RPGM - Completed - Para Ark [v1.06] [ST Hot Dog King]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This ticks almost every box for a pregnancy fetish. I wish there were more customization and better ways to focus on what part of the body gets fucked but overall a great game. Also the dev consistently updates the game which is definitely a plus.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Ehh... nothing good nothing bad...
    Combat is typical RPG Maker combat, management on ship is ok too but pictures are kinda poor... game is forcing you to hold "Z" to skip Sex Attacks and if You are fighting 3/5 monsters You will end holding Z for most of the time... why its not Auto skipped after 1/3 sec? or just showed in background?

    Game also have cheap story but well... fuck stroy in fuck game :D

    Crafting is rly confusing...
    Like You make red balls using red balls... what the FK ?
    Which red balls i need to make these red balls????

    And Body modifications is also rly badly designed...
    for few minutes was wondering HOW you unlock path to next gems with next upgrades... looks like after UNLOCKING them their collision is removed... so u just go thru them =_=... maybe some message?... or just disable this crystal so i know i can go now?...

    Its average game, if bored its worth to download and play for while...
    Likes: 6O9
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game in it's context. The pregnancy system is very complex, since you can have different childs. However, the space battle system is very boring and the birth animation has much to improve. The base battle system is very repetitive and may be improved by adding faster sex atacks.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is for fans of Aliens or insect / monster / pregnancy fetishes. Story holds up nice, art is sexy.

    What this game calls a demo has enough content for a full game, there is obviously a large amount of work that was put into the game, glad the author is feeling ambitious about it.

    Cons: collecting resources, esp. bytes feels to grindy, had to use a save editor, but I'm not really bothered by that.

    @author, please add gallery and more foot fetish content tho, pls and thx <3
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really appreciate what I've seen in the demo. It's a bit niche but it's a niche I'm into lol. As far as early alpha games go there's a surprisingly decent amount of content (though there isn't much story yet).

    There are a few bugs but that's to be expected in Alpha. Most are minor/easily overcome. I've mostly completed the demo and, barring the error that procs when you quit to title, I've only had one game breaking error.
    The only reason I'm not giving a 5 star is because of the random encounter space battles which are unavoidable (though thankfully it only happens once in awhile). I'm hoping it will be improved upon in future updates because right now it's just tediously long and painful. You can emergency escape back to the start planet at the cost of whatever's left in your fuel tank so ultimately it's just a bit of an inconvenience.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 351786

    Review for ver 0.24
    Since I really like the concept and direction of this game I'm giving a premature review just to give some feedback.
    1. The pregnancy system is cool but currently it is a chore. I don't think it needs a redesign just some adjustments maybe new mechanics which make it more available and fun. Maybe a bit more variation.
    2. The ship combat is annoying as hell. I understand it is not the current focus in development but unless it gets actual purpose don't include it for now. It actually inhibits testing in this state.
    3. Planets are boring. I recognize the system from the creator of Serafina and the Key to the Egg. A big problem of that game too that events were repetative. You could make them more interesting with unique rare events specific to planet biome or something so that exploration is more meaningful other than just serving as progression.
    That is for now. Great stuff regardless, keep it up!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Because this game is still unfinished I'd like to point out the direction it's headed rather than its current state. The pillar in the ship was removed, all it was doing was slowing the game down, it shows that the creator cares about feedback and the way the game plays rather than just the porn aspect which is really respectable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good infestation/pregnancy game. It has it's bugs at Ver .24, however I am looking forward to the progress HeavyLead makes on it!

    The bugs I have encountered after several days playing are:
    1) Null program errors. The simple work around is save often and force close the program to get past this one, but if you don't save often don't panic like I did the first time and select the wrong save! The auto save will lose all progress then.
    2) Typo in the extra breast augmentation. The description reads the same as the anal pregnancy augment for me. I have no idea on if the effects have changed as well (see bug 1 for the cause).
    3) Pregnant partner swapping in battle seems to prevent the partner from giving birth. I have yet to find a work around for this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed on version 0.51

    Story : A Plotdrive

    The game begin from when you as Sasha successfully ejected from mothership "Para Ark", but you lose all memory aside from your name. Your task right now is to at least survive and conduct research on the "alien life". There's something more than meet the eyes the more you progress but aside from that, the game is filled with a little flavor of text and lore. Not particularly noteworthy.

    Gameplay : Great

    The gameplay is a mix between standard RPG Maker combat style with additional flavor of H-combat as well and an unique ship combat style that plays a bit on management. Most of the encounter is a touch event, giving player a choice to engage or avoid it at will which is better than random encounter (although certain gameplay section still have it, but you already prepared in that scenario).

    This game is about exploring galaxies, exploring planets, beat enemy up, exploring cave to get resources from the planet manually or using collector and upgrade your gear, ship and even the collector itself and most importantly get a crap ton of different offspring by being knocked up by the enemy. Supported with standing picture with many different variation depending on your status which also included your offspring (although it's much less varied for each).

