Unreal Engine - Completed - Last Hope [v1.0174] [Poolside Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    1. щикарные анимации
    2. есть возможность изменить управлений кайф!
    3. Много вариантов что и как сделать )))
    4. есть подсказки и мини Гайд супер xD


    1. Кривой выбор одежды для девушек,непонятно применилась ли одежда или нет!
    нет возможности ходить голышом максимум в трусилях xD
    нельзя изменить музыку или я не нашел )))

    Eng translate:

    1. Gorgeous animations
    2. You can change the controls, it's amazing !
    3. There are many options for what and how to do)))
    4. There are hints and a super xD mini guide

    1. A crooked choice of clothes for girls, it is unclear whether the clothes were used or not!
    it is not possible to walk naked with a maximum of underpants xD you can't change the music or I didn't find it)))
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is magical, nothing to say except the French translation which needs to be reviewed because it feels like the translation is by a third-party site, but otherwise everything else is perfect.

    BIG UP to the developer, thanks again
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best games on this website, with good gameplay, frequent and well made nudity scenes with a short story that doesn't get tedious.

    Gameplay: Its mostly just walking around in 3D and talking to npc's, there are some aspects of time management, a little bit of grinding and some well made minigames, the character moves quite well, and there are no problems with controls or strange keybinds unlike most other fps porn games. My main problem with it is that it can't be played with one hand only, but this is not that big on an issue since the time between scenes is too short for my erection to go away.

    CG: A LOT of well made, In engine 3D scenes with a lot of variations positions, sometimes there are options to cum in or out and a camera with either a POW perspective or a manual easy to control perspective. Despite the scenes being so well made, they are all focused on the same 3 characters with some scenes going to some other characters, This wouldn't be as big of a problem if the characters were slightly different but all major characters have pretty much the same proportions, with a difference in nipples. The side characters are sometimes better because of this since they offer greater variety,

    Story: Bland, generic, nonsensical, but does its job, I sometimes find myself skipping new dialogue because it can get quite uninteresting but that rarely happens. At least the different characters all have noticeably different personalities, but there aren't many good things to say about the story, but at least there aren't many bad things either.

    All in all This game is definitely worth your time for the amazingly made sex scenes, but can get boring at the midway point as you are unlocking the 10th sex scene with the same character you have seen naked 100 times by that point.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Another super high rated game where the only going for it is the graphics. Everything else - gameplay, characters, writing, pacing, overall direction - is amateurish at best. Only bother with this if you can stomach walls of vapid dialogue and tedious grind, before a one-dimensional caricature flashes her tits at you.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game. I prefer incest in my hentai, so I played with the patch applied.

    The writing was pretty decent. It had a good feeling of progression with the girls, and the intrigue in the background was enough to keep me playing.

    Of course, the CGs also helped up my playtime. They were pretty well done; while some of the animations weren't the best, the models themselves made up for it, and the writing helped fill in the gaps the animation couldn't.

    The gameplay was engaging too: it took a while to adjust to the schedule mechanic, but it made the play more engaging, and having a schedule made it much easier to navigate.

    I found the game to be pretty sexy, and while I wish more had been done with the pregnancy angle, there was enough there to satisfy.

    All in all, this was a great play. Definitely give this a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I played it fully through, read all the dialogue and narrations and enjoyed every moment. The game got a little grindy towards the middle and end, but that's fine because the content was worth grinding for. Thanks a lot!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    In the sea of samey looking Ren'Py VNs this game does something very different and it pays off. One of the most fun games I've ever played on this site. There's a clear path of progression, the sex scenes are a lot of fun, although you definitely do notice some of the concessions that had to be made in terms of graphics. The sheer volume of content in a very confined space is also remarkable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Not fan of the body portions or the doll like faces. However this game gets the most important things right. One of these is the core design. Everything is centered around lewd actions and those drive everything. No stupid rpg battles, bible length dialog dumps or history quizzes - instead game lets you grope, grind and fuck your way forwards (and even the space ship shooter part is optional. Wish more games flowed like this.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I put 4/5 intead of 5/5 because for sure is a good game, but for sure it could be better, i played with the incest patch so probably without that, the rating will be the same so or 4/5 or 3/5. Still a good game but as a lover of pregnancy tag i think it could be done a lot better. I hope that if youwill make another game, the pregnancy will have a larger space. Have all a good day:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best 3D game on this site. Most 3D games on this site are visual novels, and I'm tired of those point and click visual novels.

