Collection - Ren'Py - Discreen Vision Game Collection [Ch. 3 Day 25 v1.1] [Discreen Vision]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game (Secret of The House) is not interesting, it's just all about clicking here and there. There are no different mechanical or dynamic actions in the game. There are only small puzzles and errands in the game. Doing the same things over and over again without any different unique tasks is extremely boring, the same thing applies to the puzzles, they are not unique at all. Only the items change in the errands other than that everything you do is a copy of each other in each task. The only good thing is that it looks good visually, other than that, it's very weak as a game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Only tried one of the bundle, If I Do, and it was easily the worst game I've ever played on this site. It draws you in with the excellent Warner Bros / Disney art, but that is its one and only redeeming quality.

    Buggy as hell, godawful translations with dialogue that would be horrendous even if it was translated properly (In one of the I believe 4 sexual scenes, the MC tells a woman "Rape it!" as a way of asking for a blowjob), ugly UI, and the one gameplay element is WAITING. Seriously, seeing everything the game has to offer takes over two hours of waiting, for maybe, not exaggerating, 15 seconds of rough animation. Normally I would say its just a matter of opinion and people like different things, but that game was so bad I kind of think it should be taken down, removed from the site. No one else should have to play through that time-gating nightmare.

  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The Secret of the House has pretty artwork and an intriguing story, but it's super confusing! You need to do obscure things to advance. The chapters are released as 2 separate games. The game lacks clear hints to help the player advance.

    The house layout is stupid like a maze. The requirement to walk through the bedroom to reach the kitchen is bad game design.

    There are also minor annoyances such as the fade effect when you switch rooms is too slow.

    The gameplay is overall below average which is a shame, because the art is so good.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The secret of the house, until day 13, is a game with very polished art that emulates the old Disney style but also has really good animations, but suffers from one of the most common problems of point and click games.

    Sometimes, there is no logic behind the things you have to do, the places where you have to go or the people you have to talk to. So, for example you have to look and click everyplace to literally find a tiny needle (is under your neighbor's table), or a second worm, just for the fishing pole without a hint. The tool store and the grocery store barely help.

    Particularly frustrating is navigating your house. Is a total mess. Why do you need to go across your room to get into the kitchen? the halls don't make any sense either. There is barely any difference between halls or some reference points.

    This game is just average because the art, without it would be awful. If you have the patience to play this messy game, if you have that, you will be rewarded with fantastic art and good animations.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    no sex in a pron game. what more do you want?
    very weak when ask to do thing like walkthrough and move.
    art is good like other say
    everything else is bad
    5* for art
    -2* for not making sense in task
    -1* for making player look like idiot
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok, after playing 10 updates of this game I can say one thing and one thing only the art is the only thing keeping this garbage game alive, after that, it is a nightmare you can't get to anything without a walkthrough and if you do, you'll have to click on everything you see to find a clue on how to start the scavenging hunting quest .

    I really tried to forced myself to like this game because of the art, the story is predictable and nonexistent, the characters are one dimensional and dumb and the game mechanics don't exist aside to make the game longer.

    I can only recommend this game if you like the art and that's it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I consider the game as an excellent form of entertainment, the greatest visual attraction are the MILFS and art in general. Beautiful (much better than MTD).

    My only complaint is how repetitive it gets at times.

    However, all of that is rewarded by the hot scenes and the story that is fun to follow.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Obviously the art is excellent but almost nothing else about this game goes well. I can't recommend it as it is. Just look ups still images, and throw the artists some cash for the trouble if you feel like it. Other people have already described what's wrong with this so I'm not going to put a ton of effort into my review. Even if everything were totally overhauled I think this game would just be so so, which is kind of a bummer because I feel like it has a lot of potential. But yeah, it's whatever.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    While playing Secret of the House, I faced a number of difficulties during the passage due to confusing tasks without adequate prompts. The game is not logical, dialogues do not guide the player. After spending a lot of time solving these problems, I was very disappointed that in the end I received a reward for the work done in the form of several half-naked pictures...... after that I decided to delete this game.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The Secret of the House - The first game that disappointed me very much, behind a seemingly not bad art hides very bad game mechanics, a terrible plot, a huge amount of grind in order to look at a few pictures. Yes, there is very little porn in the game, but a lot of routine repetitive tasks.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Game looks promising with interesting story behind it,very nice looking characters(liz so far is my favourite),updates are monthly(and i hope it will be like this forever)because such a game in my opinion needs regular updates to keep the interest in people who's gonna play it,maybe adding new character into it will be even better.

