HTML - Become Alpha [v0.3.63] [Grave Mercutio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Some of the 1 star reviews here are harsh, this is not a low-effort 1 star game.

    Its a typical sandbox VN story with a few basic mini-games and well presented UI. The quality is above average for an HTML game and it is fun but there is definately room for improvemnt. Your milage may vary but it's worth trying to form your own opinion.

    • Sarcastic/humerous and short writing style, no walls of text thown at you
    • Very good UI that works with TTTS
    • Stats grind is reasonable
    • Decent amount of content
    • Consistant visuals for each girl
    • Story is unimaginative and mainly just sandbox side-quests
    • Sex mini-game is dull after the first few attempts, not very challenging
    • In development for a long time and not much seems to have changed over the years
    • RNG can be pretty annoying so save-summing is encouraged
    • Some paywalled content and QOL features (can be bypassed)
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has zero story to discuss, so I'll just break down what I think are pros and cons in Become Alpha.

    - The UI is very clean for an HTML game (but not always functional--see more in Cons).
    - The author has collected a vast collection of gifs/videos to make sure that events have unique visuals (of course the downside of this is that the game is already 4 gigs).
    - There's a fun idea hidden somewhere in the unlocking and utilizing of kama sutra cards (however, without unique, rewarding responses for using them, they quickly become repetitive).

    - For anyone who needs some kind of story with their porn pics and gifs to feel anything, this game will feel flat. The dialogue during sex is generic. No love interest (or any character, really) feels rounded or developed. The "seduction" of any of the recurring characters is unfullfilling because it's pretty much just a memory game. And nothing you do in any interaction will ever be referenced again.
    - The game feels weirdly political at times. There are references to Trump, MAGA, Musk, and other figures, as well as what I can only assume was meant to be political satire in the school location. In a game already lacking a story, such references make it even harder for a reader to escape/relax.
    - The open world with randomized events makes it extremely difficult to see new content. What makes this even worse is that, even when you encounter a new event, there can be a seemingly randomized fail/success roll that can cause the event to end abruptly.
    - Events sometimes progress by loading more text at the bottom of the page without scrolling you to the bottom. This means that progressing through events (especially ones you've already seen before) is a painful user experience with dozens of clicks and drags through inane dialogue.

    Overall, although it's evident there's some technical skill and time invested into this project, this game is both conceptually unenjoyable and a literary dud.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't understand why anyone would like this. Grindy and incredibly lame. Writing sucks. Porn is meh. MC is as appealing as a homeless person's unwashed asshole. Never gets better. The RNG is also complete frustrating bullshit.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game comes down to a bunch of stolen porn with yet tedious and boring mechanics, with plenty of its content locked behind a paywall.

    You know that kid from highschool who thinks he's funny and keeps making poop jokes? The kind who would unironically give themselves the title of "king of poop jokes"? That's what you can expect from the writing - it tries so hard to be funny. It's both sad and annoying.

    Perhaps the "jokes" stop once your character becomes an alpha?
    I'll never know, because the game features a massively dull grind where you'll be watching the same random porn over and over without anything interesting happening for ages.

    The porn is extremely generic - somebody called it "boomer porn" in another review, and I think that's a perfectly accurate description for the content of this game.

    As for the title of the game - there is nothing in it -at least up to where I played- that resembles an alpha: the entire "alpha" system comes down to grinding random stats (domination) to unlock new sex positions.

    No matter how much domination you have - the character remains the same.

    I'd probably give the game 2 stars, because even while I disliked it, it's not buggy and it shows that some work has been put into it, but the game constantly pesters you about paying for stolen porn, so I'm taking it down to 1, as that's the only deserving score for a game that is not only uninteresting, but one that manages to annoy you.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    game is HTML from 2020 game is sandbox repeat and worst of all alot of content is behind paywall... motel hooker paywall / bridgette from college paywall.. i understand if game is 2 year old but is 4 year.. and asking for money spam in the game.. why would dev want to complete a game if can just milk it supporter ? terrible game.. better just watch porn..

    paywall not worth it it use real porn in game while want player pay ? joke.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. I like the mission structure, the sex position unlocking, the different personalities of sex partners, and the random events. This doesn't even cover the Early Access content. The characters moving around can impede progress in missions which can get annoying but not a deal breaker.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If you love games with real porn (like me) and want to be taken directly into the action, this is your game. The sense of humor is sometimes a bit over the top, and the girls don't mind if you talk like a serial rapist. But the game makes it perfectly clear that you should not take this seriously and that's why it works for me. It gives you enough room for choices to have your own play-style (e.g. you don't have to be a creep and sex offender to come along).

    I totally recommend!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    First time playing or first 2 3 hours was fun but after that you stuck same shit. Not enough random scenes and quest, flirting scene is borring because same gifts and same line. You try to became alfa but even you reach to top alfa lvl you never feel you are alfa. There is many mini games that is also borring. If you lose you cant say shut up bitch Im alfa intead of that you say "Im sorry, I newer do that again" ext. Sex scene is poor only few has a inpire and imagination.