    Grind is basically quite harsh on this game at earlier stage. One way to ease it is to basically breed a lot which gives you an item that can be "disintegrated" for a decent amount of currency. Those bit used to buy necessity, learn skills and crafting weapons. This wouldn't be an issue once you get far into the game.

    Art : Good

    Personally I found the art to be quite charming in a way... And quite hot too. While it might not be the best, it's quite a clean one.

    As I mentioned before, I like the fact that many of those state in the game also reflects to MC, for example if she receive "sticky" state, she will be covered with white slimy stuff. These also apply to her companion too which with so many different kind of companion she can acquire... Well you have to see it yourself.

    There's also some animation but, it's quite simple one and most of those are gameplay related (while fighting).

    Music : Good

    Not much to say, the music accompany you here quite well, give you a bit feeling of exploration during traveling around and a sense of tension during combat.

    Bug : Some ants here!

    So far, there's nothing on my end, but I heard some people who played it have some bug regarding the quest being confusing as some of them activated at the same time. Nothing game breaking aside from those and some minor one.

    Fetish : Small pool but focused

    This game delivers only a handful kind of fetish, but each of those have quite amount of it. Special mention to pregnancy as the most prominent one, followed by "monster girl", body transformation with a bit of corruption, a bit of futa and bestiality.

    Overall : A good (and potentially great) hentai game.
    It's a game with many potential. Offers unique and enjoyable gameplay. it focuses on certain fetish but delivers quite well.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Pregnancy as mechanic (womb, breasts)
    Many encounters, cg 4/5.
    Open World.

    The game is focused on pregnancy, as the mechanics of the game, pregnancy can not only the main character, but also others. Some H scenes are missing, but the game is still in development, which is fine. Quite a lot of different opponents from bugs to dogs and horses.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    (v0.24) It's buggy, incomplete and poorly balanced but I'm in love with the concept. Have seen very few games that fill this particular niche and the ones that do are all twine and renpy games. With some time and attention this could be something pretty great
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I love pregnancy centric games, and this has some promising aspects. Many games have game over pregnancy, which irks me to no end, however here it's built into the gameplay thanks to the space survival theme. The breast pregnancy is also a nice touch you don't see too often.

    Now, it is still rough in some areas. I played for a couple hours, and the grind is heavy. If it was just for resources, it might be tolerable, but your kind of have to grind for the pregnancy stuff as well. There's multiple ways monsters can mess with you, and unless you have the appropriate skills, you leave it up to chance for which one they use. Additionally, you then only have a chance at pregnancy, which requires many more creampies than one. So you have about 2 or 3 layers to get through for one image change.

    This is still in the early stages, so improvements to the overall feel will come for sure. What I think would really help:

    1. More variance in pregnancy stages (belly growth instead of insta-preg, would also like to see the belly get to huge sizes like the breasts)

    2. More flavor commentary from the main character. It feels like this game has a good setup for corruption, but there aren't many reactions from the character yet outside of the story.

    3. Curtail the grind just a tad, or better yet, give the player "traits" that help mitigate it some. For example, giving birth a few times gives you a trait that makes it easier to get pregnant. Or picking up lots of items gives you a trait that helps you find more than one sometimes. A game that does this well (the sexual part at least) is Jumble Jokers and Jumble Strikers with a system that responds to what happens to your characters.

    Overall I think this has a good chance to stand out as the work comes in. Definitely something to try out and follow.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Reyka the Prince

    this game is perfect for fans of pregnancy, and enlarged breasts. somewhat similar to Hazumi and pregstate because it has a pregnancy cycle, I hope this game will also feature complex pregnancy cycles in the future. In this game there is also an x-ray to display the condition of the uterus of the player character. Even though the storyline in this game is almost the same as most hentai games in general, the features in this game are very interesting and worth playing for a long time.

    I hope the pregnancy percentage in this game is increased
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game, it definitely has a little to go. Pregnancy chance is pretty low for starters, and its almost impossible to get all the different types of pregnancies all at the same time, but all in all I would recommended it. Has a unique in game system. Would like in the future more specific animal creature scenes but I am looking forward to it. Has a huge amount of potential.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It is like all the games of him. You like them or you hate them. But i like it. The crafting elements are fun but the grind is real.... trust me. Until now i enjoy playing it, that might change later on but we will see that.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    v 0.22

    I honestly don't care about the management aspect of the game to be honest. You're stranded on a hostile planet and you have to gather resources to repair your ship and leave. While doing so you can get pregnant from the hostile monsters and spawn monster units to fight with you. And honestly, the dev could just cut the ship fighting part and just make this a standard RPGM game with pregnancy and birthing units for fighting, and it wouldn't lose anything of value.

    However, the game crashes half the time when I initiate or during a fight. It's excessively grindy to get even the most essential resources for your ship or even to craft basic items to help you during your session. The artstyle is pretty nice, not worth imo to go through the crashes and the grind, so I didn't even reach the first H-scene or get a single monster unit to make the process easier.

    So for now, this is where I stop. I hope the dev continues on his work because I like the idea and the fetishes, but for now it's not balanced enough to be enjoyable.