VN - Ren'Py - Adored by the Devil [v0.10] [Empiric]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Most of games here on F95 that i play i will say this, most i tend to just skip through the text to get to the good bits lol but in this game i am actually intrigued in the story and i read all. This game actually has a good story and to top it of the scenes and gals look amazing so im giving five stars all round for this game and Hats of to the developer.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Well written, funny at times, decent demon lore, MC who isn't a dork -- this game would be a five-star, but OMG those massive mammaries, they just make my whole body flop forward from exhaustion. Everywhere you turn, whoops, there are another pair of outsized honkers. Really, I accept the dev's tastes, and I suppose his estimate of his audience's, but really? Having one character out of 10 with relatively normal breasts just doesn't do it for me. And the fact that most of this review is about that one issue is indicative of how bothersome it is!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, nice lovable characters and relatively good animations is what makes this a nice game to play. Animations can be kind of jerky at times and even not play at all depending on your rig, but some shots are memorable just by the eroticsm they exude, like when you finally get to bed Kate and only see both bodies moving in unison from the side.

    That said, I'm not a fan of seeing overbearing tits everywhere I look, so that's a big minus for me. Kate is one of the very few characters where they feel natural. Still, I'd gladly see this come to completion!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I love the characters; they're all unique models and have great personalities, besides maybe the older sister. The visuals are top tier, although I do find Miu to be a bit odd looking around the eyes. The women are seriously hot as fuck, but as many other reviewers have pointed out, the tits are just too big--however, this dev seems to have made a breakthrough no one else has with jumbo-titted characters: they actually sag and look realistic when a woman is lying down. The story? Hell yes. Incredibly interesting.

    Three stars? Because there's not enough here yet. You don't bang either sister, nor Lilith (best girl), and the scene with mom has very poor angles and is very sudden. Also, the mom is hairy and I don't like that. I expected way more content from a game in development this long, but I suppose that's my fault for being optimistic. This is one to keep an eye on but I can't recommend playing until there's more meat on the bones. Check back in a few years.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    review for 0.9f

    Another one of those games, that i really WANT to like because the story premise is interesting but just falls a bit flat everywhere.

    I love the idea of the story, i love the initial setting for the universe, i love most of the girls renders. But thats about it. The game gets less and less interesting with every update, the animations are very boring, and there is not much choice or player action at all. And as the story gets more and more fleshed out at the same time it also gets more and more plain, boring and doesnt make much sense anymore.

    I honestly loved this game when it was like 0.3, but everything that happened after the first crypt event, just sadly went downhill. I hope there will be some rewriting of the story, some better ideas, some insipration. If that happens, the game certainly has the potential for a 5* - for now sadly only 3
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    There is no interesting build-up between the characters, there are no elementary romantic or sexy moments, because of which later one or another girl begins to fall in love with the main character. Nothing. The developer just asks you the question "Are you interested in this girl? If yes, then you immediately start looking at boring sex scene with boring animations. The only plus of this game is the beautiful renders and models of girls. Especially one in the mask. She is super cute. But sadly thats all.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    - good story
    - nice humor
    - good renders (images)
    - not quite a pure harem setup - this game mixes elements of harem with what you might call opportunistic sex.

    - Most women have boobs that are entirely too big, plain unrealistic. For me, it's a turn-off. The MC cock is also somewhat beyond of what I'd call acceptable. More is not always better.
    - animations are mostly forgettable

    Overall an enjoyable game, recommended.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I played through v0.8 of this urban fantasy in an evening, and found it quite enjoyable.

    The story is engaging, the MC is relatable, and the girls are hot. Although it doesn’t advertise itself as a harem, the MC starts off with two or three dedicated female followers: essentially a small battle-harem.

    The only real con is that the sex animations are poorly done, to the point that they might as well have been skipped.

    I will look forward to seeing where this story goes.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    Adored by the Devil is seriously captivating! The story's is good, and the characters are all so unique. Miu definitely steals the show – she's stunning and her personality is intriguing.

    The visuals are fantastic too. The developers did a great job with the character design, they're all beautiful! The environments are well-crafted as well, really bringing the world to life. The animation is smooth enough and adds another layer of immersion to the game.

    My only slight wish would be for more content that leans towards harems and pregnancy storylines, kind of like "You Through Spacetime" (hey, no judgment here!).

    Overall, Adored by the Devil is an amazing game! It easily gets a 9.5 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is captivating, and the visuals are top-notch. Highly recommend checking it out!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall plot is interesting. The story is about supernatural things, fighting demons and exploring what it means being one.

