Ren'Py - NPC Tales: The Shopkeeper [v0.25] [D.mon Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not a fan of the art and the music. It's pretty obvious that it's AI -
    that will be a big problem with future updates.

    The gameplay loop is annoying

    Not sure what else to say, I'm just annoyed by AI stuff, it's just all the same.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Really early version of the game so there's not much to it.. BUT, I do see potential in it being great within a few more updates. Art is superb and the character is super cute. Add in a few more scenes, polish the overall gameplay and voila.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Good game good art but obviously there is nothing yet to really make a good review out of it.

    I'll revisit in a couple update and probably change this review if it becomes better.

    So good foundations I wish the dev a good development and to do his best. Go get it tiger!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinda funny game, refreshing and simple gameplay. I definitely want to se more of this ! Art is very good yet assisted but very good.

    Of course this is a very early game but I see the potential for a casual game without hight pretention and that's nice as it is.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    There's nothing much to it and as the dev himself mentioned this is more of a proof of concept.
    I like the general presentation and overlay, this is sort of like a puzzle game, it goes like this: Fondle the elf shop keeper, buy thieving book and use it, steal clothes while the 'angry' meter is low, sell clothes until you have money to buy the magic staff, buy and equip said staff, use everything to get her to climax. It's tedious at best since you have to constantly wait for the angry meter to go down or cheat like I did. All of this takes 15 minutes

    Current content:
    There's one looping music track, a shop of sorts with junk and a couple of key items. You get one female character which you can quickly tell from a glance that her art was done with AI, but at least it's consistent and not the worst I've seen, you can see the elf naked, fondle her and your dude can rub his dick on her pussy. That's the game in it's current state

    Overall not the worst first release I've come across, But I can see the AI art approach bogging down the dev down the line so I don't see much of a future going forward