Ren'Py - Photo Hunt [v0.16.3 Extra] [Moochie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing this game, and it was a trip. The story is a rollercoaster, and the side quests too. Spent a lot of time grinding, but it was all worth it. Never a dull moment in this game, especially with the MC's mom, who I must admit is one of the most complex characters I've ever seen. She is also one of the most sexy, no spoilers, but I was hella excited during every scene with her.

    I rate this game 5 stars, definitely recommended. One of my favorites, and the Dev did an outstanding job.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The only good thing that can say about this thing is the graphics taken out that is not worth playing for 2 minutes, basically it is horrible from its open world to how tedious it is to navigate the map or talk about the story that may seem good at first but it is bad and shabby then we find ourselves with the worst of the game and that is that although it has more than 2 years of development the plot does not advance at all the sexual content is minimal I do not recommend it to anyone poor people who continue to pay waiting any change.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is kind of a wash, but the game more than makes up for in the models. Core gameplay might be a bit repetitive, but it still feels rewarding.

    Scenes are very hot, at least to my taste. This more than makes up for the kinda grindy parts. I hope they
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are great, but that's about it. The biggest issues for me are the grind and the open world system combined with bad writing.

    Progressing through this game is painful. In the beginning you got all those options to click but most of them won't work because of missing skills, so why even bothering showing them to the player if they lead to nothing?

    Then there is the issue with available dialog options when talking to the first characters in the game: you can talk with them about a bunch of ppl you haven't even met yet and the dialog is written like you already know these persons, again why showing the options ?

    The gameplay overall feels unrewarding, it feels like the player advances way to fast through each day without something interesting happening.

    I can't really nail down why the game to me feels the way it does, but it's just painful to play, especially because the renders are so well made but its not enough for me to tolerate the other shortcomings throughout the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Different models from the vast majority of adult "games". Also has a ton to explore but in a noncomplicated manor. Not just a clickthrough brainless adult romp. The models themselves are absolutely stunning.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.13.1 Extra]
    Story: 5 (Captivating, actually read all conversations)
    Originality: 4 (Interesting approach and character development)
    Renders: 4 (Some errors, but most renders are 'realistic')
    Sound: 3 (Fun BGM, sets the ambience... and that's it)
    Playability: 5 (Easy to play)
    Bugs: 4 (Minor bugs, not game breaking)
    Animations: 4 (Not many, but all 'realistic')
    Voice Acting: 0 (None)
    Grammar: 4 (Most English is well done, a few bad phrases here and there)
    Amount of content: 4 (Good amount for the current version, but still in development)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.13.1

    Photo Hunt is one of my top 5 games here, I startet the game with an earlier version and it was really nice, but I lost my save so I haven´t played it a long time, but now was the time to get back and I have to say, it has so much more content and finally there are some questions resolved and the story of each girl are way smoother.

    Animation and Renders are really good, the characters change there pose in nearly every render.

    Story has a mainplot around the "Red Maiden" and each girl has an own sidestory.

    You can choose yourself (more or less) which story you want to follow (up to a certain point, where you need progress with others and the mainstory, for example for new locations).

    Excellent work so far, keep it up
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, great story. love games where you have to improve skills etc. great visuals, great writing. can't wait to see where it goes next!
    keep up the good work! cant wait for the next update! omg when will i get to the 200 charactersss
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.13.1 Extra

    So the game started by luring me in with the really good looking renders and models (most of them). Too bad there are few animation scenes compared to the amount of content because the animation scenes that are present, were pretty good looking and fluid.
    You can see the work that was done in the visuals department, really thumbs up for that part of the game.

    On the other hand, the game felt directionless to me, because you have a lot of characters and story arcs, but you never sure how to progress each of them. Most of the time you could assume that some location is related to one of the characters and the more you visit it, the more progress you make. But sometimes, the story would progress through another location and maybe you need to be past some stat gate that you can never know which was really annoying for me after a while.
    That lead to stat grind which is never good.

    Some more pluses I can add that the game had were the achievements and gallery of the game, the cool images you got from the characters from time to time based on your progress or some scenes you accomplished to see. The option to control the transparency of the text box is also a good point.

    And for the part that made me put off the game - story and writing.
    The game has some potential in the story and mystery around the red maiden establishment and around Grace's father which is good, but what made me cringe was the many inconsistencies in the character behaviors which broke their personalities for me.
    You try to portray a character in one way, but soon she acts really different. This happens a lot throughout the game and with every character except maybe Alice and Jen.

    Overall the game is ok and worth a try, I can see why you can love it but also why it can be just meh.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The pacing at the start was super weird and way too fast, and the dialogue is painfully bad. I didn't play enough to find out if the over arching story was any good, but I really just couldn't handle the writing. The renders look very good, and the tag list is great. Too bad, it had great potential.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh my... where to start. This is one of the best games I have played. The art is fantastic, and you will not see it all in one playthrough. Each choice usually leads to a different scene.
    The sex is a slow build up. Not like most of the stuff where you see, then fuck right away.
    The story is solid. Builds in a rightway.
    Game Length - 20+ hours easy.
    This is FANTASTIC. Thanks for making a sexy porn game, that is great!!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing graphic. The model is beautiful and clean. I like the style.
    Great story. A game that I rarely actually care about the story. I like how the author leaves many routes for the players to choose.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Overall an enjoyable game but I found myself spinning in circles quite often.

