
Jan 29, 2018
I do have the phone in the item bar. I'm wondering when the options to take photos will pop up.
The opportunity to take photos is AT specific. As far as I know the only characters currently available for photos are Diane, Charlie, Becky and maybe Jay. Simply having the e-phone in your item bar is not enough. You will have to have some character AT progression as well. I think Becky or Charlie are the first characters which can be photographed. Becky will be working out in the living room at 8:00, M-F; Join her in her workout. There will be photos taken during that workout. Charlie will be in her yard sunbathing at 12:00 and 1:00, Sat. and Sun. Only one opportunity to per day for Charlie. Hint: Have some suntan lotion in your item bar for application. Photographing her can have some negative consequences.
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Jan 29, 2018
Can anyone update the archtypes. i go five star cosmopolitan mom and it looks like it have less content
The author is planning an additional AT for Diane in the next update. They are currently in development. You might want to try some other combinations of your character lifestyles to see if you think you are missing content. :p The discovery is part of the fun although it can be tedious.


May 31, 2019
I think the four/five stars ATs are a design flaw and the dev is shooting himself in the foot.

The ATs get more intense scene-wise the deeper you progress, leading to sex etc. Four/five stars ATs are rolling back on the AT chain, but trying to keep the intensity by adding new scenes (5 start cosmopolitan mother) which the base (regular cosmopolitan mother) does not have.

The problem is, you need a shitload of content to support that. In addition to the normal AT scenes, you need relevant sex scenes to fill the void of taking away scenes from a "higher" AT you rolled back from - and the more ATs you have on top, the weirder this rollback gets.
That means, you cant really design "transitive" or stopgap ATs, you need to fill the whole chain with four/five star variants, which will either remain uncooked (as it is now, barely any difference to the regular AT) or take up too much dev time for too little gain, as the scenes are nice bonus, but you'd probably not want to remain on that AT longterm anyways.

So its either immersion breaking, ie. youre downgrading ATs, or youre adding fluff to ATs to keep up immersion, costing you valuable time that could be spent making new branching ATs.

Idk what the solution is, maybe adding "important" ATs that start branches, and only those get star variants, and you skip rolling back to anything inbetween (effort in writing, needs to make sense)?

For example, baseCharacter -> at1 -> at2, branches into two different paths at3,4 -> at5,6 -> at7,8 if you roll back from 7 or 8, you go back to five star at2, which has a bunch of new scenes, but you skip making variants of 3, 4, 5, 6.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk about game mechanics in a porn game.
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