Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Who said anything about that? You are misquoting what I said. I said swat them aside not kill them. Although that sounds better to me now that I think of it. But I never said to run off. I said put them in their place, let them know who and what they are dealing with. Right then and there make the king submit and know not to cross him or else. Considering they have some knowledge about angels and Nephilims then they would pretty much back off. No war needed. On your point about the queen and her daughter you are assuming that all players even wanted or went the route of a relationship with them. This whole royal arc has been a waste of time to me, and at this point between all the nobles and royals I would literally wouldn't mind if we get the option to burn the kingdom to the ground. Especially now that we have seen other kingdoms in that scene that we are shown the map, this one just looks bland now. The others seem more interesting and it feels like the MC is now stuck and the story is in a slog right now without taking care of the main points. Honestly as someone who doesn't like the princess, Taron actually did a favour in that regard. So I would thank him first then kill him. Wouldn't even care where she is now, just glad to be away from her. If worst came to worst I wouldn't choose the option to destroy the city, just the castle and everyone in it.

But honestly it feels like after being shown the world map that we stuck dealing with a nobody as an opponent and still doing nothing when there is so much more potential. When I saw the rulers of the elf kingdoms and the vampire kingdom I was like those are worthy opponents not this pawn in the current kingdom. Taron was merely a stepping stone, kind of like a tutorial mini-boss but his time is long up. Plus with the way this kingdom is I personally want the option to just go full Homelander and get rid of it. Burn it all to the ground and take what love interests I got here meet up with the pirate girls and have them use their ship to explore other places, get stronger and while actually making choices that count that result in either the MC becoming whatever the story at beginning said he would be or somewhere in the middle.
Less a misquote and more of a misunderstanding. You did say swat. When someone says swat I think of a fly swatted, blood and guts everywhere. I'm not a fan of the queen (specifically cheating) or the whining princess, but I play multiple paths like many, and I think most people would play to screw as many women as possible so I made an assumption there. Mea Culpa.

Kings don't usually just stand down. Any show of power is going to lead to plenty of bloodshed and I don't think that is the path the dev/MC wants to go at the moment. The MC likes the royal family, whether we do or not, so he is in no hurry to alienate them regardless of whether you want to go that path or not. I'm playing a screw everything path, a dark path, an Eliza path and a few others. That was my take on the situation from playing those paths, so I don't have much of an issue with how the dev handled it. The MC is building a home and collecting allies like Kira and the pirates. So I don't see him running off and adventuring, but building something worth fighting for. The MC says a few times he has been running all his life, and wants to settle down with Eliza/harem.

I agree Taron's time is up. If the dev doesn't deal with Taron here then its going to be a problem for his audience. Taron either needs to die or escape to one of the more powerful foes and bring them in to the story perhaps the vampires for Eliza to show her teeth.
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Jan 1, 2024
I'm sorry but not bring Amelia back to the castle is just not believable. As it was happening, yo could tell that she would never make it back. He actually said to the king ''Would you rather I let her go out without a bodyguard?'' when he DID let her do that. Even the flirting and galivanting in the city was pretty unbelievable. Any number of people could have recognized her as the princess, and even you as the princess's bodyguard and put 2 and 2 together.

Our MC has full knowledge of Taron's nature, his influence in the palace, his presence within the city and his determination to get at the MC. It's beyond belief that the MC would be so casual and lax in his precautions until he gets the job done. How does he ever expect to get his revenge acting this way!? Has he always acted this stupidly?

The update actually ends with the MC saying ''Believe it or not, it's not the first time Taron has hurt someone to turn them against me''. He is so close to realizing ''Holy shit. I'm so dumb to keep falling for this.''
I'm not a fan of forced stupidity when it comes to MC actions as a plot device. Amelia knows all the secret ways out of the castle if she wanted to sneak out after he dropped her off at the castle she could, this would have been more beleivable IMO.

Regardless, I love this avn and despite a few minor nitpicks it's great fun, I'm just itching at the lack of action scenes since returning from the pirate arc of the storyline, hoping it picks up a bit soon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
Less a misquote and more of a misunderstanding. You did say swat. When someone says swat I think of a fly swatted, blood and guts everywhere. I'm not a fan of the queen (specifically cheating) or the whining princess, but I play multiple paths like many, and I think most people would play to screw as many women as possible so I made an assumption there. Mea Culpa.

Kings don't usually just stand down. Any show of power is going to lead to plenty of bloodshed and I don't think that is the path the dev/MC wants to go at the moment. The MC likes the royal family, whether we do or not, so he is in no hurry to alienate them regardless of whether you want to go that path or not. I'm playing a screw everything path, a dark path, an Eliza path and a few others. That was my take on the situation from playing those paths, so I don't have much of an issue with how the dev handled it. The MC is building a home and collecting allies like Kira and the pirates. So I don't see him running off and adventuring, but building something worth fighting for. The MC says a few times he has been running all his life, and wants to settle down with Eliza/harem.

