a single quest in multiple hours. Choices basically always boil down to: fight the character and start combat, or immediately skip to death scene. Character variety is extremely monotone, it's always 1 body type (super thick with gigantic mega bimbo-boobs). Nothing against that particular body type, whatever floats your boat, but cmon at least throw in a bit of variety occasionally. If you removed the head of the succubi, they would literally be mostly identical. Overall it's a frustrating experience that is caused by its boring, monotone and poorly balanced gameplay. I have to subtract multiple stars for the gameplay, which is simply a 0/5, and you'll spend most of the time in it.


    + nice start
    + good plot/lore (for a lewd game)
    Ø decent art but extremely monotone
    - scenes consist of 1-2 still images
    - multiple bugs
    -- boring & tedious gameplay loop
    -- heavy grind, progression & balancing issues
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game in the succubus genre and overall. The story is surprisingly good, the characters are endearing, the art is excellent, and the writing is good too.

    The gameplay is fine as long as you pick up the upgraded equipment around the map and hunt/fish. If you do all the ruins it becomes extremely easy. It's not a strength of the game and can be a little tedious but I didn't think it was a problem. As a completionist I even enjoyed seeking out buffs a bit.

    I first played this when it was first released and I'm honestly very surprised by the strength of the writing and story and how it's developed. It's not Shakespeare, but it's entertaining on its own merits, and better than many non-porn media.

    The porn itself is very good, with strong writing for scenes and distinct personalities for each enemy. There is also some decent romance content, though it's not very developed.

    Would be nice to see some more content with witches and more developed characters for/interaction with the romance options.

    If you're into succubi/femdom and can stand RPGM, try this out. Doubly so if you're into energy drain, which this game does very well. Save often.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    First, the art is rather nice. And while most of the content is not to my taste (I only like 1-2 scenes) I am usually finicky enough that just those few scenes would let me highly appreciate the game. But this game does so much else wrong that I cannot give it anything other than a 1/5.

    The combat mechanics are pathetic. Even in boss fights, you generally just buff beforehand and spam attack. Maybe paralyze the enemy with a spell if you want to be fancy. :rolleyes:

    There are plant mobs everywhere which chase you on sight; run faster than you so you cannot avoid them; and since there is no leveling system do not even give you exp. To add insult to injury, within a couple minutes of gameplay they become so weak your normal attack one shots them. The dev basically punishes you for playing.

    Furthermore, there are long and unskippable cutscenes everywhere. Every couple steps you are forced to watch another multiple minute long cutscene. Expect at least 2-3 cutscenes between every decent fight (plus a dozen of those crappy plants).

    Even worse, the dev forces the story down your throat by adding what are basically forced fetch quests to random locations. And since there is no backlog function as any decent story-based game has, if you zone out for a minute and miss a destination you are forced to restart.

    Oh, and did I mention the cutscenes are unskippable? Anyone who criticizes that the game would be better with a way to skip and/or fast forward the innumerable cutscenes is met with hostility. It's your fault for not appreciating his story. The game is a masterpiece. If you understood the devs vision for the story, you would not mind it forcing you to waste hours watching cutscene after cutscene after cutscene.

    PS: Also avoid this game if you're a completionist. A lot of content seems to be locked behind loss scenes. Like most games, this one has a recollection area so you can access said content. Except that less than half of the content actually seems to be in said recollection room.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not too fond of extensive reviews.

    I find this excelent game where the story have much more priority over porn, which is very rare for this genre.

    At least it's interesting to see where the defeat means sex then death is interesting.