    • Good story
    • Excellent writing
    • Good humor
    • Unique characters with varied personalities
    • Excellent facial expressions and emotion in the renders (very rare and difficult to pull off successfully!)
    • Lots of content (two to three games worth)
    • Excellent animations (but far too few until late game)
    • Different paths for some of the LIs in the game (some choices really matter)

    • Character models are average. The character models look several generations old. They lack skin texture and detail.
    • Most of the characters have an anime look to them (exaggerated facial features and makeup, among other things)
    • Needs better sandbox mechanics to lower grind and repetition

    • A very slow burn. Slow evolving story. Very slow character progression.
    • Too much repetition. I would greatly prefer the options being grayed out if I've done it multiple times unless something is going to change!
    • Several of the female character models have noses so small it looks unnatural
    • The areola (area around the nipples) has too much color saturation and contrast on most of the female character models. It looks unnatural
    • A walkthrough is nearly required to enjoy this game, otherwise it becomes mind numbing. The pace of the game is already super slow so not using a walkthrough makes the game a time waster in my opinion. I probably would have given up on the game had I not used a walkthrough.
    • The game suffers from the "carrot on a stick" author mentality. Sex is constantly teased and dangled in front of you like a carrot on a stick but you only get there with a couple of the LIs in the game in version 0.12.3 Extra. It takes literally forever to get there when you do.
    • Sex (penetration) is delayed so long with some of the LIs in the game that I just want to dump them and move on. Even some of the LIs who aren't virgins won't fuck you no matter how much you date or romance them. I feel like I keep doing the same stuff with different scenarios/dates and there is little to no progression in intimacy.
    • The English is OK but has lots of errors, misused words, and awkwardly worded sentences. The text and dialog badly need a good proofreader!
    • Only 20% of the lewd scenes in the game are animated. The percentage gets higher later in the game but it feels like the author favored quantity over quality in the first 66% of version 0.12.3 Extra.
    • Not all paths are equally developed. Some paths may lead to an "end of path" notification sooner than expected. Offering unique paths is awesome but I would greatly prefer them being equally developed.
    • The lewd scenes are inconsistent throughout the game; some are well developed but at least half are rushed. The girl is getting you off and then two or three screens later you are cumming. All the foreplay and stuff in the middle often gets skipped. I am not a fan of this! Rushing lewd scenes is a big no no in my book!
    • Some minor story problems throughout the game. One example:
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    It isn't all bad. The well written story and the fun and unique characters save the game as a whole. The game is too slow for my tastes but I still enjoyed it overall.

    A lot of time and effort was poured into this game. The game has as much content as two to three regular games. I personally would have condensed parts of the game and sped up character and sex progression. Sex (penetration) doesn't have to be an "end" event or "carrot on a stick". I also would have animated most of the lewd scenes and lowered the amount of content released with each update because of it if needed.

    Lewd content - There is plenty but it is mostly nudity, touching, breast sucking, hand jobs, foot jobs, and blow jobs. Very little penetration.

    The game does improve steadily over time. There are a lot more animations in the later parts of the game and more penetration scenes.

    If you don't mind a slow evolving story while chasing a carrot the whole time you will probably enjoy this game. It is a solid 4 star game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    • Unique art style and high quality models, honestly would argue the game is suffering from success as even the side characters are good looking. Makes it feel like a waste of the model to not let them have a route.
    • Good quality sex scenes, though quality varies as scenes from more recent updates are typically better than the old ones.
    • Decently large amount of sexual scenes in the game.
    • Wide cast of characters (which seems to keep expanding)
    • Multiple routes are implemented for most girls, majority of which are love vs corruption routes and some dom/sub routes
    • Content can last you for quite a while, there is some grind but nothing to complain about.....unless you're playing one handed.
    • Built-in gallery system to revisit all past sex scenes.
    • Sporadic issues with grammar and English. I don't believe it's as bad as others may make it out to be as I don't really remember it being an issue.
    • While you can get lost while using the in-game hint system, there is a walkthrough linked to this site. For the most parts its accurate and tells you what you need to do, though some bonus scenes and certain steps on love routes are missing.
    • While the game is sandbox-like, the stories of all the girls are interconnected. Neutral for me since I'm going for the full harem. Only real issue I've had with this is that you need to progress on some girls' route before you can progress on the one you're currently on.
    • Game's story still has quite a while to go based on what the developers have said. I'm quite happy about this since it means more content, though others may want a game closer to completion.
    • I enjoyed the story, though there seems to be a wide controversy about that based on these reviews. I can see what others mean by it having an anime vibe, but I don't think it's really that prominent. Maybe I've just watched too much anime and it doesn't register :ROFLMAO: . The fact this is a porn game that has harem and incest content for an MC that is, presumably, 18 years old should make it clear that the story isn't going to be that realistic. However, it isn't so exaggerated that it can ruin the experience. If anything it's decently well paced so that the time it takes to get into someone's pants is too long or unrealistically short. Only issue I really had story wise was how the MC was treated in the beginning by their family, though progressing through the story helps to settle this as more background info is revealed.
    • Some of the main girls' routes have barely been touched
    • Currently, some girls are locked behind the corruption route. There are story reasons as to this so not so bad. Listed in negative as it's still gated content.
    • If you aren't careful with your money at the very start of the game, there is a possibility of losing the game. While this is only present for the first few weeks of the game, it does cause you to focus on making money rather than on progressing through the girls' routes.
    • More of a personal negative but I think there is a lack of repeatable sex scenes which you would find in most sand-box style games. Story-wise it makes sense as to why there aren't that many as of yet, so it's more of a personal gripe than anything else.
    Was debating whether to rate the game a 4 or 5. Decided it was a 5 as there are many games on this site that fail to reach the quality of Photo Hunt. I'd say it's a gem on this site, though understand it may not be everyone's cup of tea.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing! this is really enjoyable game.
    Although the starting plot is below average IMHO, the story develops itself through day to day interactions and it seems to come quite naurally. When you've made progress with a girl, next interactions are significantly different.
    This is a sandbox game well made, with plenty of events. I never got bored when playing without walktrough nor cheats, as I always found a new storyline with one of the characters with a few clicks.