    Maybe it lacks a bit of good english text but as you csn see i'm not good in english writing as well xD

    Maybe adding a gallery with replayable scenes it will make this game even better.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    There is everything what you can imagine in this visual novel. Good story, nice graphics, sometimes interesting sometimes boring mini games,and AMAZING ANIMATIONS :)

    Not sure why there are so many people that give such small rating for this dev and his game!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    the art is amazing and i like the dev work so much but not gone the way i would of like to have seen im sure loads of other people will love it but for me its a big no sorry i hope u have a grate succes with ur game :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Work in progress.
    Up to now great art but simple game play. This is nothing to be ashamed of. I rather prefer simple game mechanics instead of long ass storylines with irrelevant information to make a char as deep as possible.
    The English part is not that gooodd, but ok. Not everybody is a native English speaker.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great artwork with unique style. The gameplay is not boring like a visual novel where you "only" read text and click. The strategy and "click and point" part in combination with the art makes the games interesting. The games are NOT only relying on clicking through the text to get the scenes fast. In this way you have more fun with the games and you are happy every time you unlock another scene.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Really broken english and can be a bit buggy and it's progressing slow, but the art is amazing and past work has shown the potential, just needs to be refined a bit which hopefully will come with development experience since the art is already finely toned.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The only good thing about these games are the Disney'ish looks. That's it. You're always getting boring and repetitive games, always with a bad performance, some with heavy grind, others with no guidance at all. Some of the animated scenes are really good, but they're not even worth any minute spent on this trash.. a shame, really.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art, some of the animations are good, but most seem to be doing the bare minimum. The gameplay of all of these so far have been incredibly bad, and the writing is on the same level. No idea why this person is trying to make games, when just releasing art and videos would be way better.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Not much to say: good art, very poor text, very poor game mechanics, very poor content, abysmal plot.

    To sum it up, an umpteenth deception about gorgeous art ruined by bad decision-making and greed.

    Don't get your hopes up.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    You should save your time. Virtually all of the games by this developer in this thread can be described with identical wording, so this review is, at time of posting, a catch-all.

    Gorgeous art. I mean, truly great retro American animation artstyle you just don't see much of. These are terrible games that really would get a 1 star from most other artists, but I have to acknowledge how smooth and unique the characters are. The animations could use a few more frames but are quite good. This is an example of an artist hamstrung by a previous bad team experience who now refuses to work with others and it breaks my heart because a proper team or partner to prop this guy's work up would do gangbusters!

    Awful English. This is some of the worst English I've seen outside of machine translation. There is zero eroticism and only enough punctuation and grammar to gleam the simplest of intended meanings. I have no idea what level of writing this guy is capable of because it's being bottlenecked by one of the infinite-minus-one monkeys that didn't write Shakespeare. It feels like every bit of text on screen was spoken by a foreign tourist asking for directions with their translation app open in their hand.

    Tedious gameplay. What little "game" these feature tends to be extremely simple, misunderstood iterations of game systems you'd see better from an afternoon highschool game jam. There really is very little about these that even classifies as "game" outside of clicking through the renpy text boxes, and when you do get to play something, it's designed to be tedious to pad out for time. The gameplay elements feel like busywork rather than fun. For most games I'd say something like it "gets in the way of x" but in this case the x is borderline incomprehensible words connected in a way I think is supposed to be English.

    Dig up an art dump of this guy's incredible work and pass on these brief episodes in frustration.