Unity Completed Secrets of the Bastion [v0.6d] [Impy]

4.30 star(s) 4 Votes


Mar 9, 2018
Still can't understand what to do in card mini-game.
I'll try making it as simple as possible.

On top of the screen you have 7 tiles. 2 outer red and one middle green. your opponent stands on the green at the start and your goal is to either push him to his red or for you to stand on the green one when the fight's over.

To do that you have 3 bars on the left side (for simplicity sake I will use colors) red blue green left value is your and right value is opponents. when you play cards those values will rise/drop based on the card and when you end turn those values will decrese and the person with higher value wins THAT VALUE CHECK and pushes the opponent by that many tiles. Now if you win 1 value and lose 2 your opponent will push you back by one tile and vice versa. If you win all 3 values you will push your opponent 3 tiles and vice versa. I'm not use how draws work but I think draws are ignored and other values are checked, based on how much draws there are.
Tip: you can always see how much will your opponents values rise at the start of each round. On top of the screen there are 5 different value sets. they are chosen randomly for your enemy at the start of each round and only once during the fight.

Cards have many effects that even I don't know, however you have mini guide at the bottom left corner I think. From simple additions to the values, cards can also draw cards, shuffle decks... all with different symbols. theese symbols are important since all enemies a lewd event if you get or use the symbols too many times during the fight.
Now, cards have cost. on top of the card. the cost varies from mood, lock, medal, gold... AND HEART (very important) if you dont have enough of certain resources you cannot play the card.
Cards have character picture on whom the card is based on. They will take THAT CHARACTER'S stats into account if they give % values when played.
All cards have discard effects. (when discarded cards either give you mood, lock, draw a card...)
You get 5 cards and the begining of the fight and you draw 1 or 2 each round I'm not sure.

Lewd events in fight trigger after you gain too much of one value during the fight, draw number of cards during one round, recieve a number of a certain resource during one fight... OR after you play a card that has a HEART in it's cost. Every enemy has a special trigger stat so far and every enemy has a different caracter whom they have a lewd event with and it's always the same character.

If the lewd event triggers, your character that is in the event gets bonus to lewd stat and you or your enemy (not sure) generate a bonus of one value each round. For the duration of the fight you can no longer use cards that have HEART as a cost and you cannot use the cards that associate with the character that is in the event.

That should be all. I hope you understood me and will have it much easier playing. Keep in mind this is the current version of the game, and there may be more changes in the future updates.
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Reactions: tag50 and SGod


Jun 27, 2017
Still can't understand what to do in card mini-game.
You have 3 colors. you need to have higher numbers in at least 2 colors, or higher in 1 and equal in the other 2 to win a round. When you win a round, the lower number is substracted from the higher and, and then halved, so if you won on red with 10 vs 4, you will have 3 red starting next round.
You need to stand on the right side to win the minigame.
You can shuffle your cards back into your deck at the end of turn by selecting the recycle icon on them. You can also discard them for more energy or to draw a card, by selecting the left side button.
Every opponent has a trap, like drawing too many cards at once, or using green too much. If you fill that condition, one of your friends fucks the opponent, and the cards they appear on cannot be used.
You can buy new cards and edit your deck at the end of each day. Whenever your friends reach a new lewd level, they unlock new cards at the shop, with suggestive art.
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Reactions: bucefala and tag50


Sep 17, 2017
The update added some much needed reprieve in the gameplay. It's much easier to unlock events now. Kinda sad their Substar doesn't want to extend Impy's H games like Bastion, even over that other H game. If only they would convince Impy to make a sequel or continue this someday in the future, such a good concept.


New Member
Jul 28, 2017
Anyone knows how to unlock the galley? ive beaten the game multiple times and still didn't get it


Mar 9, 2019
The new update is so much better and gives so much breathing space and actually a lot more enjoyable


Feb 18, 2018
A quick recap of the progress of the the next update and what it may bring.

The other game Impy is developing; Monster Moonson is getting it's new update released towards the end of the first week of August.

Bastion V4 is scheduled for august, it's adding two new rooms: The Orc Jail and a second that is currently going through a voting phase.

The rooms in the poll are:

combine Rabbit Circus + Doll House (Puppet Theater)

combine Confession Booth + Doll House (Clockwork Booth)

combine Confession Booth + Rabbit Circus (Confession Show)

combine Confession Booth + Milk Bar (Minotaur Shrine)

combine Doll House + Summoner's Study (Haunted Study)

use the ORIGINAL Doll House

use the ORIGINAL Confession Booth

use the ORIGINAL Rabbit Circus


Feb 18, 2018
You'll notice that some rooms are getting merged and that is because another decision that Impy is putting through a vote it's the number of rooms added, the less rooms there are, the more events each room gets.

Right now 2 new rooms it's the most popular choice so we are getting the orc jail and another room.
The numbers below each room are the votes.
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4.30 star(s) 4 Votes