VN - Ren'Py - Defending Lydia Collier [v0.16.2 Hotfix] [White Phantom Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my review for Defending Lydia Collier by White Phantom Games version 0.13.2.

    The good
    • Renders are looking really good
    • Characters have different personalities
    • Music
    • Writing
    • Gameplay
    • Big amout of content 5+ hours
    • Story is interesting
    • Big updates
    The bad
    • Some bugs with laptop UI
    • Phone and laptop UI could be better
    In conclusion, 5 stars worth playing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Although girls' routes may conflict, player can only choose other girls by playing the game again, but each girl's route is very attractive .
    There are so many fetishists and they are so interesting that you can choose how to make these girls. And my favorite character is Steph . This character is really perfect. She satisfies a lot of my fetishism.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    Maybe this game has potential, but it's let down by bad writing.

    Virtually the first line of the game, the writer's already missed a comma. In fact, even before that, the game has randomly capitalised words in the warnings/disclosures. That pretty much sets the tone for the quality of this game.

    The prose is very flat and the grammar often comes across as weird or unnatural, as if English isn't the writer's first language. The shot selection and character rigging/posing is also unimpressive and adds to the blandness. And the limited and poor use of music doesn't help at all. With all that said, this game doesn't exactly have killer renders or unique character models either to make up for it.

    So yeah, interesting concept but it plays as your run-of-the-mill game with nothing really good about it,
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed:

    I kept this on my personal favorite list but I finally decided to remove it from it.

    The pros:
    +Fantastic storytelling
    +Nonlinear story
    +Real choice-effects
    +Fun minigames about your job as a lawyer

    The cons:
    -Unimpressed with the quality of character models. In the new version I didn't see any improvement. It got worse IMO.
    -Most of the characters look too similar (not just the sisters) using a model is well known from other AVN's. To be honest when I saw this model I know the project is low quality and loose interest instant but with this I made an exception due to the pros above.
    -Sex scenes are poor quality and boring. MC's private part for example looks like he roasted it.

    If creator drop the sex aspect it would be an excellent 5 star Visual Novel.
    As an AVN the character models and animations are in the focus so I lost interest on this but I can't rate it worse than 3 (average).
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, loved this update (v0.13P1) as well as the rest of the game so much!
    Gotta be honest, I'm mostly here for the relationships and the scenes and the story is a nice bonus, and I'm happy with how the things are going.

    Love the part of the game with Ellie and her family, they actually feel like a family, albeit a slightly crazy one, and most games fail with that.

    Not really too much else to say, just that I enjoyed it a lot and hope for more, definitely gets a recommendation from me!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing storytelling and character development which is very rare to see. The only game I don't use ctrl to skip at all.
    Every character is lovable. Even NPC ones without paths. The game feels real.
    When the game is finished it may has a chance to challenge the best renpy novel game of all time.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most underrated visual novels ever played! This should be more popular!
    Loved Steph character and loved the different attributes of her and and the VN, played most of the paths in a short time and looking forward for more updates.
    Good luck!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an enjoyable game. I actually enjoy "doing some work" as a lawyer. A lot of games set up activities that your character does, but skips the activities, and then give you a single line about wow what a day or something to that effect. It breaks the immersion for me somewhat. So I enjoyed that we could "do" the things the character is doing.

    That aside, the characters are great, and the different paths have a unique and interesting feel, making the different paths a joy to play.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A hidden gem. Just an all round fantastic game that kept growing on me the more I played. The story is engaging interesting and very unique compared to other VNs, the women are diverse and interesting and the game as a whole is very replayable. Looking forward to playing more
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is fantastic, I am glad to of found a British VN (as most have an american theme). The story is immersive and charactors are very believable.
    I also like the fact that the story has relationship development side to it (wine and dine) and is not a conveyor style pump and dump.

    The dev has done a fantastic job and cant wait to see the wrap up when it is finished!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game! Would have in my top 3 for certain. It has a great story overarching story as well multiple LI with differing paths for each. I can't think of many games that really let you set how you progress with the LI as well. Whether you're looking for the romantic or a depraved you can get it in this game. It's also nice have a MC that isn't 18 years old.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolute must play! The game not only offers 3 different Love Interessts (ignoring side chicks) with their own interests, personalities and kinks, but also an interesting storyline that keeps you on your toes.
    As a lawyer in London, the main character is assigned to a case whose solution drives the story forward.
    What sets this game apart from others, however, is on the one hand the depth of the story, which is brought closer to the player through quite a few "newspaper articles", and on the other hand the credibility of the location (London feels like london) and the credibility of the MC's actions (I actually learned something about the british common law while playing the game).
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say, this game has blew my mind. I honestly thought I've played every good erotic game on this site but this one is beyond words. The main advantage it has over dozens of other titles is that it offers not only vanilla sex but also something more kinky, sometimes even hardcore stuff and it does so with taste. There are some games that are way too agressive on hardcore stuff, often they're way too disgusting and one must skip too much to enjoy it (IMO of course) but this game caters to people looking for something more unique while at the same time it does so with proper refinement.

