Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game that could've been a great game if it weren't for some silly issues.

    The Good:
    The models look nice
    The management sim is fun and engaging
    Cheats can make the game a lot easier if you want to speed it up.
    A unique premise for a story with some care taken in execution

    The Bad:
    After level 3, the grind becomes horrendous forcing you to use cheats
    I'm not a fan of the card collecting game and I feel it adds to the grind
    The scenes are too limited for my liking
    The story disappears for a while
    No real scenes with Libby (would've been fun even if it wasn't possible due to the story)

    Conclusion: I like this game and I actually completed it without hitting the skip button so it did things right. I think this game could've been a lot more though.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid 4 star effort. Everything was good but not as good as it could have been.

    The models and renders were fine, but I feel like they were better in Man of the House, so I'm not sure why this one steps backwards a bit.

    As a hotel management game it's a decent design, but if you took the sexy out, it wouldn't stand on it's own because there's nothing really fun about the core game loop. And the grind gets needlessly long once you hit 3rd rank.

    As a sexy game, it feels too mechanical. All the scenes are broadcast, but if they weren't broadcast it would be even worse because they would take too long to trigger. The rank 4 and 5 sexy scenes are fine, but the most interesting part is the beginning of the scene where it's kind of naughty. Once the clothes start coming off, the scenes tend to be pretty dull, with only a couple exceptions.

    There's stuff that feels weirdly missing. Like, you do all this work to get the girls to wear less, but the more revealing their outfits get, the less opportunities you get to see them wearing them in interesting ways - once you max out all you see is the paper doll shots and one gallery shot. I want to see more and more slice of life shots of the girls interacting with each other in random parts of the manor wearing less and less clothing.

    The mystery plot is solid. No problem with it. But it would be more interesting if it interacted with the hotel management game in a way other than just the tarot cards. Like, there's all these objects you can pull from the lake or the attic, but it would be way more interesting if those were things found while exploring the Mystwood mystery story instead. Also, Libby was hot and flirty and all we got was a single boob still, which sucked.

    Overall, the game needed about 50% more sexy content (not even necessarily full scenes, just some random teasing interactions) and it needed to be more creative (there was a couple creative bits, but we needed more of that).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyed playing this sandbox from start to finish. I think the gameplay was actually quite fun, and I love the story that's veiled in a bit of mystery. The ladies are quite nice to look at, with unique styles & personalities. The sex animations are top notch and they definitely kept the motivation to finish the game. (Hana's happy ending sex scene was sublime :p )

    Well done, I'm looking forward to checking out your other projects!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fuck the haters, these kinds of management games are great, the outfits are great, the models are great. If it's too hard for you cheat, but eventually it's gonna run itself and all you have to do is cash in.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Bak, "The Twist" kadar içerik vaat edebilseydiniz, bu oyunun boğucu mekaniği kabul edilebilir ve hatta eğlenceli olduğu bile söylenebilirdi çünkü aslında bu sonsuz çabadan bir şeyler elde edebilirdik. Ama ne elde edeceğiz? Kısa bir hikaye, sizin için bacaklarını hemen açmaya hazır kadınlar, baştan çıkarma yok, yolsuzluk yok. Tekrarlanabilir bir aktivite yok, bu gerçekten ortalamanın altında bir oyun.

    Daha sonra geliştirici bir anda oyunu yapmaktan sıkılır ve oyunun son bölümünde ana karakter aniden tüm kadınları sikmeye karar verir ve oyunu anlamsız bir şekilde bitirir.

    Size neden bu kadar agresif olduğumu söyleyeyim, çünkü boşa harcanan potansiyeli gördüğümde gerçekten sinirleniyorum. "Evin Adamı"ndan sonra insanlar çıtayı yükseltmenizi bekliyordu.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun gameplay. Interesting story. Good music. The characters are well made and looks great too. Decent sex scene. But unfortunately all of that is dampened by how slow the story progress because of how grindy the game is, it's not that bad with cheats though but still kinda slow. Also not a fan of how most of the good sex scenes are at the latter half of the game.

    Regardless, it's definitely a well made game, it's just too slow for me. If you like grindy management games with some porn in it, you'd definitely enjoy this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like all the games that come with Chinese, it ensures the quality of the translation rather than handing it over to a localization group that uses machine translation and modifies the game's content.
    Also, the content of the game is very innovative, which by the way, not using cheat mode will slow down your game progress. The characters are also of high quality and well rendered. You should play it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    After inheriting a hotel you witness mysterious sightings and deaths. In this part detective and part management-sim you will meet...

    Characters whom you can progress with through their optional quests. All the staff and guests combined have quite a large number to complete if you decide to go for a 100% playthrough.

    Gameplay consists of progressing to the next cutscene, whether that has to do with story, staff or guest. The second big part is hotel management. You earn money, rep and unlock services and collectable cards as you go along. Mystwood Manor does a good job at making the management part interesting, though it did get repetitive before the end so I turned on cheats. Note that I was going for full completion and your game flow may differ.

