VN - Ren'Py - Dirty Fantasy [v2.9] [Fallen Pie]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Game switches up art styles mid-game with this shit ass looking ai art, would've been great if it kept the same style the art was very well done but someone got lazy and switched up with this weird ass looking art, ai is shit i hope it gets banned off this website
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had some really good scenes in the beginning and was very promising and is absolutely ruined by the awful terrible AI art. The scenes with Kris in the office and Ashley in the alley fooled me into thinking this would be good
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    When it started it was fun and interesting with amazing art but it was ruined when they started using AI. The old artstyle was 10000x better and I hope they are able to go back to it and remove all ai.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The future of this project is looking dire. The AI "art" looks absolutely terrible, there's no effort put in now. No animations anymore either (not that they were extensive before). Not worth checking out at this point, unless the dev decides to redo everything since the AI stuff was put in
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Game was off on the right foot with the art and story but why did the game have to switch to AI CG midway into the game? Was the artist fired or removed? The switch to AI CG left a bad taste for the future of the game. Hopefully the devs switch back to their original art but I don't think that's a possibility now. The game was good while it lasted.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Seems like dev switched to AI art and it looks low effort and bad. I'm not really into bashing ai stuff, just saying how it is.

    Original artstyle is great though, kudos to the artist. Really talented.

    But that is about the only good thing i can say about this game. As a humorous parody it fails, gets extremely boring fast and the story just keeps on dragging, so i lost all interest somewhere half way through. Dialogue is bland, characters are cardboards. With the exception of ghost girl, she is ok.

    You don't have to waste time, find a saved game in the thread and watch the h scenes available on the phone. There isn't much to be honest and it's not worth playing it through.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Was a super interested in the story of this game and did really like the arts, but ultimately the developer decided it's a good idea to use AI cg midway through the game. Terrible decision I would say, it made the game unplayable for me. Not even mentioning the tons of bugs in the game that they did not fix.
    I rate this 3/10.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The recent update switched to AI CG and it's legitimately terrible. The style is not consistent with the existing assets or with each other, the minimal animation is gone and since everything is AI generated the dev now adds in lazy exposition to say what's happening in a scene over a black screen with text, as opposed to showing what's going on.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is great, story is... good enough. The characters are well made.
    Altho, the only con I would say this game has are some bugs and horrid combat system, but if you understand it good enough, it's plausible. Sometimes some weird dialogue appears, which barely makes sense.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I usually don't write reviews for games I neither think are great or awful, but this guy is being robbed in the reviews.

    Take a very good look at the vast majority of games on this site. Dead plastic Das 3d & Honeyselect dolls, or bland, carbon-copy anime art that looks like it would appeal more to Sailor Moon fans than adults on a lewd game site . Or alternately, drawings with the art skill of the average horny 11 year old boy. None of them are the least bit erotic and I can't understand how most anyone could get off to them other than having rock-bottom low standards.

    The art here is one of a small handful of exceptions. The eyes are a little carbon-copy, but facial expressions, body curvature, style and general erotic appeal of the art is top-notch compared to what you'd regularly find on F95-Zone. Even if there isn't much content yet or much of "muh animationz".

    The writing also, compared to 85% of games on this site, isn't terrible. Though it's not very good either. There's definite room for improvement and it's not quite up to the standards for the few games I can stomach on here. But compared to some of these stinkers getting 3.5+ stars, it's practically TV quality (maybe a WB series lol), if only because the bar is so low.

    For me, the writing, the lack of meaningful choices and the everyman-yet-unrelatable MC (who has sort of a douchebag vibe) are the main detractors. But I think the game deserves a lot more credit versus other games with a 3.5-4 star rating.

    There is definitely potential here. Add more choices. Meaningful ones that make us feel invested, as if we're really controlling the character. Sharpen the writing up. Make us care about MC and his situation. Plus make MC at least somewhat more likeable. (He can still be a slacker. That's fine. But the douche 'bro' vibes are off-putting... personal preference). I also don't buy that this guy would get laid so easily. Either make us work for it or make that all more believable. Otherwise, great art and I wish the game success.