    + Very good dialogues and story, writing here is in the top 5% of all erotic games I know. It has interesting twists and turns but still remains realistic enough.

    + Characters are varied and extremely well-written. They react to our disposition and responses accordingly, there is no randomness here and they behave in character. Their development and development of the potential relationship is also great, well-paced, logical and intriguing.

    + Multiple paths and women to pursue, with meaningful choices and non-obvious conclusions. Even decisions that don't reward us with sex scenes are extremely interesting (I don't want to spoil too much but MC has quite a lot of room to operate and we have a lot of freedom for a VN).

    + Many exquisite sex scenes, I was surprised how much content this game has. If you will play it be sure to make different decisions during replay because it offers much more than one would think.

    + High replayability, even if we would focus on the same woman we can develop our relationship with her differently depending on our choices. It's nothing game changing (some slightly different scenes) but it is above other erotic games that lack such subtlety.

    Can't think of anything meaningful but if I had to point something out is that it lacks sound (I don't care about music, maybe sounds during sex scenes could be added but I'm not sure even since this doesn't diminish the enjoyment I have when playing this game).

    All in all I rate it 10/10 and ultra-rare Sunabozu's seal of approval.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Plethora of girls with distinct personalities, renders are great, lots of kinky sex, rock solid story. No annoying grind, gameplay loop is fun and chance to make meaningful choices with branching routes that will satisfy any kind of player.
    A very strong 5 star. If you're looking to financially support a dev, do it with this one.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Defending Lydia Collier is one of the best games I have played in the AVN world. Given that it's the first attempt at someone who is in university himself, he's doing a SOLID SOLID job in the game so far.

    The renders are amazing, storyline is solid, girls are EXCEPTIONALLY well written and the music is great!

    Really looking forward to seeing more from the developer as he makes more games.

    P.S, Stephanie's depraved path is the best in the business. No other dev has found the balance of wholesome+depravity. But white phantom games has found it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well done. Thoughtful, well-designed, with good renders. It's a real story with sex rather than a sex game with story.

    Overall, super high quality gamed. Looking foward the next installments.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm starting to regret ever playing this fucking game.
    It was so good that most of the other ones just appear blank and hollow in comparison.

    No stupid dialogues, no panty sniffing, no goblin fucking, just a great storytelling and amazing attention to details, that's just so uncommon these days. I am genuinely enchanted.

    If you enjoy plot-driven VNs, check it out, it's definitely worth the time!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    Absolute gem of a VN. The dev has put so much effort into this and you can tell. The storyline is extremely gripping as you try to unveil a conspiracy by powerful enemies, all while trying to defend your client on a murder charge.

    There's lots of info and background via newspapers and tv news updates, adding to the atmosphere. The women are pretty nice for the most, Steph is hot and a total kinky bitch and her gf route is really well done and rewarding, you can shape what kind of gf she becomes...want a submissisive cumslut? or more romantic type? you can even get her a tit job...
    I find her the most stunning...literally supermodel looks.

    The DCI is pretty nice too, while Ellie is cute, but not a patch on Steph in hotness.

    All the characters have distinct personalities and are really believable.
    The dialogue is top notch in how natural they are.

    Renders are fairly good mostly and add enough to the overall atmosphere.

    This is not just a lewd game but feels more like a detective style game and it works great.

    It really stands head and shoulders over most of the vn's on here, as it has plenty of lewdness with a great story.

    P.S. Did I mention how hot Steph is...

    5 stars par excellence.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Defending Lydia Collier (0.12 beta version) is actually a pretty interesting, albeit irregular, game. At first it does give some very good lawyer vibes and scenes but that eventually gets set aside as the story evolves in other directions (won't say so no spoilers here). It's an interesting turn for sure, but one that I think includes a lot of irregular scenes that actually have less interest together with the interesting ones. It's also a more narrative game than usual games you find in this site, so there is less sex and more plot, and some sex scenes do feel a bit forced (the whole relationship with Stephie specially).

    Render quality is pretty high, that is undoubtable, but sex scenes are a tad meh (never liked POV too much) and game has very few animations. I haven't run into problems and have played without sound (don't remember if it is because the game has no sound or I turned it off).

    All in all, its an interesting game, which can go up or down in my rating as it continues to develop.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible number of kinks inside a well written story. Game mechanics are getting implemented and its going to be a hell of a ride.

    Not the best graphics but all the rest more than makes up for it.