    It's nice to be able to move around freely in 3D. There is no unnecessary grinding. The girls are hot and there are many different scenes. Adrianna is the best in my opinion.

    There is nothing to complain about this game compared to all of the other games here. This game stands above many. I'm only comparing this to other NSWF games I've played, and it has plenty of great content.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best games on the site. Solid model, amazing animation, and fun sandbox gameplay. Hopefully, the dev can flesh out the model in their next game. Looking forward to whatever comes next.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best dating games I've played. Great models, hot content, Gameplay loop isn't too grindy and keeps you fed the whole way. Would like to lean into more interesting fetish content but that's just a personal preference. No other notes, very well polished.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is great no problems from beginning to end the story is kinda boring besides that game is great each girl has a decent personality scenes are great you can view them in first and third person only complaint is you cant change fov my favorite part is the pregnancy can be played with pretty much every scene of the three main girls in the epilogue would definitely recommend.
    Likes: Hezor
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good looking models, solid animation.

    The schedule showing clearly what events still contain scenes or not was greatly appreciated and helped cut down on the usual repetitive guessing game of 'talk to every npc everywhere at every time of day to find out how to get to the next scene.'

    The freedom you had with your character made it actually genuinely feel like a game. Many 'Adult Games' are essentially picture books with minimal choices.

    The progression was quick enough to be satisfying but believable enough to be immersive.

    Really appreciate the ability to choose which scenes you participate in and consistent themes throughout the game.

    By far one of my favorite Adult Games of all time.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excelent, all of it.

    This game has tons of good things so I will start with the only "bad thing" there was for me, the camera. Game featureas a FP POV and an external one, in some scenes, the camera is difficult to manage and place in some angles.

    Now for the good part,
    Animations 10/10
    Story (incredibly) 10/10 It's not very complex and a bit absurd, but for this kind of game it suits it perfectly.
    Models 10/10
    Gameplay 9/10 A bit grindy at the start, but you allways have something to see or do.

    What are youy waiting for? Go play it NOW, probable one if not the best game on F95 rignt now.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A good, complete, hot game with a sufficient level of content, great job! Personally, I didn’t have enough sex with aliens, scientific and technological revolution content and, in general, more diverse fetishes.
    An interesting theme with rooms on an alien ship seems underdeveloped, perhaps there should be more of them and richer content, but in terms of vanilla sex, the game will satisfy everyone.
    The future character customization system announced by the author looks interesting so as not to look so exaggerated.
    Overall a solid, good game, bravo to the author!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this website. Plot is simple and silly but serviceable, gameplay loop is easy to understand. Most importantly, girls are hot and graphics are absolutely beautiful.

    However, it is reasonably slow-burn. It is supposed to add realism: you don't suddenly go 0 to 100 with your own family, you need to work a bit for that. It is somewhat connected to another feature of this game, which can very well be a pro or con, depending on who we ask: grinding.

    There are two types of grinding in games: one which is unnecessary hurdle designed to artificially stretch playtime, and one which improves pacing of the story, makes you appreciate result you've worked for. The distinction between them is completely subjective. For me, the amount of grinding in Last Hope is okay and it does improve overall experience.

    TL:DR Must play.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I got an impression from this game, which is similar to that of the SummtimeSaga. Very flexible choices availble for h-gamers who sought to make own decisions without reading walkthroughs. And with very few errors which are very common in h-games.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    While the game has a lot of potential, what keeps it from rising above the rest and being something truly special is its length. It's extremely short. Rooms small to explore and some frustrating and buggy camera angles in some scenes. I recommend, but don't expect anything special.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very beautiful. Does anyone know if there will be an update? Because it could be even better. The characters in the game can react according to your clothes, and most of them don't even exist in the game. These cutscenes are not bad, judging by the NPCs, the development part is a bit boring (that is, the relationship-enhancing parts), the cutscenes are quite nice, I will definitely buy the game (I think it is excellent).