    Bit grindy but it's okay.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    way too many dialogue for so little H-content. You run 2 meters and boom you have 5m of dialogue, you get out run 2 other meters and again 5m dialogue. It makes the game boring and the H-content is way too tedious to get to for so little satisfaction
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, the new art style was a bit jarring but I'm sure I'll get used too it, I even thought that the one red lady was another love interest, boy was I wrong....
    Grab this, try it, if you don't like it, no skin off the back, cuz it's free-! So why not?
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is great but the fights are really hard, could you provide us a walkthrough please because I'm already lost in the first chapter. I succeed yo fight the first leaf succubus but after that I don't know what to do.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Amazing CGs ruined by an over-intrusive Combat system that plagues it to an annoying degree. If you like boring RPGM combat gatekeeping the games content coupled with the fact that a lot of it is RNG whether you win an instance or not (missing hits is common) this game is for you. It makes for an unenjoyable experience altogether. Not to mention the atrocious save system which if you don't save every two seconds while playing blind and fail an instance you will have no opportunity to redo the combat instance outside of reloading a previous save. I feel like these mistakes shouldn't be made if the Dev wants to focus on combat from the getgo, which they have shown an inclination to do.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    No way of your character getting stronger but enemies grow in strength. Requires healing a few times after every attack as battles drag out this way, which is quite boring.

    Every h scene is sex or anal. Too few blowjobs, footjob, or boobjobs.

    Great art and story, good english, good set up to fights and h scenes, nice enemy designs. But bad and drip feeding battle mechanic.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I understand that the main selling point here is the STORY+ ART, but this is a PORN game!!!
    This game has AMAZING art and story.
    However, the gameplay is ....... please bear with me.

    Many people are complaining that there is not enough "porn" in the "gameplay" and I wholeheartedly agree with them.
    There is no BUILDUP towards fighting the succubi. There is no EROTISM in the gameplay: You walk around spamming attack and fancy skills on minions, do you think people will get horny from that? Do you play pokemon and suddenly get an erection? - I don't.

    Time is valuable and most people have limited time to jack off.
    Solution? Make them jack off the whole way through!

    Here is what I've gathered from playing successful H-games:
    1) During fights, You could introduce a pleasure meter with an escape or fight system, when max pleasure is reached you ejaculate and lose a portion of your soul/hp, if you escaped successfully the enemy will be stunned
    2) Instead of just fighting minions, RE_USE the succubi you've fought before, make them "lesser" versions, recolour their skin/ hair, lower their stats.
    3) Instead of just fighting minions, lay TRAPS around, you could RE-USE succubi cg as a cut-in with temptation and make the pleasure meter rise to give a disadvantage in the next battle. You could even show snippets of the boss's cg while journeying to her to create anticipation.

    And there is SO MANY MORE you can do to make the gameplay interesting. I understand that all those interactions require EXTRA and sometimes COMPLEX CODING. But if you INVEST in skills and INNOVATE ideas, you will be REWARDED.

    I wanted to rate this game 3/5 but I think it deserves a chance and more people should be attracted to play it.
    Please don't make this a VN within an RPG game, make it a PORN game.
    Thank you.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Pros: First lets get the obvious out of the way, the actual sexual content in this game is great. Very well detailed and descriptive. You can tell a lot of work went into the actual visual sprites.

    Second is the lore. I love it when there's actual story being told about what's going on around you. The large map is really interesting as well as the scattered notes that give you a lot more insight into what everything is around you.

    Cons: The gameplay, as in all of it. First of all it's the classic turn-based RPG style with no extra flavor with the sole exception of a seduction mechanic. There's no actual leveling system, so combat against non-succubi is more a time wasting punishment than an actual benefit.

    Second is the level-map design. Enemies don't give you any benefit except for some sell-able materials for beating them, so you're pretty much encouraged to sneak passed them. Except when you're forced into several narrow pathways and can't avoid anything, so you end up fighting your way out and having to rely on the campfires.

    Third, and what I dislike the most, are the forced cutscenes. Every map transition you are forced to watch what one of the other hunters are doing and they last anywhere from 2 to 8 minutes long. In chapter 3 you are even forced to be introduced to even MORE characters in a whole separate dimension than you already were following. By the end of Chapter 3, you aren't going to remember everything the game wants you to, and you won't care about everything else happening in the world because you just want to play the game, but the game won't let you because we have to know what every single person on the planet and beyond is doing even though we might not even meet/reunite with them in character until Act 2 or 3.

