RPGM - Completed - Encode Encore! [v1.25] [Golden Pot]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple and easy to get into. I hate sandbox games but I played this one till I could get ending 3. There are 5 endings but I haven't tried to get the last two. My only complaint is there's not more content
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    What a great game. Definitely in the top 10 of my uncurated list of great h-games.

    Story 6/10

    Pretty straightforward story. You have a disease that makes you produce too much sperm so you need to constantly ejaculate. Your friend, Nenena, wants money to buy her boyfriend an expensive wallet. So you solve each other problems by paying her for "favors".

    There's 3 endings and there's no happily ever after ending. 1 is nothing happens, the other 2 are continued sex.

    The reason I'm rating the story so high for such a simple story is because of Nenena's dialogue. She has a great attitude. She's super chill, down to earth, and just it's just overall great to read her dialogue. The things she says are just fun and sexy.

    Gameplay 8/10

    The gameplay loop is 1 day, you get action points to spend on either earning money, earning stats, or sexing it up. After 2 weeks the game's over but you can start over from day 1 with all stats carried over.

    Honestly, the game's still grindy. You have to spend a full 2 weeks or even more just grinding your stats up. That being said, the game has a slow and fast mode, where I played slow.

    The map is nicely sized for what the game is. You're not running around like a chicken with its head cut off but you do run around finding Nenena around town.

    The game's pretty good with tutorials. Talk to everyone because they all tell you how to play the game correctly.

    As you trade money for favors with Nenena, the favors escalate. The pacing of favors to escalation is also well done. That part wasn't grindy. Save for the grinding if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

    Art 8/10

    The art is what attracted me to this game. I absolutely love the thick eyelashes look. Nenena herself is cute and sexy.

    There's a decent amount of scenes that vary with decent dialogue that really gets you going.

    Overall 7/10

    Great game. Nenena is the ganguro girl next door. It's a pretty short game which took maybe 3 hours to beat.

    If this game had voice acting that'd really be the cherry on top of the cake.

    Lastly, I would like an ending in which Nenena breaks up with her boyfriend and ends up with you. Which I hear may be coming in an update to this game soon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better RPG maker games I've seen.
    Got all ending, was overall very impressed.

    Game is relatively short scene collecting simulator.
    It has no walls of pointless text, walking around from point to point is fast.

    I think even those who are not a fan of netori might find this game enjoyable.
    Main heroine is easy going gyaru, (which is right up my alley) dialogues usually comedic, enjoyable, and, what is important - short.

    Art is very good, if you like that type of sprites (I do). There is usually more than 1 sprite per action, which is always better than static CG imo.
    Author is also planning to do animations in future, which will look awesome in his artstyle I think.

    Overall I found progression very enjoyable. As you progress Nenena will allow you to do more things with her, and already unlocked options will also change accordingly.

    Biggest con I found is pause between actions while doing jobs. This element will waste your time the most. Just let it be skippable like the rest of the text, or just skip all action all together if you reach lust threshold, where you can't fail it anyway

    I expected it to be much worse, but liked it a lot in the end, will definitely keep an eye on this author!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 8/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 8/10

    Corrupting an already slutty gal girl.

    I do love me some gal girls, and playing the big dicked nerd stealing the girl from the jerk boyfriend is a fresh breath of air. I was fully expecting the nerd to be cucked hard, but instead he bangs the gal girl into leaving her dickhead of a boyfriend. And hey, so long as you got the cash, she's pretty much willing to do anything you request.

    Speaking of which, gal girl here won't start out spreading her legs for you. You have to build up your relationship with her to gets more intimate options like that, until then you'll have to be fine with jerking it to her panties, cumming on in her hand, and feeling up her body. On top of this, you'll also earn more overworld options the further you progress with the girl. You might only be able to flip her skirt at the bus stop at first, but later on you'll be pounding her from behind while her jerk boyfriend stands around obliviously next to her.

    The gal girl herself, besides being naturally sexy, will slowly come to accept that this nerd with a giant dick and unlimited cum supply is way better than her boyfriend. She doesn't just fall for your manhood, she falls for you romantically and one ending does have her straight up leave her boyfriend for you. The other two endings being her moving on from your little arrangement, or maintaining the agreement but continuing to keep her boyfriend around as her main love interest.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Played for about half an hour. Toke some odd jobs. Increased stamina, recovery of stamina and maximum amount of actions per day. And that's about it. Yeah, the dude you play as also harasses some gyaru, but it's really basic and boring. So, in other words, this sucks.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly enjoyed the game. The cheating aspect was nice though I wish you could truly steal her from her bf by making her dump him. The work was tedious to get to the content but was overall enjoyable once I was able to get there. The fact I still have to spend money on her for any scene and she was fully corrupted was also annoying. Outside that, I enjoyed the "Story". Good game, hope to see more work like it and maybe an update here to expand on this already good foundation.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really great little game. Nenena is such a charming girl too with some great art, great dialogue, and great H scenes. Honestly didn't care about the 'cheating' aspect since it's sort of implied if you pay attention that the boyfriend is kind of a dick.