    First of hours you think you can rule the house and make them your bitches but NO it never happen. Poor sex scenes, poor sex line, poor imagination... Whatever lm looking for in the porn game, all of them is poor.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game design, characters and images are really good. But the exccesive grind on the exp. system gets painful. Also, there are too many jokes for my taste, it takes me out of the inmersion in game seeing cringy jokes every now and then. I also don't enjoy the character portraits and how they change.
    The sex scenes mechanics seems elaborate but also a bit tedious. There are basic things our character doesn't know how to do and then some weird complicated stuff that he can do. I don't particulaly like this system.

    I recommend to try it out as it is different from most HTMLs and decide for yourselves.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I just.. .no.

    With things like this its hard to tell how much is tongue in cheek. But when the maker tries to assure you their writing is funny, its never a good sign.

    This game made me legit uncomfortable just by how bad the writing was.

    And the porn choices are just so banal. Don't recommend.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is solid for a modified Sugarcube HTML game. Graphics, the UI and characters are all implemented nicely with little to no bugs.
    Apart from these, its literally a "boomer porn" game with constant annoyances. I feel like this is what Spotify would do if they were to make a porn game.
    Grave, ads and paywalled content don't work in porn games! You don't own any of the visual content you put in the game so locking people out of it just feels unnecessary. Also it's not that hard to edit parts of what you would call "hindrances" or straight up deleting them (like ads). I get that every creator that makes games or any kind of content has the right to ask money for their stuff, I am not against it but I don't approve of this kind of monetization.
    Edit: turned my 2 stars into a single star. If a guy gets to vote this game 5 out of 5 for not having "gay or trans content" and have the same voting power that I do then I can do this too.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a bug-free sandbox with a good looking ui and some nice mini-games. I can tell that a lot of effort was put into the game to make it stand out among its peers. From special effects like making words blurry when drunk or changing to a comic-style font after taking weed, I have to praise graves for making a beautiful game. That said, there are still cons that hold it back. Leveling is a little grindy. Also, the game forces u to level in a way to balance between love and dom, and not choose one or the other without bascially a restart, which is disappointing in a sandbox. The other negative is the double whammy of hiding content behind supporter codes and the graves gif. Supporter ads pop up after day 10 and are very annoying as they (the graves gif) occur in the middle of the screen frequently. Locations like the nightclub are fully locked behind a supporter wall. I get that a dollar isn't a big ask, but this community is helping to play test for u, so please don't place an ad where u have to click to navigate.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing much to say, that game is great.
    Lot of scenes and good quality ones, very good choices of the actress.
    The game is a game, so you can find quests minigames and all this stuff.
    For me one of the best HTML game on the site.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    + gameplay is awesome
    + nice UI design, one of the best in HTML games
    + well written. i love it progress from such a dork to an Alpha
    + unique sex scene control

    - the pornstars are ugly... c'mon dev... fake boobs are always a turn off, there are tons of pretty girls out there in Vixen, X-erotica, etc.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolute trash. Running around in circles getting hit with walls of text. Grinding to get somewhere with characters then losing your gains on a dice roll or an answer to some lame pointless question.
    One of the most annoying game I,ve ever tried. Not even funny dialogue.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Tauro Thurius

    Become Alpha [v0.3.29] Review by Tauro Thurius

    Here's my take on version 0.3.29:

    First of all the design looks gorgeous. The page looks clean and it's quite easy on the eyes. I've played many HTML titles but this one takes the crown when it comes to the neatness of page designs. When there is a scene, the page scrolls down until that video gets played so you won't face multiple videos playing at the same time problem of many other HTML titles are having. Settings tab is also clean and options are adequately described.​
    This game rocks when it comes to sense of humor. The game revolves around Harry Panuchkin and his quest to becoming an alpha male & bang as many people as possible. Harry also has an imaginary sidekick simply called "the writer", who complains about Harry's bad decision making and facepalms with us as he makes bad decisions. His struggle to turn Harry into an alpha male is hilarious at its own.​
    There's a great character traits and inventory system that gives you different bonuses to your Domination or Love points. After accumulating enough points you get to level up and as a result earn a new position to try on your partner. You can consume items to get different bonuses to those points. I love such elements as they add more depth to the game regardless of how simplistic they are in nature.​
    Actress choices are great in my humble opinion. There are many scenes that you can enjoy. The sex system is also quite different compared to other similar titles. You get to choose various positions you get unlocked via Domination and Love points and those sex positions also get leveled as you use them on your partner frequently, giving different bonuses. Most videos have sounds ( especially during the sex minigame ) and you can adjust them on the settings menu.​
    There is a YouTube playlist ( you can call it soundtrack as Grave slapped it on the left side panel ) and music choice in that playlist really fits the whole setting ( Dirt Nasty is awesome ).​
    I throughly enjoyed every second of this game. I wish Grave a good luck and lots of $$$ so he can keep working on this project.​
    5 out of 5 stars​
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! I love it! Keep up the good work ;)
    Pros: very user-friendly interface, difficulty adjustment (grind), funny jokes and memes, a lot of random events, both hot and funny, and sometimes terrifying :D great variability of sex scenes.
    Cons: I caught a bug when they didn't give me the key, I had to restart.
    Wishes: I would like more locations and hot chicks.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh. I was just clicking the same loop over and over. There wasn't a clear guide of what to do next to progress the story. The UI is good and engaging. The girls are not of my taste. I wish you the best but this game is not for me.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Oof. Where to start...?