    Each update does end on a pretty logical, not forced cliffhanger, which makes you wait for another update.

    MC is confident, has banter, but is not a creep. A lot of games have shit MC's - he is not one. Also helps that he's not ugly, alas, pretty basic looking.

    Renders are high quality and models are very well done. LI's have different body types and features which is always a big plus. (Though there could be more variety)

    I always dislike when girls fall for the MC too quick, but in this story, it makes sense. The relationships are either established, or there is some other variable at play (i.e. mother and daughter competing)

    Only negative thing - the lack of proper animated scenes.
    Likes: FFTW
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story isn’t amazing as it is just getting really good and there isn’t a lot of story until the end. As the game is mostly focused on building the character up and the lore / backstory of them first. However
    If you like games with lore and characters with deep backstory this is the game for sure. Almost every character for the most part is interesting in some way. There is one character that I hope gets some development cause right now she just feels like a side girl that is there for some easy lewd scenes. However she has the potential to be just as interesting as the rest because of what she is. The characters actually come across as real people too. Hell, my favorite character is also the hottest to me, I don't even want the MC to have sex with her. Her personality reminds me so much of a certain android from another game that is popular and the relationship with her is so wholesome she feels more like a little sister.

    The only negative I can think of right now and it depends on you. Is how alot of characters have boobs that are way too big and that is something I also dislike. Yet because the models look good and aren't super thin looking it also doesn’t look horrible on any of them to me, unlike in other games. Also one of the characters does have a story reason for the overly big boobs which is refreshing to see.

    All the character models look great in this game and some like Issabella are hotter than most of the LI on my personal LI list. There is also one thing that I find refreshing in this game as well. There is an asian character and her model is actually pretty hot and I find that’s rare to see in AVN’s.

    I find the render quality above average. It's pretty high quality in my opinion. The animation quality is pretty high. I never really noticed any weird graphical issues due to data loss when it’s compressed or whatever. However the animations overall could be improved, not horrible but could be better for sure.

    Overall I say if you like fantasy theme games with demons , good backstory, interesting characters and lore, give this game a shot. I liked this enough to put it in my top 10 personally and I can't wait for more updates, as it’s starting to get really good.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.7

    I think it's very hard to NOT like this game (especially Lilith :D) and I am not different here.
    The story writing is original, the characters have unique traits and background (although less than I wished for: Most of them are just horny and slutty 24/7; and you definitely have to like BIG booba!) and the render quality of the still images is very good.

    Sadly, there is this one big "but", than prevented me from giving this game 4 stars: The quality/ skill level of the animated scenes. They are just "bad" or "mediocre" at best and are a 100% turn-off for me. They "feel" stiff (= too few pics per animation), have almost no physics, a bad camera placement, one can easily spot the first and last pic of the loop, and they are just plain boring to me. Which kind of frustrates me much, because I really do endorse this game and its development.

    I hope for the dev to further improve his animation skills in his next games; although I'm quite sure that's just what he will do anyway.

    TLDR: Very good novel, set back by bad animations.
    Still highly recommended by me for its overall presentation.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Renders are fantastic and animation is defiantly above average and the models are very pretty and diverse.

    I have seen some saying this is a slow burn, but i think for those interested in both story and sexual scenes, it is a good mixture of both. The story is rather engaging, and i very much enjoy the different personalities and quirks of all the different characters.

    Cant wait for the next update
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing! Brilliantly original plot, stupidly attractive female characters, all of whom are truly well thought out and entirely believable, and a deft comic touch that underpins all the writing.
    If you haven't already played this you owe it to yourself to download and rectify that as a matter of urgency...
    And lastly, I would have to seriously question the humanity of anyone who plays this and does not immediately fall hopelessly in love with Lilith.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5
    Story is pretty good well main story is but its also a slow burn with not much going on 90% of the time and main story has barely even got going yet, almost like they forgot that it has a main story?
    MC is send to protect a mother and her two daughters, sadly all bimbos with big or huge tits so they really wasent in my taste and couldent care less about them, so if you arent into the big tit fetish you proberly wont enjoy this one, it gets a bit boring when theres no LI around to go for and they should have made a better diversity in builds to even it out doing the hole game, like have one of the two daughters with a normal or even small build so there could something for everyones taste, but sadly that isent the case.