    Best tip for players is to use the first playthrough to build up stats, and make sure you find the 3 secret NPC's that give two important stat buffs as well as a useful skill. Then put your eyes on the prize for second or third playthrough.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Normally I'm not an NTR kind of guy. It's not my kink. I hate being forced to play as the woman cuckolding a waste-of-space pathetic kind of guy that I have to pretend to care about.

    This one is more kind in that regard. You play as the dude she's being unfaithful with. And the cuckolded dude is a douche-bag that has it coming.

    I like that. It means you resonate with the protagonist's feelings and stand on the same page as him, which helps with immersion.

    The gameplay is grindy indeed. Though once you manage to get the ball rolling it gets easier and it flows nicely, right up to the point when you start wishing you could "work 10 times harder" to earn money with less inputs. Then it feels grindy again, but by that time you're almost done with the game.

    The art's cute. You can definitely fap to it.

    Finally, I liked the characterisation that was given to the heroine. She's likeable and charming, despite being an airhead coping with her love of good sex.

    Solid 4/5 for me.
    I feel like this game can't reach 5 stars because the gameplay concept is a bit flawed. So despite the execution being pretty good, the game can't go any higher due to the inherent flaws of its conceptual idea.

    Regardless... A pretty good game.

    PRO TIP: your work success rate is related to your horniness. If your horniness gets too high, it becomes harder and harder to earn money. Which doesn't help because you kinda need money to lower your horniness.

    Though you can masturbate at your house with porn if you find yourself without money. But as a new player I didn't know this, so I thought I had gotten myself softlocked (since I was failing to earn any money due to horniness and couldn't lower it without it).
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm being generous with a 4, but with what's being offered it's pretty good. A short netori game that'll take a hour or two to complete, you corrupt the gyaru using your hard earned money and time to help her get a Gucci wallet. It's not exactly A1 writing there, but for all its horny and comedic purposes it's good enough. There's a good amount of scenes in different locations with different positions. Not too much mind you, since it's the same three sprites for say, missionary. Artwork was decent as well.

    Negative side of the game would be the grind. The failure and success rate to working jobs just made the grind process more tedious. Getting the money is one thing, but grinding your energy and AP was even more so. Not much of a problem if you run through a save editor, but even then there's a full save that comes with the DL.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Progression was slow burn, I enjoy that and the escalation of events went really well. Tho it was a short game so not for people looking for a long game. Looking forward to more from this particular developer/creator.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    All of the Score is my private opinion. You don't need to trust, but you need to try it yourself.

    Story: 6.5/10.
    Game play: 3/10. (hard to understand at the first time, and too boring to farm money at late game)
    Artwork: 10/10.
    Voice: No voice/10.
    Good for fab: 10/10

    Not good to play BUT good for fap 8/10.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Gonna just go ahead and give this Five because of how good the art was in my opinion and the scenes were. Specifically the number of them and the variation in dialogue that occured during different ones.

    (Even if the art didn't change all that much during the scene the differing context between the scenes did it for me.


    I don't know what the difficulty levels are supposed to doon this game but the options are

    I played on slow so that may have made the grind even more grindy. If you are going to play legit you may want to choose quick instead as a heads up. Personally I didn't mind the grind and think playing through the game legit is a good move for me. Your mileage may vary.

    Whoever translated this did a hell of a good job in my opinion. It went a lot further than just not having to read poetry. I don't know if that was completely a translation thing or the game was written well, but in either case the translation was fantastic.

    This game took me a little over five hours to beat to completion. (By that I mean unlocking all the endings and the extra Debug room/ gallery room at the end. I Think I could have done it quicker if I knew a few things going in that I didn't at the time though. So take that for what it's worth.

    I would recommend reading the translator's notes on the first page of this thread. Unless you want to go in blind. There is a lot of good info there that will make the grind easier if you decide to play it through for yourself.

    (Not to mention they were kind enough to put a full save there)

    I don't generally seek out NTR, but I guess I'm a slimey bastard and enjoy cucking people lol. .I say that because if you do play a lot of that type of thing maybe this is a bog standard game, but I've played a lot of porn games and this one is really great in my opinion.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A classic netori work featuring a gyaru, which means it follows the storyline of the gyaru gradually becoming more addicted to sex with the player character over the course of the game with scenes focusing around masochism and exhibitionism. I personally enjoy those types of stories, I like the clean and simple art style, and I like the gyaru's design.

    The gameplay loop (getting money in order to pay the gyaru for sexual favors in order to ejaculate, then repeat) is nothing to write home about. It's fairly inoffensive and straightforward gameplay. The game entirely revolves around whether one enjoys these types of stories or not. This game is not groundbreaking, but it successfully presents the humble story it sets out to present, which makes it a win in my book.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good short fap material. Art is nice. Repetitive scene has some variation so it is kinda fun.

