Unity - Completed - Secrets of the Bastion [v0.6d] [Impy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is undoubtedly Impy's best work. The characters are top-notch, catering to a wide range of fetishes, and the writing is both witty and ingenious. The gameplay is excellent despite a few minor flaws and the slight learning curve. This was truly her peak as a developer, and it's a real shame she didn't expand the content. This game had the potential to continue for years by incorporating more and more fantasy fetishes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright, I actually enjoyed this game a lot even though it seems to have a pretty major bug which makes the biggest draw of the game: the management system suck. Other than that its really hard to pick up especially since the instructions are not very good at explaining how the game works. It actually took me a very long time to figure out how shit works and if I'm being completely honest there's still stuff that I'm not sure about.
    But aside from that, I think the game itself is really good and really well made, the animations are great, the gameplay is really fun, and I enjoy the card game though I would prefer if the game didn't punish you for playing it (you only play it during breach and breaches give penalties to your max honor in assessment)
    There are a few things to be said about how the character you supposedly play is total wimp but whatever I cant say it really bothers me or anything. Anyway I think this game has a lot of potential and would definitely love to see where it goes with it, I do wish that the dev would fix that issue where randomly the game just doesn't recognize that you've finished the daily tasks and gives your penalties anyway but other than that it only needs a better tutorial and maybe something that actually explains how permanent points are gained and how temporary points work and such cause I have no clue, maybe a guide might help but again idk.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Bloated. Absurdly so. You click "I" for help because the game tells you fucking nothing and see

    - 5 action stats
    - 4 action relations
    - 6 (6) resources
    - 3 persuavive resources
    - Then 3 cards

    Okay this is overly complex. Ignore everything. Here's what you actually do.

    Pick a door, start day 1, pick a girl or guy, click them, click whoever came through the door, click 'assign'.
    Click interact, drag the sun on screen down.
    Assign someone, click observe, drag the sun down.
    Once more, maintain.
    You have to do this with different girls every time because you only have manual control once a day. You have no actual control over most actions on most days.

    End day.
    Now the next day you can see what stats those effect. Your goal is to fill the 3 colors you see on the screen; green shield, blue squared ying yang, red arrow thingy. So just click whatever gives you the most of those. Fill all of those, you pass you're audit. Fail, you fail and lose 1 'command point'. Ignore that. You will probably fail early. It doesn't matter. Nothing does. Just keep repeating this while adding more doors. Over time your stats will go up. Unless they don't. Only some options actually raise the stats that the important stats (the colors) scale from, and you end up with more people to please than you have characters to please them. But either way, it just gets easier over time.
    Doesn't even particularly matter if you fail. You lose +1 to one stat. But you can also make your girls delay this 3 times total by whoring themselves to your boss and pay them off with money I always seemed to have enough of if I ever needed to do this. I don't even know how I got the money. I just had it.

    Why do we do this instead of just sticking with the centaur from the horse door and ignoring the rest? Well, to see content. Secrets. Scenes. A lot of them are very samey (I thought blue haired girl had an oral fetish or something with the amount of hers which are her kneeling and 'sucking' dick (that she makes no contact with) but then another scene says no so it seems to be purely for the sake of copy pasting that one sprite as much as possible).

    DA SEX

    This is why its not hot, btw.
    First of all I'm indifferent on NTR, but if you're here for that, haha
    Its not NTR. Its closer to swinging. Either the world is such sex is incredibly casual as literally everyone but the MC fucks everyone else or everyone is just too horny to care. They'd all fuck the mc, too, if they could, in either case; every female you can control has a crush on the mc, is interested in him or outright loves him. The literal only reason he doesn't fuck them is because:
    The MC has no personality at all. He shows no attraction to anyone except in 1 single scene. Outside of this he shows no attachment to anyone. He has barely any dialogue with anyone. Its just everyone being a slut EXCEPT you're bland self-insert. For no real reason beyond being able to tag this as NTR without understanding what NTR is. Anyone sleeping with someone that isn't you is not inherently NTR.
    Weirdly, the green haired girl has a crush on the mc. She never acts on it. Fuck a dog for no reason after interacting like 3 times? Sure. Masturbate a centaur with your back (??? the fuck is this scene) after like 2 visits? Why not! Do anything at all with the guy you explicitly crush on? No! Why? Because ????
    There's no actual in-universe reason at all.
    The one scene he mentions any attraction to anyone is for blue haired girl btw, who he says he plans to marry, despite never actually interacting with her in any meaningful way at all in any other scene in the game.
    99% of the time he doesn't even react to anything or speak at all.
    This game being "NTR" entirely hinges on that one singular non-repeatable line of dialogue in that one singular non-repeatable (one of only 3 you can't repeat) scene.