I agree Taron's time is up. If the dev doesn't deal with Taron here then its going to be a problem for his audience. Taron either needs to die or escape to one of the more powerful foes and bring them in to the story perhaps the vampires for Eliza to show her teeth.
Which really comes back to the point of no real choice and it feeling more like a kinetic novel than anything else. Even rejecting some girls it still acts like the MC slept with them, which if you do that on a first playthrough is pretty confusing. As for the king standing down, this is no king, just a pathetic weak man playing king. It has been shown he has no real power or influence and is just barely having any grip on the pieces that he thinks he has. It would be easy to break him and pretty fun. The other problem is the direction of the forced route with the royal family. The whole writing itself at this point has become a mess and contrived. It is as if both the story and MC are literally stuck and haven't gone anywhere significant.

Also in terms of building a home yeah that sounds like an end game goal, but to use that mid game really limits the potential of the story and the experience of the player as well after seeing how large the world supposedly is. Speaking personally when I first started this game it was interesting and it kept my attention for a while but I quickly caught on to the lack of choices or meaning. After the pirate arc I really considered dropping this game, but stuck around only because of Eliza, but at this point for me it really is doing more wrong than right. I honestly can't rationalize most of what the MC is doing now and it has come to the point where the game is more frustrating and annoying than enjoyable, so I might have to check out of this one. The writing just doesn't click with me anymore.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
The Mc has godlike powers and they said Mc could conquer the world but he turns b*tch and get tossed in a cell
but before that he just lets Amelia go back to the castle herself like do your job and guard her. I feel like the Mc is getting nerfed and making him dumb at this point i mean he got dog walked by some Guards and let them disrespect Eliza, and didn't even try defend the accusation then soon to be cucked king goes from buddy buddy to ass*ole then Taron literally comes out of nowhere being annoying as hell like the Mc is way stronger then him now with the symbiote he has now. Mc keeps letting Taron F*ck with him first he used Selena to have her betray Mc then leads to Taron paralyzing Eliza like mc been looking for him for years saw him three time and he's passive asf.
MC is a retard. He has laser eyes and never fucking uses them when he should. Oh, look, it's Taron. *LASER EYES!* Bye Taron. "Oh, you can't do that, you'll make an enemy out of the whole kingdom." He's a fucking half-angel and he just melted a guy with his god damn eyes. Who's going to go up and start shit with that guy? You? Sure, go ahead.

He's a kid.
I absolutely fucking hate this excuse. "He's a kid" works until they stop shitting themselves.


Game Developer
Jun 5, 2021
first things first..
what happened with the "thug lady" screenshot0001.png when you let her alive?
i was hoping to see her again and add her too my harem because she looks fuckable but nothing so far..
you could have put her in another guild and let us meet her again and fuck her :D

second thing

Personally the Royal arc is my favorite right now I think. In part because the princess is my second favorite character after this update. As she reminds alot of Eliza I consider her basically Eliza 2.0. But we saw some good deveolopment from Luna , lore building of the world and the other angels / deities as well.
why would you think she is a Eliza 2.0? they have nothing in common

i thought more of Alice when i saw her in that outfit

screenshot0002.png screenshot0004.png

they could be sisters in my opion lmao and as we know Alice is also a blonde and wanted to adventure with the mc as kids (and still want).
just put her in noble (sexy) dresses and they would look alike :D


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
first things first..

why would you think she is a Eliza 2.0? they have nothing in common

i thought more of Alice when i saw her in that outfit

View attachment 4073242 View attachment 4073243

they could be sisters in my opion lmao and as we know Alice is also a blonde and wanted to adventure with the mc as kids (and still want).
just put her in noble (sexy) dresses and they would look alike :D
She doesn't need to have anything in common to remind me of Eliza if you look beyond just the character's interest and hobbies / personality. But to answer your question it's more of how she was acting in this update being full of energy , wanting to go adventures , having the time of her life. Basically everything about taking her out of the castle really gave me Eliza vibes before she became a vampire . Her appearance has nothing to do with it. I really started to get into her character this update just as much as I did with Eliza at the start of the game.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
I think it's funny that everyone assumes MC's laser eyes would work on Taron...he's the current BBEG, and that's literally the first power MC unlocks...


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
I think it's funny that everyone assumes MC's laser eyes would work on Taron...he's the current BBEG, and that's literally the first power MC unlocks...
eh I think it would I used to think Taron was the big bad guy but it's clear now he really is just a small fry / grunt to his master who he actually works for. He reminds me more of Little Finger from game of thrones pulling all the strings but I dont see much of a match for someone like Eliza or the MC anymore. Against a ordinary human he would be a foe to fear.


Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2021


October is on the horizon! That means spooky season... And in Nephilim we will be honoring the season with a traditional fan favorite Halloween monster!

