VN - Ren'Py - My Best Deal [v3.3] [Pirot King]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is fun... I just wish he had focused some of his amazing skills on showing penetration... If they would have shown that more this game would be 5/5... But great game, good story great animations...
    Likes: Ti12h
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The female domination tag is well earned as all the sex scenes are femdom, simp or rapist and the MC is a sub so if you are not super into that then give this game a pass, honestly i wish it had been clearer this was a total femdom game from the start as i wouldn't have bothered with it.

    The opening part of the game is an overly complicated boring explanation which only serves to make the incest content pointless and to add loads of time wasting content(trying to regain memories the MC cant possibly have), really through why would you want to be revived if you don't remember your past life, who you are is shaped by experiences so essentially she wanted a sucker to give up his memories(basicly who he is) because she fucked up and sent that other guy on too soon and the MC is too dumb to realise this so now the game is just a permanent amnesia story with the MC being indebted to a god who wants to use him, seems like it would have been easier to just say that in order for the coma guy to come out of it he has to agree to what she wants him to do.

    While the opening is pointless its just the tip of the iceberg on things that don't make any sense in this game, examples: no doctor anywhere would suggest going back to college two days after being in a coma especially with full amnesia, why does the MC who is not the original mental owner of his body "remember" things he was not around for, teachers drugging students, saying/thinking one thing but doing the exact opposite for no reason, why does the MC even do any of this he has no goal, anything involving david(really being a panty thief what is he 12), etc....

    As for the women well they are pretty bad with even the goddess betraying the MC by leaving out stuff so she can use the MC, the mom and sisters are incredibly eager to get it on with the MC both with and without using the powers so no challenge there and they have no personality beyond wanting sex.

    MC makes it into my top 5 most pathetic MC's ever, he will see a situation analize it to know what would be the worst thing to do even saying this wont end well if i do that and then for some reason do it anyway(every single time), almost always he will just go along with whatever is asked of him making the MC seem like he has no will of his own and on top of that all the characters including the MC are emotionless robots.

    Most conversations in the game go like this:
    MC: hi i don't remember anything because coma.
    Other person: hey do you remember this?.
    MC: no.
    Other person: how could you forget.

    If you don't follow the creators chosen path(selena's side) then the dialogue dosent match the choices the MC makes, its clear the "choices" are an after thought and do nothing but see sex scene or not.

    On the plus side the art is some of the best around with some really good animations, it is worth a run through just to see them.

    Story 1/5 (very bad)
    Sex 4/5 (great quality)
    Characters 1/5 (no good ones)
    Art 5/5 (top quality)
    Choices 1/5 (didn't find any that do anything)
    Kinks 2/5 (watered-down incest and urination)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very hot so far. Linear, but compelling.
    Wish the MC would be more proactive, and its weird that he gets hung up on "family" (in the non official patch of course) whenever he's in a new body thats not his, it's not "his" family.

    But ah well. Good mind control scenes, hot models. I just hope that they continue to push the kinks to their extremes.
    Likes: Ti12h
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    3 stars is an honest review, imo anything beyond that is people being hopeful about where this game COULD go. At v1.1, if dev walked away, this game is average (aka 3 stars per F95 ratings). The mom, sister, and sister characters are... hit or miss, mostly hit though. I like their models. There is quite a bit of H content with one of the sisters, nothing with the other one, and a smidge of H content with the mom. Additionally, the story... exists? It's not horrible, the writing is okay and... yeah, it's okay lol.

    So in summary, it's 3 stars because it needs more H content (imo) and the story is meh. I can totally see this being a 4 star game one day. Not today.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    beautiful animation and characters ,story was fine ,special sexy sister ,one of the best game in f95 about graphic and animation i ever play , hope to see more scenes of Rin&Lin individually cuz they are gem of asian characters in f95 and deserves to be focus more than others in the game. good job Pirot King
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    At first it was the Mother...

    Rin is iNsane....
    She is carrying "My Best Deal" on her little shoulder like a boss!

    Anyway the game is really entartaining:

    + Amazing renders...
    + Amazing animations...
    + Rin
    + Corruption Story and some superpowers

    Amazing "little" iNcest game with a lot of hot scenes and some drama mixed in!!! <3
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good character models, renders and animations, terrible writing unfortunately, the base idea is great but the dialogues between characters is just bad, also a lot of inner thinking. Play if tor the quality renders if nothing else.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Very disappointed! The last project was very good, but the developer did not finish it and abandoned it. His new project is much better graphically, but the plot is boring, there is almost no choice, the one that is, does not affect the game. The characters are not interesting, as the developer is focused on graphics, development is very slow. Version 1.0 has already been released, but the game is still boring. It would be better to continue developing Dirty Pool...