    Now the scenes! They suck! DICK! Well, not really. They say they do but the girls never actually do more than look like they kiss them. In a static animation. With maybe 3 lines of dialogue. And no animation. And then repeat that same static pic of them any time you get the same event but without the context. There was only 1 scene I saw with any real dialogue or context and it was involving the fat human guy (who is just the mc but fat) and not the monsters I give a fuck about.
    There's a lack of build-up on them, too. You don't go
    -El chicko el thicco thinks of the dicko
    -El chicko el thicco molests the dicko
    -El chicko el thicco sucks the dicko
    You have a stat (actually 2 confusingly similar stats that tie together) that SUGGESTS this mechanically, but it just skips every stage but the last, for everyone but the centaur I saw. Like the goblin couple. At some point the girl in the long dress is sucking him off between bars.
    When the fuck did this happen?
    What's the conext?
    Does she even know his fucking name?
    What does she get out of this (for the centaur its magical tasty cum, for the fat guy its the centaur, for the orcs ????)?
    Why does his wife/gf/whatever not mind?
    Even the centaur doesn't add up because the next step is her being fucked (by a dick that doesn't even reach her) 'to get the cum easier'. I thought she was drinking it, because of the taste? Is she going to lick it off the floor? I don't get it

    The answer is that there just is no context, no reason, nothing. She's just sucking his dick for no fucking reason in an entirely static and not at all hot zoomed out sprite shot.


    There's also combat. It doesn't very good. You need to raise an avatar of the mc higher than one of the enemy by playing cards. In any given fight you'll also see "X characters lust" or similar, which will fill if you play the right cards. Some events give you cards just for this. Fill it and they'll do the same copy pasted animation they do in almost every event and you won't be able to use cards of that character. So you get punished for this. The MC, of course, either doesn't react to this at all despite seeing it, acts like he can't see it despite seeing it, or, in one case says 'you don't need to go that far', but otherwise clearly does not care, further showing this is not an NTR game.
    These fights seem near impossible to lose even if you intentionally make yourself a man down as fast as you can and have no idea how they work. Because I have no idea how they work. I just played cards at random and in all but 1 single case I won.
    Combat can also be paid off via 3 moneys but that doesn't seem reliable. Until you win/succesfully pay it off it locks off an area. Just go in spam whatever and win.

    Normally I don't review such early games but the way this game is set up is so fundamentally fucked (what's with the 15 million stats I entirely ignored with no issue beyond the first like 2 audits?) and so incredibly unhot (0 context static shot sex 'scenes') and so incredibly missing the point (if the mc shows 0 attraction to anyone ever, its not NTR) that imma make an exception.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is for version 0.2a.
    As you can understand it's early to give final judgments.
    As of right now there isn't really enough content (it's 0.2 duh). So if you missed Summer Sweepers by the same dev you should probably play it instead of this one.
    This game, just like summer sweepers is more mechanically deep/interesting than vast majority of H-games. Basically in this one you have to manage personnel and rooms. At first amount of stats/buttons is somewhat scary, but honestly after 1-2 runs and reading info tab it's manageable.
    Art is nice. Although from my understanding there isn't a lot of it as of right now.
    Biggest flaws:
    Just like with summer sweepers to see H content you have to ignore current game objectives. As example: say there are 2 rooms, 1st has staff member with high stress (you need to visit room to lower it), while 2nd has H-event (you need to visit room to view it). If you want to play correctly you need to visit room 1, but if you want to see H-event you need to visit room 2. You are basically punished for being horny while playing H-game, who thought of that!?
    There is also a strict day limit. Which forces you to restart (you have bonus points for new playthrough and can buy stats for faster progression). This basically means what unlike most games you can't just hunt down missed events at the end of your playthrough. To be fair I assume low day count is limitation of early version 0.2, rather than deliberate design choice.