It has been hinted in previous updates, can you guess what or who it might be?
Find out in v0.4.8!
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Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
I think it's funny that everyone assumes MC's laser eyes would work on Taron...he's the current BBEG, and that's literally the first power MC unlocks...
Yes, I know, different universe, but hear me out here :

Superman's heat vision works on Darkseid. Sure, it won't kill him, but it hurts.
Darkseid is a New God.

MC is a half-angel.
Taron is a little bitch human.

Pretty sure they'd work unless he happens to have some sort of magical defenses against them, but it doesn't matter because the MC NEVER FUCKING USES THEM!

...can you tell that bugs me? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Yes, I know, different universe, but hear me out here :

Superman's heat vision works on Darkseid. Sure, it won't kill him, but it hurts.
Darkseid is a New God.

MC is a half-angel.
Taron is a little bitch human.

Pretty sure they'd work unless he happens to have some sort of magical defenses against them, but it doesn't matter because the MC NEVER FUCKING USES THEM!

...can you tell that bugs me? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Sounds like not bothering to get them was the better choice then. 1 point for non murder hobo MC.
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Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
Sounds like not bothering to get them was the better choice then. 1 point for non murder hobo MC.
for the powers for sure seems like the other power is better at this point. But to me murder hobo is always the correct move since he tried to kill the MC and was a professional assassin.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
for the powers for sure seems like the other power is better at this point. But to me murder hobo is always the correct move since he tried to kill the MC and was a professional assassin.
If I can do something without death I will. A dead man can never right his wrongs or strive to, at best his only contribution is the things he did before death. A living man can strive to make up for his failings and attempt to balance the skills for the crimes he's committed.

There's a reason a lot of people consider death to be the easy way out.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2022
honestly surprised that was enough to make to drop it. I agree that should of been differently for that plot point but I feel if you made it this far wouldn't be that big of a deal. Things like the Pirate arc with Kira , Eliza sudden change into a vampire out of nowhere, how the MC handled her changing into a vampire , not telling the King about Taron was alot worst and a much bigger deal
Yeah - I tend to agree - it's been a solid story up to this point with very little to criticize. I didn't like the vampire transition either but the author resolved that with some leeway to fully fix it. But my "fuck-up" filter went off immediately when the loyal, intense, and committed body guard just dropped his responsibility so easily fully well knowing that the princess had not yet been returned to safety. Out of character. While every story needs a good villain this is just too much for me. Turning the major LI into a vampire, putting the princess into harm's way by violating his principles as an aspiring and supernaturally gifted knight, and letting the villain go unpunished was just too much. It is amateurish writing to use such a flimsy pretext particularly since ample evidence had been provided by which he could later locate his old friend. But it's gone now so water under the bridge. Won't go back as there are plenty of other good works out there these days that don't resort to shark jumps to move a story along.


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
If I can do something without death I will. A dead man can never right his wrongs or strive to, at best his only contribution is the things he did before death. A living man can strive to make up for his failings and attempt to balance the skills for the crimes he's committed.

There's a reason a lot of people consider death to be the easy way out.
true but for that person I did not see him trying to redeem himself or would be willing to make up for things in his past and logically at the time just made sense. But knowing what I know now of how strong the MC and Eliza become yeah would make more sense to spare him as he would be no threat to us in the future. My main reasoning for killing him was not just because he tried to kill the MC but also logically since he was a assassin I figured he would try again. Since it wasn't just because the MC has a bounty on his head but he was after the MC for revenge as I believe Oren killed the assassins brother .

Yeah - I tend to agree - it's been a solid story up to this point with very little to criticize. I didn't like the vampire transition either but the author resolved that with some leeway to fully fix it. But my "fuck-up" filter went off immediately when the loyal, intense, and committed body guard just dropped his responsibility so easily fully well knowing that the princess had not yet been returned to safety. Out of character. While every story needs a good villain this is just too much for me. Turning the major LI into a vampire, putting the princess into harm's way by violating his principles as an aspiring and supernaturally gifted knight, and letting the villain go unpunished was just too much. It is amateurish writing to use such a flimsy pretext particularly since ample evidence had been provided by which he could later locate his old friend. But it's gone now so water under the bridge. Won't go back as there are plenty of other good works out there these days that don't resort to shark jumps to move a story along.
fair enough yeah really the bodyguard thing I have more of an issue with over other things I didn't not like. I don't really mind the Villian going unpunished up until this point at least for now. But he does need to do something about him soon it's now starting to be to much with doing nothing after what he just pulled on the MC. But I completely get you thankfully im playing this game more for the character than story or it might bother me a bit more. While I can tolerate alot I do hate it when things are predictable or disregard logic for the sake of setting up something in the story when it could of been done differently and better.


Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
Just wait for the next disaster, Kings Naval Fleet is heading to the Pirate Cove, so expect FUBAK hitting the fan in a few updates, plus Talon taking advantage out of it :devilish:
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