    Очень разочарован! Прошлый проект был невероятно хорош, но разработчик не доделал его и забросил. Что уже характеризует его не с лучшей стороны... Его новый проект, значительно лучше в плане графики, но сюжет скучный, практически нет выбора, а там где выбор есть, по факту, он не влияет на игру никак. Персонажи не интересные, вот вообще никто не цепляет, эти две сестрёнки шаблонные куклы, вызывают только отвращение. Так как разработчик вкладывает все свои силы в графику, разработка идёт очень медленно. Вышла уже версия 1.0, но игра всё такая же скучная и вообще ни о чём. Лучше бы дальше разрабатывал Dirty Pool...
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The renders of the women are good, but the story is fairly weak, and develops way too slowly. The erotic scenes are tame, and the MC has too much self-doubt for my comfort. Most choices make no difference. This one had potential, but turned out kind of bland and average.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is on a high level of quality. Speaking of quality, quality of renders is abnormally good, animations are high above average, background music very suiting, calming, relaxing and perfectly setting the atmosphere of the game. Story part is no exception in terms of quality. Very nice storytelling with good plot so far. I also like the paranormal/mythicism breath of the story. Devs are doing definetely good job and I can surely recommand this game. 9/10. [v1.0].
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The premise is interesting, but... The divine powers are introduced apparently because the protagonist has a negative amount of charisma.
    • MC is a boring, lame idiot. For instance, he runs away from sexy situations (like when Rin was undressing), and he can't hold off pressure.
    • His landlady is nagging and boring too.
    • Writing is clumsy and uninspiring, rather long-winded than colorful.
    • Girls are not really pretty (except Annie).
    • Not many choices, and none of them are meaningful and without submission of some kind.
    Conclusion: the game is not bad, but bleak, with boring writing and lame characters.

    Plus one star for cutie Annie, otherwise it would be not worth playing at all.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game looks great with a well written story but it just seems like your everyone's bitch. i try to chose every option to defy these people and i still lose. Maybe just add like one fuck you moment.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The render and animation quality are among the best this site has to offer and even better in some senses. The plot is also more than compelling enough to keep us hooked for a little while

    That being said - a few of the characters are a bit bland and sometimes annoying, esp David. So much to the point that it requires an actual physical break to process his stupidity

    That being said, it's still an excellent game. The writing and aforementioned renders are enough to pique and maintain my interest. I personally dont mind the lack of choices that people are mentioning as there's already more than enough content to make up for it
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Dave Heiser

    Just finished version 0.90, which is the first version I played. I'm quite surprised by this one, nice story, good graphics and animations.

    Story/Text: Overall good quality of texts and spelling / language. Encountered one line of Polish, but no other major issues.

    Graphics: Nicely animated 'stills', and decent short animations for the scenes

    Gameplay: There's a decent set of choices, some of which will actually make some minor changes in the game, but nothing very major.

    I'd give it a 4/5 overall.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    what a buggy mess none of the animations plays on first try A LOT of scenes missing just black screen some dialogs are in misorder some doesnt even makes sense only good thing is sex scenes if you can get them somehow also you cant choose who you wanna have sex
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    From someone who's lazy and hates walls of texts, I found this game to have a very interesting story, well written, with enough H-scenes to keep you interested.
    At the moment the game is mostly a click-through, with few impacting choices (but they're there!), but the story is interesting enough that you don't really worry about this.
    Also, the animations are well done. Definitely worth playing and supporting the author.
    Likes: Ti12h
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna keep this review short.
    This game is really good , the renders are appealing and they aren't the same models which are constantly being used for every other game.
    Overall I'd give it 9/10
    Also bonus points for Ms Collins femdom scenes they are fucking good. If you are into femdom do check it out just for those scenes I bet you won't get disappointed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1399596

    Intriguing storyline unlike many of the other games out there. The renders are very well done, and the animations are smooth and on par with the best games out there. The characters are all quite attractive, and overall this game is heavily underrated.
    Likes: Ti12h
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent game, where your sisters are not really your sisters and everything happens because of superpowers ( which is way better than having to actually develop relationships and make things have sense.

    Those power he has, work sometimes and sometimes dont, it seems they work at random when they are needed and are discarded when its not convenient, with no explanation.

    We dont get to know nanything about the origin of the godesses or the powers cause one of them doesnt want to tell, and the other one doesnt know.

    You get some powers that most of the time either get you handjobs, or dont work, or dont change a thing, or dont offer any advantage. For instance powers are not needed wtih Rin and you get far.

    So the writing is just there, its just text that doesnt actually matter much.

    Its visually interesting though, that can carry you through the "story".
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I just started this game but can not get into it. I mean, renders are good but the writing...Ughhh. It's not bad, just flat and doesn't convey any emotions. Also, and as already mentioned in other reviews, it's annoying to have those "Good morning, SON", or whatever the relation is, reminded in so many sentences.

    The story itself is a mix of already seen pitches but it is poorly brought. It is said that the mission is to spread love but it is more about lust though.

    MC's wakes up after a period in coma (how long ?) and just walks back home....really ? No rehabilitation, nothing ?

    I think that with some more explanations and a more immersive writing, this game could get higher ranks.