    Sexy-times were my least favorite bit. They're in the cutscenes/quests and, again, there's a ton. Each staff has exactly 15 quests, like a quota had to be filled. Perhaps that's why they're short, formulaic and I missed personality in them.

    I'd recommend playing this, though more for the management aspect and spooky story than sexy-times.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Compared to previous titles, there is way less erotic stuff in here.
    the few erotic scenes there are, are really short in general.

    It's more focused being an actual game with managing gameplay and story.
    But long dialogues that are mostly boring even tho i tried to let it hook me.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    To my surprise I liked managment part of gameplay in this game. But thats where all the good thing ends. Even if hotel managment is fun more or less, amount of grind to get somewhere with girls is insane. 7 hours of grind to get first scene with handjob, CARL!) Content and gameplay is unbalanced as fuck, almost to the end of the late part of the game MC literally will not even touch any girl, but then all the content pushed in the last part of the game where every event turn this hotel to total fuckfest every 2-5 min of last hours of gameplay.

    Sex scenes disappointing. Not only all content pushed to the last 2 hours of gameplay, but they average, small (consist from one animation and few renders), without proper facial expressions, without variability and most of all they not integrated for replay (talk with girl to have some fun) in SANDBOX game, only in galery. Only in latest versions dev added repeatable fun time with girls at night, which was horribly implemented, you just go to girl room at night and ask her "want have some fun?" she answers "yes of course" and after it instantly sex scene which depends on current relationship status, scene dont have dialog and consists from one animation and later with +rel you unlock next part of the scene with another animation. Thats so stupid, unreal and untasteful...

    Last thing is MC. Gosh I can tolerate a lot of things if MC depicted as at least decent human being. But here... We play as dude 25+- yo with mentality of 12yo and self respect issues. Hes always shy, feels shame when he haves boner, girls always have him on the plate and do whatever and whenever they want, but mc have 0 assertiveness level and just waits when girls come to him themselfs. No jokes if you count all the inner and outer dialogs you will see that his most popular phrases "Im such an idiot", "Im sorry" and "I... oh... ummm... well...". With girls hes passive, undecisive and shy to the extent when I wanted slap and spit on his face for being such scaredy little spineless bitch. In reality this type of pathetic creature or dies virgin or will have once or twice his sloppy seconds with drunk girl in the bar only out of pity.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game with good graphics and plenty of things to do (no dull moments until near end of game).

    Each customer has his/her own personality (2 are total bitches) and some are annoying but not too annoying.

    Good amount of sex with staff and female customers (even those 2 whiny bitches).

    This has only 2 drawbacks, 1st is that time just flies when playing and when next time checks clock it's middle of night and 2nd is that it's not Renpy game (not a big issue).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For some reason this game flew under my radar, found it recently recommended in another thread.

    The sex part is not so abundant but you get to unlock lots of girls and guest women, the management part is kinda fun to be honest you have to earn money, reputation and "destiny" to unlock rooms and tarot cards (this has some magic powers and spoiler stuff but cool shit honestly).

    So yeah quite the solid game, got no idea how other devs milking people get popular and this one went unnoticed
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    -- I"m hours of grinding into v1.1.0 and at Day 31.
    I only just hit Level 3 hotel and so far ZERO sexy (unless you count some distance views of girls in their underwear) and zero nudity.

    + As a management game, it does a great job.

    A super, super slow burn...too slow.
    But worth it for a hotel management game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the game and finished it in about 20h (did some grinding to get all the tarot cards).

    Definitely a step up from MotH. I thought it was less grindy (no more finding easter eggs) and the payoff was better. The gallery system was also more convenient for replays.

    I thought the resolution of the mystery and motivations of the big bad was a bit dumb (could have just moved away to avoid that weakness) but before that it was generally intriguing.

    I feel like people are giving it low ratings due to the grind (which can be overcome via the cheats) or because all the sex happens at the end. I didn't mind either in this game.

    Overall, I would say it is worth playing. Faerin's games generally have good writing and great renders, and the game mechanics are pretty unique for AVNs.
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    Never go around complaining about how there are no finished games, without promoting gems like this.

    Management-game mixed with a VN, with fairly simple gameplay, that is still interesting enough to carry the game through.

    Are there problems? Sure. I think the grind is a bit too much, and it takes a bit too long to reach the full sex-scenes for this type of game, and the writing isn't anything to write home about.
    But what is here, works very well together, the renders are lovely, and it's all in the service of a pretty strong theme of harem power-fantasy with model-like girls. It can certainly support the level of tension and the ammount softcore-scenes it has, just on the strength of it's fundamentals.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A giant disappointment from the developer of Man of the House! I was expecting something similar, but he totally pivoted to a different game style. The story was clever, but not enough to save it. Also, layering the entire screen and text box with some old-timing frame was obnoxious (with no way to disable it).
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    It's a 5-star rating from me, but as for the top 10, I still have some doubts. I absolutely love this game; in fact, it's more of a management game than an AVN, and it's very well thought out. The spicy scenes are infrequent but all work, although I find the system of breaking scenes into pieces a bit lazy... a minor misstep, but it still works effectively. The girls are stunning, but there are a few animations that fall short, and the faces are often distorted, not always to their advantage. Those are the points that bothered me the most! That's it! Otherwise, the rest... WOW, it's perfect! Yes, the gameplay and interactions are enjoyable and immersive; sometimes I start the game just to engage in the management aspect. There are long teases, great not to have everything right away, I love that. And if we compare it to their first game, this one moves a bit faster, which is fortunate because Man of the House had some slow moments, and if you didn't cheat, it could be way too long at times. It's less repetitive because there are more characters, more management; we don't skip through dialogues, they're important. A blend of RPG and management for an adult game, what more could you ask for? It's exactly what we want.