    So first off, if the preview images didn't make it clear, the game creator is clearly very proud of his "funny memes" and packs the game full of them. You might download this game, see it's over 2 GB, and think that means it deceptively has lots of content.

    NOPE. That's the game dev packing his favorite memes onto your computer. I am not kidding. You will never click a single button or make a single choice without it being followed up by a meme video, and some interactions even spam you with 5 of them back to back to make a "funny joke" before letting the game continue.

    Speaking for myself personally, I find it absolutely painful to play through something when the writer is clearly excessively proud of their "funny" joke and you're forced to sit through it each time as the dev pats himself on the back for his "great" sense of humor. If you're not synching with a writer's sense of humor, I find it makes things more painful, and here, there may be more "funny" content than sex content. If I wanted to look at memes, I would google "memes." The problem is that even if your sense of humor aligns with the game dev, there's a great number of the memes that will be repeated ad naseum for basic interactions, at which point the jokes will lose their luster.

    To make this worse, at some point in the game, you will be approached by a character and asked to support the game in order to turn off ads. You might be wondering "what ads?" when you get here, and sure enough, after this little interaction, the game dev purposefully inserts constant memes at the top of the screen asking you to support him, forcing you to scroll down to get to the actual game each time. These aren't ads for anything else and it's not like it's a sponsor, so instead of the dev inserting ads that generate revenue, he legit just inserted "ads" to try and annoy you into supporting him. I don't know why, but I find this more infuriating. If he had an actual sponsor that was paying him for having ads, hey, you do you man. He doesn't though and tries to annoy players into donating.

    Finally, the actual content itself. The game is currently in a rather limited stage and has about 4 characters total. The sex content has three major problems to me:

    1) It's repetitive and lacks progress...or to be fair, it could have progress, but if it does, it takes so long I'm not even interested. You get a star rating for each sex position you use, and I got to 1 out of 3 stars before I got bored. I personally didn't notice any change upon hitting that status.

    The point is that this isn't like other games where as you progress in a relationship, you unlock different sex interactions, but rather you progress from "no sex" to "can have sex," and then it's always the same.

    2) Sex positions unlocked are randomized. This means that if you're after something specific such as oral, you cannot guarentee you'll get it. You have to hope you'll get it.

    3) If you're looking to improve your relationship with the woman, you need to ensure she orgasms. Unfortunately, the lion's share of sex interactions do not actually add to their orgasm score. This means you are very quickly shoehorned into using the interactions that do. Each girl has a kink specific to them that gets a bonus, and currently the only two I found were rough and anal. Anal - awkwardly - doesn't even work because anal has a default -1 to their orgasm score, meaning their +1 they get for it being their kink means they break even at 0 excitement for anal. This means you're left with options such as oral service for the girl and that's it.

    For the rough girl, I found myself spamming Suspended Congress and pussy fisting because they were the only options I had that could bring her to orgasm. I unlocked facefucking for example, but again this had an automatic penalty, so despite it aligning with her kink, it simply broke even and wasn't viable if I wanted to make her orgasm.

    So of all the sex positions I found, the only reliable one for making women orgasm was Suspended Congress. If you love that position, boy do I have a game for you! If you want variety, look elsewhere.

    Overall, at times it doesn't even feel like the dev wants to develop a sex game and I can spot a couple design flaws that hurt the experience. By the end, I found myself simply googling the porn stars used because that way, I could CHOOSE what kind of content from them I see instead of hoping I get lucky, unlock the type I want to see and that that particular character actually likes it.

    I cannot recommend this. If the images look interesting to you, you're better off googling the respective porn stars. You have more control and you'll waste less time that way.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.3.26

    A perfect way to describe this game is that its very hit or miss. The story and the cheeky dialogue were my favourite parts of this game, which compared to other games is only above average.
    The biggest rock to grind against this game is the grind, it just feels like it was put there to waste your time and artificially inflate your playtime. Didnt really enjoy the nearly pointless grind.
    I did like the large variety of sexual scenes though, even if they are only consisting of various images of pornstars.

    Hit or miss.