    If you want me to know what exactly a character has done before I met them, instead of forcing me to watch 5000 cutscenes, make a log book that's in their place of residence that I can read as my character when I do meet them with maybe one or two cutscenes in the Act that I'm supposed to meet them in.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of gaping plot holes in the world setting. Gameplay is also extremely linear, where it has the pretense of giving the player choices, when in reality none of the player’s choices actually influence anything in the game. The player has basically no agency. The only exception would be that you get to choose whether to kill the witch or not. Even choosing to kill the succubi has no impact because they simply revive and go back to hell. This steeps the game in a strong feeling of futility. You are basically railroaded onto a path where nothing you do matters outside of choosing not to die. Extremely depressing.

    I would normally give this one star, but I will give it two because the art is good.

    In terms of the plot holes I mentioned, I will talk about some of the bigger ones. The prologue starts in the distant future, with humanity being an already spacefaring race, and extremely technologically advanced. Then it is brought up that the Succubi are invading and the greatest threat to humans is their ability to do energy drain.

    This setting makes absolutely no sense, for multiple reasons. First of all, conventional weaponry was shown to be effective against succubi, given how the dwarven constructs can completely outclass most of them in combat. Now, in this setting humans are a spacefaring race, they would have long already developed weaponry which could at least approach the level of the dwarven constructs, if not surpassing them. Not to mention that they literally have examples of these dwarven constructs and other technology lying around freely available for study. You would think that after some hundreds or thousands of years they would have learned some things from them.

    How in the hell would energy drain even be considered a threat here? It requires for Succubi to not only get into melee range of their target, but also stay there for a protracted period of time? Couldn’t you just shoot them? Even if you bring up the mind control magic they have, it only works on men, not women or constructs, also the fact that they can’t drain either women or constructs, so you could build constructs to destroy them (examples of which already exist) or use female fighters.

    One possible counterpoint would be how it is mentioned that someone has manipulated humanity over the course of history so that nothing is known about succubi, so they could have somehow prevented the development of weapons that threatened them, but this would also make no sense. Why then would they have allowed the development of DNA memory technology? In fact, going back to my original point, why would such a convoluted method of going into DNA memory to find ancient weapons for fighting the succubi be used when conventional weaponry is already effective? Looking at the gameplay, the ancient artifacts are clearly not even as effective as just a regular dwarven automaton.

    If anything, the succubi’s capability for infinite revival would be the much bigger threat. This is another huge plothole. The angels have been at war with the succubi for millennia, even enlisting human assistance, and no one has ever found a way to prevent them from reviving, or even developed other possible countermeasures? What’s even the point of killing them? Just exhaust them of all their energy and capture them! Keep them in containment in a permanent state of exhaustion! Chop off all their limbs and feed them just barely enough energy to survive! The angels clearly have very well developed fortification and defensive magic, why has this never been used for containment?

    Also, it’s been shown in the game that there are curses which will kill you if you do a certain action (Deimos’s curse), so clearly you can create a failsafe spell to immediately kill the succubi as a last resort even if the prison is compromised or captured. Another thing, if such a magic is available, why isn’t it being used to combat the succubi? You could apply it to women to prevent them from becoming succubi, the moment that an incubus gets them, it would trigger and they would die. I doubt an incubus could save someone whose head exploded. Completely doesn’t affect the life of the woman at all until she either tries to become a succubus or they get captured. Why not use it on men as well? Just make it activate the moment they get affected by energy drain, they are going to die anyway, just make them turn into a bomb that damages the succubi instead! This would also prevent soul drain or whatever, so it even has practical benefits by preventing the succubus from destroying your soul.