    Insted game likes to try to push big tit fetish on you by showing girls topless all the damn time, which is a really ugly thing to see when your not into huge saggy tits and its nothing but an instant turn-off, they could atleast have made it a peek yes/no choice for those that hate it, i did like how you could pick the choice of hating them as the MC but still really dident need to see them at all...devs need to learn to respect peoples kinks and accept not all are into the same thing.

    But on the bright side you do have a choice in this one, your never forced into any sexual relationships so you can freely turn down those you dont want, which is the only reason i could keep playing this one.

    The issue is when the one or max two LIs you might like who has close to normal size tits arent around much, it gets really really boring which makes it a big slow burn for sexual stuff, i only went after the 2 normal size girls, the deamon friend and the witch and there is barely any content with them yet, only a single sex scene with the witch and nothing with the deamon friend, so yeah truely a slow burn in that area, but i guess there could be more with the bimbos but i couldent care less about watching those.

    MC is a breath of fresh air, finaly a guy with a normal mindset that dosent constantly focus on tits and how hot girls are, so you as the player are for once allowed to think for your self and i love that.

    Girls 3/5
    Nice looking girls but the diversity in builds is pretty shitty so you kinda have to have a big tit fetish to truely enjoy this one, there are a few nice with more normal sizes, but ratio is like 8 big/huge tits vs 3 normal/smaller tits, where 2 of those has 0 sexual content, so its lacking in a huge way on that issue.

    Animations 3/5
    They arent bad but they arent anywhere near great either, pretty short ones and i dunno best word would be meh i guess, but with the lack of diversity i turned down everyone except 2 so ive only seen a single scene where MC has sex.

    Choices 4/5
    Well not sure how much you can change when it comes to the main story, but as for relationships they work perfectly, pick who ever you want or turn down who ever you want.

    Game is not bad and people with big tit fetish will proberly love it, but for someone like my self who arent into that at all it just gets way to much when 98% of the game is looking at big tits, its barely playable but since you can turn down everyone its possible to play it for the story even though its hard at times.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's got some wonky animations, some questionable grammar and the current version ends mid-breakfast... Which isn't inherently bad I guess? But I tend to think episodes should end on some sort of cliff hanger, a reveal or at the very least at the conclusion to some ongoing drama. Here it ends with something like... "We got pancakes." Just feels like an odd note to end on.

    That said I'm a sucker for anything resembling Urban Fantasy and I dig the plot, not to mention the plot.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What a marvelous visual novel! The storyline is skillfully crafted, and the characters are absolutely adorable. Each new character introduction feels just right. Looking forward to seeing this visual novel continue to improve. Kudos to the developer for their excellent work!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is really good, I just wished there was a little bit of a forward to it to get some kind of explanation of what's going on before dropping you in the story. It does explain a little as it goes on so it's not too bad. The renders are really good and the girls are just the kind I like. The dialog is good also and some of things they say are pretty funny. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting game that sort of just.... meanders through things.

    Visually it's lovely, the characters are *ahem* well endowed in the most part, almost comcially so but beyond that they're visually appealing. The problem is the story seems to be an after though.

    The overview is MC is sent to protect a family of three women from possible danger. To do so he moves in with them and you can probably guess the rest.

    The almost flippant nature of how the overview is written is actually quite par for the course for the game cause at times it kinda feels like it's all an afterthought. Things like demons and demon hunting and vampires are all mentioned but almost in an offhand way. Like it's there but who cares about that, look at dem tiddies. Like the whole premise of the game is you're meant to be the body guard for the family but half the time you're off with one member of other. I mean hell, there's a whole bit where two of the family fly off somewhere leaving you home alone with the third. So obviously designed to promote some sexy time but it makes a joke of the whole premise of the game. Who are you meant to be protecting? It'd be better if the Dev just admitted he wanted naughty scenes and left it at that.

    I might be harsh but as a game it's so damn jarring. Protect a family of three" well you're obviously not so why have that as a premise?

    Beyond the wonky story the usual tropes are there, MC has magic dick powers that everyone wants him, he's apparently a bad ass but as the plot is an afterthought you only really see it in one scene briefly so really he might as well just be another college dude bro out to sow his wild seed.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If the game could be summarized in one word it would be SEXY. There's always something to engage the eye and the models are absolutely gorgeous. Sometimes it can lean a little too much into the fanservice territory but overall I think there's a good balance between the sexy stuff, story and character interaction.

    One thing that made me interested in the game was the fact that it has an assertive and chilled out MC. He's not wimpy or dull which has become a troubling standard in adult games, or the MC is just an asshole. In this game, he's quite fun to insert as.