    The storyline isn't top-notch; I understand those who say they loved the story because there's a fairly well-written one, but the plot is predictable and, in this case, slows down the gaming pleasure. It forces you to step out of the management and interaction with the girls to join a not very significant story. But if it wasn't there, you'd feel something was missing... so, well. That's my opinion. It's been a long time since I came across such an interesting sandbox; I can't wait to play their next game. For now, it's a flawless one. If you're hesitating, go for it with your eyes closed... well, actually, keep your eyes open because the models are stunning!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game, but I have a few nitpicks.
    The characters look great, and you have a fair variety, each with their own personality, albeit fairly simple ones. (One caveat in the bad section.)
    The management gameplay is fun.
    The setting is awesome! I loved learning more about Mystwood as I played through the game.
    There are cheats available to bypass almost all the grind if you want.

    THE BAD:
    First, and the biggest issue for me: About half the time the mouths dove headfirst into uncanny valley. The rest of the model and animation looked fantastic, but the mouth would be centered firmly in the uncanny valley. Really took me out of it.
    Towards the end, the grind gets extreme to get all the content.
    The bank doesn't tell you how much you owe. You only find out when you actually have that much in the game.
    You cannot seem to pick from the unlocked outfits for the girls. They always wear the most revealing one. (or the halloween outfit) Small gripe, but I found I liked a couple of the lower tier outfits on specific girls, and once I was past them, I could not go back.

    I spent 18.5 hours on the game to get everything completed, and cheated to get all the Tarot cards without grinding, and added some money after I had bought everything there was to buy. I wanted to focus on getting the last few gallery images, without managing the guests any more, so I cheated the money to pay wages without worry. I didn't cheat until after 17 ish hours, as it didn't feel needed, but it would have added at least one more hour if I actually had to earn the last tarot cards.

    All in all, I would give the game about 78/100. Good, but far from perfect. Definitely worth my time though.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game.

    You have to manage your new hotel and meanwhile you meet new girls (future staff members, clients).
    To help you to success, you can earn some special cards with different bonuses.
    The playability is good. I haven't noticed any bugs except a few typos (I played it in French and some sentences are unfortunately not translated).
    Animations and graphics are well done. The ladies are good looking.
    One of the best part is the epilogue. Wow !
    If you like management games with a good plot, this is for you.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Wish I could rate this higher but there are a couple fairly large issues that lower my enjoyment of the game considerably.

    The Good

    Beautiful and varied love interests. I enjoy the girls and their different personalities and appearances quite a bit. It's great that the Mum actually looks like a MILF instead of a 20 something faker. Sexy submissive nurse, and super fit dancing girl are my favorite.
    Gameplay loop is not terrible, though lack of lewds for the majority of the game make it more of a grind than it should be. Tarot card and gear system is fun, and managing hotel and guests is enjoyable for the most part. Wish the final scenes with the female guests were repeatable though.
    Story is decent and dialogue and character progression is pretty good for the most part. Would have liked more romance with the ladies as the story progresses, they don't seem particularly attached to the MC for most of the game.

    The Not so Good

    All the real sex scenes are in the last third of the game. If you don't cheat heavily, you will be grinding for a good 40 hours before you get to bang anyone. This is a major bummer and could have been pretty easily fixed by not having the girls all progress at the super slow pace and with the same steps. Really don't understand how this game got finished with that pretty obvious design flaw intact. Would not have been that difficult to make one of the girls want sex faster or have someone fall for the MC earlier in the story.
    Player NEVER gets to choose where MC puts his children. This is a cardinal sin to me and loses an automatic star off any rating. It's just lazy to not do a couple extra renders for some variety in the cum shots.
    Music is nice but needs more variety in a pretty bad way.
    I appreciate some voice in the sex scenes, but when it's the same audio track for every girl in every scene, that's pretty disappointing. Some variety in the Voice and some sexy sound effects would have made the sexy time much better.
    Only a few anal scenes, and only one of these shows any penetration. Every girl should have had at least had one in the natural progression of events.
    As said before, the lack of real romantic dialogue and feelings with the ladies is an opportunity missed. The "L" word is only used a few times, and most of the girls treat the MC like he is just the most convenient dick to hop on, instead of having any real loving feelings, or interactions. There are some repeatable nighttime scenes, but for some reason the MC never spends the night with the girls, or has any wake-up scenes, which is a huge bummer.
    So overall, a well presented but pretty deeply flawed gameplay experience, that could have been pretty easily fixed with more attention to detail, and better pacing. (y)