    Edit: On the douche-bag vibe: Started right away with the girlfriend that "already came". I just don't buy it. Not from this guy. Seems like the story is told from the perspective of a guy who is full of himself yet completely unaware of how inept he is. That would be fine if the dev/writer showed us that intentionally. But it seems like this was written as if he really did have this "problem" with wham-bam-thank-you-sir 30-second-lay girlfriends, so we'd root for him.... 'Yep. The ex-girlfriend just comes in like 20 seconds and then she's done. So greedy! Girls, amirite?!? heh.' The implausibility in his further female interactions continue throughout the game so far. I don't think anyone is buying it, considering the MC the writer has created. Might either want to lose that angle or make it all more plausible that he'd actually have this sort of talent. I mean, he just lays there. Doesn't come off as so dynamite in bed and looks like a pretty average chump all-around. (Starting off as a chump is fine. Even preferable, especially if you can work yourself up meaningfully through your choices. Leisure Suit Larry is a classic, after all. But if you're going that way, you've gotta make us work for it a little or the believability goes right out the window along with our interest).
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll start with the only good thing that I found about him and that is the fantastic art that he has.
    Now the bad thing the game has a boring and poor story also with no sense is like taking a thousand stories and putting them together and this thing comes out also the protagonist is dumber than a stone we also have the typical erotic scenes that last 3 clicks and finally decisions that do not affect anything.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Version "played": 1.7.0

    I would say the art is pretty good / original most of all. This style does however mean animations will be limited / basic but really that is fine. the girls while distinct are roughly the same body plan, all with large though not oversized breasts. And of course the protagonist has to get that overplayed oversized dick again. Still this is mostly a matter of personal preference.

    There are a number of scenes / shots, the number is fine but I would have loved it if the protagonist made some more progress or at least a move on one of the other characters at this point.

    Story wise it is pretty decent but nothing amazing, there are no real choices that matter, I however don't think this is a negative, It's a linear visual novel that does not pretend to be anything else. In terms of current amount of content It is enough to be worth playing.

    One thing I will say however is that the linux binaries are not included, this is a shame as creating those in renpy takes hardly any effort / does not require any continued support / saves very little in terms of file size and is something that is very rarely done.

    Of course I can get around it but still it's a unnecessary hurdle
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep it up! This was a great start with an unexpected twist. Looks like you could squeeze a lot of different stuff in here with this concept. Just avoid being too grindy and maximize the potential of different situations by colliding the universes together!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art, but aggressively linear. Basically just a "Click the glowing object to proceed" game.

    Really just a kinetic novel.

    Essentially just a delivery device for some really spectacular art, but the lack luster story and writing hamstrings it a lot. Combined with the lack of engagement from actual gameplay or choices, its a very shallow experience.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    - Beautiful art
    - The story is okay, nothing great but not unbearable to read like some games
    - The combat system is great in theory but it needs a bit of work imo; right now its just a pause in dialogue.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I do really enjoy this game.
    The story, while a little bland, is enjoyable enough, and the jokes written here and there are effective enough to get a chuckle out of me. The writing itself, however, does have some spelling mistakes and grammatical errors that can quite easily be fixed.

    The art is very nice. For as far as 2D games go, this game has one of the nicest artstyles I have seen.

    The money minigame is easy to do, but irritatingly slow to accumulate enough money to unlock the renders in the shop. It gets tedious and boring quickly. I suppose it is made that way because it is the Dev's moneymaking scheme for this game.

    The combat minigame is a little strange. If you do the protect action with Sam, you can still do an action with MC, but not vice versa. It is a bit too much of a luck-based minigame rather than a tactical game you can win with strategy.

    Overall I am impressed and interested to see how this game continues. I would be giving this game a 4/5 if the spelling and grammar errors weren't there.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Really interesting game! I like the story and all the characters. I love Samantha, too cute a ghost. Kaliente is the succubus that everyone would like to know, beautiful and very sexy, lol. The art is beautiful, all the girls are very well represented. I don't give 5 stars just for the fight with the monster girls part, too hard for me! After a few attempts to win I had to use "save editor online" to change the values of this variable: enemy> health (1000), setting it as value = 200 Winning is easy! For the rest, an excellent game that I recommend to all lovers of vanilla games like me. PS: my native language is not English, I hope not to be misunderstood.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Art style of drawings looks good.
    + Story seems interesting.

    Bad Points
    - There is too much text without images/scenes and its kind of boring. Less text with better story telling is needed.
    - Sex scenes have only couple of pictures and so called static ''animations'' and they do look awfull. This game needs well maked 2D animations not static cheap ones.
    - Adding different couple of music could be better.
    - Couple of girls use some change character-wise.

    For The End
    Well for now its kind of poor but with future updates i do believe it can be 3-4 star rate game with better animations and being less text base.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    game is pretty great so far. the girls are really hot and the story is funny. There is not too much to do yet but already there are several nice scenes.
    plus I really love the idea of just fucking the ghost who is coming to kill you
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Good things art just that.
    bad things have no music the erotic scenes are short and without much text it removes emotion the women are almost all unfriendly bitches and the worst thing about the game is the MC an egocentric and idiotic being but extremely irritable it's disgusting to see how invincible a stone is he has more charisma .