    Gameplay is simple. You work for money while getting stat(to get even more money) and use it for sex scenes. There are several tips of how to play the game optimally and as fast as possible, NPC in the town already cover all of it up so I wont explain it here,

    You can go to the top right house after you finished the game main objective for infinite action point, money and energy. Pretty useful for scenes hunting,

    On the side note about the ending. (spolier)

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    That was way too much thought and text for this short hentai game but I have to get it out... It isnt shake spear omega deep tier writing...quiet the opposite in fact so I was quiet surprised why there are this many people who misunderstood the ending. Or maybe it was me who is too deep into cuckold lmao.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A good short game with some issues. The biggest being that 99,999 energy cap. The ending sex scenes require 40k.

    The game involves you doing jobs and building stats. Your success rate is based on how horny you are. If you've sasiated your self you will have a good chance of succeeding. 0 horniness seems to be 100% success rate.

    The art is good and the dialogue is sexy. The way you want to play is role everything over. Doing the partial roll over is not recommended it will take a long time to get all the points. You won't be able to complete the game in one run. It is a two week long schedule.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Come on guys, 5 stars for this? You really never played a good eroge in your life... The game is average/good, really simple, you make money so that you can fuck her.
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    The scenes are good, the translations is good too but there's no actual charactarization, the scenes are NOT animated, reminds me of Tina the Swordswoman if anyone of you played it (so static scenes that actually move up and down but that's it, no real animation). The
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    endings are kinda disappointing but at the end Im kinda glad that
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    but you know, it is what it is. If this was animated and if the endings were written better than a 5 star would have been the right score.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, as you can see above, I gave this full points. Let's get into the details.

    Dialogue: 10/10. Bueno. Loved it, you got a sorta NTR angle, except you are the guy who steals, which means you don't get the 'feels bad' portion of it. The boyfriend is basically a non-character, so who gives a shit. Have fun with her.

    Gameplay: 8/10. Admittedly, it's a bit hard to get a handle on the gameplay loop, but talk to some people and do a few runs to figure it out. Took me like an hour to 100% this game. There's also a full save in the files, if you just want to skip to that. Will say that the whole loop of grinding out money to pay her for sex as you slowly corrupt her morals and make her your girl is a little tedious, but once you start to get the ball rolling, you can just spend like 50% of your AP just constantly fucking her for an entire day. Amazing.

    Art: 10/10. I thought that initially, the amount of art would be bad, since it indicates the number of variations for total CGs. I was wrong. It does a little bit of animation to add some dynamism and though the actual number of scenes is low, they're exceptionally good.

    It's a small game, doesn't overstay its welcome, and is hot. Everything you could ask of a porn game. Highly recommend, especially if you're into gyarus.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This is good for what it is. It's short, to the point, has good scenes albeit a bit repetitive, the story is stupid but we take what we can get. The endings are fine.

    The two star deduction is because:

    1. Bonus from jobs are entirely fucking random, and personally I'm just not a fan of randomness. In this game, it's the difference between having to work just one shift or a whole extra shift again, which is also bad because:
    2. The game IS quite grindy with the action point system, desire system, money system, AND energy system. Like, holy shit. You have action points that dictate how many actions you can take a day which includes jobs to work, and actions take energy, and to recover energy you have to pay with action points and money, and when working to gain money you spend energy and action points; how do you get more action points? Oh, just do good at a job to increase your action points, but to work at the job you need action points and energy, but to get more energy you need ACTION FUCKING P - see where it's going? It's a fucking grind cycle. And if you want to see the sex scenes to completion you need A LOT of energy AND action points AND money...

    Best played with a cheat tool if you don't want to hear the same jingles for 45 minutes in a row, but it's definitely enjoyable nonetheless.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't feel like writing a long review so...

    The gameplay is OK. It's very luck dependent in the beginning, then very grindy at the midway point. You need to pay roughly 500K yen to get the 3rd ending. and you get at most, 12500 per shift.

    Art is, as you see it. Not too many positions, no animations, and no anal (though there is scenes where the ass is fingered). A bit sad but, still, art is nice.

    Sound is whatever. Definitely on the better side as nothing is ear-grating or too repetitive. Just no amazing OSTs or whatever.

    Story is meh. Girl wants to buy wallet for asshole boyfriend. Since you work part time, she whores herself out to you, basically.

    So, 4/5 since the art is nice, and it's a decent time waster. It's not amazing, but if you got time to kill, or are always bored like me, it's rewarding enough for the few PNGs you basically get.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4106122

    Just exellent game~ Easy but sooo hot. And i dk how to get bath scene otherwise than complete the game and find it in memory room. And if someone tell me what game is similliar to that - i will be in love with that reccomendation ^_^