    It's giving good vibes, has some cartoonish story, lot of teasing. Keep up the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Only rated this a 5 because from my point of view it is an absolute injustice that some fucking losers are rating it anything under a 4 because of "bad dialogue" which is completely untrue. Literally a top 3 game on this site and anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete fucking idiot.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Art's OK, but the poorly translated dialogue and weak story tossed me out right on my ass.

    Maybe hire an EFL story writer/translator to really make this shine.

    Also the portraits in the bottom left are just obnoxious ... almost as obnoxious as the story writing. Hasty and immersion breaking.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The following are my opinions, you don't have to dislike the game or like it just because of my opinions, and honestly I don't care about your opinion.

    Firstly, I don't know who sat down and wrote this piece of garbage that is this game's script, but whoever written this bullshit must have watched shit tons of anime. I don't know about you guys but I like a bit of realism, immersiveness and good writing in my porn games. Reading shit like heroines undresses just the mc said so or stuff like ahegeo literally made me cringe on the spot. Such bad usage of English with lots of misused words, spelling, and grammar mistakes doesn't help the game either. You just sit there grind relations and read through badly written routes filled with language errors. And yes, if this can't be more anime than it already is, there is a
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    in this if I understood right from my journey through the in-game gallery.

    Yeah, I know this is a game but really I don't enjoy this sort of writing. And don't get me started on the bs of "you MUST start/finish another girl's route just to be able to continue/finish/unlock all scenes for the girl you want."

    I usually prefer 2D games and despise 3D ones but the Animations and scenes on this are great tho, but just do yourselves a favor just unlock the gallery in some sort of way, watch the stuff and delete it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    Just going to give it a 5 to help balance out the people who shamelessly give it a 2/5 score just because they have a singular complaint.

    Visually it's one of the most impressive games in here, scenes are beautifully rendered and characters have great expressions and feel very life like.
    Animations are pretty good as well.

    Storywise it's also fantastic, There are many characters which actually interact with each other, they have a lot of scenes that help connect their stories together and it feels like they are living in the same universe, each one of the romanceable have a their own extensive backstory, friendships, faults and goals and most of them interact with each other which is quite refreshing because it takes a lot of work to connect them all together. There's also the greater story slowly creeping in and being brought to attention through different characters.

    There's some porn logic involved with some of the characters, especially with Evelyn, where she acts like a total slut in a certain moment towards the MC and after that certain event acts in a completely different way towards him, this could also be considered a continuity issue.( The problem that she has might effect her behavior but not to that extent imo)

    Some of the characters have routes which you can choose that shape the way you interact with them in the future, and the greatest thing is that it actually heavily shapes some of their interactions with other characters, which I found it is quite unique to this game.

    The amount of content in here in mind-boggling, there's like 20 hours of content in this game, it's probably one of the best games in terms the amount of quality content your getting in comparison to the amount of time it has been in development.

    The gameplay is...well not very good, there's some grinding involved and sometimes you have to wait a whole week to advance a character's story several times and it gets tiresome

    You can miss out on additional "bonus" scenes with a character if you haven't progressed another character's story enough and there's no way you can know this without working with a walkthrough(shoutout to Lane's mod for making the gameplay much more bearable)

    Not all characters are equal, some of them of a lot of content while some have very little of it and it's not entirely dependent on their seniority, I'm not sure it's perhaps determined by the patrons or on the whims of the Dev.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders, story, and general dialogue. Plenty to do in this game with different routes you can take for characters, and also some side content not necessarily impactful to the overall story. Only ever ran into bugs twice and they were fixed the next day or so. Curious how it will end with the amount of women you're in a relationship with at this time. Not too much negative to say: 10/10